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Everything posted by Stringey

  1. Lol well i guess i learned how to bake a chicken from this episode. 375 degrees at 40 minutes i think chick said?? I usually just go to kfc and get a 5 dollar meal.
  2. Let's not forget the Freddie used the little nervous stammer in that scene too that Perkins used in the movie. It's real subtle. The sheriff in the show I think is adopting a few of the subtle little ways of speaking that the sheriff had in the movie. The way she was asking questions.
  3. Mother is starting to get meaner and creepier in some way. You know the scene when he was talking to Madeline sitting on the staircase. Well when he hung up the phone I swear that when he turned his head(we saw like a pov of someone looking through the bars on the balcony) we were going to see Mother looking at him and that she had heard the whole conversation. For some reason that would have made me jump and I don't know why since there have been so many creepy things that never make me jump. I can't quite figure out why that would have startled me. Another thing too at first I thought in the woods for just a second he had literally taken the corpse of Norma with him. Well not right away but after they had been there a few minutes. It was the point right after Norman was smothering mother and then sees what appears to be the corpse of Norma. Well in that second I really did think he had taken that Norma corpse on a little field trip on probably a safe cold night. But when it moved immediately I thought nope the corpse image is just part of the hallucination of him smothering norma. Then again.......... how do we know for sure that the corpse of Norma was not in the woods with him since we are seeing it all from Norman's distorted pov
  4. They never made it clear regarding the situation between caleb and Norma. Ingot the impression that the kids developed abnormal mutual attraction between them similar to a boyfriend and girlfriend because they were kind of isolated and maybe suffered physical abuse. They relied on each other. Now in am not saying that is how things usually work. I don't believe that the majority of children will have incest feelings for each other in those situations but in this case they developed those feelings. They never specified at what age caleb began raping her. They never specified whether caleb just forced her from the beginning or if the physical stuff was kind of mutual until a point where Norma said she wanted it to end. And then at that point caleb started forcing himself on her which is obviously rape.
  5. Hey am I wrong or in one of the show trailers did it show Norman trying to stab mother. Well in reality stabbing air lol. I swear in one of the trailers Norman was stabbing first the image of Mother then the empty air that was really there. Anyway my point of bringing this up is connected to Madeline and the possible death of her. I think if mother kills Madeline it might be connected to that image in the trailer of Norman trying to stab mother. I think if mother kills Madeline this will set him temporarily over the edge in terms of how he feels about mother. I say temporarily because you know mother will always rub his head and be like oh norman it had to be this way and Norman will eventually agree. In some trailer also we saw Norman drenched in blood with it all over his face. Wonder what murder that was connected to and if it was possibly connected to the murder of madeline
  6. Can anyone explain why caleb hallucinated norma when norman/mother came down to the basement in that one scene?? Caleb did not hit his own head against that post hard enough to cause him to feel goofy. And not sure but I dont believe caleb was locked down their long enough to get delirious. I have heard of grief making people delirious but that is a stretch.
  7. Was Norman in the movies ever in jail? I cannot remember I thought he spent all his time between psycho and psycho 2 in a mental hospital.
  8. I won't go off into silly land but there was a whole thread back in imdb.com right after season 4 ended devoted to chick and the chicken enchilada casserole lol. Things such as the chicken enchilada casserole had his beard hair in it lol.
  9. I don't believe we will see Norman willingly kill someone as his own persona. And if it came down to it and he had to it would cause great remorse. Norman is just not made for murder but "mother" can and will kill when needed. I was about to say also that in the movies Norman as himself never murdered but there was one exception. When he killed Mrs. Pool.
  10. I just decided to glance through the season 4 and noticed this last post about the serial killer ed gein. Anyway my step mom was from the town ed gein was from and apparently she said a aunt was almost a victim of gein. See he apparently had a list of would be victims and apparently my stepmoms aunt's name was on the list. Creepy.
  11. Well Norman is lean but I would not say scrawny anymore. If you mean he is scrawny compared to some muscle bound guy then I see what you mean.
  12. I thought a very good shot was right after Norman dressed as "mother" has talked to captive caleb at the very beginning. It was when they showed norman/"mother" ascending up the stairs. The act of him walking up the stairs was simple and unimportant but it was a creepy great image. Seeing him from the back ascending the stairs in that creepy basement he reminded me of "Mother" from the movie in those clothes and in that moment. Please I hope we see more of Norman dressed as "mother" when he flips to that personality. Oh and btw it was also creepy the whole thing with caleb watching "mother" sitting in the rocking chair. At first the face is bleary then it clears and we see it's clearly Norman. I need to watch this again because in am still confused as to why caleb is hallucinating Normas face. I am guessing he has a concussion from being locked in that basement and also the fact he has banged his own head up. Caleb is clearly getting brain fog because he believed he was really talking to Norma at one point. This was the scene where he thinks he is talking to Norma and thinks he is holding normas hands even after seeing the evidence of Normas corpse in the freezer. And when I talk about things from calebs point of view I say Norma because from his pov I believe he is seeing an accurate although imaginary version of her personality. Unlike Norman whose projection of her is distorted
  13. Hey you know what would have been a cool idea if they had not gone the chick route. Remember the strange girl that played the organ at the funeral and was the daughter of the mortician? I could have seen her at playing the role and character that we are seeing played out by the character chick this. An interest in taxidermy and true crime leading her to try and benefit from the bad situation Norman and everyone is in.
  14. Yep I thought the character was one of those weirdo seeming kind of types on the outside but in reality a decent person. I got that vibe from the end of the season 4 finale scene and from the first two episodes of this season. Nope he is a creep outside and inside too lol.
  15. I agree chick is a creep. Saying he is selfishness is an understatement. He is simply out for himself to get evidence and info for a book and it does not matter if people have to die so he can get evidence he needs. At the beginning of last night's episode I thought he was going to play along with Norman to save his own life and be smart so he would be able to go get help. That was sure not the reason though.
  16. Best episode yet. My favorite scene was the part at the beginning when Norman in his "mother"persona is talking to caleb dressed as "mother". I was waiting for that and I hope we get more of Norman dressed as her when he flips identities. And I refer to his Norma persona as "mother" because this is a different Norma than the one we knew obviously. Her personality is obviously not the same I mean.
  17. Poor twisty his backstory is sad. I am not sure though how he was surviving with that massive open wound on his face.
  18. I have not read any of the season four forum because in am only into the fourth episode. But wow it was pretty sad what happened to twisty and his backstory. Could someone explain though how all this time he has been going around with part of his face torn off and is still alive. Would have had massive massive infections with that thing even if he kept it covered with the mouth piece.
  19. Nope I guess I just have a look that makes people think of familiar things they have seen in the past. I occasionally get second glances when I go to the mall.
  20. Just noticed this post. I loved 3 and 4. I loved three because we got to see up and close the relationship to that corpse and it was creepy. I like 4 because it offered us the background but I don't see how he was able to be released from the mental hospital after all the more people he killed. The thing is I imagine Norman from Bates motel having a fate similar to norman in psycho 4 but without the fear and intent to kill his soon to be baby. For some reason if Norman were cured and given a new life with a wife and child I see it turning out positive. I do picture him having a daughter that he names Norma who resembles his mother at some point. And I picture them being very close but without any of the creepy borderline incest that he had with his mother and the relationship would be healthy. For some reason I guess I picture him getting to start over like in Psycho 4 but like I said without the negative part. We do know that it's highly unlikely though that Norman from Bates motel will get a second chance.
  21. Lo I know we have seen Norman in sexual situations before but is it just me or was the masturbating thing weird even for him. It's not unexpected but just weird I started laughing. The remake of Psycho had Norman masturbating while he was watching Marion. This scene reminded me of that.
  22. Wow the preview for the next episodes got me intrigued. I wil need to look at this again but I think we saw things in that preview from Norman's delusional point of view. I swear I saw in the preview caleb hugging what appeared to be a real life Norma and smiling. If I saw that right it was obviously from Norman's delusional mind. And from the preview Norman does not kill chick at least not yet. I think chick is going along for the ride it appeared he was at the table with Norman. And we know that chick needs the income from his offer to work with Norman with the taxidermy thing. Also totally off topic hi but on demand the last several days it appeared that episode one disappeared from the listing but it was on there at first strange. However right now when I go on demand I see both episodes listed. Oh and forgot to mention I enjoyed the episode especially the later half. Yep drinking age in California is also 21.
  23. . Imagine the horror if Emma discovers Norma in the basement. Followed by Norman dressed as Mother entering at that moment. If executed the right way this could be chilling. Yes by that time time both Emma and Dylan know she is dead but Emma finding that corpse in the freezer plus seeing her friend dressed as a demented Norma would be a great scene. She obviously would not scream in the way she did in the movie that would be cheesy. But an appropriate horrified reaction.
  24. It's funny i have been assuming what we see has been reality(all his interactions with people) other than of course the scenes with mother. We do know that kitchen is not really spic and span and he is not eating home cooked meals. In am not sure why they did not go the route of Norman preparing meals while he is under the influence of the Mother personality. What about the scene in the previews where he is dressed as her and at the stove? Seems like that would be the time when the meals could be prepared.
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