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Posts posted by Rushmoras

  1. 10 hours ago, Reiki said:

    Quick question........has Jimmy ever not had his butt kicked to make the claim of being a Superhero?

    Well, he's a superhero because of that fancy hi-tech suit that he's wearing, which Winn made. But, sometimes that does not help him (e.g., getting shot at or getting electrocuted at). But, if that only takes for him to be a super-hero, why doesn't Winn make these hi-tech combat suits for every DEO member out there? I mean, Supergirl would be essentially out of a job, but Kara would live her life as she wanted in S1 - be a reporter and have a normal life. Up until someone in DEO goes rouge and she's forced to get back into action... Hmm...

  2. On 2017-02-15 at 7:31 AM, themadman said:

    Is it just me or can the show work just fine without Jimmy, er, James and The Guardian? The characters are adding so little to the show. And I almost never miss James when he's not around much in an episode. 

    No, not just you. In my opinion, in this season it can be strongly seen that many of the regular cast are pretty useless and do nothing, but stand around all day and make moon eyes at their love interests. But then again, this season does not have any strong narative or an arc-story to talk about. Just some random 5-9 min. bad-guys of the week, 15 min. of talking how to get to them and the rest is left for the characters love interests. Sigh, is this Berlanti's MO in every superhero show he produces?

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  3. Overall, I rate S10 6/10. I mean, we only have a couple of episodes in that season and for it to be waisted on stand-alone episodes (like monster of the week or comedic relief) was a poor choice in my opinion. I'm going to repeat what I've concluded on imdb.com boards back then - if it would have been a full 20-24 episode season then CC could have these stand-alone episodes, but when you have only six episodes... well, it's poor choice. Either do a mytharc episodes only or don't do them at all.

  4. 5 hours ago, j5cochran said:

    As for the show, I think that Kara was playing Exposition Fairy, so that viewers that are a bit slow on the uptake will understand what an Earth birthday is. As with my nieces and nephew, your gotcha birthday or Earth birthday is important, just not as big a deal as a regular birthday.

    Yes, I know, they do that quite often in the show. Which sometimes, as this time, kind off ticks me off. It's like they are thinking that their viewers are dumb and need to have descriptions of words placed for them on a platter.

  5. Am I the only one who found the distinction between a regular birthday and Earth birthday totally superfluous and unnecessary even by this show's standards? Why can't it be said, "Hey, it's my birthday! I was thinking we could celebrate". But, no, it has to be said: "It's my Earth birthday. You know, the exact time and place on which I crashed into Earth 13 years ago, which we celebrate every year, because we don't celebrate my Krypton birthday, because why would we?"

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