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Posts posted by jalady

  1. Really Chicago PD?  Are there so few Black actors in Hollywood that you had to recycle a former guest star as Atwater’s father?  And I’m terrible at remembering faces.  For those who don’t remember, the actor was “Big Homie” (as Atwater called him) in the episode where he and Ruzek went undercover in prison to catch the uncle who ordered the killing of the little girl witness who was going to testify against his basketball star nephew.  One of my least favorite episodes.  Maybe that’s why I recognized him right away 😂. Anyway, that kind of took me right out of the story.


  2. 5 minutes ago, amarante said:

    I don’t understand your point. 

    The Guidices were able to split their confinement only because Teresa had a relatively short sentence. 

    I used the example as another way in which it is standard for the Federal government not to necessarily incarcerate white collar criminals as soon as they are convicted because there is no risk to the community if they don’t go to prison immediately. 

    Jen isn’t receiving special treatment as it is pretty standard to have white collar criminals be able to report to prison at a time in the future. 

    What is the difference since their sentence will start whenever they actually are in prison 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️

    I work in the federal criminal justice system.  My point is, while blue collar criminals are treated more harshly than white collar criminals, it is not “standard” for federally convicted felons facing a minimum of 14 years incarceration to be released to spend the holidays with their family.  At least not where I practice law.

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  3. Joy (and jalady): “who’s Naomi?”  After Ana mentioned that the first Hispanic White House social secretary did Naomi’s wedding, the Christmas party, the Kennedy Center Honors, etc.  I figured it out about 5 seconds before Joy asked the question out loud. 😂 (She’s the Biden granddaughter who recently got married at the White House).

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  4. 2 hours ago, Rlb8031 said:

    I don't think she is getting special treatment. There was a long time between the guilty verdict for Keith Raniere of NXIUM and his sentencing. While his case was the Eastern District (Brooklyn, Queens and Long Island) and Jen is the Southern District (Manhattan, Bronx and Staten Island), I think they both had the same issues around moving cases quickly after disposition post-pandemic. Trust me, no one in NYC is doing favors for a "Z list celebrity". 

    I respectfully disagree.  In the normal course of things, once you’re found guilty of a serious felony, you’re imprisoned until sentencing.  Pre and post pandemic.

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  5. I am so angry that they keep pushing back her sentencing date!  In the real world (former prosecutor here), a convicted felon in federal court, facing over a decade of prison time, would be “stepped back”, i.e. - incarcerated, pending their sentencing date.  Because once you plead guilty you are a convicted felon!!!  Only the very rich and/or politically connected get time to “get their affairs in order” or enjoy the holidays with their family.  Which is also a bunch of bullshit, but don’t even get me started on the inequities in our justice system 🙄.

    Why this Z list celebrity is getting special treatment is beyond me.  Her incarceration can’t come soon enough for me.

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  6. Full disclosure: I like Sunny.  A lot!  And I agree that her “I didn’t see it, I’m not interested’ attitude about Love Actually was a bit much during today’s discussion.  Although, I’ve never seen it either 😂.  But!  It’s no worse than Whoopi’s constant introduction of a topic she doesn’t care about, usually anything pulled from an advice column, social media etc., and then her childish behavior while the others discuss the topic.  Rolling her eyes, bending over, general obvious non-engagement.  I’d rather she play on her phone, as Joy was accused of doing (I didn’t see it).  

    She’s paid entirely too much money to act like a bored child for approximately 1/3 of each show!!  Like, here I’ll do my best not to mangle the introduction of this topic, and then I’ll make it very obvious that I think it’s beneath me.  Why do they continuously let her get away with that behavior ???

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  7. 47 minutes ago, Back Atcha said:

    I had read about the divorce.  I read about the romance.  I know she took a bit of time off recently. Today I saw what looked like a wedding ring; I had no idea!  Jalady, I want to know too; I suppose I could research it.  Has he been married before?  I always watch his demeanor when he's on her show; they're always professional.

    As far as I know, it’s his first marriage.  And he’s quite a bit younger than Nicolle - you go, girl!  Another reason I miss Joy on Mondays; I just know she would have asked 😂😂

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  8. Love, love, love Nicolle!  I wish someone had asked about her new marriage to Michael Schmidt (NY Times reporter) and her son.  I would have loved to see some pictures 😀. Cause I’m nosey.  But I can understand her, and the hosts, wanting to focus on her political expertise.  Especially with the midterms tomorrow.  My PSA:  if you haven’t already, please vote tomorrow!!

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  9. I love Atwater too.  But!  No way in hell is he allowed to continue working on the same day in which he’s involved in an officer involved shooting with a fatality.  And on the same case that led to the shooting!  Writers, please - make it make sense! 😆😆

    • LOL 1
  10. Sunny didn’t compare Republican women to roaches, as in implying they were roaches.  Her line was, with respect to the Republican’s position on abortion rights, that suburban white women voting for them was “like roaches voting for Raid”.  So she was saying they’re voting against their own interests.  I happen to agree with her point.  You can dislike her joke, but please don’t misrepresent what she was trying to say.  

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  11. Um, if Kyle’s ankle injury was so severe, why didn’t his new “BFF for life” switch bunks with him?  Why have him schlepping into the upper bunk every time he had to get up to use the bathroom?  Color me skeptical 🫤😏😉

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  12. ^^^ I completely understand what you’re saying but I hope we, as a society, haven’t reached that extreme point yet.  If I can’t be alone with a man who isn’t a relative, I’m going to be very lonely 😞.

    Gizelle is lying, point blank, period.  And I actually, generally, like her.

     I was most excited to see them at two of my regular spots!  Ranazul!  All Set!  Hey girls, hey!!!  I wonder when this was filmed.  And, for those of you not from the area, neither of those spots are in Potomac.  All Set is in downtown Silver Spring and Ranazul is about 20-30 minutes north of that.

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  13. 10 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

    And AGAIN, Alyssa proves herself an idiot; no, that's not fair. With all the over talking, I don't know if Sunny also thought the same thing, but they're ALL guilty of it: when talking about letters to Carolyn Hax, they ALWAYS get something wrong. Like the letter about celebrating downfall of an ex. The letter writer was with her FRIENDS. Nowhere in that letter did she say she was with her "boyfriend" like Alyssa was spouting when judging her. It was her SISTER who told her she shouldn't get satisfaction that her ex and ex-best friend who he cheated with, have been dealt with KARMA. If you're going to talk about this stuff, take the damned time, no more than 1 minute, to read the fucking letter.

    Sorry GH, but the letter specifically said her boyfriend bought a round of drinks to celebrate the bad karma the ex was experiencing.

  14. I’ve been watching old episodes on the Buzzer channel.  Allen Ludden is the gold standard as the host - by far!  Even Bert Convy got on my nerves on Super Password because he inserted himself into the game too much.  But Keke Palmer?  Insufferable!!!  She needs to be replaced yesterday.  As someone upthread said, she’s playing at being a game show host, not hosting.  I skipped the second episode but I may give it one more try.  We’ll see . . .

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  15. I agree that Brittney Griner is being held as a political prisoner and that WNBA players make much less than their male counterparts.  But spare me the “she had to go overseas to make a living” argument.  She had to go overseas to be a millionaire maybe, but she makes over $200K/year.  She’s not poor.  There are definitely inequities in the pay system for female athletes, and that should be addressed.  But it’s not like she can’t feed her family on her salary.  

    All that being said, I hope the State Department is really working on getting her home.

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  16. You can tell Joy, Sunny and Ana are really upset by this SCOTUS decision, as am I.  They look totally deflated and Sara and Whoopi are doing most of the heavy lifting (at the show's start anyway, we'll see if that changes).  

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  17. I really need someone to answer the question: why are the Republicans against banning AR-15 rifles?  Because telling me a Black man built one to protect his family, after his neighbors were killed, doesn’t explain the Republicans’ position, Lindsey.  Why do civilians need military grade weapons ???  Answer that!

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  18. Congratulations Buddha!  First time I ever picked the winner from episode 1.  Yay me! 😁

    And am I crazy or was Demarr standing off to the side with the sous chefs at the end?

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