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Posts posted by Rushmoras


    • Love 6
  2. OK, so that was a mildly interesting episode that went nowhere in general. So, dragons are real, and demons now also. Or, somebody has found a fairytale book and is now reanimating mythical creatures in to the world. All in all, yeah, I think I'm going to quit after the first season, because if all of the episodes will be like this....

  3. While I liked VD and found TO to be what VD could have been (i.e., I'd rate VD 6,5 and TO 7,5), my first impressions of Legacies is somewhat mixed. At first glance it feels like any school drama out there (mainly because the whole action of the premise is going on in a school, granted, a school for supernaturally gifted persons, but a school nonetheless, and, because of that, you get your dose of teenage drama (mainly, love triangles and jealousy)), but it also has supernatural aspects that belong mainly in VD show (yes, VD, because TO was much darker in tone, save for probably the final season, in which, if I am being honest to myself, the main cast acted not like usual monster-inclined self). So, I guess, at first glance, it's something along the lines of Veronica Mars meets Vampire Diaries (would be the most accurate description). So, I guess that it wont be my cup of tea, but I will know that after this season is over. Who knows, maybe it will pleasantly surprise me.

    P.S. What happened to Coraline? Towards the end of the episode, Alaric mentioned that no one has bothered this school in ten years time (well, if ten years has passed, why doesn't Hope look any older, while Alaric's kids, which we've seen in the last season of TO, were still... you know... kids, and now, they look much older (I'd say in the final years of high-school), but Alaric looks the same, Elena's friend (forgot his name) also not that old, if you compare the time when VD ended). So, what happened to Coraline? I'm pretty certain that she did not die in TO (unless, I snoozed out somewhere).

  4. Would have found Sam Witwer character's plight to be believable, if not for:

    1) too much bad things happened to him, as if he is a magnet for alien terrorists;

    2) his father was a stubborn fool - should have done as Lena told, invested in newer equipment and probably saved whole lot of jobs in the long run;

    3) what were the chances of him meeting all of they key-cast of Supergirl and the key-cast being kind of douches towards him?

    All in all, somewhat weak episode.


    P.S. How will everyone explain Kara's absence to Lena now? I mean, or will Kara walk in that armour designed by Lena and Lena will, um, pretend that is totally normal.

    • Love 1
  5. 52 minutes ago, BaggythePanther said:

    Maybe it’s because of this week’s Legends of Tomorrow episode, but in hindsight this feels more like an anti-Muslim/anti-Middle Easteners allegory. Between 9/11, the Boston bombing, shoe bomber, and various attacks in Europe I guess we can make a case as to why it’s rational to fear Muslims too. But people generally accept those attacks as outliers.

    Like @tennisgurl said, we need more world building. But it appears that aliens are fully integrated into society so people should understand that the evil Kryptonians/Daxamites are the exception not the rule. 

    I thought it's allegory for every "minorities" (I put minorities in brackets, because in this day and age, at some places it's really debatable), starting from LGBT and ending with terrorists (OK, terrorists are not rally falling into this definition, but you get the picture).

  6. A bit of hypocrisy from the DEO agents' side. Did any one of them demand that John Jones (can't really write his real name) be locked up in their holding cells for impersonating Hank Henshaw (correct name, yes?)? Because I can't really remember an instance that any of the agents protested to being led by an alien from Mars into action. Now, we have President Marsdin, who (OK, I agree) took the seat of the President by deceit as John did his position, and like John, used that seat of power to promote good deeds. But, unlike John, DEO agent's wants to lock her up? It's an obvious illogical over-look in the scenario, because we did not see in previous seasons agents protesting against a Martian leading them.

    Also, another obvious mistake is for the "Man in the Iron Mask" to lead a pep-rally against alien immigrants. Why do people don't think that he might be an alien himself? Unless, he takes off the mask and proves that he's human, I don't see why people in that room would be so quick to lean towards his side (I mean, he's not really wrong, Kryptonians, Daxamites, White Martians and God knowns what else throughout the seasons of this show have attacked National City, and not everything is sunshine and rainbows as Kara portrays it to be).

    P.S. Did Mellissa, Katie and Andrea received instructions from the director to run so awkwardly on purpose? Because all of them looked like retarded hens trying to fly and/or like crapped their pants.

    • Love 1
  7. Well, the season is over, and, well... I've got to say that, in my opinion, this was probably the weakest season since S1. After they decided to kill off/not show many main characters and introduce new ones in to the fold, they kinda for the majority of the season lost me. I found the story-line (did this season had a story-line, apart from packages for needy lying on the road and the Mrs. Woodoo Priest Creating her Zombie Pals for Company?) to be unengaging (most of the times I was looking anywhere, but the screen). And the actors, well, from those that I did like in this series, they showed so little of them (Allicia, Victor, hell, even Charlie) that I even began to think whether they are there at all. I did not particularly like the form of the season, that each character (either alone or in pairs) get their own episode and only in the beginning and towards the end do they get back together. Most of the new characters were simply uninteresting. And, if somebody would ask me what happened in this season, I would honestly be stumped. Well, yeah, they were grieving and "hunting" down the one's responsible for Maddisson's death, and then grieving for Nick's death, and then being stuck in a tornado, which threw them in opposite directions, but that's just a couple of episode from the whole season.

    I just don't know, I found it hard to watch. And that "noire-esque" style of filming colours did not help one bit. I mean, I  get why this choice was made, but I simply did not like it.

    • Love 1
  8. Eh, they could introduce God in to the mix for all I care, but the essence of it will be - I just know that somehow along the way they will find a way to butcher the storyline as usual.

    • Love 1
  9. On 2018-06-19 at 4:03 AM, opus said:

    I'll just sit here quietly till someone smarter than me comes along and explains the ending.

    Harun-El separated Kara when she was using it. Short explanation. I guess, we will get Power Girl (without big boobs) in S5?

  10. Wow, almost thirty minutes in. It's so bad that it's good. Evil emo Henry, if you are going to kill Regina, go and kill her, don't do puppy dog eyes on her, or if you only wanted some pep talk, go find a shrink. 

    The hope speeches are even cheezier than Supergirl's speeches. And that's saying something.

    How does Rumpels death destroy WHooks curse? I thought Mother Dreadlocks put it on him.

    Snow and David. Oh, yeah, we will just pop in to other worlds to warn them. Is now as easy as going to a Starbucks!

    • Love 1
  11. Man, after watching this episode yesterday I have no words. Damn shame for Hayley. I guess I could have seen it coming, because the actress was absent for half a season give or take, but still. God damn. At least her character went down fighting for her daughter. Oh, man, Clause is going to kill Ellijah now (or at least send him to eternal slumber in a grave or whatnot), but first I guess he's going to kill off Elijah's loved ones as well I bet, if Hope does not talk sense in to him.

    • Love 1
  12. On 2018-05-30 at 8:33 AM, Cthulhudrew said:

    Alex is still flashing FBI credentials rather than DEO credentials, though. I think the writers really haven't settled on its status one way or the other. Some clarification would be nice.

    Officially, DEO does not exist. I mean, every second episode where DEO is mentioned, Jonn says that it's top secret/military/whatnot Disney Inc. Although, every Dick, Joe and Harry can waltz right in there for a tour...

    • Love 2
  13. Umm... I acutally don't have anything to say. Only one thought is in my mind: "Where's the timeline, Lebowski?!" Sure, some of the previous seasons baddies returned, a guest appeareance of J. Gilmore, whose character is sort of dark, cause he blames Regina and whatnot, but... is that it? Rumple wants a story for himselfa. Jeez, just create an alternate world where he's Emperor and let him have it lol. Nah, but seriously, pretty bleak episode. I wonder if ep22 will be the same...

    Wait, Wish Henry is King... and he was friendzoned? Dude, just order her to be your concubine, what the hell.

    • Love 1
  14. That's Azriel? The Angel of Death is some wall-flower? I'm freaking speechless. Also, kinda funny. But a miscast for real. 

    Oh, boy, did we really see Maze burning a chick's face? Well, then, why didn't ya show this side of her in previous episodes instead of letting her talk about torture. Hmm... AU reality's Lucifer is more like S1 Lucifer, so I liked this ep. But still, a shitty season.

    • Love 4
  15. Oh, I gotta love that particular rationalle from the show's ass, which was mentioned only now. "Oh, you see Henry, Gothel brought us to the past so the real us are still in Storybrook". Were was this reasoning before? They just pull stuff out of their asses.

    And couldn't Gold just dip his dagger in to the magic lava and be the DO again, and interrupt the ritual with a finger snap? Oh, right, not in the script. 

    And, hahahahaha, Henry is 18 in the flashback or so, Regina is 30-38 (dont know the actress age), and in the present Henry is 30-38 and Regina is also the same age. Hahhahahahahahana. F'in bull this is. 

    Aaaaand, Mother Dreadlocks turned to a tree... so, her curse was stopped? I mean, usually either the owner of the curse needs to rescind it or die, but OK. 

    Aaand... what is this? Angel's Season 4? Two Rumples. Light... sorry, grey and dark. Gee.. who will win.

    On 5/17/2018 at 7:56 AM, Rumsy4 said:

    Adult's Henry's Season 7 arc revolved around his wishy washy attraction to Jacinda, his daughter's efforts to get him to believe. The very hook they used in the S6 season finale involved Henry giving Lucy a Fairy Tale book and giving a hope speech. So, by all logic, the Curse-breaking should have been between Henry and Lucy. But Henry's attempts at TLKs with both Lucy and Jacinda fail. He even intends to TLK Lucy awake when she's at the hospital, so it's not about him not believing. The TLK only works with his mother in a very lover-like scene. None of the people in the Writers' Room felt that it would send the wrong kind of vibe? 

    But he's adopted, so it's OK. 

    • Love 1
  16. Oh, show, you never seem to cease cracking jokes even when you don't want to. "All that I've learned with Mon-El is still isn't enough to defeat Reign". No, shit, Kara. All you've learnt is some Spanish dance move with your cape and how to stick your foot so Reign would fall over. 

    Imra, what? You're letting your husband stick around with his ex? That's not you talking, that's the show runners talking while projecting hopes and dreams of Mon-El/Kara shippers. 

  17. Pretty meh episode in my opinion. Mother Dredlock's story-line is, at least for me, not that interesting, or maybe I'm really getting pissed off by the previous... in magical world narrative. In addition to it, did this season establish in previous episodes that AU people like to hunt down magical beings, or was it just something cooked up for Mother Dreadlocks storyline? Also, how did the Nymphs got killed? Directly by axes and torches or non-directly by cutting down trees, which were linked to the Nymphs? Because even if the latter, couldn't they secure the nature with magic? Or if the former, why not use magic to defend yourself? I mean, it was pretty easy for the hippy Gothel in the flashback.

    Oh, wait, based on other comments here, so the Nymphs were in the real world thousands of years ago? Ok... what? So... why... then... the roywlty thousands of years ago looked sorta like... Victorian England esque types? And not... you know, like indigeneuous/aborigens half naked type of people? Did the Flash change the timeline again?

    • Love 2
  18. Pierce is showing emotions, so he must be guilty. Brilliant deduction, Chloe. You're a regular Thomas Barnaby (or Sherlock Holmes, whatever you prefer). I did not particularly like this episode, cause it was anticlimatic and predictable, but, if the whole season could have been like this, there may have been a season four. There were segments that I didn't like, like Maze making amends with Linda (it felt unearned somehow) or Maze having trouble fighting against two guys (sure, maybe it was the drugs in her system (come to think of it, can demons be drugged?). But it was vastly better then the majority of the drivel, which was this season. 

    P.S. Dan's and Chloe's outrage that Lucifer knew that Pierce was the Sinnerman all along in my opinion actually coincides with what was wrong with this season in general.

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  19. 15 hours ago, katmax said:

    Look again. They are a dark grey, almost black in the final scene. They haven't changed. The feather Lucifer picked up is also dark, though not black. Its not a white feather.

    But they are not black either. That's was my point. They were grey. While in S1 they were pitch black.

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