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Everything posted by kicksave

  1. I liked Dorinda when she first joined the show but in recent years she has become unbearable. She's obnoxious, combative, nasty, mean spirited and beyond snarky. She needs therapy...more than any other woman on the show. She fights with everyone and deliberately picks fights with everyone. At first I just thought it was because of her drinking but then realized she just became more in your face when drinking...she still behaves like a bully when she's sober...the alcohol just exacerbates her behavior. Someone needs to pull her aside and suggest that she get into psychotherapy and get help...an older woman who has this kind of negative and toxic stuff going on is not a pretty picture. YES! Listening to these old farts talk about tattoos had me thinking..."OK Boomer!"
  2. Yikes! that will never happen...those kids couldn't stand to live full time with either parent. I see this as a great step forward for all these kids. They have their own lives separate from their parents and like their privacy.
  3. Boys are just as bad...middle school boys are cruel and engage in verbal and physical threats...I know about this... my son was the target of this kind of bullying in 8th grade. And now with the use of the Internet it's even worse. I don't envy any mom and dad having to navigate these years with kids let alone LP kids. I think going to a small Christian school probably contributed to Zach feeling safe and accepted. A large public high school would have been a very different experience for him.
  4. Ryan's behavior was disturbing. His anger and lack of ownership in his verbal threats to Taylor were stunning. He actually said that he never did that and that Taylor and Maci made it all up? It was sad to watch all of this unfold in front of his sweet little boy...his parents should have taken this dispute outside or Mackenzie should have taken the baby into another room. It is depressing to see that Ryan hasn't matured one bit in all these years..he's a victim, Maci is the bad guy/gal and he tries so hard and no one appreciates him...waa waa waa. Part of the problem is that his parents coddled him and enabled all of this toxic stuff for years and years. His Dad seems to be sick and tired of Ryan's whining and meltdowns but Mama just cries and placates him. I feel sorry for the kids that he has spawned...he's really just a worthless POS.
  5. I totally disagree...Amy and Chris actually do a ton of stuff together. They like to travel, do outdoor activities, family stuff...they enjoy each other and he gets along quite well with her kids. He even gets along with Matt and poses no threat to Matt's relationships with his kids and grandkids. I think once she moves out of that hellhole that Matt has ruined with shitty projects over the years and starts new life with Chris, she will be healthier and happier. As I've said before, she should have moved off the farm two years ago. I know it's hard to leave the place where you raised your kids and your grandchildren come to visit but it has to be done. Matt and Caryn are just negative people who disrespect and snark on her on camera. She shouldn't worry about her kids not visiting as much if she moves...they'll visit and she can go to their houses. It will work out...I honestly don't know how she she could stand to be there another day. Of course they get along well with Matt...it's obvious that Matt favors Jackson and baby girl Roloff because they are dwarfs...he never even mentions the other grandkids and in fact he hasn't said anything about them at all so far.
  6. I agree...her whole face lights up around Chris and she actually giggles and smiles around him...Matt is a horrible person. Mean spirited, greedy, bossy...he cheated on Amy with the hired help...he disgusts me and now it looks like he's putting up an ugly ass wall??? He deserves to be with Caryn...she 's snarky, cunning and fake. The two of them make quite a pair.
  7. Well, well, well....what a surprise...Amber sitting on a couch ensconced in a blanket, full make up on ready for her scene. I just can't stand watching her anymore. Always on a couch or in bed and blaming everything bad she does on some disorder that a psychiatrist pinned on her. And I'm sick and tired of her and Cate blaming their behaviors on post partum. It insults women who have a serious issue with post partum when these lazy ass girls use it as an excuse to lay about the house and use their husbands/boyfriends as nannies and maids. Seriously, if Amber is that mentally ill maybe she should seek out residential treatment or check herself into a mental hospital...I'm sure Dr. Drew could work out some sort of plan for her. And I just have to speak to the other TM's and that dope Cory who were critical of Andrew recording the altercation between himself and Amber. Andrew did the smart and necessary thing to do...it's no different then when a battered woman records the abuse that she is getting as evidence to present in court. He knew no one would believe him...now they do. And contrary to what dopey Cory said, I did not feel that Andrew was egging her on at all...in all honesty, it doesn't take much for Amber to go from 1-10 on anger scale...look how quickly it escalated when Gary spoke up about her anger issues! She uses her so called mental health issues as an excuse not to work and not be a part of her kids lives. Leah is the real loser in all of this...her mother will never be a real mom...she just isn't capable of being a proper mom and luckily Christina picks up the slack and loves her unconditionally.
  8. Very sad...he never seemed the same after his wife died and I feel he took on too many responsibilities in regards to Teresa and her kids. He was not a well man and he seemed exhausted much of the time. I do feel sorry for the girls since they were so attached and connected with him...they all had a close relationship with him and they've been through so much. To have this happen now in the middle of a pandemic no less, is devastating for these kids. RIP Nonno.
  9. All I know is that when Sonja joined the show her ex did not want their daughter to be filmed and Sonja agreed to the request. I assume that when she turned 18 she desired to retain her privacy and not be filmed. She doesn’t need the money and maybe she relishes leading a private life as a college student.
  10. When Sonja joined the show her ex put the kibosh on their daughter ever being filmed. Smart move on his part.
  11. Yes! Have you seen the guys she randomly was dating last season? Yikes! They were just awful. She should just market herself to much older guys with a lot of money...like Jackie O did.
  12. He looked like gym rat...probably hits on all the divorced 50 somethings that he meets at Equinox.
  13. Tinsley came from old Virginia money...her father was a wealthy man and left his wife and his girls with plenty of Fuck You money...she was a Virginia debutante...her family is well known in the Richmond area. Dorinda has a problem with younger, pretty girls that join the show. She has to show them that she's "tough" and not to be fucked with. She's really just a shrill unlikable woman with a fat boyfriend who is pussy whipped.
  14. This! Dorinda has really gotten very full of herself....good lord. All the accolades she used to describe her awesome hostessing and party planning, cooking, etc...none of it matters when you're a mean spirited wench. Her attacks on Tinsley's character and accusations that she is nothing more than a kept woman are typical for Dorinda. Must be tiring to be such a nasty person with no compassion or sense of propriety. Tinsley's love relationships are none of her business and why does she care anyway? Dorinda seems to be trying her best to be the top Alpha bitch now that Bethenny left. She needs to knock off all the Omegas first before she can claim the throne.
  15. She has a drinking problem...she's admitted to that. So does Dorinda. So does Sonja. They might not be alcoholics but they certainly have an issue with self medicating with alcohol and getting into trouble when they drink too much. While I'm at it...Ramona looked like a sloppy drunk last night...especially when she was crying at the bar and hugging herself and whining about not being able to find a man...these women are just sad.
  16. Yes! Mackenzie seems almost detached from her kids sometimes. They seem to have nothing to do but roam around and annoy each other.
  17. I actually think most of her prickliness comes from a miserable marriage to Matt. When she’s with Chris I see a different side of her completely...she’s happy, engaging and not stressed out...the minute she’s around Matt she changes. Her demeanor becomes defensive and anxious. Let’s not forget...Matt cheated on her with someone who worked for them for years! She was doubly betrayed...by both Matt and Caryn. She’s allowed to be disappointed and a little bitter especially when there has never been an apology from either Matt or Caryn...in fact they seem to go out of their way to disrespect her, mock her and make snarky remarks about her when they have their interviews in the barn. Amy needs to get out of there ASAP and never look back...Caryn can have Matt and all his obnoxiousness and over priced knick knacks that he keeps in a storage facility.
  18. Really? It isn’t all about the cheating, which is a HUGE betrayal of trust and a marital vow after so many years together and four children, it’s also about Matt’s controlling personality, the fact that he had no kill switch when it came to spending their money and even had a storage facility unbeknownst to Amy where he hid all his extravagant purchases...again, a betrayal of trust. Amy was no saint, she has her issues which some on this board are quick to point out, but she never cheated on him or betrayed his trust like he did her...it’s hard to get over these things when you’ve invested most of your adult life to someone...she should have left the farm after the finalization of the divorce but she didn’t...once she does move on physically she will heal and be in a better place. Her bitterness will dissolve and she will be able to have peace of mind.
  19. Matt has become an even bigger douchey dick than ever. The "inspection" was totally a dick move and his comment that he needed to see if there was "damage and rot" was just a mean spirited and nasty remark. The way he and Caren snark on camera about Amy is just disgusting. Caren is a total bitch. Her comment about never living in the big house was beyond snark...it was mean, snide and totally inappropriate. Reserve your nasty comments about the family home and Amy to yourself or to pillow talk with your boyfriend. I really don't understand how these kids can stand to be around Caren...she is just a horrible person behind that fake smile. Matt is greedy, passive aggressive and, well, shitty. Amy should have moved out two years ago...staying there has been bad for her. "The Farm" is no longer what it used to be...the family is older, broken and they all need to move on. Let Matt deal with the selling or whatever with the farm...let's see how great a businessman he is..ha ha. I know his farm neighbors will be glad to see him go...no love lost there.
  20. Oh please...he had a say in their upbringing...he wasn't interested! All he wanted to do was build tacky forts and wobbly play things and runaround in his Mule. He saw those kids as Amy's job...he never took an ounce of interest in their schooling or their futures. Don't put this all on Amy...she made mistakes but Matt was unplugged.
  21. Yes to every post on this thread. Last week I actually thought Mackenzie had found her inner woman and was going to kick Josh to the curb...I spoke too soon. Apparently a bouquet of flowers and some girl talk with her BFF's changed her mind. Just the fact that he couldn't stay for his son's birthday cake would have been enough for me but the cheating and the sweet talk that he would "fight" for her was pitiful. Quit delaying the inevitable Mackenzie...you know and we all know that in 10 years you two will be divorced and Josh will have a new buckle bunny knocked up. Cheyenne is a spoiled brat...she treats Matt like a doormat. Why is he invested in her? There doesn't seem to be any chemistry between them at all. Cory really thinks he is the shizz...I see he loves his daughter but he is very immature and kind of a loudmouth. What does he do for living? Just MTV reality shows? Looks like he's driving a brand new Jaguar SUV...ka ching! Amber...enough already. Why she isn't fired is beyond me. She's a violent domestic abuser and she did put her son's life in danger. Andrew was a fool for becoming involved with her in the first place...and having a child with her was just crazy. They only knew each other for a few months...who does that? Amber hasn't changed since she was 16...still violent, still lazy, still abusive, still unemployed...I have no sympathy for her. She has the ability and the resources to help herself but yet she sits on the couch and whines and cries. Gary and Christina need to shield Leah from all this as best they can and draw some boundaries with Amber. She could use a life coach but she would probably get mad at him/her and throw them out after a few sessions. She still doesn't own any of her behaviors...the other TM's shouldn't drop everything and run to her anymore. Enough. Couldn't get into the whole light up Chattanooga Teal thing. I doubt anyone in the area understood or even noticed the teal light up. What happened to their TTM t shirt business? Do Cate and Tyler not see by now why Carly's parents don't want her anywhere near the mess up there in Michigan? Everyone in their inner circle of friends and family have drug/alcohol issues and legal issues with breaking the law. Cate's mother April looks awful...yikes. Stop being everyone's babysitter you two and start preparing for a future without MTV money.
  22. I had a huge problem with the scene of Air Force One landing at what was supposed to be Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland (or McQuire in Delaware...I forgot which one)...neither of these two bases would have mountains in the background since neither of these bases are anywhere NEAR mountains like the ones in this scene. In a show that shoots most of its shows on location for authenticity, this was unforgivable.
  23. Amber is the sociopath and bully. Andrew does not fit the criteria for it but rather he appears to be socially awkward and maybe an opportunist. We have seen how Amber manipulates her family and the other TMs into feeling sorry for her and blaming everyone else for her addictions, bully behavior and physical abuse of boyfriends. She and Caitlin continue to blame "post partum" for all their terrible choices and in Amber's case, her verbal and physical violence of her partners. Amber is a bully and a liar. Why MTV continues to support her and pay her for this is beyond me. Fake crying, blaming everyone else for everything wrong in her life and pretending to be a caring, loving mom is just a farce and an insult to our intelligence. You can see how Leah does not want to be with her anymore and James has no bond with her at all because she never had much to do with him...looked like Andrew did everything in the baby care department when they were together. All she did was sit on the sofa or bed and whine, complain and verbally abuse all those around her. Appalling that she had the audacity to claim that she "works" and and has "worked so hard"...she has never had a job in her life, much like the most of these girls on this show. But by all means MTV, keep enabling this bullshit.
  24. I was totally disgusted with Ryan's behavior last night. What kind of a man/father purposely goes out of his way to not only beat his kid at a a golf game, a kid who is what 8/9? and then rub it in and mock him? and what kind of a woman sits at a restaurant with her lame ass husband and laughs and giggles at how her husband humiliated her stepson? And Ryan's parents just sit there and shush Bentley and of course allow Ryan to be the shit head he is. Then...at the restaurant where they went without Bentley, of course, after the golf outing, Ryan whined again about not being able to have Bentley without his parents hanging around and griped about Bentley's baseball. Gee Ryan, do you ever take ownership of what you did that put the restraining order in place? He sees himself as a victim and Maci will always be the perpetuator of everything wrong in his life...and he has a spouse that enables him as well as useless parents...especially his mommy. In a few years Bentley will not want to be with Ryan at all...when he turns 18 he will tell him to shove it and have as little contact with him as possible. And BTW...he's still using....it's obvious.
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