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Posts posted by Rushmoras

  1. Wow, Favreau really went out of his way to portray stormtroopers as imbeciles in this episode, didn't he? Makes me wonder


    whether IG-11 sacrifice was really necessary. Could have shot their way-out. The chance of stormtroopers hitting them was one million to one.

    All in all, the season felt like your full-length movie divided in to eight parts, and from those eight parts, probably four or five episodes (depending on your point of view) were just filler episodes that contributed nothing to the overall plot.

    The production quality is OMG for a TV series. Sure, I still don't like Baby Yoda, in 90 percent of the time, when he's out and about, he's really lifeless. I'd say CGI would have been better, but if you want to pay homage to the original hand-muppet, then why not.

    The plot, well, as I've said, five or six episodes are filler ones (and three or two episodes are for the plot). At least we now know what the second season will revolve around


    finding the Yoda species baby's homeworld... aaaaaaaand being on the run from the ex-imperials. Only in different places. I wonder if Gideon is going to kill Greef and Cara.




    Mando pulls his helmet off. OMG dude, put it back on, you look better with it.


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  2. Anyways, worst cross-over movies of Arrowerse to date. So far (minus ep one) this is just cameos upon cameos (oh, yah, and in the background something about bringing Ollie back and paragon yadda-yadda-yadda).

    Granted, I don't know how powerful Lucifer is supposed to be in his series, but if judging by comic book lore, the most funny thing is, if he cared to, by snap of his fingers he could end the Crisis. But, since he at this point in time only cares about orgies, so he ain't going to do squat 😄

    Also, worst Lex Luthor and the plot revolving around him ever.

    On 12/13/2019 at 3:36 PM, Glory said:

    I'm not watching Supergirl, so maybe he's better on that show, but anytime he shows up on screen I just cringe. 

    Nope, he's not better. If anything, he's a cartooney villain. Everything revolving around him last season was so over the top, that I did not know whether to laugh or cry 😄

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  3. On Smallville's cameo and Lex Luthor. Man, I was right about him in Supergirl. While being in jail, locked-up (ok, SPA resort, but still), he found out that Kara is Supergirl like it was nothing, but was surprised to find out that Clark Kent is Superman (he can't even see without his glasses! Preposterous! How could this be?!). On the other hand, Kara's BFF Lena Luthor, who is always side by side to Kara and Supergirl needed Lex to say it to her face to finally understand. Man, the writing is laugh worthy and abysmal. This is just embarrassing.

  4. Spoiler

    Guys, guys, guys, don't worry. By the end of this cross-over festival, I guarantee that everything will be back in its place (aka deus ex machina reverse everything), just like everytime. I seriously doubt that any of the major characters will stay dead (considering, for one, Arrow still has two episodes left to go until the end of the season (what they are going to do without their lead star for 80 minutes?) after the Crisis (true, AFAIK, in the comics, Supergirl and Flash dies during these events, but..., as I've mentioned before, neither of the respective shows are ending (apart from Arrow)).

    And, for this reason, I better like that the cross-overs would be done after the end of respective seasons of each show; that way, there would be more suspense in everything. Will they really die or not? Now, che-che-che, sorry, I just can't with serious mind think that they will die.

  5. But, seriously, I starting to get the feeling that the writers have creatively extinguished themselves for the last couple of seasons. I mean, yeah, sure, something is happening in the series, but... overall... nothing of substantial importance. I can't explain it, but it's like the last season of Fear the Walking Dead (it had a premise to build itself upon, but instead chose to show the viewers documentaries). Something is happening, but I have no general idea why is it this way...

  6. Personally, I find it kinda funny that the first reaction that Alex has when finding out about Lena is to destroy her with rockets, while Kara being no no no, let's save her, she does not know what she's doing. IMO, two point of view extremes.

    Also, Jonn', so, you said that the only reason why you and your homicidal brother came to reason is because he read your mind? Hmmm... so... I don't know, maybe arrange for Lena to read Kara's mind? I know, shocking idea, right? 

    • Love 2
  7. Well, I still have no clue what use is going to be Batwoman for everyone in Crisis on Infinite Earths. IMO, any meta-human could one-punch her lights out. But, OK...

    On topic, so far, for me the season is kinda forgettable. It sure ain't no Gotham, even though, the tone is kinda similar to it, but the stakes are... well... low (apart from quasi-main cast member being written off in the latest episode). No real suspense or anything. It just is.

    • Love 1
  8. 3 minutes ago, bros402 said:

    It makes more sense than the sister of a supervillain, who was relatively good leaning towards gray, knowing how to operate a computer that she literally had just said was only theoretical. It was even in another language. Maybe she somehow learned Kryptonian from something Lex did, but even then, she should've at least struggled with the computer for a minute or two.

    Constructing a device from nothing, while being hidden under the table in a met-gala, makes more sense than hacking an alien computer? OK, then. To me, they both don't make any sense, and throughout the years I've learnt not to question such things.

    • Love 2
  9. 6 minutes ago, bros402 said:

    Winn was the son of a supervillain, he might've researched a bunch of stuff after his dad was arrested, delved into super engineering, etc.

    Yeah, that's an excuse for Power Rangers shows. All these deus ex manchina's, the point is, in some season, Winn and Lena constructed some sort of a device (probably the one that blocked super sonic waves from those two jewellery thieves in season two) from what it looks like nothing, while being hidden under the table. And there are a whole lot of similar instances throughout the show. And people have questions how does Lena do it. Seriously?

  10. You know, I keep thinking, the writers missed a really compelling opportunity to show the viewers the real reason why Lena is pissed off. Because all those things that she said... well... they are simply bullshit (crocodile tears etc.). I mean, she would have a valid reason to distrust Kara as Supergirl for one fact. Remember a while ago in season three perhaps when Supergirl told Guardian to spy on Lena and what she is hiding in her vault? And then Kara in the elevator tells Lena, when Lena confides in her about Supergirl's actions: "Well, I think that you have to give her the benefit of a doubt. I think she means well" (paraphrasing). Now, that would be a solid reason to be pissed off at Kara/Supergirl, for being two-faced. 

    That being said, this whole issue is fucking stupid. I ain't going to repeat myself what I've wrote in here throughout the seasons, but... come on, are we seriously supposed to believe that Lena, who put two ant two together about Sam, needed Lex help to understand that Kara is Supergirl. I mean, what in the actual fuck is this writing? It's not even funny anymore.

    Also, someone said that they don't buy how Lena can know how to affect Kryptonian technology in the Fortress. Well, we are talking about a show where any person, who is a "scientist" (or a person, who read a book Science for Dummies), is also apparently a super-genious God of Technology, to whom all the secrets of the universe is open (I mean, look at Winn for crying out loud. Was any of the bullshit that he has done believable in any way?) How's that different?

    While I'm on it. I just can't stand whining from John. "Oh, my brother is evil, but I feel so bad for hurting him. Oh, the emotional pain, I'm going to cry in a corner now". Enough already with this. Jeesus Christ, every time he happens to have a PMS I just skip nowadays. I just can't stand it anymore. 

    Feck, where are all the writers from Season One? I rather have over-the-top women are better than man and Superman's TM mentioning every five seconds in between the actual plot then this none-sense!


    Did Rama Kahn die or did he escape? An unceremonious death for someone that has lived for thousands of years.

    He escaped, he said something along the lines that next time you will die by my hands or something.

  11. 1 hour ago, shantown said:

    Side note 2 - How funny that on The Flash there's a million people that know Barry's secret even though he has better tools for hiding it (blurring face, changing voice, the cowl) and on Supergirl the disguise was a pair of glasses and they kept that secret from almost everyone in the world!

    You should watch Batwoman, there Kate can be recognized just from the chin! (Sophie, Alice (Beth), for example). I'm surprised that other family members that talked with Batwoman upclose did not recognize her (like the father or step-sister; sorry, can't remember their names, and it's a miracle that I remembered Sophie's name lel)).

    • LOL 1
  12. Ugh, you're both after the same target. What you do? Team up and afterwards duke it out or duke it out now and let the baddy escape?

    So, Sophie got a second opinion in the flashback. So? She is still an untrustworthy person. Does not matter why she snitches. Well, at least there will be no love triangle and good riddance (unless, they decide to kill off the husband). Speaking off... what the hell was that about being all friendly with Batwoman speech while talking with Sophie? Dude, you just seen the video where they linger for 10 seconds. Sophie's alibi that she was reading her her rights is valid as any alibi.

  13. IDK, I found the whole episode to be kinda boring. I better liked Batwoman's Alice/Beth flashbacks last week, than Lena/Andrea flashbacks here. And this is probably due to what I've stated in the first episodes topic - I cannot stand IT themes in movies and series, because they always make it to be boring or laughable. But now, instead of IT theme we now have a magic theme mixed up in all of this. A magic medallion, which activated Andrea's powers to enter Yu-Gi-Oh's Shadow Realm. Yay?

  14. I liked it. It didn't dwell like other pilot episodes would dwell for 30 min. on scenery or whatnot. Came in, got the first job done, got the second job, went to do it (had some troubles along the way). The end. And all in under 36 minutes. However, I think that the current rating on IMDB is too high. Maybe 7 (8 if it will still be interesting), but def. not 9.3 (well, 9.2 now).

  15. Ehh, an OK episode perhaps, but just that. "You know how many rich white guys I've executed?". Oh, OK, how bout rich yellow-guys, rich blacks, rich redskins (if you want to point out skin colour) or are they non-existent in your world? That's racist and elitist fixing only on one race.

    Liked the nod to Gotham series or was Oswald really a mayor of Gotham in one point in the comics?

  16. 12 hours ago, Katsullivan said:

    It matters if the show is (clearly) giving them OTP status. There has to be a reason for us to want them together besides the "Lead Character Gets Desired Love Interest" trope and right now, they're not doing either of them any favors. 

    Well, I don't know who would want them together at this point. As I've mentioned, it borderlines on theoretical adultery right now. If the husband was out of the picture from the get go, it would be different. But all it does it infuse anger towards, em, Sophie, right?

    • Love 1
  17. 5 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

    I don't like the Obsidian VR devices. It's just too unbelievable that so many people would just pop them in while out in public and have no awareness of the outside world while they're in VR. Maybe it's a commentary about people who are on their phones while out in public and not aware of their surroundings, but I think that this is a bit too extreme and on the nose. And I especially am not thrilled that Kelly is so invested in the device and seems to have no suspicions of Andrea. 

    As I've mentioned in episode one, this is straight out of Longest Journey franchise, where Watticorp built "Dreammachines", where people could hook up to their brains and have a better virtual life than in reality. This, essentially led to people being like drug addicts, but instead of drugs, it was "Dreammachines". Of course, if I would care to dig deeper, I'd say that they did not invent the concept, but just taken it from somewhere else. As I've heard, more recent example could be Ready Player One, but... haven't seen it.

  18. 8 hours ago, Trini said:

    She did murder her brother, though.

    Yeah, but Barack Obama lookalike teleported his body out, and I bet he's gonna resurrect him for the Crisis show, so that does not count!

    Besides, after watching this cartoon supervillain iteration, I have put ten bullets in to his skull as well.  So, I totally understand Lena lol

    On topic, I liked Batwoman's ep 5 better than this one. Was not surprised that Andrea is linked to Leviathan at all (seen to many this type of plots to be surprised). Not liking William and Kara.

    Also, failing to see Kara's logic. William asked her not to say anything to anyone, so she chose to only omit Nia (probably Lena as well) from the loop, but every other acquaintance (John and Alex) are OK with knowing. Yeah...

  19. 10 hours ago, AnimeMania said:

    Alice had barman henchman there

    Yeah, figured that as much, but then, all of the employees and guests were her henchmen? I have questions now on how she was able to drag out passed out Kate out of there. Maybe the next episode will be about the murder spree in a dinner 😀

  20. On 11/1/2019 at 3:56 AM, BaggythePanther said:

    This whole portrayal of Sophie is very one-sided. We’ve never gotten her point of view. We have no idea why Sophie is saying one thing and doing another. They could come back next week and say that Sophie can’t be with Kate because the military school would retroactively revoke Sophie’s degree, and nothing in the script would dispute that. I don’t think that’s going to happen, but I don’t think it’s as simple as Sophie just turning her feelings off.  

    IMO, it really doesn't matter. They broke-up, Sophie's married. Stop making longing glances at your ex!

    • Love 2
  21. Probably, the best episode so far. Maybe it got something to do, because it had minimum of Batwoman (I know, strange, but there, the less Batwoman, the more Kate, the better, at least for me). I don't even have any complaints (since the father asked the real question - how did you know how Beth's voice sounds like). Still, don't like Kate and what's her name relationship, but even that was bare minimum, so everything's fine!

    Of course, if I was nitpicky enough, I would call Alice on her bullshit regarding sisterly bonds. Kate is not a mindreader. However, she was leaning to the door where you were held captive. So, silence is totally on you, Alice. Sorry.

    Plus, how did Kate got drugged in the dinner? Did I miss some scene were she poured sleeping pills in her drink? Or did Alice had barman henchmam there as well?

  22. But Kara's ego should be really inflated by now, I mean, almost every male that she interacts with is worshipping the ground under her. Just saying... Was surprised that William did not profess his undying love to her in his speech at the end. Talk about South American soap-opera stuff... Jeesh...

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  23. IMO, it's not even laziness, it's something else. I for one, when I hear the words super-hero show, I do not associate it with soap-opera, but rather with action sequences and what is left could be dedicated to inter-personal relationships. However, in this case, for some odd reason, they chose to turn-around it and give priority (or at least a second place) to soap-opera stuff. Granted, this season has a bit more action, but... What I mean is, if I wanted to see who gets with who, I tune in a Mexican soap-opera.

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