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Everything posted by devlin

  1. Just coz Jensen has a screen presence that eclipses everyone else on this show, I wouldn’t call this the dean show. In fact I think the writers are doing their utmost to make sam more noticeable
  2. I think that in order to make sam “chief” the writers are going to have to take dean out of a majority of the planning and the “sam taking charge” scenes but that’s fine with me as long as they give me dean lying on a bed eating pizza coz I can ff thru all the sam scenes
  3. “Smooth like a dolphin’s belleh”?
  4. I loved dean in this. I never thought I needed dean lying on a bed on his stomach watching horror movies wearing funny socks or wandering around a comic shop eating a lollipop until now. My only gripe is that they reduced dean saying yes to being all about sam, never mind the fact that dean took out a superpowered Satan.
  5. I always feel that Jensen is telling a different story than the writers. I wouldn't be surprised if perez intended for dean to call sam chief at the end with awe and hero worship but thank god Jensen said it sarcastically. And its good to know that ghosts don't bow down to sam the way demons do
  6. Sam doesn’t even have to speak when dean gets insulted, I would be happy with a sam who looks annoyed/disgusted with whatever has insulted dean and what they said
  7. It’s a shame that dabb and his band of merry men don’t seem to realise or even care that by pandering to a certain section of the fan base that they are killing the show for everyone else
  8. Maybe he is brain damaged coz isn’t arc angel possession supposed to leave the host completely broken. If I remember correctly wasn’t Raphael’s discarded vessel a drooling mess.
  9. Wow! I will never understand why that man is allowed to give interviews
  10. Watching this character is such an emotional journey. No matter the story Jensen always seems to enhance it with small moments, like when he finally gets to remove michael’s outfit. Even when the scene isn’t focused on dean he has such a presence. Sorry I don’t mean to gush.
  11. Jared needs to stop with the face pulling. It’s seriously distracting
  12. It’s like when way back when, the crossroads demon used her time with sam to tear shreds off dean rather than having a go at sam even though he was standing right in front of her. Add to that the fact that demons are now listening to and obeying sam and thinking he is the greatest thing since sliced bread, I think Kaia would have fallen to her knees and said how can I please you master? Dean wouldn’t have even been mentioned coz apparently Dean doesn’t matter.
  13. The writing has become so atrocious that I can’t take it seriously. The OTT pimping of sam is laughable, the woobification of the man baby is ridiculous and the way the writers have included the Mary sue’s from their rejected show is just sad. I am probably a bad fan girl of Jensen but I just want to see him on my screen, I don’t care if he is being treated poorly by the writers coz at least he is giving beautiful performances. The writers can call dean a dick and a bully but that’s their opinion
  14. I loved watching Jody with Dean. There is real affection between those two. That’s the only wayward chick I ever want to see.
  15. I still can’t believe no one thanked dean for sacrificing his life and that if he hadn’t done that sam and horrible man baby would both be dead and luci would have free reign while being incredibly powerful. The other thing that I can’t believe is that sam didn’t bother to tell dean that his home and safe place had been invaded by strangers and all he said once dean witnessed it, was a very blasé remark of that there have been some changes. And this mollycoddling of the horrible man baby has got to stop
  16. Sorry it was not my intent to give it any life, I was just in an extremely crappy mood
  17. The funniest part of it is that they decided Jensen moved to Austin because he wouldn’t leave Jared alone and was pretty much stalking him and Jared was forced to create boundaries
  18. I don’t have Twitter but I would love for someone to ask berens what was his intention with the scene between dean and jack. The scene ended with it having a forlorn look on its face as it wandered off to cry and everyone was left glaring daggers at dean. You can’t tell me that was not meant to make dean look like an uncaring asshole/bully. Though the joke’s on berens coz Jensen saved that scene for me and I was squarely on dean’s side
  19. I think Jensen has somehow offended him coz berens used to never be this way towards dean and now the nastiness almost seems personal and he is going out of his way to paint dean in the worst light. But that’s just my opinion
  20. I am so disappointed in an episode where dean finally returns having been possessed as a way to save the world from lucifer( who had just stolen nephilim powers from his son, making him extremely powerful). No one (apart from Jody) seemed overwhelmingly happy to see him or even thought to thank him. He arrives home traumatised only to find his safe place overrun by strangers. He is cast into the role of the horrible dick coz he told the horrible man baby he couldn’t come with, complete with disapproving looks from those that allegedly care about him.( yet last episode when it said that dean didn’t matter nothing came of it and it was left to stand) His entire character is trashed by the latest sparkly Mary Sue with no one bothering to come to his defense. He pours out his heart to sam and gets nothing in return and then to really rub salt into the wound, the episode ends focussed on the horrible man baby’s trauma.
  21. He has been blamed for gamble going, for Edlund leaving, for destiel not being canon, for queerbaiting, for hogging storylines and I have even seen people blaming him for Jared’s depression.
  22. I was excited and then the season started and now I am dreading it
  23. I can’t enjoy any of the brotherly banter between the boys anymore like the stuff with the beard. I find it so superficial especially when the rest of the time I am being shown a sam who refuses to take his brother’s side, stand up for him or even support him
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