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Teriyaki Terror

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  1. I hope Lea doesn't retire. She is one of their best dancers.
  2. How many kids are left at home?
  3. Nah, if someone is going to drag me publicly I am going to defend myself. Good for them for telling the truth. Victoria is a liar.
  4. I listened to the podcast she did. She did clear some things up. I think she got a lot of special treatment her first year auditioning, but respectfully earned her spots the other 4 years. I still don't think she was leadership material and blamed it on Kelli and Judy. Nicole Bulcher comes to mind. She was a DCC for 5 season and an All Star for a few years as well. I don't recall her being a group leader and she never really moved up in the triangle. There's nothing wrong with just being a DCC while you're a DCC.
  5. There's a reason why VK didn't make it her first year. There's a reason why she doesn't have friends on the team. There's a reason why she was never chosen for GL or 2nd GL. Those reasons are all Victoria Kalina. I am tired of her victim mentality.
  6. I would hate to be the only vet cut like poor Gabby was. Leah from seasons 1-2 had the best response when she was cut. Was thankful for the two years she had.
  7. Hasn't she been dancing from birth though? Also, she had posted with one of her brothers. I just think they don't care and she's unsupported.
  8. As much as I despise Charlotte and the entire Jones family, Tina Kalina and the rest of the Kalina family are the real villains here. I about choked when Tina Kalina was defending the poverty wages the DCC receive. Your own daughter is being taken advantage of and you, a woman who has been underpaid your entire like should know better. Her father and brothers never attending one dance recital was sad. What a terrible man her father is and her brothers aren't much better.
  9. Thunderstruck is a very expensive song. Varsity Blues paid $500K 25 years ago to use a few seconds of the song in that movie. I can't imagine what Netflix had to pay.
  10. What were they watching???????
  11. Remember when they showed the clip of the hairspray film on the bathroom counter? The man admitted to using an obscene amount of hairspray. She needs her own place and own bank account.
  12. I hope Jana wakes up and gets out. She's over 30 and still living at home.
  13. I watched the reunion and kinda had to side with David when the blanket issue was brought up. He was going off the reactions of everyone in the house. Everyone was laughing and making a jokes about it, so he couldn't see the damage that he was doing. Him actually removing the blanked was out of line. The is the only time I would ever side with him. He was a terrible roommate and deserved to be kicked out.
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