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Posts posted by Rushmoras

  1. Ballad of Buster Scruggs (2018). Film based on don't remember how many short stories in a book about wild west. If not for the two stories (the old gold digger and caravan of settlers), I'd give it 5/10 as some sort of parody of old westerns, but those two stories saved the entire film in my opinion. So, 7/10.

  2. Hello, there. I have a question regarding Batman/Superman/Wonder Woman/Flash/Green Arrow/Justice League reading order post the first crisis. Which issues start their stories from scracth? Id est, from which titles I should read them? I tried reading their golden age respective omnibuses, but apart from Wonder Woman (which has its own eyebrow raising quirks, *cough slavery and bdsm themes *cough cough*), I found them... yeah. So, I'll give them one final shot, but can anyone recommend me the titles to read? :)

  3. Finally got the time for some movies, and yesterday decided to watch Pan's Labyrinth (2006), since I only seen bits and pieces of it on TV. Overall, I liked it. The monsters seemed very Hellboyish, though, it still begs the question - was it all in her imagination or real in order to escape grim reality? 8/10

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  4. Last studio album of Aistė Smilgevičiūtė ir grupė SKYLĖ (Aiste Smilgeviciute and group SKYLE) called "Gervaza Dūzgės" (not sure how to translate it, but possibly "Good afterparty") from 2020. Um... how do I explain this album... the songs are sung in rural dialect. That's the gist of the album. Overall, kinda meh compared to their previous ones.

    Track from spotify (hard-rock/metal style song). Not gonna bother translating the lyrics, because... um... I have no idea what's the song really about lol. EDIT: actually tried reading the lyrics, and yeah... its either about personification of the cold period or they are singing about a cold hearted woman. I really don't know...

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  5. Continuing on the discog of Aistė Smilgevičiūtė ir grupė SKYLĖ. 5 albums in. Since 2010 they chosen a heavier sound with electric guitars verging on folk-hardrock/metal most of the times. Themes either patriotic songs about war or songs encompassed in folk fairy-tales. Overall, pretty good. So far, "Broliai" ("Brothers") from 2010 and "Vilko Vartai" ("Wolven Gates") from 2015 are their strongest albums.

    Approximate lyrics in English of this song.

    Song title: A Star and Grasshopper

    [Man: As Grasshopper] Each night,
    When all the stars naked become,
    As a grasshopper I lean to the wall,
    With my skirt I lean towards vodka and with my eyes I see the sky.
    Therein there's my star, though I know it's not mine,
    I love her afar, while gazing only through a window.
    But, if she does not come down to earth,
    Tomorrow, I will really move towards Heaven.

    [Woman: As Star] Oh, poor boy you, you think that is love unrequited?
    Even though I love you, I shall not come to you.
    "Happily Ever After" is only in fairytales,
    Loneliness and freedom is meant for the stars.
    Though, I cannot live without your melodies.
    I shiver and differ from others.
    You even made me blush with hot poison,
    Alas, I cannot marry a Grasshopper.

    [Woman: As Star] Only for tonight,
    Our passion will burn the skies down,
    Only for an hour to kiss you and bite you.

    [Man: As Grasshopper] Will I for the whole brightest night
    Will Be Able to Love You?
    This is what's called "The Ever After".

    [Man: As Grasshopper] The most bitter spirits does not intoxicate me,
    Women are too blank, cinders too cold for tonight.
    I know that love - an animal untamed,
    Though, I am at fault, cause I let it inside.
    I know that people like us will never get shining dames,
    I know, would not be able to carry you in my arms.
    But, if she does not come down to earth,
    Tomorrow, I will really move towards Heaven.

    [Woman: As Star] You are only midnight exception,
    You're not even here - only a sweet sin of love.
    But its not what's most important.
    You must touch your bare naked star,
    Drink your Life Glass,
    Love, Write and Yell Yourself Out.
    Dream forever to reach your star,
    Even though just for one night...

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  6. Aistė Smilgevičiūtė ir grupė Skylė (Aiste Smilgeviciute and Group "Skyle") live concert from St. Catherine's Church in Vilnius from 2009. Overall, pretty good performance, found only two songs in the whole set-list meh, but even then the delivery was fine.

    Currently on the semi-last song called "Ruduo" (Autumn), wherein it is sung about... well, Autumn and what people and animals are doing during that period at that moment.


  7. His last studio album "Lengvas būdas mesti klausytis" ("Easy Way To Quit Listening") from 2014 is just as good as the first one. Also, this song is when you just need one more song to complete the album, and you create some repetitive funny shit just for giggles (its in English, BTW) 😄

    And the most saddest/beautiful song in the album "Balintos sienos" (Whitened Walls). About break-up and the feelings you cope with afterwards. Piano version.


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  8. Second album of M. Mikutavičius "Baigėme mokyklą" ("We Graduated From School") from 2008. Compared to the first one, pretty lacklustre. Apart from a couple of more meaningful songs whole album IMO is pretty boring. The ending song of the album of the same name talks about shattered hopes and dreams after graduating, people not accomplishing the goals that they've set during their youth, world bringing them down.


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  9. Decided to listen to songs in my local language, and decided to go with an artist, with whose music I've been familiar with for a very long time, and he's probably regarded as one of the classic artists of modern Lithuanian pop-rock genre. After all these years, I've forgotten what a banger Marijonas Mikutavičius 2004 album "Pasveikinkit vieni kitus" ("Congratulate yourselfs") was.

    "Atsisveikinimas" ("Farewell") - a duet with Aistė Smilgevičiūtė (became popular in Lithuanian for her band's songs about heroic deeds of the past, I guess it could fall in to folk-rock genre); a song about a knight going off to war and leaving his lover at home to wait for him.

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  10. Currently on the last Guns N' Roses album "Chinese Democracy" (2008). This is the only album, from which I never heard any songs, all I knew is that it received some pretty mixed signals and I was dreading it like Metallica's "Saint Anger", but... "Chinese Democracy" is pretty good, not on "Use your Illusion" level, but way above "Spaghetti Incident".


  11. The Truman Show (1998). Movie about dystopian alternate reality where TV studios can adopt a fetus and film his/hers life from beginning to an end for all the world to see, while spending billions upon billions of dollars in order to create infrastructure just for the main character. 7/10. If not for car radio going haywire, Jim Carrey's character might never have figured anything out.

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  12. Still listening to Texas discogs. Two albums left. Though, yeah... after Rick's Road in 1993, they changed style from acoustic/country rock to alternative rock, which actually to my ears sounds like club music, and most of the songs are just background noise. Though, since I'm creating lists of bands songs that I liked, I put a handful of them in to those lists, but it does not necessarily mean that I liked them. It's just from all the meh songs those songs stood out the most lol. I can't really imagine that two last albums will be any different.

    Hmm... which song to put from the Conversation (2013) album? Hmmm... yeah, Conversation.


    Okey, their last album "Hi" is pretty good. Surprised me out of nowhere when they did a collab with Wu-Tang Clan, but probably the most chillax song in the album was "Had A Hard Day".

    Overall, since Rick's Road, they went ABBA music road more or less. For me, their albums since then was a hit or miss, but they still had some pretty decent songs. Though, for me, their best album is White On Blonde (1997).

  13. Well, watched all of the season. Can't help but wandering how the scenario would have been different, if Dexter/Jim would have partially came clean to Angela about his unofficial detective work after Angela finds out about his real name and surname, and who he used to work as. Like: "Hey, Angela, couldn't help noticing Kurt's weird behavior at the diner. Call it old policeman's, even though, I wasn't policeman technically, intuition, but... long story short, I followed Kurt and Molly, and guess, what, I think I saved Molly from Kurt". <...> "Hey, so, I know you said to not butt in to this, but someone tried to kill me. I killed them in self defense, his body is in the cabin; but he said that Kurt sent him and he has my son". <...> "So, hey, Kurt just tried to kill Harisson and me" <...> "I know you said that police is on the look-out for Kurt, but near his cabin there's a hatch leading to a basement, and you should totally check this out...". Or something like that. I mean, yeah, it was good to see Dexter again, but, man, he made some dumb ass mistakes.

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  14. Don't trust reviews. A couple of days ago I was watching outsidexbox one of longer conversations on youtube (gaming news channel), and essentially, one of the ex video-game journalists said that if it is an AAA game, no matter how poor it is, they, as in major reviewers,  cannot rate it below 7. Though, I haven't trusted any reviewers in decades, because their opinion often clashed with mine.

    And, these days bug and glitch filled releases are nothing new. At least, we get patches down-the-line. Pre-internet days, if you bought a glitch/bug filled game, you were stuck with it.

  15. On 2/2/2022 at 2:24 PM, Anduin said:

    Does Horizon Zero Dawn ever get good? I'm about ready to start the Proving, and so far I hate it. In fact, I had a hunch and checked a walkthrough. It gets even worse! I love the premise. Let's explore a primitive yet robot-filled world. Only I don't like Aloy and have no affection for the NPCs either. The gameplay is take it or leave it.

    "Oh, woe is me! I'm an outcast and everybody hates me!" Is this supposed to evoke sympathy? Should I be bonding with her over feeling like an outsider too? Maybe her mum abandoned Aloy because she could see how annoying her daughter would be. Maybe being an asshole is a family trait.

    Frankly, you see in terms of gameplay perspective what more or less the game has to offer in about 2-3 hours. Combat with bows, lures, traps, bombs etc. Either a lot of stealthing and using the environment to your advantage or using robot dinosaurs weaknesses against them (thus, mods for weapons and gear). If the game does not attract your attention by then, it is simply not your type of game. Personally, I liked everything about the game and completed it twice (once only the main story and majority of side-quests by using only starting gear and couple of level one mods only; and the second time around when I downloaded Frozen Wilds; then I completed everything there was to do in the main game before going beyond the mountain and upgrading everything. Needless to say, during the middle portion of the game even on hard the game was kind of a breeze, especially thanks to the gold medals earned in hunter challenges. But I got a serious wake-up call in the Frozen Wilds DLC).



    and Alloy did not have a mother. Basically she is lab-grown DNA sample of doctor Elisabeth Sobeck. All of the people decended from lab-grown DNA samples of the most prominent minds of the before world. But Alloy, IIRC, was the last one.


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  16. 7 hours ago, WendyCR72 said:

    The video is unavailable. What's the title?

    Texas - Fearing These Days.

    EDIT: That's interesting. Are all the youtube vids I posted unavailable or just this one? Because I can see them all. Strange.

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  17. Was thinking what other artist should I listen to... and decided to go with Texas. Somehow, in my mind, I thought that the group was a late nineties group, but their debut album was in 1989 (and a nice debut album, though, their second one is kind of depressing; didn't like it much). Now listening to their third one "Ricks Road" (1993).

    Best song in the album IMO.


  18. 11 hours ago, Annber03 said:

    But yeah, for people who just tend to know some of U2's more well-known hits, Zooropa and Pop would definitely be a bit of a shock for them :p. I love Pop, that's actually honestly my personal favorite U2 album. I remember hearing about how divisive it was among fans when I first started getting into U2 and when I heard it I was confused as to why, 'cause I thought it was a great album. But I can see where some of the sounds and styles they explore on that one might not be to everyone's tastes, too. 

    I mean, yeah, I don't think it's a bad album at all, I mean, I liked 8 songs in it, which I put in recently created Best of folder xD But these two albums, yeah, they stood out haha

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  19. Is Zooropa and Pop albums from U2 are what you call progressive rock or alternative rock? A big handful of music in those albums would be cool on a dance floor in the nineties lol. It's so different.


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  20. Started relistening to U2. And... I like their Remasterd albums whole lot more than originals. Its drastically different sound to my ears to a point where much of their earliest albums were pretty unmemorable to me, but after listening to remasters, oh, boy, night and day.


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  21. So, I decided to watch something unseen with Jim Carrey for instance, and was looking through his filmography on imdb, and found an eighties movie about vampires. 'Hmm', thought to myself, 'might be an interesting watch'.... well, fast-forward to the end of the movie and that was an hour and a half of my life that I will never be getting back.

    The name of the movie was Once Bitten (1985). Its about a vampiress, who must every Halloween drink the blood of a virgin three times in order to appear as young as she is, but since she is living in the 20th century, naturally, compared to previous centuries, the quantity of virgins are dwindling. Here, steps our unlucky protagonist (Jim Carey), who after an argument with his girlfriend, stumbles upon the vampiress. That's the supposed plot, but in reality it is a movie about a douche, who had a stick up his butt, because his current girlfriend refused to have sex with him in an ice-cream truck in a place where every couples inside the cars are banging. So, instead of thinking, well, maybe I'm gonna book a hotel room, I'm just going to get laid, because my girlfriend refuses to give me any, and then goes: "No, oh my god, I made a mistake. Please forgive me".

    The movie is supposed to be a comedy, but I did not laugh once. Even before halfway through the movie, I was wishing for it to end soon. It wasn't funny, it wasn't entertaining, it wasn't even a good parody about vampires. The only two redeaming qualities it had was the soundtrack and the fact that someone noticed Carrey's proclivities for physical comedy. That's it.


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  22. 19 hours ago, Athena5217 said:

    How do they produce and raise Jedi babies?

    My knowledge from that one quest in the Old Republic video game: basically, if the parents see any magical (Force) proclivities in their child or Force users nearby sense them, they are given/taken to/by the Jedi Order to train.*

    *Well, I now see that BioWare used that same trope in DragonAge mages as well...

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