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Posts posted by jalady

  1. I wish they had asked Eboni, during the sperm donor discussion, if she would have felt the same way if her father had been a sperm donor.  It’s one thing to want to know who the MAN who impregnated your mother is; it’s a little different if she went to a sperm bank.  Because I agree with Whoopi and Sunny; sperm donors aren’t trying to start families and deserve privacy.  Medical information - yes; personal interaction - no.

    • Love 12
  2. Two quick things: no need for Eddie to call Katharine for the hotel/room number because Rome was right there!  Rome, the one with the strongest connection to Shanice.  But then, there’s no need to tell Eddie about the divorce party 🙄.

    And prosecutors decide whether to file charges, not the victims.  The victims can choose not to cooperate - happens all the time in domestic violence cases - but if there’s sufficient other evidence, the case will be brought.  Gary belongs in jail.  Point blank period.  Any other outcome will be ludicrous, unrealistic and stupid.  Just like many plots on this show 😡

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  3. I don’t think Sunny has an issue with people who can’t get vaccinated, for medical reasons, or who don’t do it for religious reasons.  I’m basing this on the fact that she knows the law and knows these are legitimate exceptions to even the employer mandates. (On a side note, because of my job I’m dealing with this issue now and it’s a mess!).

    I think she’s sick of the science denying anti-vaxxers, and I don’t blame her!  I think that’s who she was calling crazy.  But I do understand that some people are woefully misinformed because of their “news” sources 🙄.

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  4. I’m a big RBG fan, but if she said it, she said it and I don’t think it should have been edited out of the interview.  But it should have been brought up when she was alive.  Then she could have explained, walked it back, doubled down - whatever.   Maybe it was like Sara said; she agreed with the protesters but didn’t like HOW they were protesting.  But I’m not a fan of the press censoring interviews to “protect” someone’s reputation.  On either side of the aisle.

    Happy tomorrow is Sherri’s last day.  She talks ALOT, doesn’t say much of interest and has eaten into Sara’s time dramatically.  I think it was yesterday that Joy had to tell Sara to “jump in”, LOL.

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  5. This Upton drama is really getting ridiculous and needs to end.  Now!  As mentioned upthread, she’s done worse (Darius and planting drugs in someone’s car).  And while Voight was beating the suspect, she technically didn’t do anything wrong when she shot him AFTER he’d taken Voight’s gun.  So why is she wracked with guilt now???  It. Makes. No. Sense.

    • Love 9
  6. I did NOT love Bunny as a character, but Markie did play her well.  I recently saw (again) the episode where Erin found out she lied about who her father was (Jimmy Sanguinetti).  The hurt and pain she put that poor girl/woman through.  😢. Why Erin and Voight saved her in the last episode of season 4 will forever be a mystery to me.  Her ass should have gone to jail!!!  IMO

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  7. Ugh!  The reruns do her character no favors. She sets up Darius to be killed, to “avenge” her CI’s murder, and then she plants drugs which get her shipped off to the FBI in NY.  Unfortunately, that didn’t stick.  She’s no Voight so I just can’t root for her.  I’ll watch the first episode of the next season, but if Jay accepts her proposal, I’m OUT!  And I don’t even like Jay 😡

    • LOL 2
  8. What a delightful show!  I laughed out loud several times, especially during the granny panty discussion (having recently bought a few due to COVID weight gain, I could relate ☹️).  And Yvette and Colin were so funny and interesting.  Even MeAgain turning the first date topic into a political issue (“I dated in NY and LA so I just told them I’m a Republican” - really bitch? 🙄) didn’t derail the show.  Two weeks and counting!!!  I just hope the last week isn’t an extended tongue bath for the Arizona Princess 😡

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  9. I wish, just once, when MM is going on about her “pro-life” stance, someone would ask about her view on the death penalty.  Joy referenced it in her remarks, generally, but I want the Arizona Princess to reconcile her pro-life view with her support for the death penalty.  (I don’t know for a fact that she supports it, but I think it’s a safe bet)

    And, as far as I know, President Biden has never had, and can never have, an abortion.  And doesn’t personally believe in it.  So the fact that he doesn’t impose his religious beliefs on the rest of the country is somehow a sin?  Get the eff outta here!!!

    • Love 17
  10. What a great show!  Everyone participated, except Whoopi in the sex topic, and even then, she wasn’t obnoxious about it.  This is The View.  I don’t have to agree with everything you say, but we can all state our points of “view” respectfully.  Yay show!!

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  11. Yup Lindsey, there’s NO such thing as systemic racism in America.  But we’re stuck with MeAgain McCain and mommy Cindy.  Who no one would know if not for John.  Not to mention Jenna Bush and Chelsea Clinton, who are certainly riding on their father’s coattails (parents, in Chelsea’s case).  And I don’t dislike Jenna or Chelsea.  But really, would either of them be where they are without the leg up they got from their families???

    Even movie stah Whoopi hasn’t had that impact on her family of freeloaders.  Thanks Joy, for calling out that nonsense all day, every day.  Having one Black President and one Black/Asian Vice-President in the history of this country doesn’t eliminate all the injustice people of color have been, and continue to be, subjected to over the years.

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  12. Um Jeanine, kudos on the work you did as a prosecutor and judge to help victims of domestic violence and drug trafficking.  But do you really think it’s helpful to label these children - fleeing the poverty, drugs, violence and abysmal economic conditions in their countries - as “lower human beings” or “slaves”?  Please STFU.  

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  13. Poor Meghan is confused.  Most of the media criticism isn’t of the show, dear; it’s of you!  And leave it to her to get all surly with Sara on the Taylor Swift topic.  Everything is personal for her.  The last two days without her were such a relief.  Now off to see how she tries to “filet” Secretary Granholm. 😂

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  14. That Elijah McClain story is infuriating and depressing.  I hope his family gets some form of justice because I can’t fathom why those officers weren’t arrested and charged with some form of manslaughter at the very least.  Will it ever be safe for young black men to simply walk down the street? 😢

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  15. ^^^

    Preach!  And will someone please explain to MM that she isn't a politician.  She seems to equate herself with Republican politicians, not just regular Republican voters and that is one of many, many reasons her arguments ring so hollow.

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