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Posts posted by Rushmoras

  1. I haven't finished mostly school-related books from my own country's literature. From the top of my head would be Žemaitė "Rytą giedrą" (it's an autobiography and novels of, well, let's say the first "modern" Lithuanian author from the XIX century. As I remember, it was mostly about corvee and the life of peasants (cause we still had that in the XIX century, while the rest of the Western world was reaping the "wonders" of industrial revolution)), Šatrijos Ragana (really don't remember anything from her works; I just found it to be totally dreadful).

    And, from my own leisure, there was some other novel, I guess from a Russian author. It was, as I remember, as if, approved from the Tolkien family or something (at least it said on the cover or something like that as I remember). Um... generally, it was set two or three hundred years after the end of the LOTR books. It had three parts, but I read only the first one.


    If I remember correctly, someone had found the Nazgul rings; something, something; Sauron reincarnated or something.

    And... Julies Verne "20,000 Leagues under the Sea". Simply it was too long of a book, and I read it when I was nine or ten, because it was on a primary (or secondary) school's curriculum, but I never finished it.

  2. I started writing a novel when I was finishing high-school on to my first or second year in university, but stopped, because I lost my inspiration. I actually wrote two drafts of the novels: one was historical fiction about a vampire (I, know, trite, ain't it?) set during the Crusades, would have eventually ended up in the 21st century, and the other was a detective novel. I think, I still have them saved on my HDD somewhere along all the other useless crap I do not use anymore. I think, I had written 40 pages for one book and 60 pages for the other book.

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  3. This topic has got me thinking (and probably has been said somewhere earlier in here), that I keep mishearing most of the lyrics that Taria Turunen (ex-Nightwish vocalist) sings. 🙂 I mean, I decided to re-listen to all of the Nightwish discography, and I will be damned, if I do not need a lyrics sheet (I'm in to the first three albums of theirs). 

    Just remembered one lyric I misheard. It was Bon Jovi "Just Older". I heard: "Hey, man, it's been a while you were memories". What he actually sang: "Hey, man, it's been a while, do you remember me?"

  4. Well, I liked New Mutants. But thought it could have been a bit better, if the screenwriters and directors took more liberties in the R rated... oh, wait, it was PG-13 rated. Now it makes sense. Anyways, by a wide margin better then that snooze fest Dark Phoenix.

  5. A week-ago finished Yuval Harari "SAPIENS: A Brief History of Humankind". It was a really easy read, the author really had in mind an average layperson while writing it. Some of the things he wrote we already discussed in school/university, other things were quite interesting to read (like that majority of our constructs, like money, political factions etc. are just only the products of our imagination). 

    Now, I'm re-reading Herodotus "Historiae". And... I don't know, now I know, why I did not remember much of what I've read from this book many years ago, because the ancient historian's writing is all over the place (from one thing to the other, and then back again). I finished the first chapter, and I think I have to re-read it again, read the footnotes and in my own personal notebook write down the sequence from A to Z of the events, which he depicts, in order to fully understand what has happened. Also, what's interesting, that he attributes much of the stuff that has happened to the will of the Gods, just like Homerus.

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  6.  While I liked S3, but I keep thinking that this is just the same old story only the other way around.


    Instead of Emily being abducted and Nick, and the FBI looking for her, now Nick is abducted, and Emily and the FBI is looking for him.

    Although, in this season, Emily is much more darker than in the previous ones, All in all, a good season, which, if there will be no S4, at least it ended with almost everything settled.

  7. So, finally a week ago finished with S. King's IT. Yep, all it took was half a year. Definitely, will not be returning to this book ever again.

    Now, I'm currently reading Boleslaw Prus "FARAON" (Pharaoh). It's a historical fiction set in Ramesis the Twelfth time, and is revolving around his heir. First time I tried to read it, I was still in school, and did not like it for some reason (may because it didn't had too many dialogues or something), but moving many years forward, this book is quite interesting.

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  8. Good for them to finally get a replacement, still won't change my mind about watching the first episode and then moving on to next show out there.

    Also, at a shallow/hedonistic/whatever note, will the Batsuit be changed (color/appereance)? Because, it would be really weird for the new Batwoman to be seen at night with the current KK costume. But that's just me. I personally would want something from Batman Beyond.

  9. 1 hour ago, Oreo2234 said:

    I don't think they are showing enough respect for their audience's intelligence.

    I think Berlanti and co is banking on that this move would attract more viewers or something, like: "Oh, gee, I wonder what [will happen to KK/Batwoman] and how this new char will come to fruition". But, in reality, it will simply alienate, which is already happening (judging by the comments on the Internet as a whole). I, for one, gonna watch the first or firsts episodes to see how they fucked-up/did not fucked-up, but I really doubt that I'll continue watching past that point.

  10. 3 hours ago, sugarbaker design said:

    But they're not replacing Batwoman, they're replacing Kate Kane.

    And that's the whole issue why everyone is upset, cause KK is Batwoman. They might as well create a new series with new cast. I really do not see this working out in the long run (I could see it now, in the first episode KK is shot by Jacob; moving forward a few months years, a new hero is introduced). I'll pass. All of the relationships that KK had down the drain.

  11. Well, can't wait to see the nose-dive of the ratings next season. I mean, who was the moron who thought it is such a good idea to not only recast the character, but create a new superhero that will replace Batwoman? Imbeciles, the lot of them.

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  12. Well... I mean... that's one way for the screenwriters to write themselves out of a situation they wrote themselves in. Create a literal deus ex machina, disregarding the fact that it makes fuck sense at all (and I'm not even talking about a time paradox here; I'm basing this from what I've seen of how one can get out of being encased in a stone). Also, plant/spore zombies; Naughty Dog says hi with a lawsuit 😀 Also, nobility of hell is basically consists of 99 percent goths and 1 percent demons. Interesting... Other then that, I rate the season 8/10.

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  13. 6 hours ago, legaleagle53 said:

    Her reflexes aren't that fast. She's Batwoman, not Supergirl (nice use of Polish, by the way!).

    Or, they could take a page from Arkham video-games where Lucious in the third (fourth) instalment gave Bruce a more advance nano-tech suit, which lets him be quicker. I mean, basically, its' the same Iron Man suit, just less sophisticated.

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  14. Stephen King "IT". Never read it before, saw the old two or three parts movie and the first part of the new remake, decided to read the book as well. That was months ago, perhaps at the end of this month, I'll finish it. So far, it has been a slog to read through. I get the feeling that the more you read King, the more it appears that places and names change, but the gist of all of his books remains the same.

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  15. 21 hours ago, Winston Wolfe said:

    Damn, I'm forgetting a lot of details. Why did Brainy have to keep his hand on a pad for ten minutes? And why was it hurting him?

    His alter-ego/sister from another timeline said that if he moves it, he have to star the reupload process anew.

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  16. I'll be in minority and say:

    Eh... I guess it was alright. Not on the level of Batwoman finale (seriously, that was dope), but alright I guess for what was portrayed this season (that is some nonsensical plots that led no where). I guess, the major thing to be taken from this finale is that Lena and Kara are back as friends and that Brainy sacrificed himself, because everything else Leviathan related... well... even more pointless (in the sense of why is it even here) as Alex wanting a baby sub-plot. To think they could have done much more with the whole VR addicts thing, but the show-runners decided not to... waisted potential... and still I have no idea what was Leviathan's end goal in all of this. As far as season villains go... they are even lamer than the tree idiots from the sixth season of Buffy. Waisted potential from Mitch Pilleggi as well. As I've said somewhere earlier, the show-runners are taking more and more liberties from Once upon a time show-runners, and this is not a good thing.

    Speaking about Brainy... nope, I can't seem to find any good words for his character. For a supposed twelfth level intellect he's... yah... If I was him, I would have started to ask questions the moment where my alter-ego from another timeline came and said I have to work with a megalomaniac in order to defeat Leviathan, alienate all my friends etc. (Cause, this episode: "Oh, Brainy, you don't have to do this. You can help your friends". Really, bitch? Then what the fuck was all of that about after Crisis?)

    Lex Luthor... I mean, I don't like him (this version at least). He's too... too... everywhere involved. At least in Smallville, that Lex version was more grounded in reality. This one... nope... straight out of Power Rangers. I mean, maybe... he's kinda better than he was in Season Four, because there was no over-the-top villainous moustache twirling, but... there was some over the top: "Surprise, surprise, it was me all along. I know you'd do that, cause I'm Lex Luthor. HAHAHAHAHA".

    Anyways... I rate this season some where between a five and a six. WASTED POTENTIAL EVERYWHERE.

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  17. Well, this was... AWESOME as far as season finales go. Was surprised to see Alice poison Mouse; for that matter, when did she get the time to do that and how? They weren't eating or drinking anything... So, Jacob, you rehire Sophie, but you do not want her in the loop cause she's pro-Batwoman? Why you rehired her, then? I mean besides the obvious plot reasons. So,,kryptonite got destroyed with 40K T of pressure? Wow, that's a lot of pressure. I guess.. we will see the SuperBat cross-over next year, or the asking Kara whether it's OK to destroy the remaining kryptonite will happen off-screen?


    Anyways, I fairly liked this season. I rate it 7 out of 10.

    P.S. on a really shallow note, I somehow find Ruby Rose in her Batwoman costume very very sexy 😄

  18. 11 hours ago, Avabelle said:

    I can’t remember the Cadmus stuff at all but did something happen with Dean Cain? I feel like he was meant to have a bigger plot then he ended up having and now they killed him off screen.. 

    He was caught in explosion with Cyborg Superman, as far as I remember back at the Cadmus Labs, and no one has heard from them ever again.

  19. On 5/11/2020 at 9:20 PM, Trini said:

    I'm not too fond of the idea of Alex becoming a masked vigilante; but it seems they'll have to do it since the DEO is being phased out.

    Why MUST she be masked vigilante? Doesn't Jonn have a detective agency? I mean, just rip off Angel and go solve alien crimes while detectiving.

  20. On 5/11/2020 at 9:19 AM, Lantern7 said:

    Director Skinner being an Earthbender.

    * Assistant Director Skinner. Now, that's a real X-File for ya'. For n years still in the same position. Tisk tisk tisk.

  21. Hmm... someone should have told the writers they mixed-up the characters dialogues in the beginning: Alex should have been the one, who bashes Lena about being evil and Kara should have been the one, who: "no, no, you do not have any proof". Now, they changed places.

    Hooray, finally... DEO got destroyed (what, you all thought I was gonna talk about Lena and Kara at the end? Pff...) after being useless since... IDK, S2 or something. Rama Khan should have poured some salt on that place as well, just to be sure that they do not sprout any more DEO.

    Brainy... for being a 12 level intellect... is a moron. I mean, I knew he was a moron ever since he showed up and the script did not allow him to be intelligent (only when special occasions required him), but damn... I mean... jesus christ man, you suck at your job, you gullible idiotic bastard.

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