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Everything posted by Domino9062

  1. It doesn’t help the amount of people that comment how good she looks, how beautiful, etc. From someone with personal body image/ED experience- that only serves to validate everything that she is doing / how she looks-as unhealthy as it is.
  2. I really have no feelings either way towards Victoria- but in this picture she looks scary thin. IMO- This is a kind of picture that if TPTB really were honest with themselves, they need to have a talk/intervention.
  3. https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/33231841 “THE DALLAS COWBOYS paid a confidential settlement of $2.4 million after four members of their iconic cheerleading squad accused a senior team executive of voyeurism in their locker room as they undressed during a 2015 event at AT&T Stadium, according to documents obtained by ESPN and people with knowledge of the situation.” well then…..
  4. I took the minus one to mean 9 years not 10 as she says the Jets photo is from 2013.
  5. All these videos- um just… yeah. I feel embarrassed for them. They looked miserable at the end.
  6. Due to COVID the 2020 game was not played and those individuals were not formally honored. That was pushed to this year. The 2020 class includes Bill Cower (Former Steeler Coach) and Johnson (Former Cowboy Coach) which is most likely why the teams were chosen.
  7. I believe ( Correct me if I am wrong) That both Charlotte and Kelly have some roll on the actual show as far as executive producers. So if this Is the case- they knew exactly how they were editing this and how they were taking a solo that had a meaning / message and butchering it. Makes me wonder if this was another message or a solo by a different person - would the treatment be the same.... Let’s say they didn’t have a part in editing- you know they saw the episode prior to it airing and at the LEAST should have gone to Kristen and warned her. All the supportive comments on Kristen’s ig account also make me wonder if some who were NOT going to retire may change their minds.
  8. Been lurking and too lazy to post- but now that the team has been announced and we have seen the first real game performances.... I must say overall I am not impressed. The routines seem to be half hearted preformed by some, weak by others and then overcompensating by some. I wonder if that’s why Gina is over the top sometimes- she can see there are very few powerful performers and is trying to make up for it🤷🏼‍♀️ Looking at teams from the past years... well side by side- this team would be put to shame.
  9. Her Cameo is beautiful.... Shame she doesn’t look like this all the time. I just feel she tries too hard and it shows in her facial features (the big huge grin, face position) In this photo it seems effortless and natural which suits her more... just imo
  10. Jessica’s wedding- thunderstruck https://instagram.com/stories/jimmyvonthron/2107864591240740226?igshid=541dj6008ger https://instagram.com/stories/jimmyvonthron/2107867933622740318?igshid=yihqurijnt1o
  11. Trying not to read into Gina not being up front. Thinking maybe there was a reason she was where she was... ie camera angle, photo angle - and not just the big screen view.
  12. If she really didn’t want to do the dance she would have had that communication with the DJ. Just saying it to friends / your wedding party can’t stop the one drunk guest from going up and requesting it 😂
  13. I watched cringing - honestly no clue how that wasn’t an injury. Maybe I’m just injury prone!
  14. She didn’t- but I’m not sure she even really tried out. She had a post of her in the tryout “gear” but never posted anything of trying out or not making it. Then she posted about finally being able to start dancing and then also her promotion with the Dolphins Corporate side.
  15. I follow Jenny Smith on Instagram and it seems that MDC have been very supportive of her with her injury. I think there was a get well box or something sent to her I believe. Reading a bit between the lines - I could see her being an “all star” type girl - doing appearances and promotions but not the dancing. Def seems like she hasn’t cut ties with the cheerleading side and certainly involved in the office side with promoting the venue for special events.
  16. Can someone remind me who were the all stars last year? I know there are new AS faces so trying to figure out who was an AS last year that isn’t now. I know Jinelle for one. Thanks!
  17. I just marvel at how women can dance in heels. My wedding I changed into converse sneakers - my feet were not having it! I look at the heel dance classes in disbelief.
  18. Jenna’s weight.... first I wish I looked like that second- I can tell you from experience as a former athlete - when you go from a high level of physical activity to a level even a bit lower it’s a HUGE adjustment. Your body, appetite, eating habits- everything changes. It’s an adjustment that most often results in weight fluctuations. Maybe she has gained - maybe it’s the angle- either way she looks happy and isn’t that more important?
  19. I just caught up on my Instagram stories and thought the same! Tried to get a screenshot but couldn't! Glad someone did so I know I wasn't seeing things!
  20. I was watching Michelle Keys intagram story and I believe I spotted Holly at a class- certainly looked like her with the hair. Tried to screen shot but i couldn't get it right/clear . If it was her interesting that she was not front row like she usually is at Michelle's classes and that there wasn't a video of her just dancing -as prior to "Hollygate" she was always shown. Again big if - but certainly looked like her from the little I saw. Anyone else watch and can comment? edit- there is a screenshot in the 2017 Training Camp thread. Some debate of if it's Holly or not. Will be interesting to see when Holly reappears on social media and also if she does these classes as she was a pretty consistent attendee and guest choreographer.
  21. I apologize if I sounded snarky - didn't mean it that way. Was trying be helpful- originally tried to copy what she said in the other link and then reply with the link - but I'm not that technologically savy :) again sorry if I came off mean or anything - maybe It was residual from my lack of linking skill! Fans suggesting looks is an interesting thought! Could it include a photoshop type thing where we can see how that hairstyle would look? It would be cool to see how some girls would look with short hair/ different colors.
  22. I know the workout space is talked about in another thread - but I figured I'd ask my question in the thread as its more general DCC related. ( trying to not be a rule breaker lol) @ShellyB with the workout space being right next to the dance studio has there been any talk about people videoing rehearsals and posting? I know sometimes you guys post videos of routines and practice do maybe it isn't a big deal. Granted they should be working out but.....
  23. Shelly answered in the other thread that makeovers continue through out the year to see what work best. :)
  24. I'm part of the curly hair club..... I straighten it when I can ( takes about an hour to do a good job) but if I workout it becomes a hot mess. If I workout with curly hair it's the same! I look at these ladies and they look so freakin pretty when they are dancing and obviously getting a work out. If I did that I'd look like a shaggy wet dog! I know there exists great long last makeup - but the hair! Mine would be a sweaty mess! @ShellyB as not only a part of the organization now but also a DCC alumni - what do they do to keep looking amazing during the games?
  25. Trying to catch up on everything and my eyes keep bugging out in surprise! Erica? We need details! Even if injured you would think they would keep her around as an All-Star for appearances.... in shock!
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