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Everything posted by Stringey

  1. So why did they kill Gary? Did they draw straws as to who was going to volunteer their dead body for their message.
  2. So I watched that scene again and saw clearly it was mace. I had turned my head before and did not see what he was drenched with.
  3. Holy crap so Kai is not just a sociopath the guy is literally crazy with hallucinations. I liked how his reaction and cries after killing his sister sounded just like when he cried after talking to Beverly about what happened to his parents. I liked that they showed an emotional reaction and not just a cold face after killing winter. He is willing out of betrayal(or in this case what he believes is betrayal) to kill someone he even feels for even if it's painful. Or could it be the case that the tears were simply a reaction of thinking he was betrayed and not because he had killed her? I loved the Charles Manson. After they were donewith the Manson murder story i was concerned they deleted showing him as Manson because i thought we would see it at that time. Was pleasantly surprised that we saw him pop up as kais hallucination. Hey did anyone laugh crazy when kai was sprayed in the face at the rally???? Ok that was urine right? It was his reaction that was so darn funny. The act of him being sprayed was not the funny part it was this evil cult leader squealing.
  4. It's going to be so cool and creepy if ally convinces winter to kill herself like it someone kind of hinted at and the preview showed. It's not that I want winter to die I like the character it's just you know the body count can only grow. Ally hates winter obviously.
  5. The whole concept of the devil and Satanism is scary. I like the idea of a bunch of high profile and important people being Satanists. These would be people who have done a lot of important and good things in society and yet are secretly banded together in their common goal to promote and worship Satan.
  6. I noticed also when the meat heads were carrying oz up the stairs the kid seemed to be really freaking out. More so than just kids who know they are getting a time out. It was if he knew he might get locked up or something. I guess whatever he went through was not too bad because the last scene showed him looking happy when he hugged both ally and Kai. During that hug scene i was thinking to myself shouldn't this kid be kind of creeped out by this guy? He did not look to be.
  7. Awww maybe ozzy and ally get away after everyone else is killed. Ally and the audience believe kai to be dead too and the last scene is a few years into the future with Kai taking his place in the Senate.
  8. Manwich is okay but I think I prefer the kind you get in the seasoning packets. I love to put onions in the meat too. So who in that ahs cast either loves or hates sloppy Joes?? In am sure they decide to put small things in for a reason.
  9. It seems as if it is. Also in asylum wasn't there was a guy that was possessed as well? But yeah every season had at least one instance of supernatural.
  10. He acted the same way when ally was fooling him into believing he is really the father of oz. He said something like I am so awesome. At least the tear rolling down his face balanced that out a little to take him more seriously in that scene. They are clearly illustrating to us that he simultaneously is very smart and manipulative and able to get people to listen while at the same time he can be childish and react unbelievably silly when someone counters him. When he was stomping on oz's phone I was thinking..... are you serious your ape boys are going to think you are being a baby. The guy is clearly unstable. He may be a sociopath but I think also might be out of touch with reality.
  11. Ahh I would not be surprised if this happens and if ally is the one that does it. I think that Kai may have love for his sister but if ally is the one that kills her he won't hurt her because he believes that is the mother of his son and maybe he loves her too. In the preview for the next episode we see kai screaming in reaction to something however now that I think about it his hair is brown if I remember right.. Which likely means it's a flashback and not something current. But yes I see winter ending up on the family bed. Soon Kai is going to have to open up another room to dump those bodies.
  12. I am not a watcher of Lucifer but I think I saw the first episode. Yes he has evil powers but he is not portrayed as scary or evil in the way I am thinking. I mean okay yes by definition the character of Lucifer in that show is evil but he is not scary to watch.
  13. The version in am talking about would not be funny and light hearted like the show Lucifer. The version of Satan I am talking about would look beautiful and human but would be down right dangerous and scary. He would not be cutesy like Lucifer in that show.
  14. Ok I got an idea. Like most seasons this idea would deal with present time and past time. I like the idea of a real literal Satan on earth in charming human form. Now whether someone believes in God and Satan or not we can all agree it is at least a story in a book at the least. I have always been fascinated with the idea of why God threw Satan out of heaven or whatever place it was. I mean always wondered why the only reason you get is that he rebelled. A possible depictions and interpretation of this could be shown but it would have to be done in just the right way. And not sure exactly how they could go about it. For example the concept of God should not be shown visually in anyway but just as a voice speaking Latin. Satan and the other angels should obviously not be shown cheesy looking with wings but maybe more like very beautiful human creatures but a little transparent seeming because they are not human. Not sure either about how they would depict clothes. Not sure either how they would depict the concept of heaven but obviously don't make it cheesy maybe it's just like everything is in a complete fog. These would all be things that would have to be handled right to not look stupid. We could see a physical depiction of Satan's experience of being banished from that land and the anguish of moving into a hellish land and his physical form transforming into something ugly and monstrous. The main story would be in present time with Satan on earth looking like he did as an angel but human. Not sure what is role could be on earth. The idea of Satan in human form on earth as a powerful politician while obvious and ideal is too similar to this season with the character of kai into politics.
  15. I think maybe the only thing that would keep kai from being able to kill ally if she does something wrong is the fact he believes ozzy is his son. Maybe they will go the route that the only thing that is his Achilles hill is family. Now that he believes ally is the mother of his kid and he is ozzys dad ally has the upper hand. I wonder if ally will kill winter. In the upcoming preview it looked like Kaiwas reacting to something with the screaming. The thing is I don't think even killing winter will make Kai go after ally now since he believes her and ozzy belonging to him. Of course not sure about any of this it's just an idea.
  16. Despite the fact ivy was so evil I could not help being creeped out by the scene of her dying and her knowing her son will think she just ran away and nothing she can do about it. Basically imagine feeling both physical anguish and emotional anguish simultaneously to the biggest degree.
  17. So hey I just saw the title for the next episode. Are we going to see a Manson flashback.
  18. Oh wow I get now why they made the character of ally so weak it was so she could be reborn. When she started dipping that pasta on to the plate and was talking i could feel the anxiety in my stomach rising. Bravo for the tension. That scene of ivy dying which most agree was deserving could have been cheesy but was creepy as fuck. So now I guess ally is going to tell Ozzie that ivy just left them. This season and especially this episode has been I want to say the most realistically scary I guess. Evan Peters role this season has played out the best and scariest. His angry face when he moved up close to oz because oz contradicted him was very believable. I read above that arsenic will not kill you fast like ivy died. If that's true I had no idea. Her physical reaction though as she was dying was good and creepy though. Also your just imagining all that's going through her head as she is gagging blood.
  19. I usually have potato chips with it. A salad tastes good with it too. And you probably will think I am insane but I have never ate a tater tot in my life. I guess French fries and hash browns are what I like. Hey and here is what is great about sloppy Joe meat when you have some left over. You can use the left over meat to either make more Joes the next day or you got taco or burrito meat. Ok now it's 11 pm and I am hungry. Hey is it weird that this episode would have still had me wanting a sloppy Joe even if it had turned out the sloppy Joe they were eating had been Vincent meat??
  20. I would have laughed myself to the point of choking if we had seen a manwhich commercial this episode given it was mentioned.
  21. We don't really know what his goal is with this whole thing. Here is a possibility. I think it's simply that he is a sadist. He has got control right now of this little group of people although for how long. I honestly believe he enjoys killing for killing and enjoys getting people to kill. He has made it to city council and I don't know how but appears to be able to manipulate some of the other members. The thing about getting that other guy to agree with him real fast about the extra protection seemed a little forced and unrealistic. He is clearly delusional if he thinks he is going to rise politically with his insane mind. He won't be able to manipulate the masses like he can a small little group of people he intimately knows. If this season had some supernatural stuff to it and kai was something like the anti Christ I could buy him continually rising and gaining control over people but that is clearly not the case here.
  22. I don't know if I think he is asexual but maybe he is such a sociopath and or emotionally damaged he has no attachment or love for anyone. Basically incapable of feeling love or being in love with a person in terms of caring about them. However even those people still get off on something whatever that is. They want the sex simply just for the sex like an animal. They also use sex as a tool to manipulate people. They only care about their own interests and use people to meet their own goals. Hopefully what I described is a small population of people.
  23. Oh yeah I was thinking it was for that. I was diagnosed with add in the past and took something called dexedrine for a while. So I cannot figure out if kai is bisexual and banged Samuel to manipulate him and control him or is completely heterosexual and still willing to bang Samuel to have control of him. I know he told(i just blanked out on his name) meadows fake husband at the gym he liked girls only but we know he lies.
  24. I would love one about history. Would love one story to be about the Donner Party. Flashbacks to a a couple of children who had to survive by eating the rest of their family and they are rescued. Then in modern time the story would be about a person related to this family having cannibalistic urges and visions.
  25. I think his marsh character would have been better without the accent. I get what they were going for I just think he would have been creepier in that role if he talked slower.
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