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Everything posted by Stringey

  1. So in this last episode Kai reminded me of Manson some more with the way he sucked Meadow back in by seducing her.
  2. Thanks for posting this so we can see the difference. There really is no gore but definitely terror that must have been very very similar in last Vegas. Actually let me correct that The last Vegas situation must have been 100 times this terror. This was a pretty small group.
  3. I enjoyed this episode but i was a little confused and disappointed over the preview for next weeks episode. Wtf is going on in that preview who was the lady in black hair?
  4. I can handle it. Although it was very creepy especially because it was filmed from the pov of the victim. Like we were seeing it through his eyes as they each put that nail gun to his head. I just am thankful they did not shoot him in the eyes I think I would have been screaming. That is my pet peev in horror. Also did anyone else notice that when winter shot him she had tears on her face.
  5. This season might be the scariest because if anything it is probably the most realistic. Realistic with a stretch maybe. There is weirdness going on but nothing supernatural or funhouse like.. We had things like the second season where it was based in a real story because there were asylums like that which had to be shut down. But that real life terror is from a while ago this story with the election is recent. And the whole clown scare that was happening recently is recent. So you got a good recipe for real life horror. Take people's anxieties about the whole political thing and up it a few degrees where people take things to an extreme. On both sides. Take the clown sightings and make them not just creepy but downright dangerous and murderous.
  6. I definitely got the feeling Beverly is up to an agenda after Kai told his story. She either has her own plan to manipulate Kai or at the least she definitely is not under the control of Kai like the others are. And completely off topic but I watched the first episode and I was right about something i was talking about a week ago. I had been talking about the weird atmosphere of the grocery store right before the clowns appeared and the shot of the meat behind the glass. I was pretty sure I saw piggy snout in there and i was right. Also it was brain head clown and green hair clown going at it. Harrison and detective Samuels.
  7. I was thinking the same kind of thing about Kai. I figured he was giving the orders for the murders and planning them but was not one under the masks. I am actually glad he is participating it makes him even sicker.
  8. This is random but does anyone else like it when the announcer introduces the show right at the the beginning and gives the rating. I don't know it sounds creepy and ominous. I have been watching the show on DVD(which does not have the announcer) except for this season and last and just like the creepy announcing.
  9. The only thing that bothered me about the nails is I was so worried they were going to shoot him in the eyes as I was watching it. Ugggggggh. So glad I did not see that happen.
  10. Yaaay we know who is who. Okay so then it was detective Samuels and I forget who was he screwing in the grocery store?. I need to rewatch episode one.
  11. Ha ha earlier I was thinking back to episode one when he was called the guy that lives in his parents basement. And it is indeed literally true!!! Even though he has the house all to himself he apparently likes his followers to meet him in his basement as if he still is living in there. I took his parents story as face value after I heard it but now since others have questioned the validity I wonder too. The flashback gives you the idea he is not a psychopath but who is to say he was not he just acted normal in that scene. And yes that scene could be a lie to the audience to what really happened to his parents. We shall have to wait and see. But either he was really sad regarding that story(which can make one think it's true) or Kai was acting and Kai is great at putting on an act. I love how when he is trying drag people in he talks all respectful and has his wild hair up in the man bun. But when he has people where he wants them he is totally himself with the crazy hair and cruel way he speaks to even his followers. Oh I noticed something interesting also in last night's episode. Those that are familiar with the story of Charles Manson and some of the details will recognize what I am talking about. If I remember right Charles Manson favored a follower nicknamed Sadie. Well here in this show Kai favors Beverly kind of in the same way. Maybe not sexually like Manson did Sadie but it's clear Kai thinks Beverly is more worthy. Even the way Kai spoke to her in one scene reminded me of Manson speaking to Sadie in one of the movies about him.
  12. Wow with this episode. So many thoughts it would take too long. First of all I know ally and her antics are annoying but I feel so bad for what ivy and the cult has done to her. She has lost her wife and it seems like ivy is trying to make it so she definitely loses her son. We will have to see whether or not they're going to eventually want to recruit her. If this happens and they are unsuccessful in getting her to join I suspect they will kill her. Was so excited to see those behind the masks are all our key players. I honestly might have thought they were followers but not our main players. Was even surprised to see Kai participate because i thought he was smart enough not to get his hands dirty. Manson I believe most of the time did not participate. I am so glad we got to see it's actually key players behind the masks. Love that Kai is under the creepy multi faced one. Glad also we found out his real backstory and I hope we see him visit his parents room again. Wow that is so creepy.
  13. There is something creepy at the thought of another plane of existence and finding yourself being trapped there. A world that is parallel to our own and almost the same as our own with slight differences. A Alice and Wonderland type place where everything seems off. Clones of people that look and act similar but are really zombie versions of those people. Physics and science do not apply in these lands and eggs can just reappear again in a refrigerator and cyclists can appear again. After watching this episode I started imagining what it would be like to be trapped somewhere like that and all the weird possibilities. If I opened my closet would it just be a closet or would there be no floor just a endless drop into darkness like the pool was an endless abyss going down. Would my dog be exactly the same or would he have a third eye on his belly. Anyway I liken the idea that we might see more and more abnormalities in this parallel world these people are in. Things that have changed and don't make sense.
  14. I believe backpack guy lost his real wife in the no end house some time in the past. He went back in to enter the fake world to find her. He was aware the first image of his wife or girlfriend was not real because she was wearing a shirt that was really back in a closeted. But he was so sure the second image of her in that house was real even after she insisted she did not know him. Why did he think that one was real especially after she insisted she did not know him. Either the clones in the other world can regenerate themselves or its possible to have more than one.
  15. Hey so is that why when the not -dad are the omelette he said it tasted like nothing. Is it because that is not food for him and real food for him is devouring memories manifested in images? At first in that scene at breakfast I thought it was tasteless simply because the food was not real however if that had been the case then Margot would not have tasted anything. So apparently in the whole not-world the pretend food has taste. I swear this whole alternate universe these people are trapped in reminds me of elements from different fairytales. Even though it's not really the same I am still reminded of Alice and Wonderland for some reason. Also am reminded of something I heard once of the idea of there being more than one universe and other versions of ourselves.
  16. I thought it looked look the juicy cherries in a cherry pie. And that thought does not turn me off of cherry pie.
  17. I thought that split second shot in the grocery store of the meat behind the glass counter was awesome because I don't know it just adds to the frenzy of the situation. I guess I will have to watch again and pause fast to get a better look at what it is I am seeing. The fact that the image is just for a second makes it creepier. Where are you from? That question is not meant to sound sarcastic I am genuinely curious where it's common to see these.
  18. I purposely called it piggy feet because I like the way it sounds. Also reminds me of the pig man we have seen in murder house. And I think also in Roanoke. I think was more curious if anyone knew about eating piggy snout I guess in was already aware of the feet. I would try both. Me thinks though the piggy snout would be heavy on the gristle side and quite chewy!!!!
  19. Oh i was aware of different cultures outside of America eating things like this. I was curious to know if in America if some people eat certain things in some regions. I have heard of eating piggy feet as a matter of fact my step mom grew up on a farm in Wisconsin and i think she said they would have pickled piggy feet on a certain day. Not sure if I actually have heard of people in america eating the snout. Not positive but i thought I might have seen piggy snout behind the glass case in that grocery store scene when they showed the meat for one second. Guess i could look at that scene again.
  20. Yep he is a sadist that way. This is going a little off topic but I love how it seems Evan is channeling the personality a little of Charles Manson. That non blinking wide eyed look reeks of Manson and he has the evil God complex of Manson. However what I also like is the background we know of kai character when he spoke of it this last episode. Very high intelligence and apparently from a very privileged back ground and went to Yale. The opposite of Manson who claimed to come from dysfunction with a horrible mom. The fact that Kai came from such privilege and is crazy as a loon makes it more creepy I think. Well Kai is crazy in the sense I guess of being a charming sociopath. Hey it was real quick but do you remember the quick shot in the grocery store of the meat?? It was very quick and I am sure intentionally meant to add to the disturbing mood along with the quick little buzzing sound we hear. Did I see piggy snout among that meat behind the glass? Never seen or noticed it in any grocery store I have been to but I think some people do it eat as a delicacy. Anyway I thought I saw something strange behind the glass case either piggy snout or piggy feet. I saw something on tv in bizarre foods where they were eating the feet and I believe I also heard somewhere that the nose is eaten sometimes.
  21. Hey i got confused a little with the Seth storyline. He is the one with the very dark almost black hair right? Last night i was watching on a smaller tv several feet away so did not see as much detail as a nice large tv. I saw him walk passed what looked like people locked behind bars but could not tell who they were and cannot remember what they are saying. Were they characters we were already introduced to or new people? Anyone remember what they were saying to him? His storyline was confusing and as of yet not sure what Jules is although we saw that image of her in the tub wonder if it was a suicide attempt. And yes also curious who that woman was. It's like the dad was dragging the memory out of her head of her mom and then consuming and erasing it? If that was her mom. Anyway the dad consuming the image of that woman makes me think this is definitely not her dad or is a dark demented version of her dad.
  22. Ivy brought in winter on purpose !!! When they decided they needed a nanny ivy secretly met up with her and at some point the subject of needing a nanny came up. And at some point it was decided winter should take that position after winter discussed her knew friend ivy to Kai. Obviously ivy knows there is something special going and needs to keep the connection a secret because she has not revealed her friendship with winter and pretends they all just met when winter came in for the job. Not sure yet how much ivy all knows about the cult but damn I was surprised when she helped kidnap the man. Obviously there is more to ivy than what we thought she has a darkness about her. I wonder what the whole plan is with ally if ivy is aware of the cult and becoming seduced she would want to indoctrinate ally. Driving her almost crazy must be part of the plan for getting her to join. Kai is already trying to get into her head. Anyway this all is what I believe is going on. This episode was my favorite so far!!!!!! And how about that creepy music that played in the moments Kai was talking intensely to people and you could tell he was getting into their heads!!!!
  23. Ha ha I believe the psychiatrist placed that add just like he advised the cult members to kill the couple with the coffins. He waited for just the right moment for this execution when the woman felt cured of that phobia. That scene was so psychologically creepy. Just imagine what went through the woman's mind when she goes upstairs and sees the coffins. Knowing the way she was about to die. The psychiatrist is a sociopath.
  24. So glad to hear people like this show like me. Over at mc chat they are all a bunch of Negative Nancy's and complain that they don't like it and bringing in the politics. I have liked every season and some people complain over there saying how they stopped watching after whatever season.
  25. I found them being put into coffins very creepy given the nature and cure of the woman's phobia. Actually at first for some reason I thought the husband was going to wind up being evil and show her a coffin. He said he had a surprise for her. Anyway that psychiatrist is so evil doing that. I know he is behind all this stuff.
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