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Everything posted by Lunata

  1. Lunata

    NFL Thread

    I think there's plenty of other restaurants in NY that will gladly accept their clientele and air the NFL games as well. Those restaurants think they're making a statement and they are, it's that their stupid for turning away business over something that's politicized.
  2. Gilly was reading the recordings of High Septon Maynard–the highest official in the Faith of the Seven, so those were not the writings of a maester, which is a monumental difference–she asked Sam what “annulment” means. “It’s when a man sets aside his lawful wife,” Sam answered. Only a septon could do that, and for a royal wedding it seems unlikely anyone but the High Septon could. Plus, the Targaryens followed the Faith of the Seven (minus the whole incest thing). Which means Rhaegar got the highest priest in the land to put aside his marriage to Elia Martell. I hope Gilly took that book with her when they left because that would be indisputable proof that Jon Snow is the legal heir to the Iron Throne.
  3. That's actor Tom Hopper who played the character 'Billy Bones' in the series Black Sails
  4. Luann just isn't right in the head. I think she has 'Cinderella Syndrome'. (it's a real thing). Even at the party for Sonja, Tom was flirting with that same blonde woman. And who the heck is she anyway and why is she always invited to the same affairs that Luann and Tom go to? Tom even remarked that he had to unplug his mic to talk to her. What a scum, but everyone knew that. And why isn't anyone confronting that woman. They were flirting right there in front of everyone. How disgusting. Tom didn't cheat on Luann by himself. He's not the type of guy who will ever remain faithful to one woman. Hate to say it Luann, but 'told ya so'.
  5. I'm so embarrassed at their bad behavior. It gives people in Mexico a bad stereotype of American woman to carry with them all their lives.
  6. I mostly watch to see what crazy Ramona will do each episode. This woman is legitimately insane, no kidding. I'll bet Mario watches and wipes his brow with a big "whew! glad I got rid of that!" I can't imagine any man putting up with that insanity for 30 years. Does Ramona exaggerate? Do birds fly, do elephants have a trunk, does the sun come up ever day? Ramona is one big dramatic, theatrical exaggeration. She speaks in inappropriate clichés, catch phrases and anecdotes that never seem to quite fit the situation. Blowing things out of proportion is so common for Ramona that nothing she says can have any relevance since every thing is so dramatic, there's no drama, it's just a comic routine. Ramona would argue that her wrong is right every time, like the oil and vinegar thing. That's just being dumb, nothing deeper, just dumb. "Talk to me after you've been married 30 years, okay? You were only married two. My heart was cut out, my legs, my arms. So don't even compare my life to yours, just don't Bethenny....don't, don't, just don't." (le sigh)
  7. I just watched the episode and I honestly think this was the funniest episode ever. The dinner conversation about oral sex or 'sex in any orifice' was pure reality show 24k gold. The 'pièce de résistance' was the dare thrown to Sonja for her to French-kiss one of the chefs in the kitchen. Of course the poor guy that got stuck being her victim was the guy that looks like he helps serves up Communion at Mass on Sundays. As she grabbed him and her snakelike tongue skillfully bathed his face in saliva, the poor guy looked as comfortable as a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs. He extracted himself as fast as possible and went back to the kitchen. I live in Ct. and know what the people of Vermont are like and yep...... you know, they're not accustomed to the unabashed behavior of 'Southerners'. That was a very uncomfortable and embarrassing moment for that poor guy. As usual, Ramona would be an embarrassment to 'Norma Desmond'.
  8. The Bronx is way too classy for this bunch.
  9. I'm in the minority here because I absolutely loved this episode. Watching Scott Glenn always brings memories of him back to 'The Right Stuff'. He showed some incredible acting skills in this episode, more than he was allowed to in that entire movie. The episode was a calamitous comedy from start to finish. From the casual tossing of Matt Jamison's new 'bible' into the trash to the death of the Chris Sunday by falling on him. Chris Sunday, the very last man in a long chain of aboriginals who possesses the last sacred aboriginal song that's vital in order to save everyone from the great flood, even though Chris Sunday tells him that the chant is meant to end a drought. "It's all a matter of interpretation" That says it all because Kevin's post hallucinogenic mind is compelling him that he must somehow prevent an apocalyptic flood and he's not about to hear a word about anything so common as a native song to the 'gods' to bring rain. I thought that this episode showcased Scott Glenn's skills as something other than him as an under-unappreciated actor. He has acted in so many B-rated movies all his career that happily for him, he finally got an entire hour all to himself to show us 'the right stuff'. That would have been logical and made some sense. but this series is anything but logical. Irony is the keystone here and the casual tossing away of 'the new bible' really spoke to the fact that someone like Matt Jamison who is a 'man of god', just can't create what he interprets as the word and intent of God.
  10. Truthfully, for me, this was the only character that had any character, Elijah. He made no pretenses about who he was. He was a friend that didn't use Hanna for selfish reasons.
  11. It took me five seasons to post a comment on this forum 'Girls' about 'almost-the-last episode'. I loved everything about this episode, it was about as perfect as it could get for the culmination of a six-season series. The girls all finally grew up, that's what it all comes down to, and it was about time they did. Pushing this series into a seventh season would have begun to make all of them look like some kind of emotionally stunted narcissists. They all grew up! Yes, that's the final take-away. And, it's a good thing for all of them. If Hannah hadn't become pregnant, she would still be peddling on life's treadmill not going anywhere. It took facing real life to understand that she's responsible for another human being besides herself to reach emotional maturity and accept responsibility. Yes, the man taking a shit on the sidewalk opened her eyes to the fact that New York is absolutely the wrong place for her to live as a grown up and raise her son. My only regret is that there hasn't been a spin-off series written by Lena Dunham for Andrew Rannells who plays Elijah. He is absolutely a huge part of the glue that held this series together. He was always a dose of reality for Hannah. Andrew Rannells is a very talented actor with a gift for comedy.
  12. I used to 'sort of' like Erika for some strange reason but I don't anymore because she's just too weird. That episode with her mother was sort of telling about how her mother raised Erika and it sounds like she's holding some deep resentments about it. She really doesn't give off a very warm and friendly vibe. Her face is just too frozen from all her Botox and the 'arrangement' she and Joe Girardi have is definitely an open relationship. They are apart from each other most of the time and I'm sure they each have other sexual partners. I'm sick of Lisa Rinna and her attitude and I'm glad the season is over because I don't even want to hear her voice anymore, she's sickening. Eileen is still okay as far as I'm concerned. I'm never tired of seeing Lisa Vanderpump's fancy home and parties and like it when she shows a little more 'down to earth-ness' and she has shown that a little more this season. Dorit is okay when she's not doing that stupid accent or wearing gold leaf on her head. Eden Sassoon seems like a last minute throw on. She's unnatural and forced. Her outburst with Lisa Rinna seemed to be some bad acting in a high school play. I sort of like Kyle this season, more than I had in previous seasons.
  13. It seemed to me that this episode only confirmed my belief that these characters are emotionally unstable, immature and unreliable. They live in their own little world of pretending they're wise and know themselves better than anyone could. The only person with some ambition, although it's probably detached from reality, is Elijah. This character is just pure honesty. He's not trying to show the world that he's anything other than what he is. He's bodacious and probably the only true friend that Hanna could possibly have. Elijah is that one characters that appears to be clownish, outspoken and overly confident but in fact he's frank, honest and loyal to the umpteenth degree. If at some point in the last two episodes Elijah turns his back on Hanna and leaves her hanging in the breeze, I'll turn my back on Girls forever because this character has my eternal trust to be there for her. And there's Jessa, wearing her little mohair bikini top, hair a mess, and dark circles under her eyes, looked every inch like a hooker in need of another heroin fix. Her vomiting could have been because she's emotionally distressed over Adam going back to Hanna, or it could be that she's pregnant too. We'll find out soon enough but since Adam returned to her anyway, there's no big deal about it if she's pregnant because Adam will be there with her. Whatever they did to make Lena Dunham look legitimately pregnant worked. There was no telltale sign of an appliance on her stomach. She even had the faint 'linea nigra', the darkened line that runs mid-line from the abdomen to the pubis. This was an exceptionally good touch for realism I thought. I'm glad that Marnie wasn't in the episode this week, she's just too difficult to watch because of her obvious struggle with weight. I think there's more reasons for her to refuse to sign the show's 'nudity waiver' when she signed her contract than her principles against showing her body nude. I think that the actress Allison Williams has always had a self-image problem. There have been many rumors about her struggling with an eating disorder but she denied this in Glamour Magazine in January. If she does have an eating disorder, she is in a great position as a public figure to really do something good for others who suffer from image or eating disorders. But for now anyway, she's going to go on denying it.
  14. Eileen is the only one of the bunch of them that I'd save if we were on a sinking ship and I could only save one of them. I had a problem in the past with the way they make fun of or take seriously Lisa Rinna's bag of pills. I think that with all the drug deaths in the news recently and so many people dying, sometimes 7 in the same city in a weekend of overdoses, is something that should be taken seriously. Lisa Rinna pulling a pill out of her bag, holding it up in front of the camera for laughs and suggesting that it would help 'lift' Dorit because she was 'being a downer' isn't funny or even appropriate anymore.
  15. I like Brittany Cartwright, I think she's a very sweet person. It doesn't matter that she showed up for her interview with Lisa Vanderpump wearing lingerie. It doesn't matter that she wanted bigger breasts. It doesn't matter that she had stars in her eyes when she got on a bus from the farm life in Kentucky to be with Jax Taylor, and it doesn't matter that the best job she could find was at Hooters. She's a decent person albeit a little shy on brain cells, but that's sort of cute in an odd way. When her mother was introduced into an episode, I sort of understood why Brittany is what she is. She's nearly a carbon-copy of her mother. She's a farming woman from Kentucky which, let's face it, isn't exactly a metropolis for culture. But that's okay. She's a god-fearing woman who has good morals. Why the heck would Brittany stay with Jax Taylor who is an obvious loser, a deadbeat, a steroid-chugging narcissist, and a criminal with zero morals? If her mother had two brains cells to rub together she would pull Tiffany onto a plane asap and get her far away from sleazeball Jax Taylor. These people have eyes, they have ears and yet they still risk walking on thin ice. What will it take to smarten them up? Jax should be forced by law to wear a running red alert banner across his forehead that says "warning!" But, even if he did, there will never be a shortage of 'Brittanys'.
  16. I haven't watched Vanderpump Rules in a long time and I was honestly shocked at Scheana's appearance. What happened to her? She's starving herself for some reason. She looked absolutely alien, especially when she pulled her hair back and up on top of her head. I have genuine concerns for her health.
  17. Paul Ryan has nothing at all. He shouldn't be Speaker of the House. Paul Ryan was criticized by the people in his own State of Indiana who booed him off the stage because he refused to support the party nominee. He was labeled a "disgusting globalist traitor" by his own party and people shouted "Shame on you!" This happened in October, just weeks before he figured it out that Trump was going to win the election and he might be the target of Trump's wrath because he was in opposition of him. Then suddenly he got behind Trump, so far behind him that he slid right into his anus. Paul Ryan is the last person in the House that can be trusted. The first thing on his agenda, guess what it is? You're right, it's to weaken and disembowel both Medicare and Medicaid. This is his agenda, this is what he's prepared to do battle to the death for.
  18. If anyone other than geeky me are watching the electoral votes being counted in the House of Representatives, there's been a couple of objections, one by Maxine Waters to the election of Donald Trump. Her objection was overruled by Joe Biden who is chairman of this session of the House because an objection will be denied unless there is one more signature on this objection letter, there wasn't. In addition to Maxine Waters there was another from a black woman from California which was denied. Right before the gavel was struck making Trump the official President, there were several people there shouting objections to the election results, They were physically removed by security. As Maxine Waters stood up waving the petition asking for one U.S. Senator to join her in her letter of objection, Paul Ryan sitting on the dais behind Joe Biden suddenly burst into laughter. He's a snake too, maybe even worse than Trump.
  19. Speaking frankly here, it would be a solution to the financial crisis of this country and leave more money in the country's treasury to be stolen by Trump and his band of destroyers. If the poor, sick, weak and needy just died, that would be one great solution for them. It all reminds me of a line from Charles Dickens 'Scrooge'. Ebenezer Scrooge showed his cold-heartedness toward others by refusing to make a monetary donation for the good of the poor, claiming they are better off dead, thereby "decreasing the surplus population." Donald Trump has taken a page right out of Charles Dickens and built his life on this belief that if there were less poor, less sick, less hungry that they should just die and decrease the need to offer federal assistance. Ebenezer J. Trump in the flesh.
  20. This was just tweeted seconds ago. Donald Trump is officially at war with our 17 different intelligence agencies.
  21. Plus Trudeau is young, cute, hot and sexy. Donald lost all those things about 25 years ago. Too bad, so sad. You're old, fat, bloated, orange and have stupid hair. You're stupid, nearly illiterate, know nothing about foreign policy and are nothing more than a bully. So, suck it.
  22. Kellyanne Conway was indignant on CNN this morning about the complicity between Russia and Trump and dared to make the claim "People are just trying to delegitimize Donald Trump's Presidency". Did she forget the fact that Donald Trump did his very best to try to delegitimize the Presidency of Barack Obama for EIGHT LONG YEARS? Donald Trump's actions were based exclusively on the fact that Barack Obama is a black man, not a single thing more than that. Racism, bigotry and hatred for a black man as President was his only motivation. If anyone challenges the legitimacy of Trump's election, which they are not, it is based on the fact that he was pointedly in favor of Putin hacking any of Hillary Clinton's or John Podesta's email. He encouraged it which makes him look like an accomplice. He was very aware of what Russia was doing, but Trump would do or say anything to get votes. As Representative Steny Hower (D) just stated on CNN. Imagine if Donald Trump had lost the election and there were allegations that the Russians had participated in the election with the intention of hurting Donald Trump and that Donald Trump had received 2.8 million more votes than Clinton, but the electoral college elected Hillary Clinton, what would Donald Trump's reaction have been? It would have far surpassed in terms of alleging fixed election, crookedness, bad procedure, and Russian involvement.
  23. Oh I just missed that! I changed the channel to Morning Joe. I absolutely LOVE to see Kellyanne Conway get ruffled. I absolutely can't stand the way she'll sit and smile as she slowly blinks her eyelids. I guess I want to see all of them have the world come crashing down on top of them. Fox News is pushing the racial tension issue with the story of the 4 blacks in Chicago beating up the mentally challenged boy. But they're not stopping at that story, they're going on to other racially charged stories. Then they segued right into a story about a transgender man suing a hospital for not doing his sex change operation even though he had his operation at another hospital he's still suing this other Catholic hospital for not doing it. Then they also touched on some phantom 'official figures' as to how unemployment rate has gone up (Obama's fault) BUT wages have gone up!! (Trump's credit). Fox News is so toxic, so disgusting and so obviously false that they should have a disclaimer announced before their shows. "Warning, the following program may be all lies. Watch at your own risk".
  24. Donald's tweets from 40 minutes ago are all about how Arnold Schwarzenegger got low ratings in the premiere of The Apprentice "compared to the ratings machine DJT". There's shit going on between him and Russia, he's meeting today with the Intelligence staffs about the interference of Russia in the election. He's trying to get Congress to pay for 'his fucking wall' and what's the first thing on his mind this morning as he sits down to eat his morning Lucky Charms cereal? A comparison of his ratings vs. Schwarzenegger's ratings. Of course he couldn't help himself but thumb his nose to Schwarzenegger about his supporting Kasich & Hillary. That's the most important thing on his blithering idiot mind today. I think Donald Trump should pay for the wall out of his own pocket, that's how it should be. After it's completed in about 15 years or so, if he's still alive, he can send Congress a bill for it all.
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