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Everything posted by insomniadreams88

  1. Don’t worry, just for you, someone made sure that they all made it, even if they sacrificed a million people to do so.
  2. Did they say anything in this episode about all the people on the other Earths since they took E38’s to E1 because it’s the last set to be hit? Or are they ignoring those billions because they don’t know a group of people with their own show on those Earths?
  3. Listen, I want that information, but my first thought is they’re taking time away from one of Arrow’s episodes for that? Should’ve put it in Hour 3. The Flash (show and person) has already taken enough from Arrow (baby Sara).
  4. Same. And I'll admit I can see both sides. I 100% get why Kara didn't tell Lena (and therefore no one else did), but I also completely understand why Lena is so hurt, considering the way she found out and that she knows everyone else knew. Does it seem like Lena is going a bit to the extreme in a couple instances (like with Myriad, the reminder to Alex that they're no longer friends)? Yes.
  5. Guys, it's fine. Oliver's fine. It's just the first episode. (Shh, don't tell me otherwise. Not ready if he's dead dead.)
  6. So, where are all these people going? Earth-1? Just gonna have two of (maybe almost) everyone?
  7. Especially before going there. I'd understand if after they got there, Sara was like, "hey, I recognize X, Y, and Z."
  8. "She appeared at the last second and brought us here. And changed our clothes."
  9. The Legends are in Star City and I've had to sit through (even just a little) Rene and Dinah this season? Really?
  10. Everyone after COIE is over, both on and off-screen: "Let's remove the word crisis from existence. Permanently."
  11. But it doesn’t make sense: ”Diggle, track down Felicity ... in the cabin you brought us to.” ”Mia, find your mother ... in the cabin where you spent almost your entire life.”
  12. No, it wasn’t reset, it’s just that Arrow likes to remain super vague about Laurel’s past crimes.
  13. I think you’re right. And wasn’t that non-deathbed confession pretty close to what KC had been saying for a while prior to it? (As in going back before it would’ve been written into the script/filmed.)
  14. Great Oliver/Mia, Oliver/William, Oliver/Diggle, Oliver/Roy, and Diggle/Lyla/Connor scenes. Dinah and Rene remain useless. Seriously, zero point to them this season. The Monitor could have brought Roy to the island and left them in Star City. As I said in the live thread, ugh to the Oliver/Laurel scenes just because they feel so forced. If they'd also thrown in a Mia/Laurel scene, Laurel probably would have insulted Oliver during it. And YES Lyla! Hello, Harbinger. But overall, not that impressed with the episode. (And not at all impressed by the sound getting very low during the final Oliver/William and Oliver/Mia scenes. CW, you get an F.)
  15. For some reason, this scene feels so out of place at the end of Arrow to me but wasn't really at the end of Supergirl or Batwoman.
  16. Track down Felicity? Did Oliver forget that Diggle knows exactly where the cabin is?
  17. Ugh, the sound is all messed up on The CW. Why for this scene? Really?
  18. "I wanted to thank both of you for being here even though you did absolutely nothing this season."
  19. I think they just assumed it would be Oliver, and I also assume that Lyla activating it has to do with her being Harbinger?
  20. Roy is seriously doing quite well for someone who just had his arm chopped off on an island. I feel like if they wanted him to be in that fight, he would've been able to use a bow even hours after losing an arm. Or at least parkour off a motorcycle mid-air or something.
  21. Seriously, Dinah, WTF is with that pose
  22. That's the real reason Laurel got a new suit. The Monitor knew he wouldn't want to keep spare outfits with all those buckles, so he made sure she got a new one.
  23. Did they have Rene, Roy, and Dinah bring their suits too? Or are they all like Laurel's: they appear even when they have no reason to be with the person (i.e., she was not carrying hers when E2 was being destroyed).
  24. There are parts of the episode I'm liking so far, but overall, I'm really not impressed yet. And dear god, show, I had enough Oliver/Laurel scenes in the last episode. Wish we were getting quality Oliver/Diggle scenes instead. Please give me lots of Oliver/Mia/William scenes in the rest of the episode.
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