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Posts posted by Rushmoras

  1. So, for a while I've been compiling a list of best of [insert artist here]. And, here I am listening to 10th Pink Floyd album 'Animals', and it got me thinking. Either I put all of their music in best of or none of their music, because here's the gist: they have lot of long songs, but I only like parts of those long songs, and only a couple of them is divided in to parts I, II etc. Like, for example, Dogs: I like small fractions of it, but it's not divided in to parts (bummer for me). Do I put it in best of or not? And this is a dilemma with their albums composed of long songs. :D

  2. Watched The Pianist (2002) yesterday for the first time. I think I caught glimpses of it as a child on TV, but only those parts where he was playing the piano, so imagine my surprise that the movie was not really about that, but about plight of Jewish in Warsaw after the Nazis occupied Poland. The whole movie maybe about 2/3 of it's runtime (from the point were the residents have to wear armbands), is very uncomfortable to watch and I was debating on whether I should continue it another day, but right after


    almost all of the district is deported to concentration camps,

    the movie becomes your straight-forward WW2 movie without any heaviness. Maybe Polanski thought that prior scenes were sufficiently uncomfortable for the viewers. Wouldn't watch it again, but I really recommend it for those that have not yet seen it.


  3. So, completed Heart discog the other day. Here's a rating of their albums (ommiting live and Christmas theme in the early two-thousands). Compared to Zeps, liked them whole lot more.

    Dreamboat Annie (1975) - 5/10
    Magazine (1977) - 6,2/10
    Little Queen (1977) - 6/10
    Dog and Butterfly (1978) - 7,5/10
    Bebe Le Strange (1980) - 6/10
    Private Audion (1982) - 6,4/10
    Passionworks (1983) - 8,2/10
    Heart (1985) - 7/10
    Bad Animals (1987) - 6/10
    Brigade (1990) - 5,4/10
    Desire Walks On (1993) - 5,3/10
    Jupiter's Darling (2004) - 5/10
    Red Velvet Car (2010) - 7,5/10
    Fanatic (2012) - 6/10
    Beautifly Broken (2016) - 6/10

    Now, started Pink Floyd discography, and... oh, boy, those who said that you have to take LSD to fully enjoy and appreciate their early works, were not kidding. Holy crap. I mean, yeah, they are unique, but, I actually prefer what Gilmore did with Dark Side of the Moon and onwards.

  4. Almost finished up with Heart discog. A couple of albums left. Now playing Corduroy Road

    Got to say, that I'm not much of a fan of their later works. They have okeyish songs, but that's just it. IMO, their best years were during 1975-1982, because what they were doing was unique. There came the eighties period with the distinctive eighties heavy sound, which was okey for what it was, but later on, I guess they were going with the sound which was the most popular at that time.

  5. Okey, so "Passionworks" (1983) was Heart's best work so far. There's only two songs in the album, which I find on the meh side compared to the rest of songs. Can't really point-out the best song in the album, though, they are all equally on the same level. But, I guess, if I had to choose... maybe, Johnny Moon?

  6. Well, finally watched the final episode. Eh, it was all right, I guess. Still, don't like the haarfoot community: here, Nori, here's a backpack, now get the f' out of here, you adventuring rascal you!

    I guess the "cat is going to be out of the bag" in Season 2, but Galadriele could simply say: "Yo, that Halbrand guy, I figured out he is Sauron, that's why I nearly drowned in that river. Get a raiding party ASAP", but nope, of course she's going to let Halbrand's words mess with her head for at least half a new season.

    That being said, I don't think I will watch Season 2, because... what, if what I've read somewhere is true, it will be in the middle of 2024? F' that, I will forget everything that has happened in the first season by that point.

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  7. So, I've started Heart discography. I've read a while back that, if you don't fancy Led Zeppelin then Heart should be up your alley. And, what do you know? They were right!

    So far, best songs that I've heard from them are: Magic Man, (Love Me Like Music) I'll be Your Song, Dreamboat Annie (Reprise), Devil Delight, Magazine and I've Got the Music In Me (Live from the Aquarius 1975).

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  8. Fresh from the movies. Decided to see local (Lithuanian) works and picked out a crime-thriller called "Piktųjų Karta" (The Generation of Angry Men). And here's my impressions of it (though, I doubt that there are many Lithuanians here, if at all, so, even if you'd be interested to see it, I'd say you'll be mostly out of luck.

    Maybe because I do not watch that many of my country's movies, maybe because I do not watch that many movies in general and I've experienced some sort of movie draught, but this one... this one... had surprised me pleasantly. I was sceptical at first (I did not particularly fancy 'Zero', which someone holds as an epitome of Lithuanian filmography), but god damn were my expectations smashed in a good way.

    The movie revolves around gruesome murders, which, at first seems to be a work of a maniac


    (because, who in their right mind would dedicate their time to cram-down a viper someone's throat or decapitate someone and than put a moose's head on the stump.

    And that's just few of examples), but as the movie presses on, it becomes clear that this is a calling card from the past for those, who have done wrong and now are in position of power. That's the most I will spoil of the plot.

    The plot is competent. The acting is also competent, if at times I can see the unnatural talking, as if monologuing in a theatre play. The chosen music score is very good as well. At times, I was finding myself nodding along to the track.

    I would have even given this movie a nine out of ten score, if the director would not have been afraid to break the taboo of not killing children in the movies,


    because what is the point of making a father suffer thinking that he has lost his child only in the next scene for the father to find-out (and rescue) that his son is alive and well? The killer should have gone the extra-mile to shatter any hopes and dreams of the father before killing him, because the final scene was that kind of deus ex machina or should I call filius ex machina that I cannot abide. A primary schooler saves the freaking day?!

    I mean, in a way I get it, it's within the confines of the movie's title: "The Generation of Angry Men". The child watches a woman burning alive and his father bleeding-out, and, thus, the cycle doesn't close. But, I don't know, would have thought-out, if I was writing the script, to somehow incorporate the thing with the rubble with how many people were killed and in the end for the killer, before shooting one of the main characters, to say to him: "Here's your pieces of gold coins" (alluding to Judas).

    But, hey, I'm not the screen-writer here. Just rambling on...


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  9. So, I was listening to Guns N' Roses on my phone today, and in "You Could Be Mine" chorus I always here lines about someone getting bitch-slapped and Axel running out of coke to snort. And it got me thinking, it can't be that this is legit lyrics.

    Looking up. Well, I'll be damned, it wasn't that far off of what I heard, though I hear it a bit differently: "When you're bitch-slapped and your cocaine is done". Real lyrics: "With your bitch slap rappin' And your cocaine tongue".

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  10. Well, after a long brake, was in the mood again to watch something and decided to continue with Quentin Tarantino's filmography. Second in line was Inglorious Basterds (2009). A movie about a sub-military unit of the Allies tasked to hunt-down Nazis in France. The movie was divided in to a couple of perspectives: the one from the lead Nazi Jew hunter, the one from the Inglorious Basterds troop and the one from a local theatre-owner perspective, who in the past escaped from the Nazi Jew Hunter and is now living a new life. I mean... it was really Quent Tarantinoish movie were almost everybody dies in a blood bath. It was okey, I guess, but nothing spectacular or ground-braking. Truth be told, the first half hour or so of the movie was a slog and I was thinking of whether or not I should watch something else.

    7/10, I guess.

  11. After LZ, continued on with my journey through my country's bands/artists. A couple of days ago finished with G&G Sindikatas (hip-hop group that started their career in the late nineties and continues on to this day), though, gotta say that their best time was during early - middle two thousands. Now, listening to Leon Somov and Jazzu (again, local artists) album "Lees and Seas" (entire album is in English, and if I know correctly, all of their albums before they went on their separate ways were in English). Six songs in... and the best songs so far are Lower than The Ground and Tik Tok:

  12. In addition to Dragon Ball Manga, a few weeks ago began reading Dune. Thought that, hey. it's a Sci-Fi classic, so a must read... Eeeeh... after a few weeks I'm only one hundred pages in... and... I just don't see what's to like about it. :(

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  13. 9 hours ago, BlueSkies said:

    For someone without delving into all their albums I kinda think the same.  Decent group but don't love them.  I know a lot of people that are big fans though.  

    But I kinda think you have to be at least partially a fan though to go through all their albums like that! I'd consider myself a Billy Joel fan but looked at his discography and realized a fair amount of his albums I never listened too.  

    Would not call my self a fan of any band, it's just that a while ago I thought up it would be neat to, when I have time, to hear the entire discogs of bands/artists that I know or have heard of and rate them (and, maybe, pick-out some of their songs to put on my spotify tracklist).

  14. Today, completed Led Zeppelin's discography. I mean, for general knowledge of the band, I'd say okey, but certainly they were not my cup of tea. Too much experimenting, which went to the woods in most of their music for my taste. Currently playing I'm Gonna Crawl, which with All of My Love was probably the only noteworthy songs in the entire last album.

    Subjective opinion:

    1. Presence (1976) - 7.1/10. Songs that stood out: Achilles Last Stand; Nobody's Fault But Mine; Tear for One. Even though, the album had fewer songs, but I liked it the most, due to its bluesy influences.

    2. Led Zeppelin III (1970) - 7.0/10. Songs that stood out: Immigrant Song; Out on the Tiles; Gallows Pole; Tangerine; Bron-Y-Aur Stomp.

    3. Led Zeppelin II (1969) - 6.6/10. Songs that stood out: Thank You; Living, Loving Maid (She's Just a Woman); Ramble On.

    4. Led Zeppelin IV (1971) - 6.2/10. Songs that stood out: Rock and Roll; The Battle of Evermore; Stairway to Heaven; Going to California; When the Levie Breaks.

    5. Physical Graffiti (1975) - 6.0/10. Songs that stood out: Houses of the Holy; Trampled Under Foot; Kashmir; In the Light; Bron-Yr-Aur; Down by the Seaside; Ten Years Gone; Night Flight; Sick Again. Though, the beginning of the album was dreadful.

    6. In Through the Out Door (1979) - 5.7/10. Songs that stood out: In the Evening; All My Love; I'm Gonna Crawl.

    7. Houses of the Holy (1973) - 3.7/10. Songs that stood out: D'yer Mak'er; No Quarter; The Ocean. Bit better than their first album, but overal, barring three songs, I have nothing positive to say and of those three songs only D'yer Mak'er was good. The rest... I mean, if you remove the vocals, most of the songs would be at least 6-7 out of 10, but with the way he chose to sing... God damn.

    8. Led Zeppelin (1969) - 2.2/10. Songs that stood out: Good times, bad times; Dazed and Confused. As written earlier, majority of the songs in the album are non-coherent ramblings and/or one minute of lyrics and then five or more minutes of lead guitar improvising. If I haven't heard anything better an/or was boring the sixties-seventies, would have found this awesome. Now... it's just boring.

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  15. Hmmm... reading through Dragon Ball manga and in Volume 6 or 7, Goku, while chasing down Red Ribon Army general, ends up in a so called Penguin Village. My question is this. Is this a cross-over with some other manga? Because it surely looks like it, by the way some events are depicted (as if the reader should know who those kids and/or cherubs are)?

  16. Well, I will concede that the second album 'Led Zeppelin II' compared to their first one was loads better. However, listening to it, I finally understood what does not click to me with most of their longer songs in those two albums at least: whenever it comes to a solo/improvisation section when instrumentals speak, it feel very disjointed from the rest of the song and it kinda bars me from liking the song further. Songs that I liked in LP II: Thank You; Living, Loving Maid (She's Just a Woman) and Ramble On. Though, the best song is Thank You.


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  17. So, this time, decided to go with Led Zeppelin discog (knew couple of their songs: Stairway to Heave and Kashmir). I just know that I'm going to offend some classic rock fans, but... Thought that they be okey, but good god, their first album is... for the lack of better word... fucking boring. Majority of the songs in the album are non-coherent ramblings and/or one minute of lyrics and then five or more minutes of lead guitar improvising, which seams, over the same notes in all of the songs. If I haven't heard anything better and/or was born during the sixties-seventies, would have found this awesome. Now... it's just boring.

    So, Led Zeppelin (1969) - 2/10. Best songs: Good Times, Bad Times and Dazed and Confused.

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