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Everything posted by Stringey

  1. I was watching the marathon today and noticed something funny. They were on the roof and people going by on the sky ride were watching them lol. I know this is not anything unusual it's just seeing the people's heads turned in their direction as they went by cracked me up.
  2. I agree it's weird people on the show talking as if he was chubby before on the original show. Maybe they are referencing sometime after the show where he possibly gained weight?? Just a possibility
  3. I enjoyed this season but agree in the back of my mind I was thinking that most of his original followers would not be the type of people who should have been taken in by him. In reality his followers would have been teenage or early twenties girls who came from abuse. And or males of the same age that were complete sociopaths who have killed before. But even though his original followers may not have been completely realistic I preferred them over the change to the Nazi type army. I can actually see him creating a group of storm troopers but I think he should have gathered new people as the original followers were killed off and kept the army thing separate.. A great idea actually would have been that the new followers were exactly the kind of people I just described a moment ago as the realistic type followers.
  4. So I mentioned we need a season that is connected with Satanism and the devil. Well I was watching something on the history channel about Satanism and they were talking about a secret society from the 18th century I believe called the hell fire club. This was a organization that had its activities literally underground in caves and dungeons. These people were often the elite that were rumored to worship satan and they supposedly had orgies. There were rumors of sacrifices. The fact that the people in this secret society were the elite makes it creepier. Who knows for sure though if they really were satanic or just into kinky sex and extreme drinking but the basis makes for a good story of being connected to Satanism. I would love a season about Satanism taking place in present day but with connections to this group from long ago.
  5. I really enjoyed this season but admit was annoyed when he went from just being a crazy psychopath to it being about women hating and his army. He just sliced through all his original followers mostly and all that was important was the dumb army and they were just annoying. I liked his character when he was just crazy only as much as you can like a psychopath character but hated the character after it was revealed he was just a women hating idiot. Even though I liked how the finale concluded i hated the whole prison thing and how he had so much power in prison.
  6. In the interview posted in that link Sara Paulson would not give us her interpretation of the ending scene now why is that ??? I wonder if a possibility could be a connection to the theme of next season maybe.
  7. Ally was undercover and helping the feds. Kai and his beavis and butthead army got busted. Thanks
  8. Exactly. They did a good job of making the last scene ambiguous. The way she was talking to oz about how she was meeting up with some powerful women and how she wanted oz to be a better man than the ones before him. It was really positive on one hand but given all of what this season has been about i felt sinister undertones like she was hiding something from him. I re watched the finale and played very close attention to the last scene of ally in front of the mirror. If I am remembering right her face was very solemn with no expression . I don't want to say she looked sad but there was no twinkle in her eye like you think she would have with being newly elected as senator with the world at her feet. Well maybe sad is the wrong word more solemn and serious. And it was the final thing with the hood that got my mind thinking she would be another Kai but again after reading the article I doubt that. I think one thing we learned from this season is that any cause and political group can become cultish and dangerous and scary when taken to extremes. Even good causes I think ally with her political power is going to make a big difference for women but to what extremes will she go to. We did get a little taste of her crazy with some of the unnecessary killings like ivy and speed wagon. Omg the friendly open smile before the stab in the chest.
  9. Actually after reading the article in the link i have a different interpretation of the ending. They said it's meant to be ambiguous. I don't know anymore if I really think she is going to go out killing people. I think there will be something strange about what she does though and a little dark but not necessarily killing people. I think she will be leading some kind of group.
  10. Sometimes I kind of like vagueness cryptic endings. If you have not already read the article in the link above.
  11. After reading this article I am doubting more that ally is necessarily in a violent cult. I think maybe she has power now and might abuse it in some way but I don't think necessarily the ending has to mean something dark as in her having a cult that goes out and kills men. I believe she is involved with a group of people that are going to be extreme and cultish but not like kai. I wish Sara Paulson would have told us her interpretation
  12. Yes my first reaction when I saw ally put on that green hood was kind of ambiguous. I think it leaves it up too the imagination. She was telling oz she was going to meet up with a group of women and do political stuff to make things better or something. I don't remember her words but it comes to something like that. She also said something about wanting men to be better and wants oz to be a better man than the ones before him(which tells me oz at his young age has already had to be told negative stuff about men now don't put that burden on him he is a kid) which at that point the hairs on the back of my neck were raising at the thought of her having her own agenda cult. And in the last scene when we see her putting on the green hood was sinister. Your first reaction to it all was that she was leading a new cult from her discussion with oz and the green hood. But then I also wondered if maybe the talk and the hood were just innocent and her group was only what she told oz. Just a political group of women and nothing more sinister than that. The hood was a little strange but maybe it just symbolized her being inspired by bebe in some ways(who was a strong woman)and not that she was continuing SCUM. There was no proof either way I think it was just meant to be ambiguous. I am going to not give ally the benefit of the doubt and say she was starting her own cult. Her and bev and the black security guard are members for sure.
  13. This just means she is no better than kai
  14. Yeah lol. I mean lol at the thought of her gloating on ivy
  15. So here is my idea for a fantasy ending. Kai is in jail but requests to see ally and his "son". Well she shows up of course without oz. Since she is not in jail we assume she did not get caught and no proof of her being involved in any murders. Anyway she drops the bomb that oz is not really kais son and also that he killed baby sis for nothing. The last scene would be some kind of shot of ozzy and ally in their home doing something and happy together accompanied by happy music. Happy but not cheesy or hokey. The happy music continues down a the dark night prison hallway to kais cell. We see inside his cell he has managed to find something to gash his throat wide open and he lies dead. The implication being of course that he could not live with killing winter that he falsely accused.
  16. Oh for real???? So surprised she would give that evil woman a proper burial and visit her. I guess maybe for oz. There was probably a story concocted for oz and he would probably never know the evil nature of that mom. Then again........ he won't probably ever discover the evil nature of ally either.
  17. Ahh maybe you are right. For some reason I believed her when she told winter she would never leave and was his biggest follower. But yeah she does act completely afraid all the time so i think she might have been playing if she thought she was being set up. You know in the finale preview for a split second you see ally in front of a gravestone but cannot read the writing. I wonder if maybe that tombstone belongs to Beverly. I cannot think of one other person ally might care about that will die. I think right now Beverly is the most sympathetic cult member.
  18. I don't know about anybody else but I would have preferred bebes backstory to be different. It does not change my enjoyment of this season but it would have been cool if they never had any of the whole Valerie Solano stuff and instead made bebe as having been a former Manson family follower. Maybe she could have joined up with them at some point but after the killings and still after all those years still believed in mansons philosophy. The whole Valerie solanoss thing was annoying to me.
  19. Maybe not an indicator of talent but it still surprises me when people can work themselves up like that.
  20. Well the acting from evan peters was really good during the scene when he killed winter he was really crying. At one point you see a drop of water fall from his nose(and probably land on her face lol) and that happens either when you are crying or have a cold.
  21. I am curious to find out whose tombstone ally was at in the upcoming preview. Maybe something happens to Beverly.
  22. Wait I thought she was being true about wanting to send Beverly off. They never gave any indication she was lying. Beverly being a die hard Kai fan ratted on winter about the ticket I thought.
  23. Who is now wearing ivys costume. I saw the costume during the Gary murder scene.
  24. This is what I have heard regarding that. I think there had been a party going on with people in and out of the house so this would make it easy for the killers. I think also some people were asleep or passed out drunk. When Abigail waved to Sadie she assumed Sadie was one of the guests. When I first heard that story about waving I thought it was creepy. Abigail waving hi and then Sadie responding with a wave thinking oh yeah you are so in for a surprise in a moment.
  25. Here is one of my fantasy ideas. When kai is in a vulnerable moment I want ally to look him straight in the face and tell him oh by the way you killed baby sis for nothing she was not the one trying to bring you down.
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