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DC Gal in VA

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Posts posted by DC Gal in VA

  1. 2 minutes ago, ShoePrincess said:

    I had to take a break shortly after de-lurking. Couldn't deal with the Jameses and Stevens. But Nikki is someone I can really root for.

    I'm in my pjs, but I have a great excuse. Recovering from foot surgery, and my clothing options are limited because of the boot on my right foot. I'm off the pain meds, sonI'm enjoying some wine with my viewing.

    Probably refreshing to enjoy your wine without a shitload of WHINE!!!!!!

    • Love 12
  2. There are several subjects from this show which I absolutely cannot bring myself to re-watch: Marla, Cynthia, Pauline and, the worst of the worst, Penny. I saw a repeat of her original episode about to start earlier today and I couldn't change the channel fast enough. There is just something so loathesome and vile about her that enrages me, especially the possible damage we can all see her causing in sweet Liam's life as well as her fake ass need for an oxygen machine. Just one of her props to make sure those disability checks keep rolling in, IMHO.

    Yes auntjess it was Pauline who is as bad as Penny and who has managed to destroy the psyche of her son who appears to be merely a shell of a human being.

    Before I de-lurked here several months ago, I had seen Penny and Pauline discussed together so often I actually thought they were sisters.

    There's a special double-wide place in Hell for people like them who bring suffering upon their children while making a charade of actually trying to lose weight.

    Hate her.

    • Love 7
  3. 3 hours ago, Calicocats said:

    "He needs to get his poop in a group" -Penny

    I have used that one, I am not ashamed to admit!

    Seriously, Penny said that!? I guess I shouldn't be surprised about anything that would come out of (or into) that mouth, LMAO.

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  4. Someone posted within one of the M600PL topics something like "Where are the foodies?" among these folks. Since I like to consider myself a foodie, I chimed in that I couldn't imagine craving and eating the same fast food shit every single day. I believe I also said that I have cravings too, and have many dishes and foods I love, but just can't imagine constantly and desperately craving something that I just had the previous day over and over again. If I do crave a certain dish, I try to make or buy a decent version of that dish.

    I wonder if it's possible, within the confines of the post-surgical weight loss and maintenance diets, to make dishes that actually taste good? Even as I try to lose weight, the way things taste will always be important to me. I think one of the many reasons all kinds of diets fail is, well to be blunt, a lot if the meals can be boring and repetitive as Hell and often tastes like crap. I try to be a creative cook and believe it's possible to cook food that's good for you and  tastes good. Makes me sad that these types of diets seem to remove any kind of pleasure one gets from eating a satisfying meal.

    • Love 5
  5. Kind of related, but does anyone find themselves quoting certain lines from this show in their daily lives?

    Whenever I go grocery shopping and my eyes land on something I know that I have absolutely no business eating, I'll say to myself a la James K, "But it's what ah waaaaaaaaannnt!" I usually don't buy whatever it is. Usually.

    • Love 8
  6. 12 minutes ago, Complexity said:

    I'm not going to copy it (it's in table form), but here's Dr. Now's diet on his website: Nutritional Guidance

    Thanks Complexity for this link; really gives me a better idea of what their day to day lives look like when it comes to eating to maintain their weight.

    I wonder how challenging it is for them to plan, prep, and cook all their meals? Almost all of them seemed to rely heavily on junky processed foods and fast foods. Personally, I love to cook, and even enjoy grocery shopping and meal planning. But I'll bet this is a whole new world for the vast majority of them, except for that gourmet chef Penny and her pee pad meatloaf and deep fried wontons!

    • Love 2
  7. I was wondering about what is involved in post-surgery dieting, given this discussion about what these patients are allowed to eat, and went to the Texas Laproscopic Consultants website--interesting that their organization's abbreviation is TLC--and downloaded their pdf, Laproscopic Gastric Sleeve Post-Surgery Guidelines. I wonder if Dr. Now is affiliated with this group. The name of the diet as it appears on the following page is just called Bypass Diet:


    It's only seven pages long and very informative, especially about the various stages of what/how patients are to eat post-surgery. There are four stages, with number four being how one is supposed to eat for the rest of their lives:

    • GOAL: 3 meals and 2-3 small snacks daily (48-64 oz. fluids; 60-80 grams of protein daily)
    • Foods should be chewed to applesauce consistency.
    • Protein (Meat/Meat Substitute): 2-3 oz./meal; 1-2 oz./snack
    • Starches: 2-3 serving daily (1/4 cup, 2-3 crackers, ½ slice bread = 1 serving)
    • Fruits: 2-3 servings daily ( ¼ cup, ½ piece = 1 serving)
    • Continue to limit fats. Try fat free or low fat products.
    • Avoid liquids with meals.
    • Avoid liquid calories (juices, sugary drinks, alcohol, etc.)
    • No grazing (over-snacking)
    • Eat protein first at all meals.
    • Introduce fresh fruits/vegetables and salads slowly (start with canned fruits and well cooked vegetables).

    We recommend that you introduce new foods one at a time while beginning Stages 3 and 4 of the diet to ensure that you are able to tolerate that food item. If you develop food intolerance, discontinue that food for a week or two and then reintroduce it again. Keep in mind that for some patients certain food intolerances may be permanent. 

    REMEMBER: It is still possible to over stretch your pouch, so watch your portion sizes. Also continue to limit fats, sweets, and sugar intake to maximize your weight loss and maintenance.

    End of Stage Four Instructions

    I'm not knocking whatever anyone chooses to do to lose weight and get healthy, especially those who may have hundreds of pounds to lose and are battling a serious food addiction, but geez this diet sounds miserable to me. But hey no where near as miserable as living with morbid obesity of course. Again, I totally respect and support anyone who has determined that this is the best path to weight loss and improved health for themselves.

    • Love 1
  8. Regarding Teretha, did anyone else here recall and/or find annoying how she would say "wait, wait, wait, wait, wait" really fast over and over again whenever yet another hunky team of firefighters and EMTs were lifting and carrying her? Drove me nuts! I wanted to scream at her "Wait for what!? They're trying to move your big behind as quickly and safely as possible, and I'm sure they know what they're doing better than you!"

    Sad to say, I'll bet that those professionals are no strangers to risking physical injury moving extremely obese patients like Teretha, probably more often than we know of. Again, special appreciation for all of them.

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