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Everything posted by Lemonemm

  1. Patrick and David are so fucking cute together. I just love them, and they have great chemistry.
  2. Oh, this will be good - I particularly enjoy when they butcher the classics. The Battenburg cake challenge had me in tears of laughter just with the visual/presentation issues! I wonder what the trio will be - mine would have to include bread pudding and trifle.
  3. YES! He would totally have a glove box full of old Eagles cassettes in his Camaro. ;-)
  4. Sadly, there have been a number of those backstories. I just cannot fathom not believing my child about something like that.
  5. YES. This. I couldn't put my finger on it, but that's what stood out to me, too. Also, he totally reminded me of Dylan on Modern Family. I'm not gonna lie - I'd go just about anywhere with that guy/voice. ;-) Maybe I need to acquire a serious drug habit...
  6. He was AMAZING in this episode. He and Seth (U.S.) are my current favourites. There was another one with Andrew reading a letter at the intervention from the addict's young son. He straight up cried, sobs and all - no embarrassment, just emotion. He cares a lot and kids are his soft spot I think. That was super intense. I literally breathed a sigh of relief when he left the room. He seemed to really care about her - I'm sure he was sad to hear she left treatment.
  7. Paulie came to a sad end: https://www.msn.com/en-us/tv/news/paulie-giganti-‘hell’s-kitchen’-contestant-dies-of-drug-overdose-at-36/ar-BBA88Bd
  8. I wondered as well, but I think maybe it's to do with allowing them their dignity instead of forcing them into a violent/messy act that - for some - is a sin and can have serious repercussions for families. It fits well with her compassion and belief that people should have the ultimate and final right to decide (hence them taking the drink instead of her injecting it). I am loving the show and I'm sad to hear it's only a short-term thing. I loved Caroline Dhavernas in Wonderfalls as well, and hope to see her on tv more frequently.
  9. I actually thought having free rein would make it harder, in a way. After a brutal three rounds, they must have been exhausted mentally and/or physically. Plus, I think they've probably already done their so-called 'signature dishes' by this stage in the game. After all that, I'd be lucky if I could even manage to make toast.
  10. THIS. Thank you - that comment made me so angry. Attitudes like that are why so many people suffer in silence and self medicate.
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