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Double A

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Everything posted by Double A

  1. Mare Winningham plays the vicious Cherry brilliantly and I think she is definitely sabotaging not helping Cole. When she sent him on the walkabout after sneering that he couldn't love Luisa if he wouldn't give into that ludicrous ultimatum I knew she was up to no good. Can you imagine the axe she had to grind with Wild Eyed Nan?? She definitely mirrors Helen's raised by wolves style of home training. And this character is in my book as one of the best/worst mother villains on TV since Livia Soprano.
  2. Alison should know from all that therapy, yoga and life demolition that her ah pecker picker is off. The fact that a recovering stalker doesn't raise any red flags for her is confusing and me thinks she isn't done with her death wish.
  3. This show is easy to throw into the category of love to hate, but I enjoy it. I have to remind myself often that seemingly cheap plot drivers or inconsistencies are mostly about the fallibility (or selectivity) of memory and the wildly varying perspectives of the players. Or maybe I'm just happy there are no prison guard flashbacks.
  4. She was tending bar at The End and doing Scott who was her manager in his boat. She was surviving but look at how she's living now.
  5. That totally took me out of the moment too. Cole seems like a guy who knows his way around a steak. No disagreement here. Just sayin homegirl's got limited options and none of them good so cue the inappropriate laughter when your husband freaks out.
  6. Welp gotta laugh to keep from crying. Where's she gonna go?
  7. I see her losing her moral compass. Taylor was spot on in her assessment of Wendy and Wendy did not like hearing it. Taylor may have been right but Wendy was too. Taylor IS young and blinded by her er their intelligence and technological capabilities to see the nuanced billionaire minefield they just stepped in. Losing the relationship with Oscar is just the beginning of that soul selling journey. I can't wait for next season - I think the battles and revelations will be epic. Axe needed a worthy adversary that isn't trying to arrest him. It will be fun to watch Chuck in the private sector and sorry but Connerty and Sacker need to see what life is like without the ambivalent Chuck covering/using them. I think they are about to find out how full of sh&t the grass is on the other side. This was a fantastic season!
  8. Word to mango mimosas. And her french 75 schedule may explain some of her exhaustion.
  9. I agree with everything you say. But as I watched LVP take in what was going on I thought what the hell does she get out of this friendship to keep giving Dorit a pass and it dawned on me that it's not Dorit - it's PK that she values. Like Muhammad / Yolanda - she would get PK in the divorce if there ever was one.
  10. OMG I could only think of Meryl Streep and Goldie Hawn in Death Becomes Her. They are the Bickerson's of Beverly Hills - bound forever in TV land.
  11. This. Ashley olympic level competes with Carl on dominating Lauren.
  12. It seems that the thing that may finally break Jax is turning 40. He's burned so many bridges but damn it's hard to watch him try to have moments of sharing his pain and get so little in return. Sometimes I think he may wake up and run off with Kelsey to a reiki healing center and become a master but then I remember. It's Jax.
  13. Poor thing wants to be wifed so bad she really thinks those words made sense. I was like what in the Wilma Flintstone is happening? She really is in her own cartoon.
  14. Don't you hate that:) Although I'm not sure Dorit knows how much she's stepped in it w/ LVP.
  15. Erika's coochie kinte is like a costar on this damn show.
  16. Ha - and her body language was like that's so ghetto.
  17. Appreciate the male perspective on that. I have never seen the beautiful, tragic girl with sex issues bounce back to anything normal with any of my male friends either.
  18. I hate that you may be onto something. When she wouldn't celebrate with him after finally signing the deal with LVP to hang out with Schaena (!) I thought and there it is - that thing she does. To be away from him. Again.
  19. They showed the clip of it on WWHL with LVP and she absolutely noted it and glowed Kyle love from the depths of her soul. But Rinna better watch out. Word. Does being on an "overseas" call even rate as an excuse for anything anymore? I feel like my grandmother just told me to get off the phone because it's storming outside.
  20. Watching Kyle's reactions to situations with these women is like watching someone with serious PTSD. She looks triggered into a seizure sometimes when things go left with the housewives and she just wants it to stop. She was the same with Taylor when she was out of line. Disappointing sometimes, but Kyle has had a lot of practice blowing off, covering up, pretending not to see bad behavior (meaning early life and dynamics with her family/sisters). She probably doesn't even realize she does it.
  21. When Lala was making the list of reasons the girls should all stay and let the guys leave the first one was "You have a bomb ass couch...!"
  22. That was funny. But I gotta admit when he started playing I thought oh no I don't think he's good in bed!
  23. Well Jax may have met his match with this one. After we met her sister and Kentucky friends who could have their own franchise of Teen Mom and her mother's marriage track record, drama is in her DNA. She'll stick around for much worse. Guaranteed.
  24. Hi - I think we all have to wait to find out who Hall really is. Re the dominatrix computer theft - that was his clever way of covering his S&M tracks before his governor run. He didn't even want the fixer to know about it.
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