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Posts posted by Rushmoras

  1. The only two redeeming things in this episode were Charlotte's story arc and Maze being hella sexy (and her speech in the end). Everything else made me rolle my eyes. This love triangle gotta go straight to hell for all I care. Oh, and another break for this show? Oh, for the love of...

    • Love 5
  2. Since I like mytharc episodes and in my opinion they are what makes X-Files great, I liked this episode as well. However, due to poor transitions between scenes it was very hard for me to figure out what is the past (real past or what William projected as the past), the present or the future. The ending was predictable, save for Skinner and CSM. Some scenes were not really believable, like Mulder versus comandosses in the hangar or Scully's speech in the end about William just being a laboratory experiment. But, all in all, I liked it.

    However, the whole S11 I rate 5/10. Too many episodes that were just: "So, what happened in them? I really can't remember, cause they do not fall in any category of X-Files whatsover for me".

    P.S. RIP Barbara Hearshley, I had such high hopes for you, oh, well, maybe you'll be back in Once Upon a Time, cause people don't stay dead there, because... well, deus ex machina.

  3. Ok, I'm lagging behind, I know, I know lol. Well, maybe the couple of months break was useful, because this episode was somewhat engaging (albeit, I could not care less for the plot and most of the time I was zoning out). What really bothered me was the sacrifice ritual. So, apparently anyone can push the sacrifice out of the pentagram and take their place without any limitations? Because, and I'm basing this on my knowledge from books, tv shows and movies on this matter, usually, if you push someone out from the pentagram, the spell caster has to do the ritual anew, and that's if the magic of the pentagram does not harm the person trying to save the sacrifice. But I guess, it was too complex for this show. Oh, well.

    And if you can push someone out of the pentagram, I guess you could simply walk away from it as well. Sure, Mother Dreadlocks would probably magic you back to the pentagram, but still (or maybe watch with a gaping mouth how the sacrificial lamb leaves lol).

    • Love 1
  4. I usually like procedurals, but god damn, this episode was boring. And I don't know why, is it because of the forced love triangle thing shoe horned in to this episode or the fact that nothing really important happened in it? There was no usual comedy in it, the Lucifer's jelousy was just too painful to watch, Amenediel's concern for Charlotte is just too stalkerish (in Charlottes point of view or should be. She should be thinking that Amenediel is a loon), Maze is having supposedly her own story arc, but it consists of acting like a scorned lover mad at the world, and the case was boring as fuck (sorry for swearing, but it emphasis the point).

    • Love 2
  5. 1 hour ago, theatremouse said:

    Was it not inappropriate for the cops to accept gifts from Axara, if not the hats and t-shirts, certainly primo seats to a concert?

    Are you questioning a show where Dan was not suspended and/or went into trial for aiding a corrupt cop in the end of season one? (And that's just one of the examples, which come to mind).

    • Love 2
  6. Hmmm... probably the best episode since the revival, but... falls into more Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Supernatural, Tru Calling etc. domain, but not the X-Files domain.

    P.S. This episode for me just raised the rating of this season from 4 to 5 (out of 10) lol.

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  7. Lol, Abel got mowed down by a truck in the end. That's some funny shit from Scary Movie 2.

    Also, to the poster who wanted Amenedude to beat up Maze. Like, um, how? He's human, she's a demon. If anything, Maze held back to not brake his bones.

    • Love 2
  8. Too much absurd science-fiction to be believable for me. Also, it may serve as some alternate reality for Terminator, how Skynet came to be lol However, better than that Darin Morgan episode this season.

  9. In my opinion, this was one of the best (if not the best) episodes since the revival. Only thing I did not like was how Skinner was able to get out of the trap-hole by-himself while injured, outrun Mulder and Scully, and tackle Davey to the ground. That's borderline unrealistic, unless, Skinner also has alien DNA and underwent some sort of super-solder program in the original run, which we did not see. Other than that, solid government conspiracy episode.

    • Love 2
  10. Hmm, I don't really think that Lena does know what is wrong with Sam (it would be too easy). I'm guessing that in the next episode she will say something along the lines as "I think you are suffering from some fort of form of schizophrenia, and I know a doctor, who specialises in its treatment".

    On the episode topic, I liked that everyone is still worried about Sam's condition (it feels natural), but what I don't like is that all it takes for Supergirl is to speak bitter-sweetly to her enemies (in this case Purity) and her enemies are all mushy and gooey. I mean, I know that this is supposed to be some sort of a family show (among other things), but just com'on, it just feels silly and unrealistic.

    P.S. I actually like Ruby screen-time. It actually keeps the show grounded in the real world somewhat, because when the show is all about superheroic stuff, it goes down the highway of cheesiness (albeit, either I became accustomed to it, or they toned it down a bit)

  11. So, what was wrong in this ep... oh, right, Chloe was not mad at Lucifer in this episode! Must be a cold day in hell. I get the deja vu feeling that Cain telling Amenediel that he is being punished by God for trying to kill Lucifer is no newsflash. In S2 Amenediel figured that out already ("Pick a sin, brother"). More seriousish episode. Don't know whether I liked it a lot, but it wasa solid episode.

  12. You know, I keep thinking that if these new seasons and storylines would have happened only a couple of years and not a decade from the original run, I'd me more invested. Now, I hardly seem to care about anything, which is being shown in this season. Everything seems so... I don't know, boring and this sense of deja-vu that you've already seen some parts of the story-line in other TV series and movies. I don't know. But, if the last weeks episode was the worst of what Morgan coocked-up, so this episode is got to be the most boring one for me out of the MoT episodes so far. I don't know. Yeah, well, Scully is heartbroken for her "dead" (not dead) son, but so what? I haven't seen him in a decade or two. Why should I care.


    Anyways, I rate this ep 6/10

  13. In season one and two Alex back-story was that she used to study and/or work in the field of biology. Season three, Alex was a medical doctor... Ok, then. Season four - Alex works for NASA (but, maybe it's not that of a stretch, considering she piloted a space ship) and so on, and so on. Alex back-story whatever serves the scene at the time. 

    Anyways, Lexo-suit... um, yeah, but why? It's only the middle of the season, and it barely did anything. So, again, why? 

    On the other hand, I like Sam's take on her condition. Hmm... maybe in the end they will do deus ex maxhina and separate Reign and Sam.

    P.S. J'onn, shut the f... up about your top secret government organization. You are this close for selling tickets to tours around the place.

  14. As a straight male, gotta say too much homo-erotic undertones in one episode for my taste, but overall I enjoyed it. And, ofcourse, the writers decided to add the kryptonite line in there. Good show.


    P.S. Maze needs some therapy. Attracted to pain and misery? That got to feel weird for Charlotte.

  15. Totally non-relevant end side story, which I thought up - Reign is killed in the end by blind Non.


    Now, in topic, decent episode for what is worth in Berlanti's shows.

  16. If I would have had a little beer (or another alcoholic bevarage), I would say "Wow, that was a somewhat funny episode". Now, I've got to say - what a steaming pile of shit. Good thing it is really really stand-alone episode (i.e., you can't really put it anywhere (neither MoT, neither mythology)).


    On a side note, what happened to the ability to rate posts?

  17. Sakura12, in my opinion, it did not help that they aired one normal episode and then some stand alone episodes, then made a break, then again normal episode, then some stand alone episodes some more, then made a break for Xmas, one flashback, break and normal again. The pacing for me as a viewer went somewhere over the hills. Plus, the Lucifer is acting like R. Castle more and more every episode with a glimpse of supernatural behind it. There was barily any Maze or Trixie. Lucy and Amenedude are becoming more and more human, while Lucy is becoming also more and more abnoxious douche and Amenedude just an inexperienced comic relief. Anyways, I don't know whether this season is worse then S2, but it is definatelly different from S1.

    That being said. Since Amenedude is "human" now, where does he work and gets money from? Or does Lucifer support his dead beat ass?

    • Useful 1
  18. Well, I got to say, this was one of the beter episodes in this season after quite a while (four or five episodes to be exact). Kudos, to those who called it what Cain wants from Lucifer. Hmm, maybe he can be killed by that sword, which can kill angels. Does Lucifer still has it or was it made defunct after sending Mother away?

    • Love 1
  19. I liked this episode better than the second one, bus still somewhere in the middle kinda lost interest. I don't know, either there's too much action going on and the camera is everywhere, or there is no action going on and you fall asleep.

  20. Since I don't very much like to see anything related to IT in a television series or movies (just look at Die Hard 4.0), because generally to me they are snooze fest, so this episode was not any exception to the rule. For me it was really really boring. All talking about a virtual simulation (a life after death) bla bla bla bla bla. Plus, what was with the camera during action sequences? The camera moves more quicker than the one on Resident Evil. You can't make out what the hell is happening any more. Furthermore, the ending was like Twin Peaks meets the X-Files. Nah, this episode for me was definately a lot worse than the previous one. Did not help matters that Mulder and Scully talked about people who were dead for more than 20 years, as if I will remember who was Deepthroat or what he did (sure, I remember that he was in Season one, but that's it). Anyways, that's a no from me.

  21. 10 hours ago, domina89 said:

    The problem with any reboot or revival, especially one years later, is that if you stick to the formula that worked in the past, critics will say the showrunners have no new ideas and the show is stale or just retread, but if the showrunners change it up to be more "modern" and similar to other shows at that time, the fans complain and say it isn't the show they knew and loved.  It is kind of a no-win situation, really.  I think in this case, the storylines could follow more updated topics (no medical rape, please), but the pacing, the lighting, the music, and the overall mood of the show that makes it The X-Files, could remain the same as 20 years ago.  

    The problem with this is, that in my opinion we had the new X-Files even before Chris Carter re-openened them. And that was FRINGE.

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