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Everything posted by readheaded

  1. As a child he was probably covered by his parents' job coverage. Then, when he was an adult before the Affordable Care Act was enacted in 2010, he probably couldn't get coverage because of his dwarfism, a pre-existing condition. Now, however, he can.
  2. I'm well aware of that, thanks. My son did graduate from college, which he chose based on the fact that he would graduate without debt. His home was more than the loft space on the show and he didn't need a roommate. We did not contribute to the purchase.
  3. This was my impression, too. I might come at this from a different angle because my young adult son recently moved out into a home he purchased on his own, without needing his father and I to do anything but give some general advice. He didn't get everything on his home wish list because he bought what he could afford rather than asking us to buy something as an "investment" that he could "rent."
  4. Tori and Zach can buy health insurance via the Affordable Care Act on their state's exchange. The law prohibits him and his children from being excluded based on their pre-existing conditions.
  5. I wouldn't want roommates, either. For me, the issue with the young house hunter wasn't whether she had roommates or not, it was that she had lots of preferences/demands but wasn't truly able to afford much of anything without her parents propping her up.
  6. Amy wouldn't be responsible for any amount Matt decided, as adult, to drink.
  7. It would probably help if she had gone to college with a career in mind. It sucks that kids now have to largely decide what career they want to pursue early in college, but as I told my kids, pick something that has career prospects, go to a school that will require the least amount or no debt, graduate, and do that while you figure out if there's some other thing you might want to do. Whatever the case, be prepared to support yourself while you "find yourself." We did and do allow our college grads to live at home after school, but only if they're working and saving money for a house or whatever.
  8. The young woman in the show tonight was driving me crazy and I was sorry to see her father caved and got the place downtown. She had a whole list of wants and seemingly little ability to pay for them. Her parents will be bankrolling her forever.
  9. Audrey posted on Instagram that Ember's dress was the same as one she wore as an infant, just in a bigger size.
  10. Probably because when he goes to school, everyone's average sized and he doesn't realize yet that he isn't, so when he's with the LP kids, they look like babies to him.
  11. Auj is pretty tone deaf considering that many people have to get 3 kids ready to leave for daycare every day, not just 1 day a week to go to church. I understand that church is important to some people, but unlike a job, unless you're the pastor, no one going to fire you if you don't show up or don't show up on time.
  12. I think there's a belief among some (not me) that Amy isn't lovable, so Chris must have ulterior motives and is pretending for personal gain.
  13. Zach learned his parenting at his own parents' knees. Let's not forget that Jacob was seriously injured on the farm and molested.
  14. We'll know what went on when they find a way to monetize it at a price they're happy with.
  15. Since Caryn's big on shit-talking other peoples' families, when does she talk about her own son's drug habits and arrests?
  16. Yes, Caryn, the side piece, is a paragon of virtue, lol. I can completely see Caryn making a comment about Zach not being able to handle the farm work because he's a dwarf who had at the time 2 dwarf children to take care of. That would tie in with Tori's claim that she'd never heard anyone talk to her husband in such a way. Caryn's been Matt's assistant on the farm and knows what work Matt's actually been physically able to do. Not to mention, Matt's been just fine talking about how lazy Zach is, so why would Caryn think it'd be out of line for her to point out that Zach's lazy AND perhaps not physically capable of doing the farm work? Lastly, cognitive dissonance is a very real thing.
  17. Agreed. I wonder, too, if Caryn's comments included something ableist about Zach's, and possibly his children's, dwarfism. That would also explain why they wouldn't want her around their children.
  18. I think Tori and Zach are morons, but don't fault them for having help if they can get it. When my boys were small, Halloween was always hectic and my parents came by to offer extra hands.
  19. Does Amber forget that when Ashley's there, she's technically on "vacation?" Lots of people sleep a lot on vacation. Amber's probably really also mad that Jonah and Ashley probably aren't just sleeping while they're in bed all day.
  20. I'm guessing it's a function of where Liz and her friends were (lots of young people drinking) and that none of the Roloffs, aside from Amy, are female and little.
  21. I thought it was rich when Emily said that Sumit needed to earn his own money. 😂
  22. I don't disagree, but doubt that Tori would understand the difference between them and the Kleins/Arnolds in expecting TLC to fund a European trip.
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