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Posts posted by jalady

  1. 1 hour ago, jhlipton said:

    You didn't watch this week, then.  The woman told the audience that English was her second language -- so what is she doing where knowledge of language is critical????

    So very bad!

    LOL!  I did watch.  But as bad as Roslyn Sanchez was, and she was bad, I still think Alyson was worse.  Because English is her native language!!!  At least some of this week's misses were based on legit unfamiliarity with some American words/phrases.  I think . . .

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  2. Quote

    Gizelle needs to rethink her shorts attire. She looked really stalky in those tight shorts and so I googled her height and it says she's 6'. I never thought her to be that tall but when I saw her this episode, I certainly didn't think she was as short as she appeared either.

    Gizelle is NOT 6' tall.  Not even close.  I met both Gizelle and Karen filming a scene (the one where the mime showed up to tell them about the trip to France last season; my niece and I have a "blink and you miss it" cameo in the background) and spoke to both of them.  I'm 5'8" and wasn't wearing particularly high heels.  She had on stilettos and she was barely my height.  But she does have bad legs.  I never noticed before, and she's worn shorts before, but that stood out to me on Sunday.  I didn't comment because I was trying to be "nice".  Now I feel free to be my normal, judgmental self since I'm not alone 🤣

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  3. 9 minutes ago, Coffeewinewater said:

    Jon Meacham can call me anytime of the night and I'd pick up my phone. I never pick up my phone, but Jon Meacham has a sexy voice.😄

    I'm with you Coffeewinewater.  And I don't think he's particularly tall, but I'll waive that preference.  Plus he's smart!

    But hey, aren't you married?  I call first dibs, LOL!

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  4. OMG, lather, rinse, repeat.  State your previous personal very close relationship to the guest (who's your best friend, best boss, best WHATEVAH).  Check.  Have the guest offer condolences for your father's death, an anecdote about your father or - bonus - BOTH.  Check.  Then make the topic about you.  Check.  Everyone else could talk about the Wendy Williams story in general terms (e.g., live by the sword, die by the sword).  But HRH of Arizona had to make it about her - I told them when I joined the show I wouldn't talk about my personal life.  NO ONE CARES.  Just give us "your View" on the topic!

    As a personal challenge to myself, I'm going to stop commenting on her regular narcissistic behavior and just talk about the other hosts and the guests.  Unless she says/does something REALLY moronic and different.  Let's see if I can make it until they go on summer vacation 😂

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  5. Midwin Charles, stop mispronouncing Karine Jean-Pierre’s name like Jean as if it was American.  Especially since you then shout out your Haitian heritage.  So you should know it’s the French pronunciation!

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  6. MM is a hypocritical ass.  Surprise!  "Please don't flame me interwebz; I didn't mean for the Dems to actually shoot the man in the White House".  But when Joy said something metaphorically the other day, MM came for her!  I don't remember what it was she said, but I remember Joy saying "it's hyperbole (dumbass)".  

    And of course Whoops had to explain that MM wasn't being literal because we libruls wouldn't get it.  RME. 

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  7. I have never watched GoT.  However I certainly am aware of it and have lots of friends and family who watch it.   NPR did a story about the finale this morning and the host was very clear about telling listeners to turn down the radio or leave the room for a few minutes because they were going to discuss the ending.  That's how you do it.  Lots of people DVR shows; that's not a secret.  So for MM to act all perturbed and say that real fans would have watched it live is disingenuous.  And like Sunny, lots of people pick up these blockbuster shows late in the game and are seasons behind in their watching.  A normal human being would have just apologized and moved on.  But not our Meggie.  I thought her party was in favor of "personal responsibiliy" . . .  

    • Love 18
  8. Mary Pat didn't kill her husband.  He died while he was playing with the kids outside.  She called 911 but then saw his VA check on the table and realized the checks would stop coming if she reported his death, so she hung up.  Then chopped him up and kept cashing his checks.  She's probably in the most trouble for the theft from the VA.  Our government will forgive almost anything but theft of their money.  Remember Al Capone, LOL.

    • Love 24
  9. I'll join you all: fuck Sandra!  But no way in the world DOJ settles for the Criminal Chief's head.  The U.S. Attorney would be gone!  And there's NO universe in which Kate would have become Criminal Chief after two years as a prosecutor.  The only one with a shot at that job, with such limited experience, would have been Leonard - because of his mother.  This is why lawyers shouldn't watch legal shows; as compelling as the storylines or characters may be; the actual execution is always ridiculously unrealistic.  

    And Sandra, prosecutors will have a field day with the fact that you're sleeping with the public defender's investigator.  It may even come up in your colleague's cases, you hypocrite! 

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  10. But MM doesn't say it's a religious belief.  She just says she believes life begins at conception.  So abortion is murder.  Point blank period.  And the rest of us just need to get with the program or we're murderers.  It's just the height of hubris?  Entitlement?  Stupidity?  I don't even know how to describe it . . .

    • Love 22
  11. 5 hours ago, Bronzedog said:

    Who is the former Maryland Representative only Sunny has heard of?

    John Delaney, a former congressman from Maryland.  I live in Maryland and I'd never heard of him when he declared, but now I'm aware he's running.  You'd think the pundint from her time in utero would know as much as I do.  RME

    I can certainly understand MM's stated position on abortion, which I personally disagree with, but she's so snotty and dismissive in framing her argument that it's "exhausting" - to quote her.  If you think abortion is murder, I can't persuade you otherwise.  But if I don't, stay the hell out of my uterus!  (Thank God I'm old 😀)

    • Love 21
  12. I wasn’t at all surprised that people were late to the wedding.  I’d never been to a wedding that started on time, until I went to the wedding of two White friends years ago in Philadelphia.  I arrived 1/2 hour late (which was generally the starting time for the weddings of my Black friends and relatives, lol) and was shocked - I tell you shocked! -  that the couple was at the altar and the wedding had started on time!😂

    One friend kept us waiting for almost TWO hours in Fairmount Park (again Philly), and it had rained the night before so all of our heels were getting sunk into the mud.  And nope, there was no emergency, traffic accident, etc.  CPT is real folks, even though it is rude as hell.  

    And I must concur with all who said the dress was too much and the groomsmen were not enough.  Highwaters and sockless??!!!  Where they do that at?

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  13. 5 hours ago, TV Anonymous said:

    I am Canadian and I realize that the laws and procedures are different. When I was at Jury Duty, we were asked if any of us were practicing lawyers. It was like the first question in the morning. There were a number of ineligible professions and being a practicing lawyer was on the top of the list. So whoever was, was automatically excused.

    Therefore, the plot of a judge - never mind what court he is presiding - being a juror make this show drops significantly in credibility for me.

    In the United States there is no prohibition on a lawyer being a juror.  Many times the attorneys trying the case will strike you, because they don’t want lawyers in the jury room doing what the judge did - trying to explain the law and imposing their knowledge on the non-lawyer jurors.  But I’m a lawyer and was on a jury where the foreperson was also a lawyer (not by vote; juror #1 was automatically the foreperson).  And the criminal chief in the US Attorneys Office where I worked was a juror in a criminal case (I was on a civil case), and they acquitted  the defendant!  He never heard the end of it 😂

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  14. 23 hours ago, HaaCHOO said:

    My sister-in-law's vet in Buckeye AZ was Dr. Doktor.  When she kept saying, "Doctor, Doctor" I thought I was missing the joke.

    True story: my mother used to work with a doctor whose last name was Doctor.  And then he married . . . a doctor (or maybe they met in med school; I don't remember the details).  So they were Dr. and Dr. Doctor, LOL!  And to make this post slightly OT - nice interview with Dr. Biden and as much work as goes into earning a PhD. she's entitled to use the title any and everywhere , IMO.

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  15. Abby was absolutely implying that lawyers help their clients "get away" with crimes (even if that's not what she meant to say), so Sunny was right to correct her.  And to be polite enough not to call her stupid.  But her BFF blew that up by letting us all know that Abby's point was indeed - stupid! 😂

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  16. I loved today's show.  No NutMeg, no shrieking but still an interesting show with women expressing different Views (quite a few of which I disagreed with, ahem Whoopi re taxes and Abby re the WHCD).  This is what I want to watch.  Hear that PTB?  

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