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Everything posted by DeadlyEuphoric

  1. Tippi Blevins, i also didnt know that but for that scene i still maintain Hannibal meant "moral dignity" big-boy pants and not diapers... though Alana does act like Will's mother sometimes but who knows... still rather not have that visual lol... I cant quote or edit when on the phone it seeems... Boo... :(
  2. Will knows perfectly well when Jack tries to manipulate him ir use him. It is not that he can't stand up to the man, it is that he chooses not to as he does feel obligated to save people and work for greater good. Will is the person who chose the law enforcement career for himself after all. But i believe he does have a growing resentment towards Jack for all the manipulation he is doing and his disregard towards Will and his well being and now also his family.
  3. The very first scene we saw Will had him tell his class "we all imagine we kill someone", and I think Hannibal thinks the same. Everyone thinks of killing someone, so the potential to kill is there, we do "think" about it, it does occur as an option to us, and then we dismiss it, due to morals. Hannibal's therapy has always been about giving people a nudge here, a nudge there to make them act on that potential, to let their imagination become reality. Will is not that different in that regard. What makes Will "special" is he was rather innocent and naive (Hannibal and Jack even discuss how he is an innocent at some point) and due to his empathy feels everyone and everything very deeply, making him "pure human" (if I remember it correctly that is what was used in interviews to describe him) and he does his best to reject the dark thoughts in him, and when he goes down a dark path (as a necessity evil) he does so kicking and screaming (remember how he was trembling and breathing heavily when he shot Garrett Jacob Hobbs and seemed out of it?). It is all such a turn on for Hannibal, he never had to work so hard to corrupt someone. I think it is also why, the more Will rejects him, the more valuable he becomes to Hannibal. With each kill Will loses a part of his soul, and takes a step closer to Hannibal, which he knows and actively supports. Will is the ultimate prize, and if Hannibal can manage to turn him into the murder husband he wants, will be the ultimate success for Hannibal. As for why Will tried to kill Hannibal. I think it was a combination of him feeling he had to, because Hannibal had to be stopped and also him being in a dark place and feeling he had to kill Hannibal to not turn into him...Funny enough, his first attempt to kill Hannibal was stopped by a 3rd party too, though Gideon did intent to so to save Will's soul, and not because he is Hannibal's own guardian angel... Can you tap the disposable phones to make them look like the call is coming from Hannibal's lawyer's office? Because he had to have the caller ID show up as Hannibal's lawyer's office to ever be allowed to speak to Hannibal... And who knows, maybe disposable phones are also too hi-tech for Dolarhyde, like digital cameras are...
  4. I've been thinking about that line too. Bedelia also didn't argue with Will when he claimed it was acceptable to her too, though we know she was rather disgusted by it and was making sure to never eat meat served by Hannibal. And Will was also rather disgusted by it when he first realized Hannibal has been feeding them humans... So I guess what the "cannibalism is acceptable" bit is about is not so much that Bedelia and Will would be willing participants of it, but that they understand the people who engage in it and don't judge them as harshly as others might, and if necessary can even bring themselves to eat human meat too even if it is not their normal choice (like Will did with Randall).
  5. jeansheridan, thank you so much for your kind words. It is bad enough that the show is ending, not getting to enjoy the discussions here will make things even worse... I never thought Molly could have a shotgun, I am not sure if she is a "gun" person. In the Red Dragon, Will had to teach her how to shoot and gave her a gun, but in this show Will tries his hardest to leave his family "out" of all this, so I am not surprised he never thought of teaching Molly how to shoot (besides he is not that good at it himself, though realistically speaking if I remember my criminology lesson well, aim accuracy in real life is rather difficult, so he is not that bad). Will's "I had to justify myself to a 11 years old" comment was more about his hatred of Tattler and the garbage they print then actually having to deal with Walter, from what I could tell. He was upset that Walter had come across an article from that, which I am sure was less than flattering about Will and painted him in a horrible light. No one wants their stepson to read that. And all of it was made worse (and amplified for Will and the discomfort he was feeling) by the fact that the guy Will is trying to catch just came to their house and tried to kill Walter and Molly and managed to injure Molly. He was awkward in his talk with Walter, but then I am not surprised he was, Will feels guilty over what happened to Molly and he is also aware Walter blames him too, so that is a lot of guilt to deal with and he doesn't want to say the wrong thing or do the wrong thing or upset the kid anymore than he already is. He was pretty much walking on eggshells from the very beginning in that conversation, a conversation which would have been hard for any parent, and is even harder for one who is a "step" father. Walter may call Will "Dad" and they may normally get along perfectly well, but in a situation like this I think one would feel the lingering "outsider" feel a lot. According to Fuller on twitter, Hannibal gets to poop in a hole in the floor now. Which... gross... It is Hannibal... She could treat him nicer than anyone ever did in his whole life, and he'd still kill her because he "promised". So knowing that I guess she doesn't feel the need to play nice or show any fear when dealing with him. Which I kind of admire. Though the more she gets on his nerves, the more "horrible" her death is going to be, I am sure... Both Alana and Jack have a need to antagonize Hannibal and gloat about how clever they are, how they are onto him, how they are using him etc. etc. Which really only betrays how much Hannibal got to them and made them feel weak and inferior, IMHO, so I am not surprised at their idiocy in how they handled this. They both have this need to feel they have one-upped Hannibal, that they have control over him somehow and obviously that is not happening. Of course, maybe there are "legal" issues involved that explain their action? I don't know if there are legal complications to listening in/tracing someone's phone calls even if they are a prisoner. Like would there need to be a judge order? And if they don't have one, would that mean they need to get his consent??? ven't since it's been on Saturday nights. When Will adopted the dog, they haven't yet made the connection that this was something Dolarhyde always did to the pets. And my impression of Will/Molly is he doesn't share the details of his work with her at all. We calls her for normalcy and sanity in his life, to escape from his nightmares, so I think he liked to keep her "untainted" with all this. Which is, of course, exactly why Hannibal targeted Molly and Walter. He wanted them ruined for Will. No more a safe, pure house/family he can go to, to hide from his demons and the darkness. They only traced the calls back once they realized it wasn't really the lawyer calling Hannibal, so they were already on to what was happening. He used Hannibal's office just in case FBI realized Hannibal was not really receiving the calls from his lawyer but from someone else and tried to trace it - them tracing it back to Hannibal's office doesn't give them any new information on the caller, all it says "the caller is interested in Hannibal & knows to tap a phone", which they already knew.. I think he also chose to call from Hannibal's office because it is the closest he will be to Hannibal. He is like the crazed fan breaking into a celebrity's house just to be a bit more closer to them than all. Talking to Hannibal from his office, Francis could fantasize he has met him in person and that they were having conversations at his office.
  6. The reason I can't see Bedelia in Italy as Hannibal's victim or prisoner etc. is she totally wanted to and chose to went with him there. Of all the people in this show, she is the one who actually managed to catch Hannibal by surprise, totally naked, with a gun pointed at him. When she came to her house that day and realized Hannibal was in her shower, she could have just left, him not realizing she was back - she would have been safe. But she chose to sit around and wait for him. When he finally got out of the shower, she could have opted to shoot him - she would have been safe. But she chose to lower the gun and accompany him when he fleed to Italy, knowing full well what he is capable of and who he is and what he will be doing there. All because she was curious and wanted to observe the beast in his habitat or something. So she was a very willing and voluntary participant in whatever he was doing in Italy and I do like that he called her out on that when he asked her if she was observing and participating and then pretty much told her she was lying to herself by saying she was just observing, she is very much participating - if memory serves she even had a part in "is this that kind of a party?" guy getting killed because some of the lines she used in her conversations with him was suspicious and made him more interested in them, and she later on said she was curious as to what would happen (which is so Hannibal-like). I was talking about the movie Red Dragon and Ralph Fiennes. I vaguely remember the guy in Manhunter and yeah, he was creepy. And I don't at all remember Reba in that movie, to be honest. Didn't leave much of an impressions (and so neither did the Reba/Dolarhyde relationship in that one). I think when Bedelia told Will extreme acts of violence require a high level of empathy and how he might want to choose to crush someone the next time he has an urge to help them out to save himself a lot of trouble, she was trying to say "I am like you, I have too much empathy, but I have learned to wear adequate armor and be cruel when necessary". I don't agree with it, but I can totally see her use that kind of thinking to explain her actions and feel OK about all she does. In some way, it is possible Bedelia is the answer to a lot of "what ifs" concerning Will and what would happen if he chose to run away with Hannibal to Italy. Shows us what kind of life they would have, and also probably what kind of a murder partner Will would turn into. He would transition from nurturing to crushing.
  7. Oh yes, I remember Will's nightmare, but I thought their conversation meant now, because of the attack, he was seeing Molly in a different way, apart from his usual "I am the killer" nightmares. I just loved that they snarked about the ways the books had Dolarhyde and Hannibal communicating! though I must admit I did like the whole code deciphering and uncovering what was written in the torn part of the toilet paper messages scenes in Red Dragon. I saw in tumblr many people pointing out Hannibal telling Dolarhyde that he can choose to keep Reba alive, that he doesn't need to worry about feeling love for her, probably parallels his own feelings regarding Will. That may just be right. Hannibal initially did spare Will's life when he gutted him just right to make him survive as he liked the world better with him in it and since the head sawing, has saved Will, chose to turn himself in rather than harm Will when he got rejected again, and actually upgraded Will to "family" status...
  8. I had the same problem but thought it was because of the livestream - which died on me for half the episode! Alana's aim is to make Hannibal suffer as much indignity as possible, even if it means making the orderlies suffer too. Poor Molly, totally freaked out at the idea of Will finding out she didn't take as good care of their dogs as he did. She knows the most important thing about Will - thou shalt not mess with the dogs! I don't know much about law and all that, but I always had the impression that it doesn't matter if you are a serial killer or not, you do have a right to private talks with your lawyer, and up until now that is what FBI was thinking Hannibal was doing, so I can see them not listening into his conversations. And even if they were all "ignore rights to privacy and law!" at some point, I think after 3 years of his good behavior and normal legal conversations with his lawyer, they are not that interested in listening into his conversations with his lawyer - which is what the calls were showing up as in their records. Didn't read the books but in Red Dragon the "grandmother" seemed to be one of the things haunting Francis and contributing to his murders so him using her dentures made sense. Here, the weird dentures don't make much sense, they would make more sense if they were more "dragon-like" and part of his transformation... In the original story Will and Hannibal don't have the close personal relationship they have here, and Hannibal isn't trying to land himself a murder husband, so I think it makes sense that in this version he would send Dolarhyde to kill only Molly and Walter - Will's family who he is trying to remove from his life - be it through death or alienation. But yeah, not sure if he knew Will wouldn't be home. Based on Molly and Will's phone conversations I got the idea they live rather far away from where he has to "work" right now (all those visits to Hannibal etc.) and so he has been staying at a motel, calling Molly when feeling lonely etc. Which Hannibal probably knows. Come to think of it, when book Hannibal sent Dolarhyde to kill Will's family, I think he knew Will would not be there as he was in another city or something? (the family were in Florida?) It does. Which is the second time it ends abruptly I think. Last episode ended a bit abrupt for me too. I feel Will is losing it, he was losing it before Hannibal had Dolarhyde go after his family. That "Jack Crawford, the fisher of men" speech was creepy and weird and I found it weird that it didn't cause Jack or Alana any alarm. And at the end, when Hannibal points out that now Red Dragon feels he can do anything and Will is repeating "anything" over and over, between the acting and the angle they shot that scene, really feels like he is coming undone. Given pretty much everyone in Will's life has been pointing out how Jack is to blame for what is happening -Hannibal, Alana and now Molly- and Will does seem rather upset and angry with Jack and the part he played in getting him back into all this, it is in Jack's best interests not to let Will go dark... Not that he seems to care or notice. I also realized how so many people in Will's life is trying to make him kill someone now. Jack wanted him to kill Hannibal and I am sure has no problem with him killing Dolarhyde or Hannibal. Bedelia tells him to kill Dolarhyde and IMO she is also hoping he will kill Hannibal too. Even little Walter tells him to kill Dolarhyde. And of courser there is Hannibal, who just generally wants him to kill, he is not really picky about it at all. Quite the way to go from "Will is not a killer" in S1. Alana remains the only "killing is bad" person in all this and seemed to not approve of Jack wanting Dolarhyde to commit suicide too.... As far as I know, Walter's father/Molly's first husband was a baseball player. So Walter tuning Will out to watch some baseball, and Molly waking up to the sound of baseball and that being the first thing she sees etc. all seemed like bad signs for the future of Graham family for me, especially when combined with Molly talking about how good things in life are slippery. When Dolarhyde was telling Hannibal how he is having doubts because of Reba in his life, I wonder if Hannibal was thinking "Women! They ruin everything!". Between Alana, Molly and Reba the women in the series seem to constantly get in the way of him getting what he wants (and even Bedelia if he is aware of her giving Will advice and warnings now). Hannibal tells Dolarhyde to toss someone else to the Dragon and he immediately goes "Will Graham... interests me". Of course he does, Francis, he is like catnip to all you psychos and serial killers, apparently. Is "odd-looking for an investigator" Dolarhyde's way of saying Will is tiny? He thinks he looks hideous and Will is not very handsome. I am very curious as to who deems as good looking. "I am not Fortune's fool, I am yours".... Ohh Will, you know Hannibal is playing you, and yet not one minute later you find yourself telling him "we can save a family, tell me who he is". You just can't seem to accept the man simply doesn't care about anyone or anything - apart from you, and that is because he decided he wants you for life partner. And in all fairness, he has been telling you over and over (in his own way) that he is aiming for your family, you just failed to get the hints. Wonder if that is because he has been so focused on making sure Hannibal doesn't get inside his head that he is not as good as getting his hints, or has been so focused on Dolarhyde that he has some blind spots when it comes to Hannibal. Or he has some weird false sense of safety regarding Hannibal (he won't come after me) or is it a case of "we don't see what we don't want to see"? But then Jack and Alana thought they could get Hannibal to do what they wanted, so maybe it is just that after 3 years everyone has forgotten Hannibal will only ever do whatever suits his plans. It sure is lucky that Molly is such a light sleeper. If I was in her place, Dolarhyde was sure to succeed. The little dog figurine we see as Dolarhyde walks around the Graham house made me laugh - which kind of ruins the mood.I liked the "car lights" trick Molly pulled, most would indeed try to make a run for their own car and escape I guess but she used it to trick him. Though if that man didn't show up, would they really be able to outrun Dolarhyde? They did have home advantage and a headstart so that is something I guess. Will tells Walter he doesn't want to kill Dolarhyde but catch him so he can be treated in a mental hospital. Walter reveals he found out that Will has been in a mental hospital. Will asks him if this is bothering him because he married his mother. Walter's reply to that is "then you shouldn't put this guy in a mental hospital, you should kill him".. Ouch. That pretty much came off as a "I hate you, wish you were dead!" to Will, too. Molly called Will a sweet man, and now Dolarhyde is all happy because Reba called him a sweet man. Nice parallel, show! Loved Hannibal hanging up on Dolarhyde, saying "they are listening", just when he was being so emotional. It was like he was saying "I am bored, and got what I wanted anyway, so not playing anymore" to everyone - Jack, Alana, Francis. hee! When Molly talked about seeing Will's picture in a magazine and knowing it was him, I am guessing she means she knew it was Dolarhyde in their house? But it mostly feels like there was a scene they skipped... I am happy that Will pointed out he knew what he was doing when he accepted to go back. Not so happy that it is Hannibal (I assume) that he will think of anytime he looks at Molly now. Hannibal sure knows how to push his buttons.
  9. Episode 11 promo: promotional photos: http://www.spoilertv.com/2015/08/hannibal-episode-311-and-beast-from-sea.html I would say the talk between Walter and Will happen after they take Will's family to somewhere safe. I assume the main goal for Hannibal is to make Will understand no one will ever be safe around him, and to scare Molly off too, so Will be alienated from everyone and maybe realize the only person in his life that he should have is Hannibal. Finale press release: Seriously, Will, you made a plan involving Hannibal? Don't you ever learn? This is so going to backfire on you, one way or another. And Bedelia DID warn you. Interesting that it says "in a desperate bid to slay Francis" so Will is not trying to catch the guy anymore? He is seeking vengeance? For Alana (because he is not mentioned but Margot is there)?? Sounds like he is going to a dark place and Hannibal must be loving this.
  10. Yes, I don't think Hugh having another show can be that big a problem if the show's are shot at different times. Lots of actors shoot 24 episode series, so Hugh shooting one 13 episode series and another 10 episode series shouldn't be that big a deal "workload"-wise? Same goes for all the cast and Bryan etc. really who have another show to deal with too, especially if the second show is also of the "10 episodes a year" variety. Don't think handling 2 shows would be that difficult for them.
  11. I have a feeling the "Dolarhyde eating the painting" bit is supposed to leave the viewer confused, and add to the feeling of "this is an unstable, psycho character" and will be explained next episode when Will & FBI team or Will & Hannibal are talking about the encounter, and give us their understanding of why Dolarhyde did that... I am still not feeling Dolarhyde and Reba/Dolarhyde much, and continue to think Red Dragon (the movie) did a much better job with the writing of the character and the relationship. I don't feel sympathy for this Dolarhyde at all, he is too creepy and too inhuman and too crazy for me to connect to. Movie Dolarhyde felt more human. I look at this Dolarhyde and I think "he is disturbed". I look at movie Dolarhyde and I would think "he is a tortured". Makes for a difference. I did like how Dolarhyde saw Reba as "the woman clothed in the sun", with that dress and all. Nice touch, that one. When Will was listening into Bedelia's lecture, his body language reminded me of Pilot Will and how he found the whole debacle of the victims' pics being distributed to the press, and the news Freddie made using those pics, as "distasteful". I thought he was feeling and thinking the same thing watching Bedelia put on that show, which is why he was being as snarky and antagonistic towards her as he does with Freddie usually. He was upset. Later on during their "session" scenes he seems to be calmer and so less antagonistic. Maybe, just maybe part of the reason for his attitude towards Bedelia is resentment that she got to live the life he (and Abigail) were supposed to leave, and enjoy the best of Hannibal without getting hurt, but to be honest I don't think Will is necessarily jealous of other people's relationships with Hannibal as he knows he is the number one obsession of Hannibal and nothing else compares. Hannibal made that rather clear. So I think his reaction to Bedelia has a lot to do with him thinking she is a horrible nasty person, rather than anything else. Bedelia is right to point out that her relationship with Hannibal isn't anything like Will's is. Will and Hannibal were friends and Will cares for Hannibal and loves him (even if he wishes he didn't). And Hannibal in turn cares for and loves Will in his own way. I don't think Bedelia likes anyone or anything other than herself. Her interest in Hannibal was rather professional and one of personal curiosity, I don't think she ever cared for him, she only cared for what she could get out of him. Bedelia is stone cold, and I think her slow "every word is calculated and you know it" speech reflects that. I don't think she has any real friends, and I don't think she wants or needs any friends. In a way, she makes Hannibal look more human... I must say I didn't get the whole "you couldn't save Hannibal so now you want to save Dolarhyde" comment she made to Will. I am sure Will wishes Hannibal wasn't a murderer and a cannibal and rather just "normal" and that they could be friends with no trouble, but I don't remember him being in a mission to "save Hannibal". He tried to put Hannibal behind bars, and he tried to kill the guy. There never was a "must save Hannibal's soul/solve his psychological problem" etc. etc. kind of thing going on. And I don't get the feeling he wants to save Dolarhyde. He wants to save the families, he wants to stop Dolarhyde. Nowhere in there did I get the impression he wanted to save the poor, misunderstood, troubled soul of Francis Dolarhyde. I also must wonder if Bedelia's "next time instead of trying to save them, just kill them" advise to Will is more about influencing him to kill Hannibal, as she would want Hannibal dead now he is of no further use to her and is threatening her life. And you know Hannibal must be going crazy with boredom if he is trying to pass time by trolling Bedelia during holidays with his cards containing recipes, which, btw, is AWESOME. Ahahaha go have yourself some fun, Hannibal, and if there ever was a person who deserved to be trolled, it is Bedelia.. You know she is just exasperated and opens each card with her eyes already rolling. Will was giving some intense "psycho" stares during that talk with Hannibal ,and then we get that "Will's reflection and Hannibal combine" scene. Dark!Will are you making a comeback? One session with Bedelia was enough to push him over the edge? I didn't have a problem with Hannibal making the phone call scene. I assume he'd have the right to have private talks with his lawyer (at least) and as the phone was a special jail phone supposedly designed to not allow inmates make calls (as no keypad to dial or anything) they wouldn't have a reason to stay with the inmate to make sure he is not calling someone else. Hannibal knowing how to hack into that phone and call someone else just further proves his own cunning and brilliance.
  12. I kind of like that they did the phone scene the way it was done in Manhunter... Oh Hannibal, up to no good. When Hannibal and Will were talking about how Dolarhyde is choosing his victims, and how if Will doesn't figure it out soon, another family is likely to be killed off, little does Will realize Hannibal totally means the next family to be his... Looks like Dolarhyde replaces Will as Hannibal's patient, and Will replaced Hannibal as Bedelia's patient. Wonder which new duo will succeed... Loved Bedelia/Will scenes. I like it when Will is being bitchy. His silences do say a lot though. He DID miss Hannibal, he just can't help himself. Bedelia pretty much told Will to kill Dolarhyde when he gets the chance. She sure encourages people to kill other's a lot. She was also encouraging Hannibal to kill Will. I did like that she asked if Molly knew how intimate Will was with Hannibal. I assume "She knows enough", is code for "nope, not at all, as if I'd tell her, I can't even really admit it to myself yet". I am kind of disappointed, I half expected Hannibal to sniff Bedelia on Will, would have liked to see his reaction to that... But I guess he didn't visit Hannibal the same day, or by now has learned to take a shower before going to see the guy, just in case. Dolarhyde throwing Will around... Reminded me of Loki getting owned by Hulk. The story of how Bedelia killed her patient was a let-down (I always thought Hannibal sent one of his dangerous patients to her to see who would kill who), kind of, though I guess it shows how cruel she can be and how she is able to weasel herself out of any responsibility in any situation. From what I understand, she pretty much killed that guy for no good reason other than she decided he was better off dead and still somehow manages to claim the incident as something "done" to her (Hannibal manipulated the situation, the patient attacked me)! Part of me thinks, she killed him because he was suspicious of Hannibal (guess it is possible Hannibal sent the guy to her to see what she'd do regarding his suspicions...).
  13. Will/Freddie scenes are always fun. Sometime they feel like two bickering siblings... One of the reasons I had a problem with Molly's line to Jack regarding Will that went something like "no matter what he says, you will take him anyway" was how it made it sound like whatever Jack demanded, Will had to do. No, Will makes his own decisions and if he goes he will go because he himself wants to, too. I agree that his decisions are ultimately his and I believe he is smart enough to know when people are trying to manipulate him (especially when done as blatantly as Jack does), so he doesn't necessarily "fall" for it. For me, what is more important about people trying to manipulate Will is what it says about those people and their relationship to Will...
  14. Apart from his recreation of Gideon's escape, come end of s1, when arrested by FBI he made a similar escape for himself, ended up going to Hannibal's office, and made him take him to Abigail's house. I am really curious as to how old spice smells. Wonder if they sell it around here...
  15. Actually the "I keep getting it for Christmas" line is from s1, when Hannibal not-so-subtly sniffed Will, noticing his brain inflammation, in the process creeping Will out.... To cover his tracks Hannibal blamed it on the horrible aftershave. So there was no Walter in his life at that moment and Alana wasn't anti- Hannibal yet.
  16. Dolarhyde tossing Will around like a ragged doll! That is more scary to me than his "I am a dragon" growling and stretching! Also, I am surprised they run into one another already...
  17. Turns out the Will/Molly phone scene was originally in Episode 8. They revised it, and moved it to this episode. For anyone interested you can find the production draft sides here. Apparently the "Jack convinced Will to come" scenes were rather different originally too. http://thesilenceofthefannibals.tumblr.com/post/125711811172/protectmollygraham-cut-scenes-from-hannibal As far as Will/Molly phone scene goes, I prefer the one we had this episode.Seemed warmer. And I love that she tricked him with that "I'm feeling Randy" line...
  18. Exactly. That was so scary, after that I'd consider myself lucky that the creep left without hurting me and would strive to never be alone with him. I thought that slip was supposed to suggest her not knowing that part of him that well, also. I think in the show Hannibal is the only person who has a real deeper understanding of Will, everyone else may know some stuff, but not all, and not so in depth, in part because Will doesn't show it to them, and in part because they lack the necessary skill set to get him. Molly, in that regard, is no different... Hannibal, from their first meeting, was able to "read" Will quite well, which at first freaked Will out, but then made him open up to him more. Will's trust in Hannibal made him allow Hannibal to see deeper into himself, and Hannibal knowing him more intimately made Will trust him even more. It kept feeding into one another. That is why his relationship to Hannibal is so unique, and above all else and why that bond is not something that can be broken. Will may "want" to, but he can't, because Hannibal remains the one person he really could connect to and just be himself with, no forts or walls or hidden feelings and ideas. What Molly offers Will is peace and happiness, a chance at normalcy and stability. He may not be %100 open with her and he may not be %100 true to himself when with her, but he is used to that, and I think it is not a huge price to pay for some peace... On the other hand Hannibal is exciting and chaotic, and he doesn't offer the kind of peace and happiness Molly offers, but he does offer freedom -Will can be just himself around him, no judgement, no holding back- which in some way can be peaceful too... She did mention how Dolarhyde reacts when something goes wrong at work (forgot now) so I think they did hint at him being a supervisor of sort, and been there for while... I was fine with Price's comment. It reminded me of him not wanting bee's exterminated too. It is kind of like Will worrying about the victims' dogs, for me... Hannibal "promised" to kill show Alana and keeps reminding her of that, assuming he made no such promise regarding Chilton in the book, I would say that makes for an important difference. I kind of expect him to keep on his promise. And once Hannibal breaks out of prison (and sure he will at some point), there is not much use left for Alana's character...
  19. I wish we knew more too. We know he never knew his mother, I assume she died, and as Hannibal didn't push the matter we won't really know. I think Will did some nice reflection there, asking Hannibal to talk about himself and avoiding the "childhood" question altogether, heh. We know he spent his childhood with his father, on the move all the time, so was the "new kid" in all his school and a stranger, which must have been hard, especially given he doesn't make friends easily. The way he reacted to the concept of "family" in that episode where kids were killling their own families suggested there was a lot in his past to be dug up, but we didn't get to see it. I think in one instance he was talking about how smiles in family photos were fake etc. I think apart from his father, he doesn't have much happy memories of his childhood. And I always wondered who it was that gave him that after shave every Christmas that Hannibal found so bad. Does he have cousins, or some other relatives around, for example?
  20. That is the thing, though, people's perception of him as unstable, weak and fragile IS the reason they didn't believe him when Hannibal framed him for the murders, but that doesn't mean Will is as weak as they see him. It just showed they didn't know him that well, and didn't have much faith in him (in part because he chooses to be antisocial, and not let people be that close to himself, and hides himself and is a bit of an oddball). I think Will is more capable of protecting himself mentally and emotionally than people (other than Hannibal) give him credit for. I absolutely loved Hannibal's line to him in first episode regarding how Jack sees him as a fragile little teacup", and I also loved it whenever Will would tell Hannibal "I know who I am Dr Lecter" or "I know my kind of crazy". This is the guy, who was suffering from encephalitis and had Hannibal Lecter of all people messing around with his head at the time, and he still managed to hold onto his sense of self (however meekly come the end), and not only that, realized who Lecter was. He may tremble and sweat and hallucinate and seem to be losing it, but he manages to hold it together somehow. That is not to say it isn't hard, or that he doesn't suffer and hurt, and feel terrorized etc, and continued subjugation to this type of thing is good for his psyche (it can't be good for anyone, really), but at the end of the day he is rather strong. I feel, because for most of S1 Will had encephalitis and was showing physical and mental signs of coming undone due to it, the image kind of stuck and people assume that is just how he is "normally" but that was Will being sick. Once that condition was treated, Will proved to be much more strong and stable mentally. What his relationship with Hannibal does to him is look into himself deeper, which in turn means digging into his "darkness" deeper too, so he has new feelings and new ideas to deal with. He needs time to register and categorize it all, and decide what he feels about it and what he wants. But I don't think that means he is any more fragile or unstable than before. He just had some new stuff he needs to deal with, now...
  21. It depends on the lighting (or how busy the make-up department is? heh) but it is faint in some scenes but rather visible in others. When he was outdoors looking at the victims' yards and ran into Freddie, it was quite visible. I even thought how Freddie is Voldemort to Will's Harry Potter, she just makes his forehead scar hurt and burn and become more visible! probably makes his head hurt too! Given the 3-years time jump though, I think it is normal that all we have of the wound now is the scar? Speaking of Freddie, some might find this fun, the tabloid pages regarding Tooth Fairy fixed for mistakes etc. though: http://blog.tattle-crime.com/post/125684878225/fbi-in-bed-with-the-devil-all-things-considered It cracks me up that there is a pic of Hannibal from the moment FBI arrested him. It is not like there were any reporters around. Or did those FBI guys took a pic of Hannibal on their cellphones and sold it to Freddie? Freddie sure has more influence on them than anyone! Regarding promos, from DeLaurentiis Co (someone asked them if lack of promo means no episode next week): NBC sucks so much.... Meanwhile, Hannibal was #2 in Nielsen twitter TV ratings, gotta appreciate the fandom's ongoing support. Apparently, "breeder" is slang for "straight" so there was that underlying meaning in that scene... one learns new things every day...
  22. I think that is the problem I had with her, she comes off pushy and bossy, somehow, and it is hard for me to think Dolarhyde would react to that well. That "I am interested in what you have to say" line rubbed me the wrong way, for example, as it sounded... ( I can't find the right word for it but) fake? Forced? Like something a teacher deliberately says to make a student talk, but it is just a "tactic" they use with everyone? I am aware it is supposed to be a line she says that makes Dolarhyde relax around her and feel better about himself, but just didn't work for me. I don't remember much about Reba in Manhunter, don't think she and her relationship with Dolarhyde left that much of an impression, but I remember liking Reba in Red Dragon and buying into her relationship with Dolarhyde there. Maybe it was the chemistry Ralph Fiennes and Emily Watson had. Maybe it was the warmth and openness and naivety Emily Watson and the way her character was written that worked. Maybe it was seeing scenes like All of that helps.
  23. Indeed. That is why I hope they do take the time to give us a bit more scenes of Will and Molly and Walter. I have a good impression of her so far, but would like to have a deeper understanding of her and their relationship... To be honest, before this episode, I didn't really think Hannibal had this much emotionally invested in Abigail, he liked her enough but his relationship to her seemed to be there mostly for Will's sake, he knew Abigail was Will's weakness, she afforded him and Will a special bound, and was as a means to earning Will's complete trust as an ally and confidante. I guess him saying Abigail reminded him of his sister was a clue, but even that seemed to be more about showing Will some human side and intimacy, than anything else at the time... Having seen this, I get that Hannibal also lost Abigail that day, but I am still not sure if he ever meant to take Abigail with him if Will was not in the picture. When he told her "it is important that Will sees you" I didn't see that as him saying when Will gets here, we all run away together - I think if that is what he planned, he would have worded it so. I think he was still committed to punishing Will for his betrayal at that point - whether it be killing Abigail in front of Will (and then probably Will), or showing Abigail off to Will before killing him, so Will would die knowing exactly what he lost when he betrayed Hannibal ... I can't be sure ("I want you two to be together" suggests he meant to kill both initially?). I think Hannibal tends to change his mind a lot when it comes to his endgame decisions regarding Will (kind of like Will never being %100 sure about what he'll actually do about Hannibal, even if he has a plan in mind). For all I know, Will's phone call that day is what saved his life and made Hannibal decide he will cut Will just right and give him a chance of surviving the ordeal, as the phone call meant Will didn't betray Hannibal fully. And that is also why Hannibal went from trying to eat Will's brains to "let's talk about teacups", because Will biting a chunk out of Cordell reminded him why he loves Will so much and probably renewed his hopes that he could tempt Will, and so he removed Will from "kill" list once again. Now, after 3 years of sitting in the cell all alone and dealing with Alana and Chilton's taunts and needling, I think Hannibal has had enough. He probably expected Will to cave in and visit him long long time ago, but Will didn't. Not only that, he went and got married and is a "new man" now. I am sure Hannibal sees that as a huge betrayal too, and his new vengeance plan is probably "take everything from Will and kill him" (just like he believes Will did to him). But depending on how his conversations with Will goes, he may decide to spare him again and just settle for punishing him. By the way, I now have the feeling he is very well the one who set all this in motion by writing that letter to Will, which may have been more about manipulating Jack than Will - he wasn't sure Will would actually read it (he may have just burned it), and even if he did Will would see it for what it was, reverse psychology, he trusts Will not to be able to resist coming to help out of duty no matter what. But Jack is another matter. I am sure Hannibal knew Jack would read it, which would then plant the idea in Jack's mind that he should go get Will to catch this guy. I mean, Tooth Fairy "only" (that is weird to write) killed 2 families yet, and Jack decided they are desperate and need Will asap? Before that 2nd family they didn't even know they were dealing with a serial killer, I doubt FBI even had time to "do their best" to catch the guy yet (they weren't even done processing the bodies from the 2nd family?). Feels like Hannibal decided he is done waiting for Will to come so he set the game in motion which would bring Will to him. He is manipulating everyone and everything again and Jack is as clueless as ever. No wonder he keeps mentioning "well, I warned Will in a letter" to everyone. I guess he is cackling inside whenever he says that. I am getting ready for a blood bath season ending to rival S2's ending, right now...
  24. Found this on tumblr. http://fannibal-crack.tumblr.com/post/110224780015/will-graham-is-an-ex-cop-who-got-stabbed-while-on Well, it is rather true. And I am guilty of it too, at least from time to time... Heh! But seriously, Will is more capable and strong than he is sometimes given credit for. It probably doesn't help that Alana is always "must.protect.Will" and Jack was also supposed to be in a "protect Will" mission at the start of this season. And he does get hurt A LOT - physically and emotionally, so hard to not be worried about the guy and want to protect him...
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