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Posts posted by Rushmoras

  1. Mark Knopfler "Sailint to Philadelphia" (2000) album. His second solo album after disbanding Dire Straits. The first one was so-so, but with the second one he got back on track (or at least familiar sound).


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  2. Don't know what such a dish would be called in English, but basically, you put store-bought marinated chicken-tights or any other similar marinated chicken product in to a glass bowl meant for stewing. You pour various vegetables, but main ones should be carrots and potatoes on top of it (you can slice and dice them, if you want), salt and pepper the whole thing, pour in a dash of either soy sauce or some sweeter sauce and on top sprinkle grated cheese so it would melt. Shove it in to the oven for about 3 hrs, and a nice meal for dinner.

  3. Ha! Got to love the comments regarding the new SW trailer. Everyone is gushing how it will be the most awesome SW game, while I'm here thinking that all I gathered from this trailer that there will be a new SW game made by Quantic Dream. That's it. There's no other information about the genre, gameplay or anything. It's just a teaser of what may or may not be in the cut-scenes of the final product. 😀

  4. So, decided to listen to some Xmas music, and since I wasn't in the mood for my traditional Sinatra, ABBA etc., I thought, wait, Tarja Turunen (ex-Nightwish vocalist) did an xmas album once upon a time. And... well... yep, it sure is a Christmas album 😀 Some songs in Finnish, some in English


  5. Semi-last studio album of Vonda "Solo". I like it as much as the first three, but either I am imagining or these are her best songs from firsts albums, but only with her playing on a piano.


  6. Fifth album "Chinatown". As with the previous one, okey, but doesn't hold a candle to the first three. Best songs Rain or Shine, Good to yourself and Radical Light (which, IIRC, was in the album Radical Light, but this is live version I reckon).



  7. Fourth album "7:30". The first album of hers, which initially I did not like or maybe had to listen with a fresh and woken up mind to appreciate it. Today it had a totally different sound for me. But, still, nothing compared to her previous three albums.

  8. On 11/30/2021 at 11:42 PM, Bastet said:

    I didn't watch that show, but I remember reading she was on it; that explained why suddenly more people recognized her music when I had it on.  I played the hell out of her song "Maryland" back in the day:


    Yep, the was a good song. On to her third album "It's Good, Eve".


  9. Second album of Vonda "Radical Light"

    Che, the first song in the album was actually the theme song of Ally six years prior to the show 😀 Absolutely amazing chillax music. 🎷

  10. After listening through all of Black Sabbath discography, I've got to say that excluding the album Paranoid (1970), I didn't care much for Ozzy era Black Sabbath. In fact, for me, the best Sabbath albums came from Tony Martin. They had one good album with Dio (Heaven and Hell), but that was mostly because it was so shocking to hear different sound for the first time. Nevertheless, didn't care much for their last two albums, especially the last, for me it was a snooze fest.

  11. OK, enough with heavy metal for a while, its time for some acoustic rock 😀

    Listening to Vonda Shepard (you may know her from her role as a piano player in each episodes of Ally McBeal)



  12. Continuing with Black Sabbath discography. Heaven and Hell (1980). Oh, my fucking God. Replacing Ozzy with Dio was fucking raddest thing to do, because, woah, from the first fucking song, this album is a-fucking-fantastic.


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  13. 10 hours ago, JustHereForFood said:

    They don't repeat the exact same stories as far as I know, but some storylines can seem repetitious, with using same villains, etc. And you often have crossovers where you need to follow multiple titles, but those can be skipped if you are not interested in them and you can just resume the one book you are reading after the crossover.


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  14. Tried for the first time since the early nine-ties reading some comic-books, and, like an idiot that I am, started with Golden Age DC stories (you know, Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman). And... yeah, they really are a product of their time. But what really does bug me is that these stories are spread out not in one title, but in two. You have your Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman comics telling one thing and then you have Action or Detective Comics telling another, which is either a throughout storyline (I read somewhere that they did not do extensive storytelling until the seventies, but that's not the case, sure, it's not serialized, but as I've noticed they make nods to what has happened prior) or simply gangster number one hundred wanting to cash-in from his [add your own] profiteering ring. And, sometimes, those stories repeat themselves (like, damn, I'm sure I already read it in another magazine, which is not this one). And this is what's confusing me, because, for example, some time ago I read Fables comics, and they tell one single story throughout. You don't have to search for other magazines that may or may not repeat their stories. I mean, is this the same with modern DC super-hero comics? If so, then, nope, ain't going to read them anymore...

  15. The Others (2001) with Nicole Kidman. Never seen the full movie, just snippets of it. Got to say, it's one of those mind-fuck movies, because I'm not kidding you, at first I thought that the mother is simply crazy, then I thought that, OK, maybe the house is ordinarily haunted, then I thought that there's going on some Scooby-Doo shit wherein the servants want to swindle the family out of their estate, and then finally, when it all came together I was like: "What the fuck". 10/10

    P.S. That creepy kid reminded me of that creepy kid from the Ring, also that creepy kid from Lucious lol. Maybe the same actor, IDK. Still, creepy kids are creepy.

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  16. Had more time on my hands, since it was the big weekend in my country (four days off for most people), decided to continue with Quentin Tarantino movies, and the next in line was Jackie Brown (1997). Again, as with Reservoir Dogs, I liked it better than Pulp Fiction. It surprised me that it was an adaptation of some book, which name I forgot now, and not an original script of Tarantino, maybe that's why I liked it more. Though, I've got to say, that Sam Jackson plays essentially the same character. The only difference between Jules Winnfield and Ordell Robbie is that the latter is a mob hitman, and the former sells guns. Out of all the characters, I liked Robert DeNiro's the most (of course, up until the point when he lost it and shot Melanie), I think, because he seemed so out of place in all of this. And, then, in the end, bam, total psycho. 😅 I'd give it 8/10.

  17. 6 hours ago, Primal Slayer said:

    With the show winding down....has Kara really developed that much between the 6 seasons or has she kind of been stuck in stasis? Just thinking from this episode and all the way to the back it seems like Alex has had a bigger journey, gone through more change, gotten more development compared to Kara whose still just a sweet, well mannered reporter who saves the day.

    Kara's character development has regressed in this part of the season 😅 Either full of self-doubt or "yeah, let's go stop Nxly!".

  18. A Quiet Place (2018). Hmm... not your standard horror movie, to which I'm used to. Usually, 99 percent of horror movies I watched revolves around either a human/meta-human/paranormal killing everyone and everything on sight and people acting dumb. This movie? Was not so much in this area. I liked the way they built the whole movie premise on sound/silence, even though the characters barely spoke, but there was tension in a movie. I would not say that it was horror, more maybe science fiction (in the likes of Falling Skies TV series), but it caught my attention. 8/10

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