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Everything posted by Friday

  1. I will do that later tonight. This is my go-to recipe, I've been making it for about 10 years and I never get tired of it! It's a vegan recipe, but I would serve it to anyone.
  2. One of my most favorite meals (and it's what I'm having tonight) is my veggie chili over steamed cauliflower. It's really a good combo.
  3. Hello Pounders! My snack habit is a glass of red wine and some Popcorners.
  4. I always have red with kettle corn; yummy together.
  5. Hello Pounders! Just finished a snack of Rainier cherries and now having a glass of red wine.
  6. Yum, PB cups. I bought Justin's Dark Chocolate PB cups a few days ago out of a bulk bin--very dangerous. My plan is always to ration them out every night. How's that working for ya, Friday? (Not well.)
  7. Thanks! That just rang my memory bell. But I still don't remember what they look like, I just remember that epic fail.
  8. Hello pounders! My drinking habit is a glass of red wine, and my eating habit is going to be steamed potatoes with steamed veggies, avocado, tomato, and a new find from Trader Joe's today, Jalapeño Sauce. I tried it in the store and it is a bit hot, but oh so delicious.
  9. Thanks for the heads-up Dot! She got me vote.😀 No one is more deserving of this than Twit, IMO.
  10. You are not alone in thinking this, DC GAL! I thought he had played football too; only in my feeble memory I thought his mother had said it too, maybe in his second episode??? I was curious enough to rewatch most of the first episode and was shocked when he talked about the fall on the stairs and no mention of football.
  11. And it's only around 300 miles to drop in on Erica's original location.🙋‍♀️
  12. I can't leave Chipotle without a side order of chips and guac. And I've tried.
  13. Hi neighbor! Yep, I tried to figure out the exact area where Pauline lived but there wasn't enough footage of their apartment.🙋‍♀️
  14. I have to admit the best part of my day is getting into my pjs; no bra, no panties, no constriction, just freedom!
  15. My guilty secret is I have blueberries and two other fruits every morning on my oatmeal. Although I have not experienced the massive weight gains from my scary berries; I must be doing something wrong.🤷‍♀️
  16. That's working for me...except I'm not watching yet. It was 5 p.m. here, so it was officially Wednesday Pounder Wine Time.
  17. 100s in my neck of the woods too. Which is also Sean's original neck of the woods, Cameron Park which is just 30 miles up Highway 50, and in the same town as Pauline was from (Sacramento). That's my claim to pounder fame 🍕🍩🎂.
  18. Your post reminded me I have a healthy stash of Justin's Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups. Can't believe I forgot about them (even though I just bought them yesterday).
  19. A new take on eating one's feelings.
  20. She really did. I rewatched Sean's first episode today, and was really struck by it (again), that if you hadn't already seen Sean you would think she was talking about a 10-year-old child. He never stood a snowball's chance in hell of making it on his own. RIP Sean.😢
  21. Good evening my fellow pounders! Having my usual glass or two of red wine; my eating habit later will be Tofu Vindaloo. Not sure how I feel about tonight's episode, but I will be watching.
  22. I knew there had to be a logical explanation.
  23. Truly must see TV! Can't wait for that train wreck.
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