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Posts posted by jalady

  1. 9 hours ago, meowmommy said:

    Interesting little montage, though, of how 45 handles hecklers.

    No offense MEOWMOMMY, but I hated it.  Because I feel like I've seen it eleventy billion times already.  When it happened and when each network, including this one, repeatedly showed each incident over and over and over.  And given what's been shown of Mayor Pete's temperament - so far - I didn't need to see those clips again to know there's no comparison between these two (I'll be charitable and say) "people".

    • Love 3
  2. I have never been, and will never be a Tracy Morgan fan; I just don't find him, or his humor, funny.  I'm very happy he survived his accident and is still successfully working, and I wish him well.  But.  If he wanted to pay a "get well" visit to Whoopi, I wish he'd done it on his own time.  Get in your limo and go visit her at home to tell her how much you looooove her and how you can't imagine life without her.  But psst, Tracy?  She's going to die.  We all are.  So plug your show and STFU with all the Whoopi worship.  And I like Whoopi!

    • LOL 1
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  3. I am an unapologetic Countess lover, and have been since Day 1, and even I was yelling "stop it LuAnn; that's NOT a good look!!"  So no apologies from me for her behavior last night.

    But I do take issue with the idea that these women can't give Tinsley marital advice because they're all divorced (and/or currently unmarried).  I say this as a never married person who has given awesome relationship advice to friends and family over the years.  I have the uncanny ability to analyze/dissect others' relationships, while my own personal love life has been pretty much a lifelong disaster 🙂.  What do they say?  Those who can do; those who can't teach - LOL!! 

    • LOL 4
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  4. 7 minutes ago, esco1822 said:

    Unrelated, does Jennifer not understand that Juicy doing his time has nothing to do with his deportation? I'm so tired of that being the excuse (Gia used it too) as to why he should be allowed to stay.  No he's being deported because he broke an entirely different set of rules and never got his citizenship.  He went to "camp" for being a fraud and is being deported for being lazy. Or maybe because he'd never pass the test? Lord knows he'd probably send his twin to take it for him since that twin already passed the test. He really is just human garbage. 

    I give less than a whit about Juicy's citizenship status but I'm curious:  why didn't marrying American citizen Tre allow him to become a citizen?  Or was he just too lazy to do the paperwork and take the test?

    • Useful 1
  5. Quick question: I watched a few of last season’s episodes over the weekend and, while I believe Beth’s husband was lying about the cancer, I didn’t see any definitive proof of that.  But it’s mentioned repeatedly on this thread as a fact.  So, what crucial scene did I miss?  TIA!

  6. Meghan’s hair today - BWAHAHAHA!!!!  The wisps at the side look like an Afghan Hound and the updo is like a fancy housewife circa 1950.  She looks ridiculous enough that I may have to prematurely forgive whatever outburst is yet to come.  

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  7. One thing I’ve noticed about her is that she comes out marching, usually with a scowl on her face.  The others walk out, dance out, SMILING, and are usually interacting with each other.  But she walks out ready to do battle!  She doesn’t need the money and life is short.  Go do something you enjoy.  PLEASE!!!!

    • Love 19
  8. Thanks to all of you who deciphered what Whoopi meant when she was saying "meridian". We have tons of bike lanes in the D.C. Metropolitan area (which, full disclosure, I'm not thrilled about) but I had NO idea what she was talking about.  Meridians, LOL!!  And they should be removable 😂😂😂

    • Love 6
  9. OMG NutMeg, take a Xanax!!!  (RHoNY reference). She is over the top with the screeching and interruptions today.  And, ironically, her talking points aren’t as ridiculous as they usually are.  But that voice!

    • Love 14
  10. They need to find some real Jamaicans to play these parts.  Both Thomas and the guy whose son was in jail have accents that suck!!!  My born in NYC brother has a more authentic accent just from being around family and friends ?

    • Love 7
  11. 7 hours ago, Bastet said:


    I love that she keeps on her behind-the-desk pants with her upper outfit and heels.

    Sadly, I don’t think those were “behind-the-desk” pants.  There seems to be a new trend for women to wear sweatpants with a stripe on the side as regular pants, with heels.  I’ve seen Sunny and Meghan do it on The View.  Happily, I haven’t seen it in real life yet.  But my first thought when seeing the outfit was “Not you too, Murphy!”

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