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Posts posted by Rushmoras

  1. So, I was listening to Eminem's Revival album and... is this the one where people began saying that Eminem lost his touch and after a couple of months he produced a banger of an album called Kamikaze? Because, if this is the one that they were talking about then, yeah... I think the only good songs in it was River and Heat.

  2. Halloween Kills (2021). Oh, look at that, one of the few this year's movies that I've watched. Aaaaaaand, I found it boring. First off, yes, it's the same Halloween: M. Myers killing of bunch of people and people trying in vein to defend themselves. And... it somehow was boring. I looked at my local news on the phone more than I watched the movie. I don't know what did it for me: the random jumping between the timelines in the beginning or the fact that everyone is just a lousy shot (I kinda expected for the creators to put in a homage scene to Vincent Vega meme. You know, the one where he's looking around in confusion like: "What?") in the movie. Also, if they are going the same route that they've been going in the original movies


    that M. Myer's is a demon from Hell now hell bent on killing of his last bloodline or some shit

    , then, why the fuck did they needed to reboot it? Just continue from... what ever the last entry was. I mean, like it or not, while  watching this movie, I kept thinking: "Wow, Lorry Strode has been mano-a-mano with Myers for, what, tenth time now? Jeez...". 5/10.

    • Love 3
  3. 51 minutes ago, Chicago Redshirt said:

    Superheroes with the powers of Kara and J'onn (not so much Kelly and Alex) probably should get a fair amount of scrutiny.

    That's my point. This topic was only brought up a couple of episodes ago, because the writers did not know what to do with William's character. It was never brought up before, as far as I remember. The series never once focused on what the average yokel thinks about Super Friends' actions. On top of that, none of the Super Friends even once, until a couple of episodes ago, proclaimed in previous seasons: "Hey, our actions have consequences. We should be held to a higher standard and society should know what we do". Hence, my point, it was totally random and moot to do this only now. This should have been one of the plots in Agent Liberty's storyline, but it wasn't. Not really, 'cause it all boiled down to - "aliens are bad, because they are taking our jobs. Oh, and Super Friends were a dick to me".


    51 minutes ago, Chicago Redshirt said:

    but this season she couldn't even rally people to believing in giving ex-cons a second chance. 

    This season, IMHO, after Kara was brought back from the Zone, everyone is acting strange and almost... almost out of character or as caricatures of their selves. I would not be surprised, but nah, that wont be the case, that all of them are under some strange Twilight Zone spell.

  4. OK, that sub-topic, that super-heroes should be accountable to the society and transparent, which appeared two or three episodes ago, seems totally random. The notion of it is that the people do not trust the super heroes is rather moot, if you consider what has transpired in each major culmination since season 1. Starting from Myriad (what was that episode called? Better Angels?) and ending with virtual reality. Come on, now, if society really did not trust super heroes, then Kara would have had a much harder time with her hope speeches to begin with. Secondly, the sub-plot of Kara not able to juggle her super hero and civil life is odd, and random as well. For one thing, remember how she was bloody beaten by Reign (it was the first and only time when she was brought down a bunch of pegs), and still kept working? What did Nixly do? Oh, right, uh... hurt her feelings or something? Also, Cat Grant was much more quasi-horrible boss than Andrea Rojas is now to Kara. Sure, she did that to bring the best out in her, but come on, she had more reasons to fire herself during the first seasons than she has now. Random sudden plots are random sudden plots.

    • Love 1
  5. Still reading the sixth Witcher book (hooray, that only one more remains). Now, I can more clearly understand why I don't particularly like the writing style (that makes me read very slow in comparison to other novels). You see, there are sentences, which are written in modern language fashion, but there are whole passages that are written in freaking 19-20th century rural dialect, which is very hard to read (and, no, I'm not talking about English, but my own language) and after each semi-chapter forces to put down the book.


    Also, a vampire, who does not like violence. Why is he even there, if he's basically useless for the whole team? Jesus fucking Christ.


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  6. 1 hour ago, Chicago Redshirt said:

    All that means was that in 1995 she was in her pod, but that at some point later she watched the Larry King interview in question. Despite the name of the show, there's no reason to think that she watched that particular Larry King interview Live.

    sure sure.

  7. 2 minutes ago, Trini said:

    I think they over-explained when they didn't need to. I don't think Kara actually watched the peace talks in her pod, she watched it sometime after being on Earth. I think they were trying to explain how she would know about it when it happened before she landed.

    Nah, I have the subs for the show. John asked whether she was on Earth when the Larry King interview happened. Kara answered that she was not, she was in her pod, but she watched the whole thing. Or either the screenwriters meaning got lost in translation. Either way... a sin in my book.

  8. 4 hours ago, Danny Franks said:

    It sounds like you watched the director's cut, which makes a lot of improvements to the movie, particularly to the storyline of Eva Green's Sibylla and the internal politics of Jerusalem - I think Sibylla's son is completely cut from the theatrical release.

    Yes, I did. Huh, it's hard to imagine what the movie would have been like and the character's motivations without those scenes.

    • Love 3
  9. 2 hours ago, Chicago Redshirt said:

    If every planet (or even every inhabited planet) has all seven totems, why doesn't Nxyly just go to Rando Backwater Planet and obtain all seven there without the Super Friends or anyone else to interfere. She has a spaceship, after all, and can presumably go wherever she wants. Also, the notion that there's essentially an infinity of totems makes Supergirl's plan to stop Nyxly from assembling the AllStone that much more questionable since she could either get the Hope totem equivalent from some other planet as a fill-in, or just start the quest for all seven on one planet.

    Also, it makes the original plan to divvy up the power of the AllStone seem questionable, since basically anyone who wants to put the Allstone together can do so on any one planet, rather than having to scour the universe for the components. Seems like some one dimensional thinking for 5D imps.

    It could very well be that the screenwriters simply forgot what they wrote in dialogues for Mxy character. I would not be surprised.

  10. Just recently had the time and mood to watch something, and decided to watch Kingdom of Heaven (2005), but since I did not know it was over three hours long, had to make a two-partite watch in a span of two weeks.

    Now, I think I saw it many years ago on TV, because I do remember the beginning of the movie or at least it was familiar


    where a priest and his acolytes are arguing about whether or not a woman, who took her own life, deserves a Christian burial

    But, overall, just like Gladiator prior, it was a new watch for me. And, speaking of Gladiator, since this movie's credits go after the last scene, I did not know who the director was, but I had an inkling suspicion that it might be R. Scott. And, lo and behold, it really was him.

    So, the movie is generally about a blacksmith, who is visited by his father, and offered to join him in a quest to protect the denizens of the Holy Land. Therein, he finds love, but also a huge load of political intrigues, and figures out that, hey, maybe they, who proclaim to be very religious, are in fact in there for the power and money the politics bring, and not for the people at all. And in the second half of the movie, we can see a bit from Salahadin's perspective, which to me was kinda nice touch.

    Overall, it was an interesting watch. I'd say 9/10.

    • Love 5
  11. I have nothing to say about this episode, except for this bull that caught my attention: so, destroying one totem on Earth (yeah, can't wait to see how this bites them in the ass during the remainder of the episodes) will somehow make the AllStone non-assembling? Yeah, let's just forget what Mxy said about each planet having them.

    Oh, wait, wait, I have another. So, the kid can copy others abilities like she's Kakashi Sensei from Naruto, huh? Neet. So, let's get her to work on them the first day of being in a new family for, as I assume, hours on end.

  12. I'm just wondering what was more bullshit in this episode: the fact that William actually got "embedded" with the Super Friends and writing a story about how they operate or Super Friends plan on how to get humanity back to the victims from Nxly. No, I'm thinking the latter. Now I'm imagining how Batman, for example, is showing some reporter guy his batcave with all the gadgets and introducing them to his day-to-day activities.

    And what the hell is this sudden notion that the public doesn't trust the heroes and the heroes need more transparency. So, what we just going to throw out the window all of the development since S1? Well, since it is the last season, might as well go all in and shit on everything that was previously established.

    I know that I've been saying with each season that it gets worse and worse, but, damn, if last season I thought they are not even trying, then what the hell I should call this season?

    [ADDENDUM] Would have found funny, if Lena actually told William off by saying: "Will, with all do respect, doing magic is not making dishes, so shut the hell up, because you know as much as I do about this".

    • Love 4
  13. On 9/29/2021 at 5:02 AM, Jediknight said:

    Kara, to pass the test you had to let the plane crash.  You had to have the courage to face your fear of losing Alex.


    Yep, thought the same.

    I don't know, I prefer these type of quirky episodes rather than your special education episodes, although, I prefer they don't do either. Though, a bit of a dissonance in the beginning of the episode, if compared to the previous one where Kelly was bitching at everyone for not helping her out and not being there, so now, she is not helping them out and not being there (I know, towards the end she comes), because she has her own villains to deal with. I mean, pot calling kettle black, Kelly? No? OK...

    Since they treat science as pseudo-out-of-your-ass-whatever-the-plot-demands-tool, then why did I even think that Lena will have to train extensively to be able to use even remotely powerful magic? Of course not. This wont be the case at all.

    Also, harnessing lightning? Didn't in the real world it was deemed to be economically non-feasible?

    Oh, yeah, and Andrea, she's still Acrata, right? Why can't she simply visit every shadow or what not and spy on super friends herself instead of grilling a reporter to do that? I mean, the dude's got a point; he does not have the means to be their bosom buddy.


    On 9/29/2021 at 5:07 AM, Primal Slayer said:

    Not really sure how a Kryptonian hologram recording of a Krypto witch still acts as if she is alive and can sense magic from people but....there it is. 

    You are asking this in a show where just in this season they extracted DNA from a hologram in pursuit to get Kara out of a Phantom Zone?


  14. Kelly's outrage that no one of the hospital staff is rushing in to help the victims of the building collapse made me chuckle. Is this her first time of being in an overcrowded, under-staffed and under-equipped public hospital? I mean, sure, it sucks that people don't get help right of the bat, but it is what it is. Just be glad that, if you are capable of speaking, orienting in your surroundings, conscious and not out right dying, they don't make you wait for almost an entire day to go in to the examination room.

    • Love 1
  15. Probably, the most interesting episode so far in the season. Though, I do not like the out-of-nowhere Lena's mother is a witch and Lena is a witch too direction that the show is taking, presumably, to fight Nxly.

    • Love 1
  16. Random musing, so, seriously, why aliens flee to Earth in this show? I mean, take Dr. Raab in this episode; it was said that their race is highly technologically advanced. So, why they fled to Earth? For what purpose? Or, are aliens on their own respective planets powerless as humans, but on Earth they become x-men? Well, if that is the case, humans can try flying to other planets in the show to become x-men on their worlds :D

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  17. So, I finished up Linkin Park discography just recently with One More Light. And I've got to say... from hard rock ranging on heavy metal to pop with synthesizers... they might be the most changed band that I ever had the pleasure to listen to.

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  18. Nia is dumb as bricks. I mean, she basically said that her mom revered owls, the owl tried to warn her, some stranger (Nia acknowledged herself that she does not trust her) is going out of her way to shoo the owl off, and yet, in the end Nia accepts the offer. I hope she will be tortured by magic just for this. I really hope, man. On second thought, that's what happens when Kara does not speak to anyone about what transpired in the Phantom Zone.

    On the side note, oh, so the prison warden was corrupt? *Surprised Pickachu face* You don't say.

    Also, regarding Kelly as Guardian, well, at least they gave that one line in bypassing that she will be trained for that role, unlike Jimmy's out of nowhere karate-black-belt champion routine.

    • Love 1
  19. So far, three good albums in a row (though, the first two were a bit too edgy for my liking, though, teenager me would have swallowed them all up).

    Regarding Metallica's discography, well... Hardwired to... Self Destruct was probably their best "new" album, it was definately better than Saint Anger and Death Magnetic, whether it was better or on the same level as Reload? Hard to say...

  20. Oh, look, we are back to environmental problems from S1. How original.

    And, no, Andrea, you cannot fire anyone within a month, if your paper will not be in top 2 or something position. That's not how this works.

  21. 46 minutes ago, Anduin said:

    It might be their second-worst album overall, rivalled only by the one they did with Lou Reed. But why are you torturing yourself like that?

    Cause I'm listening to their entire discography on youtube. :D

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