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Posts posted by Rushmoras

  1. 1 minute ago, eleanorofaquitaine said:

    My theory is that Mulder is basically pretty wealthy - his father had a house on Martha's Vineyard; his mother had a house in Greenwich, CT.  There was also the family summer house in Rhode Island (which I will never fail to point out makes ZERO sense for a family living on Martha's Vineyard but whatever).  Mulder was essentially their sole heir, so when they died, no doubt he inherited all of that property.  He doesn't exactly live the most extravagant life, so presumably he sold all of those houses for a lot of money (because, let me tell you, a nice big house on MV was going for a lot of money even in the 1990s) and he's let all of that money sit. 

    Huh, funny, can't remember any of it, even though I have finished the original run of the X-Files in 2015 I think. But that would explain it.

  2. Well, I can't say that I did not like the episode per se, but it did kind of left me confused. So... Season 10 the last two episodes was... what?


    Scully having a brain aneurysm or something and just viewing the future or am I missing something here?

    Also, even though I have watched the X-Files from the beginning, some of the characters... I don't know, I was like "Who the hell are you supposed to be?"

    Anyway, regarding Cancer Man. Carter should have left him stay dead after Season Nine ended. The whole mytharc of S10 was kinda off, because of it. But, hey, what do I know, I'm not the director of a series or anything...

    Also, whose car Mulder was driving? I very much doubt that from ex-FBI agent's (OK, restored agent's) pension/salary he could afford a Mustang. Or is he projecting his inner Hank Moody now?


    Also, did Skinner off-screen took the pistol from Monica or Monica willingly gave it to him and I just zoned out during that sequence?

    • Love 1
  3. 16 hours ago, CheshireCat said:

    So, you mind that they allow Maze to rape a guy but you wouldn't mind if they showed torture?

    Nope, I don't mind at all, because in these kind of shows, if the quasi-rape/sexual harassment is not being done to the woman or to a lead character, or they are not investigating a case, then it is a non-issue in their own world, and is not an issue for the viewer.

    What I don't like is for Maze and Lucifer to constantly talk about how Maze is going to torture somebody, but not show it (or even when they do show it (Sinner Man for instance), the victim is not worse for wear when he started from). It gets tiresome.

  4. I admit, cause the story-line every season is more and more of a parody, I watch this show only for the cleavages, but even that lately does not seem to hold my interest. This episode was such a cluster-fuck-ridicullous-peace of trash that I have seen in the history of this show. For most of the time I was like "What the fuck is this shit". I really don't wish for the actors to loose their jobs, but all together I'm hoping that they cancel this show after this season.

    • Love 2
  5. 19 minutes ago, Ailianna said:

    It was clearly shown to be a toilet plunger in the first scene in the bedroom.  It had dildo-like qualities at the handle (which now I think of it a lot of them do...ugh), but it was a plunger.  Which I didn't like because of how many real-life cases have involved (sometimes fatal) use of toilet plungers.

    I thought they weren't allowed to fight where humans could see?  But I agree they've been fuzzy on this issue.

    Yes, he said that humans could not see any sign of divinity, but also he said that it is forbidden by God for angels to fight against each other. Which, come to think of it, every rule was broken in this show. And only repercussion was Amenadiel's loss of Grace (but not because of those things, which I've said (presumably)).

  6. 14 minutes ago, johntfs said:

    Angels are allowed to fight other angels (and pretty much anything else).  However they are forbidden by God from directly killing human beings. 

    That's not what Amenediel said to Lucifer in this episode, though.

  7. So, wait wait wait wait wait. So, Lucifer had a habit to go off on vacations from being Hell? Are the screen-writers now on every stand-alone episode are going to pull Once Upon A Time syndrome now? I.e., let's just make stuff up as it goes, disregarding that it may contradict what was already established (well, in Once case it 100 percent of the time, in Lucifer's not so much, but keep at it and you will get there eventually). Also, if angels can't fight other angels, then what was the deal with Amenadiel and Uriel, Uriel and Lucifer clash (sure, Uriel beat the crap out of Amenadiel when he was not an Angel, but Lucifer insisted he fight Uriel), and then the semi-fight between Amenadiel and Lucifer in the ring in this flash-back episode? Furthermore, I'm surprised that the screen-writers allowed Maze character to rape a guy (btw, that was not a toiletree, which someone here mentioned, but a dildo), having regard to today's social issues (#MeToo). Also, having regard to Maze, if you ain't going to show us real torture, then stop talking about it. It becomes annoying after a while.

    Anyways, sorry for the rant, but this season is just... ugh...

    • Love 4
  8. Well, it was obvious that Pierce was someone else,


    but that he'd be Cain

    , yeah, did not call that.  Overall, I liked this episode, but at least they could have made it that


    the abducted Sinnerman after Maze took a number on him would be all bloodied or something. What, did they blew all of the special FX budget on him gauging his eyes out?

  9. 17 minutes ago, Rumsy4 said:

    Apparently it retroactively always existed. Except for Emma. Who even knows. It’s not like the writers care.

    Got it, it's the writers' "We just make stuff up as we go" scenario. Nothing new.

    • Love 4
  10. My thoughts on the episode:

    * So, Gander-whatever-her-name-is pretended to be Rappunzel in order to have sex with Hook, give birth to a baby overnight by magic and then leave it in her place. OK, but then why you need to masquarade yourself as Rappunzel. You said so yourself, you set a trap for her, but instead you've became trapped. Rappunzel never was in that tower. How would Hook know that you are not Rappunzel? Why not use your real face from the beginning?

    * I'm actually totally lost with the jumps to the past now. So... the Wish Realm of Season 6 is actually not a Wish Realm then? Or am I missing something here?

    * Can't really understand detective-Rumple. Does he know who he is or was that little "Deary" in the previous episode just a fluke?

    Anyways, borring borring season. Even more borring than Seasons 5-6.

    • Love 3
  11. While this episode gets "kudos" from me for bringing back the supernatural element, but in my opinion it fell a bit flat on some of the aspects - mainly interactions with Maze felt a bit off (probably because I can't even remember (cause she's been gone for so long) why is she pissed at Lucifer (disregarding the normal stuff why she would be pissed at him), apparently Lucifer's great weaknesses are sunglasses and thick walls (even Angel (from BTVS and Angel) could have gotten out from there by continuously punching the wall for an hour or so, so why couldn't the Devil, the whole explanation about angels are blessed with one specific trait falls short for my liking, also I did not like this constant humanizing of Lucifer and Amenedude (with Amendude, I get it, he lost his powers. But, dude, couldn't you, I don't know, go searching for the reasons why you lost your powers and do something about it. But with Lucifer - not so much.). Also, liked the ending. Either the Sinnerman is just crazy m'fker, who by accident found-out about the supernatural and wants to mickey about, or he's something else.


    Anyways, this episode is a lost better than those 5 or so stand-alone episodes that we got. At least in my opinion.

  12. 12 hours ago, Camera One said:

    I have so much mindless paperwork to do this weekend so I'm putting "Buffy" Season 1 on as background noise to get me moving along.  I've never seen Season 1 fully since I started at Season 2.  I don't like the show enough to devote my 100% attention to it but I enjoyed the 2-part pilot (which I think I've seen before but I don't remember). 

    One thing that struck me is how Buffy as a character was quite light-hearted at the beginning, snappy, funny, kickass, with minimal angst.  All I remember of her is the mopey, depressing character she eventually became.  That reminds of how Emma was a very positive character at the beginning.  I felt for her, but at the same time, she had a can-do attitude, while in the later seasons, all her storylines were so bleak.  I also appreciate how the team got their information from Giles and from research, instead of running to the Evil Villain and begging for information while exacting a "price".

    Well, you try to be an upbeat person when all of your past relationships either end up in a tragedy or everyone leaves you, your destiny is actually to die and be at peace, but you can't even do that, because your friends pull you out from heaven by using magic and your are left to cope with your thoughts all alone, because the one person that you've trusted leaves, because he thinks that it builds character. And on top of that, you are entrusted a care, which you never wanted in a first place, of bunch of teenagers, who are being hunted down for what they are and who are ungrateful towards you, because apparently you are not Superman, who can save everyone around you (because those last times where no one died, you just go lucky).

    • Love 2
  13. My thoughts on the cross-overs in general. Instead of switching through shows some people may not watch in order to find out what happens next, maybe Berlanti and Co could decide to simply make a separate TV movie...

    • Love 3
  14. You know, I always found it funny about the Dark Curse. The caster: "OOh, now you all gonna get it. I'm going to cast a Dark Curse, which will take you not into Hell or somewhere similar, no, but to 21st century USA, where all people have place to live, steady jobs, income and social life instead of living under fiefdom in the middle ages with magic." At least you could put them in Detroit or somewhere similar, lol.

    • Love 4
  15. Oh, you got to love John's speech about burdens of running a "top secret" organization. Yeah... you doing a "good" job at it, mate. Why don't you hand in your resignation and be done with it? Because if things go as they are now, the DEO will be tourist attraction with tickets to it.

  16. 12 hours ago, Fanta00 said:

    Is it just me or whats going on, previous episode was placed two weeks after Ch and L met, then year passed and Linda's husband was killed. If this episode has Charlotte as a normal person, isnt't it recent stuff? So why linda is preparing funeral for her husband!

    No, the previous episode up until the middle showed Linda's ex-husband past (how he met Lucifer), and then went straight to the present. Linda's husband died recently.

  17. My thoughts on the whole third season so far... extremely and really really uninteresting, albeit for episode one and perhaps Maze centric one. The rest is just like... random fillers put in from no where. What happened to the humour, to the supernatural element of season one and two? This is not the same Lucifer as it was before, that's for sure. It became just simple cop show now.

    • Love 4
  18. 30 minutes ago, Mrs OldManBalls said:

    I'm with you all the way. I don't see the rakish charmer everyone else sees. He's a selfish, immature pain in the ass.

    Well, he's a celestial being who was kind of a royalty in Hell (remember his comment that it's been ages since I sat on a throne) and is still earning what the hell are everyone's problem with the way he acts. But, yeah, he's an asshole, but that's why I find the situation funny.

    • Love 1
  19. 3 minutes ago, DEL901 said:

    Are we really sure this was a "free-standing" episode?  

    I don't know how to put on spoiler tags, so I'll just say that I looked at next week's episode description and it made me question this.

    I don't think it was a stand-alone episode, but not a "lore of the season" episode either.

  20. In my opinion, two yawn inducing series in a row. No banter, no name calling, no Lucifer intimidating others... just... I don't know, like he took vacation from being his normal self. Just... it's not normal. Maze and Amendude should return pronto or the series should focus on who is the Sinnerman at least.

    • Love 1
  21. Well, at least they made Charlotte's character somewhat believable after all she's been through during her "absence". Other than that this episode was really really tame. I don't know how to feel about it. Is it because it airs on FOX at 8 PM or something? But, I don't know, all of this season feels a bit off to me.

  22. Well, that was a boring episode for me. The only good thing about it was Lucifer drinking scotch (or whatnot) from the flask during investigations. I guess, that's to be expected when there is no Dr. Linda or Maze in the episode.

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