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Posts posted by jalady

  1. "I, I, I, me, me, me".  Can't she ever just ask the freaking question?  Wouldn't we assume it was something she cared about by virtue of the fact that she was doing the asking.  But TGIF and thanks for Ana!

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  2. HOW exactly does MeAgain come from a “mixed marriage”?  Military and civilian?  What.A.Maroon. 🙄

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  3. ^^^^

    Not sure if 66 year old Cindy would like being described as "elderly", LOL.  My 78 and 82 year old parents certainly don't like it!  But I can't blame her for not being ready to fly - to NYC especially - during this pandemic.  I saw a shot of her mother-in-law's burial at Arlington on one of the evening shows and there were people there (in cars, socially distanced), but I couldn't see if MM was in the crowd.  I hope some members of the family were able to be at the burial.

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  4. Politicians - on both sides of the aisle - never answer hypothetical questions.  That's SOP.  So Joe and Comma-la (hah!) are exactly right not to give an answer.  I don't know why none of the hosts made that point during the court packing discussion.  (And just watch nominee Coney Barrett use that excuse multiple times during her confirmation hearing, although she's not supposed to be a politician, RME).

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  5. I understand Joy's point, but if the debates are held Biden has to participate (although I won't be watching - fool me once as they say).  But I'd prefer if they just cancelled the next two debates.  Just more free air time for him to lie, bully and bluster.  Blech!  

    • Love 6
  6. Thank you Joy and Sunny for dismissing that twit Kacik.  She's asked a question about how the virus is affecting Black people and starts talking about Bill freaking Clinton.  I know all politicians do this but it annoys the hell out of me; answer the question asked, not the question you want to answer!!!  If this is the best the Republicans can do in that district, Kweisi will win in a landslide in November!

    • Love 18
  7. As much as I’ve followed this case (LOVE the Lifetime movies!), I didn’t realize she wasn’t convicted of first degree murder.  Come on!  She went over there to kill Dan and Linda, point blank period.  And to quote Chris Rock “I’m not saying I agree, but I understand “.  But I still would have voted for premeditated murder.


    • Love 14
  8. Goodbye and good riddance, Kevin!  Wasn't fond of him in his first season and he cemented my dislike this year.  Go Bryan!  I've been rooting for him since his first season and still think he was robbed when his brother got the win (I can't even watch reruns of that final episode because it makes me so mad to count who won each course before they give the win to Michael!)  And I've eaten at several of his restaurants AND met him and he's a great chef and a nice guy.  I took my goddaughter to Volt when she was in high school and he was in the kitchen.  I asked the waitress if she (my goddaughter) could get a picture with him and he invited us both into the kitchen to take a picture.  By the time we got back to her house she'd posted it on Facebook and her friends wanted to know "how did that happen??!!".  Her response was basically that her godmother was a nut and asked to take a picture with the chef, LOL.

    Melissa and Stephanie are fine.  I don't love them or hate them and they're clearly very talented chefs so I won't be upset if they win.  But - GO BRYAN!!!!

    • Love 22
  9. 13 minutes ago, teddysmom said:

    Can we assume you aren't hosting a tv show?

    For 3 hours a day she can try to pull it together. She doesn't have to get dolled up like a Kardashian, just put on something that doesn't look like she slept in it. 


    I am not! 🙂  I'm just saying sometimes it's easier said than done.  Which is why I don't join video meetings or happy hours most of the time.  I take all your points about her job and salary, but she may be doing the best she can under these very unusual circumstances.  And now I'm more depressed because I'm defending Meeks 😞

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  10. PJ does look like Dennis with a bow and that's unfortunate because he's not cute.  But you can't get mad about it Porsha because it only confirms: 1) that it's true and 2) that you agree Dennis is unattractive.  You picked him and I guess she was hoping any children would take after her side of the family, looks wise, but DNA is a crapshoot.  I just don't get why she's still with his cheating, unattractive behind.  Is he THAT rich???

    • Love 9
  11. Was watching the game show  "25 Words or Less" (I think that's the name; Meredith is the host) and MM was one of the names the players had to guess.  The contestant couldn't give any clues because she had NO idea who she was.  I laughed my ass off!!!

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