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Posts posted by Rushmoras

  1. Interestingly, though, for me, her best album right now is Feels Like Home. I wouldn't say ten out of ten, but it sure feels like it. And I don't particularly like country, but compared to her previous albums and songs... this one in particular hits all the right places.

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  2. Alita: Battle Angel (2019). Movie's premise: 300 years after the war against Mars Federation and Earth Sky Cities, only one sky city has been left floating, wherein (presumably) nobility lives and the rest are forced to scounge for morsels down below. At a scrap heap pile, cybernetics doctor finds an intact peace of cyborg and restores it, giving it the body, which he originally built for his deceased daughter to walk-on. The cyborg awakens without any memories of who she was before, but gradually, through exploration of the surrounding world, remembers her past life.

    This was... the most enjoyable movie that I've seen in quite a while. I liked everything about it: the CGI, the world-building, the story. Everything top notch. I admit, never saw the original anime or read the manga, so maybe, again, as Hollywood does, they changed things up drastically, but in general... wow, that was very high-octane-action pack blockbuster from Robert Rodriguez and the screenplay from James Cameron. *Sends chef's kiss*

    I know that no movie is perfect ten out of ten, but this... yeah, I'm just gonna say this - 10/10. Can't wait for Part 2.

    • Love 2
  3. Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri (2017). A movie about a mother, who was fed up with inactivity of local police department, and decided to set up some advertisement stands reflecting it in regards to the rape and murder of her daughter. It was a pretty confident movie, but as was with the case of The Girl In the Train, which I saw a while back, it lacked some sort of zinc to make it more interesting. I heard that it won (or was nominated for) an Oscar that year, but, I don't know. Competent drama, but outside of that not much going on for it.

    Thinking about the whole premise, I don't think that, in Lithuania (my country), for example, people would condemn her for exposing the laziness of authorities, if anything, we would be: "Yeah, show those imbeciles". 


    Only two things in the movie felt out of place for me. The sheriff's wife after handing-over the letter to Mildred starts kinda insinuating that it was Mildred's fault that sheriff Willoughby committed suicided, even though not couple of minutes ago we hear the sheriff's narration (presuming that the wife is reading the letter addressed to her) indicating that he took his own life, because he did not want to become a burden for Anne. And when that (not) a rapist came to Mildred's shop and started threathening her and trashing the place, and when later we find out that he lives in Idaho (another state entirely). And I'm left thinking, so, you travelled thousand of miles just to antagonize her? You don't even live here? What the hell is wrong with you.

    Also, the whole town... eh... it kinda gave me some Derry vibes (from Steven King's books) where everyone is just so apathetic to everything. It was just strange...

    Anyways, 7/10.

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  4. I'm sorry, but I'm gonna cuss now:

    Deathproof (2007). Don't know what Quentin Tarantino was fucking smoking while making that one, but I want a name of his fucking dealer. I would categorize the movie as pure bullshit and, if not for the second act, I would have written it off as first-time fucking student project. The whole movie was saved by the second act, which was high octane car chase action, which was super cool, I'll give it that. But, oh my fucking god, the whole movie is total bullshit. But you know who was the real victims in all of this? Not the serial-killer's-stuntman's victims. Oh, no. It was the redneck dude, who let the chicks test out his car. RIP car. :(

    Was gonna score it 5/10 out of generosity, because, Russel, Dadario and... forgot that chick from Bones, but the second act was goood. So, 6/10. But if not for that... um... barely a 4/10.

    • LOL 2
  5. So, finished Joss Stone discography just now. And, I've got to say, the last album is the blandest music in general that I have ever heard yet. I have no idea whether I liked it or not, probably not, if this was on the radio, I'd turn to another radio station, me thinks. Her strongest album was The Soul Session Vol. 2 from 2012 (8.2/10 in my opinion), second best Mind, Body and Soul from 2004 (7.9/10) (which was the first album many years back that introduced me to her) and Colour Me Free from 2009 (7.7/10). Rest ranging from unmemorable to just okey for me (but given the chance, would switch to other radio station).

  6. I expect it to be better than Predator (2018), but it wont be some sort of huge achievement lol. Though, is it gonna be again overly dark and you can't see anything type of Predator movie? Because judging from the trailer, yep, it will be such movie. *Sigh*

    Also, heard that you will have the possibility to watch it in Native American dub, which is nice, and I will use that possibility.

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  7. Few days ago started Joss Stone discography. She has a strong and really powerful voice, but... that wasn't enough to catch my attention. Five albums in, and two good albums (7.9/10 (Mind, Body and Soul (2004)) and 7.7/10 (Colour Me Free (2009)) and three mediocre albums. Or maybe I just don't like soul music, I don't know.

    "Karma" from her 2011 album "LP1" 🤘

  8. So, I watched Inception (2010) yesterday and it was an okey movie, if at times teeny tiny bit too long. The whole premise that someone can get in to your own dream or force you to be in someone else's dream, because some military guys cooked up some new drugs and wires, was total BS, but it was entertaining nonetheless. Also, the ending was not shocking at all, at leas to me, if you actually listen to what people are talking about in the movie.


    Even before the ending was shown, when Cobb was talking to his dead wife's father or some other scene, can't remember where was that conversation, but I kept thinking: "Oh, so in the end they will show that all of this what's happening is in Cobb's head/dream?" And what do you know, it was (because the beyblade kept spinning).


  9. On 4/3/2022 at 8:19 AM, 30 Helens said:

    (Side note: Anyone who thought the series was crap probably never read the books. Imagine Dexter’s dark passenger as an actual entity— an Aztec spirit who possesses him and makes him kill; or picture Astor and Cody as budding psychopaths who force Dexter to teach them how to murder; and after you throw the book across the room like I did, you might appreciate the storytelling approach of Clyde Phillips a little more.)

    Wait? Seriously? Aztec spirit? 🤨Hmm... now I'm wondering how much different are Longmire books from the TV series Longmire...

  10. Okey, the current-most Bon Jovi album is pretty good (for what the group has released since 2010 at least). Probably the best from 2010-2020 era, I'll give it that. Plus, it has some pretty good guitar solos and licks, which I haven't heard from them in a quite a while. Maybe a little too social problems at times, but way better than: "Hey, look at my properties that I bought and built" album.

    Blood in the Water, while not as "punching" ballad as, for example, Dry County, but it's pretty close.

    If I had to make a list of their albums it would go as:

    1) Keep the Faith - 10/10

    2) 2020 - 9/10

    3) Have A Nice Day - 8.5/10

    4) These Days - 8.3/10

    5) Crush - 8/10

    6) This House is Not For Sale - 7.9/10

    7) Lost Highway - 7.5/10

    8) New Jersey - 7.4/10

    9) Slippery When Wet - 7.3/10

    10) 7800 Degrees Fahrenheit - 7/10

    11) Bounce - 6.7/10

    12) Burning Bridges - 6/10

    13) The Circle - 5.8/10

    14) What About Now - 5/10

    14) Bon Jovi - 4.4/10

    Solo albums:

    Blaze of Glory and Destination Anywhere 9/10 and 10/10 respectively.

  11. Continuing on with Bon Jovi's discography. Two albums left. Currently on "Burning Bridges" (2015), and while, his first couple of albums were a hit or miss for me, mostly miss, but this one is probably the first one that I actually dislike. Seven songs out of ten in and only "Fingerprints" is different enough to warrant me saying: "Wow, this is pretty good".

    • Love 1
  12. So, I'm reading the seventh Witcher book and this thought is circling in my mind... if Sapkowki ever releases (doubtful) eight book in the series, I won't read it. He can't write for shit, god damn. Every sentence is utter boredom. Also, god damn power-fantasy throughout seven books. Every woman that Geralt encounters wants to bang him. That's all to their characters (save for Yennefer and Ciri). I wouldn't be surprised that Geralt bangs a succubus in this book as well.

  13. So, I'm currently watching Uncharted (2022), about half an hour left till the end and... it's not engaging at all. I rather rewatch Indiana Jones and Kingdom of Crystal Skull. I mean, one thing when it is a video-game and you have player agency (you control your character), but its another thing when you are watching a video-game made in to a live feature movie with all the video-gamey elements, just in live action. I'm rating it a 6, but I'm kinda generous with it. Even Tomb Rider (2020, I think?) was more engaging and interesting than this...

  14. Today finally read the first part of J. Clavell's "Shogun". All in all, was an enjoyable read; a clash between different cultures and religions were both sides think each side are unwashed barbarians, but manages to look past all this, because they need each other for different reasons. I don't know whether I'll jump in to the second part or continue with the last Witcher book, or look up something else.

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  15. Yesterday I watched Legends of the Fall (1994), main roles by Brad Pitt, Anthony Hopkins, Julia Ormond and Aidan Quinn. I think I seen glimpses of it on TV a long time ago, but, no, to me it was a fresh watch. While the cast was really top notch and the script was also good, but, no, this is one of those movies for me when you can watch it once and only once. At first I thought it was going to be about your standard love triangle where the good looking guy gets eventually the good looking girl, but, nope, somewhere in the middle it turned out to be a god damn Greek tragedy. And for this reason it left a bitter taste in my mouth so to speak (but I guess that's why the movie is good; it's just I wouldn't watch it again). Overall, it was a sad movie with glimpses of joy during miniscule parts of it.


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  16. Currently listening to "Baltos Varnos" (White Ravens) live concert album "Virsmas" (Change) released in 2019. It's a local Lithuanian band that became popular barely a couple of years ago with their debut album "Dar Nedaviau Tau Vardo" (Still Haven't Named You Yet). It's a mix of acoustic folk, pop and some light jazz influences. Hence, the name of the band - white raven it's an idiom in our country meaning to stand out from the crowd (and not always in a positive way).

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  17. Meet Joe Black (1998). Movie about Death, who was fascinated with a man's, who is about to die, life, and wanted to experience as much as possible out of human life in exchange for extending the man's lease on life. Never saw it, actually, and, if I had seen it when it first came out or a couple of years later even, teenager me would not have liked it, because the past version of me would have thought: "But nothing is happening, this sucks". Well, it's a drama most and foremost. Most of supernatural elements are just barely there in the background, if you squint long enough. I guess, the driving force of this movie was the awkwardness of Brad Pitt, to which every movie character in their heads probably responded: "Why is this autistic person with Bill? What the hell"? (sorry for comparison), while to the watcher it would have been funny. That being said, would not give a movie more than a 7, because it did not keep my attention. I was coming back and forth with reading the news on my smartphone and watching it on the TV screen.

    Also, it left some questions. First one, so Death was not socially awkward and just pretended to be? Because in the end it actually lied and helped Bill to overthrow the Board's ruling? Whaaaa? Secondly, so, if Death returned the former hosts body back to the living so Bill's daughter could date him, um, they would have an awkward conversation: "Oh, yeah, I just forgot, you know, down that little bridge where I emerged? Yeah, well, there's some old guy's body. Someone should check it out".


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  18. So, I was listening to Jon Bon Jovi "Blaze of Glory" album with the lyrics on, and in one of the final songs "Dying ain't much of a living", I always heard him say: "Jesus been a friend to me". But, what he actually saying "Desert's been a friend to me". Also, in another verse, I always heard him say "...Sayin' I lost serenity" (serenity in a horrible drawn out accent"), but what he really says is: "Singing outlaw's serenade".

    • Love 3
  19. Disproportionate balances in difficulty levels. So, for a while I was playing Vampyr, because I got it for free a while back on EGS store, and... oh, boy. Here's the gist of it:

    The game difficulty is directly tied to how many named NPCs you kill (embrace) and get their XP, but you are locked-out of good ending, if you do that. Kill too many, and you get bad ending. Normal difficulty: If you do not kill anyone, you are severely underpowered and could get one shotted, because enemies are more than ten levels above you generally. You can, in theory, craft better gear (there are five levels in total, each containing two additional perks, but you can choose only one of them), but it is very hard to find parts. I completed Chapter Two (with the ghoul in the morgue) and was supposed to meat Lady Ashbury near the hospital, and I barely had parts to craft Level Two Weapon with Additional Blood Sucking Perk.

    Now, I tried to play it with Story Mode, and... the combat is a joke. You can steam-roll through level 16-18 NPCs like it is nothing when you are level 3 yourself (out of curiosity I tried that). But, OK, I can understand that, it is meant for those who want to experience the story. However, what I can't understand is their decision to make crafting ingredients drop like flies on Story Mode. In Normal difficulty I had barely ingredients to scrounge for level 2 gear (and only one piece of gear) by the start of Chapter Two. Well, on story mode, by the end of Chapter One, I had enough to make Level 4 Gear and 4 items of medicine!

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  20. On 4/9/2022 at 6:24 AM, Tenshinhan said:

    I understand that you may not enjoy reading the earliest Golden Age versions of these characters, but you are skipping over decades worth of meaningful content in the DC Universe. 

    I read Golden Age Omnibuses up to vol. 5, I think of Batman and Superman, and up to vol. 3 of Wonder Woman. Only Wonder Woman stood out for me, but it had its own eyebrow raising quirks, not to mention BDSM themes (I think that there was even a passage where Diana was talking to a (sex)slave girl about that she should find herself a master, who is more lenient...). The rest of the stories in Sups and Batman, well, while in Batman I could see a glimpse of archetypes of rogue gallery that I am familiar with, but their motivations... uh... let's rob a bank (okey, Clayface motivation was revenge, I'll give it that). The same could be said about Superman: in between Luthor and some magical shenanigans he was rounding up mobsters, who robbed banks and/or extorted people. I don't really think I'm missing much of anything.

  21. On 4/4/2022 at 3:14 AM, starri said:

    That's a lot of a lot, but for Superman, it was John Byrne's The Man of Steel that rebooted the series.  The actual regular comics (Action and Superman) were in the new continuity following of my absolute favorite comics, Alan Moore's Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow? which were Superman #423 and Action #583, respectfully.

    Green Arrow's was the maxiseries The Longbow Hunters, which lead into a new series with a new #1.

    Batman's was Year One in Batman (starts in #404, I think) and Year Two in Detective (maybe #575).

    Wonder Woman and Flash had new #1s.  

    Green Lantern was retitled Green Lantern Corps, but I don't remember the issue number when it happened.

    Justice League also had a new #1, and that would eventually become Justice League International.

    So far, really thanks for John Byrne "Man of Steel". Its whole lot more in line to what I was thinking these comics should be when I started reading golden age omnibuses. :)

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