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DC Gal in VA

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Posts posted by DC Gal in VA

  1. 1 hour ago, gigiann said:

    Oh and don't forget the time Lisa was filling out his GoFundMe page and told James she was thinking of asking for $15,000 instead of $10,000 -- he gives this look like he was in high finance mode saying "I was thinking that too"!!  (huge eyeroll)

    And of course all the times he said he couldn't be on the diet because he had just too many things going on in his life.  WTF does he have going on in his life to prevent him for eating proper foods??????  He lays there all day and all night.

    Overgrown piece of vile blubber is what I think of him

    Yeah, James was just soooo busy/lazy that he couldn't even be bothered to actually write his own GoFundMe request, just laid there giving his comments and final editorial approval to crotch blurred Lisa. Wonder if it ever occurred to either of them that they may have raised more money if the appeal came directly from him?

    With your spot on observations about King James gigiann, I really hope you will join in the snark (or praise, depending on how they're doing) tonight at 8:00 pm EST for the Live Chat on Milla and Charity (aka Buttwings). Someone had mentioned on another M600PL topic that they heard that Milla's husband had passed away, but I guess we'll find out this evening. The promos for Charity indicate that she is having some setbacks.

    Hope to see you here in about an hour!

    • Love 1
  2. 40 minutes ago, Complexity said:

    Wait, is that a doll, crying with its mouth open in a starfish costume laying on a gurney? You may have found the James K. doll! ?

    Bwaaahahaha Complexity, a gurney yes, with an open mouth for sure, to be found at a Walmart near you! But please don't let us have to change him!

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  3. 21 hours ago, okerry said:

    I agree with the post above. James K reminded me of a gigantic overinflated starfish lying on its back, entirely unable to bend or move. It was one of the weirdest things I've ever seen. I can only imagine the bedsores on his backside and wonder how long anyone can survive in his condition.

    He was the worst physically and Steven Assanti was the worst mentally, though I have to wonder how much worse James K would be if he was even somewhat mobile the way Steven is.

    Yesssssss to your too funny starfish analogy okerry!

    Thanks to you, I took a trip down the rabbit hole with the very sophisticated search words "really fat starfish" LOL. Whaddya you know, there are real really fat starfish like this one (think James K lying face up):


    Or this one (think James K flipped over, red on the bottom like CatherineM observed; kinda bumpy like James too):


    However, I think James' general nasty demeanor more aptly matches this one, especially the feet; yikes, upon closer inspection this one seems to have soiled himself (note the dark puddle between his "laygs"), so he really is  just like James!


    But in no way will he ever be as cute as this one!


    • Love 16
  4. On 5/13/2017 at 3:23 PM, themabeldifference said:

    Maybe people already commented about this, but:

    What just ocurred to me: Is James really the "worst" case of obesity we have seen? I mean we have had bedbound people before (Penny, Marla etc.), but they all could move at least a bit. They could sit up by themself, couldnt they? Or at least they could hold up their body once it was in a sitting position (and did`nt need 3 people propping them up). James K. really is total immobile as it seems. Probably does`nt have much functioning musclemass in his entire body. Although he claims he is getting "solid as a rock". Really laught at this totally absurd scene.

    I think that depends on each person's definition of "worst." Gosh, there have been so many multiple train wrecks on this show. If the worst is measured by sheer immobility and complete dependency on others, then James K is unquestionably the absolute worst. There were several subjects who could neither walk nor stand very long or at all, but no one except him couldn't even sit himself up! And, if you recall, his legs laygs were permanently wedged open. Eeeewww! I mean it took FOUR people to bathe him.

    Also, his nasty, abusive behavior toward his girlfriend and especially his daughter as well as his financial abuse of his 71 year old father who mortgaged his home to help him which he literally ate away, IMHO, makes him the worst. His level of contentment and lack of shame being in that condition for four years and his refusal to put forth even the slightest effort to lose weight is astounding. The man is laziness, greed, wrath, and all the rest of The Seven Deadly Sins wrapped up into one ginormous, stinky package.

    I don't think it was by chance that TLC chose him. The producers were probably high-fiving each other for weeks after their choice.

    • Love 10
  5. 14 hours ago, Complexity said:

    That was my explanation for the second surgery. ?

    The question then is why did Dr. Now only do a gastric sleeve the first time instead of a gastric bypass? I don't know. I can only guess that he had problems doing a full bypass the first time around because of her weight, but he could do it later when she was smaller (not by much, but she was still smaller).

    I also think Dr. Now was more sympathetic with Dottie because of her first son's cerebral palsy and then death. Not only did he do the second surgery to help her lose weight, but this was the first time I've seen Dr. Now not give a patient a weight loss goal. He did that twice with her.

    Ah, yes, thanks for the clarification Complexity.

    One of the aspects of this show, and TLC's production of it, is their lazy lack of attention to detail. IIRC, the viewers never heard that explanation during the show. I mean, damn, they had two hours so just half a minute's worth of explaining would have been all that was needed, but that would have taken away from all the gory close-ups of surgical incisions and swinging removed flesh. Gotta keep the drama!

    Unfortunately, even with two surgeries, Dottie may still have problems with sticking to her diet unless she continues to address her emotional issues, especially her grief over losing a child and being more attentive and emotionally present to her adorable curly-headed carrot top toddler, Langdon (or is it Landon?). Maybe it was Dr. Now being compassionate but, even with a smaller pouch, Dottie could still overeat. It would definitely be more difficult and painful even, but doable.

    I also wonder if not giving her monthly goals could be unwise in the long run since I think she could benefit from having set monthly goals and some additional structure to her and her family's lives.

    Everyone knows what the road to Hell is paved with..............

    Almost forgot to mention that the man who lost a record amount of weight--made the Guinness Book of World Records--was named Michael Hebranko. He may have also set a record for the amount of weight regained after weight loss surgery, but not sure about that. He was often not very kind or even grateful to those trying to save his life. A brief overview of his life courtesy of Wikipedia:


  6. 5 hours ago, Complexity said:

    I'm not following you here. Generally, trauma and maladaptive coping methods (such as overeating) go hand-in-hand. Trauma is the event that happened and overeating is the behavior used to cope with it. Cognitive behavioral therapy deals with the link between a person's thoughts (cognitions), their feelings (emotions), and their maladaptive coping skills (behavior) caused by trauma.

    Wanted to say thanks Complexity for this wonderfully clear explanation of exactly what cognitive therapy is.

    • Love 1
  7. 11 hours ago, Complexity said:

    He did the gastric bypass to force Dottie to deal with her emotional issues that were driving her eating. She literally would be unable to eat like before once she had the surgery. So it was't a magic pill. It was Dr. Now's way of forcing Dottie to hit her rock bottom (which he actually said on the show). After her surgery, I remember Dottie talking about becoming aware of how much she had been eating to handle her emotions. Without being able to do that, she even became suicidal at one point. That's why Dr. Now had her hospitalized after her gastric bypass (which is unusual; normally they go home).

    Dottie was like any person with an addiction. She was self-medicating with her drug of choice. It is a way to avoid emotions. People like that literally cannot handle emotions (even regular ones, no less the emotions of having a child with a severe disability, knowing that child will never grow up, and then having to bury that child). If they don't learn how to process their emotions as they happen, they will become addicted to something – anything – to cope.

    I completely understand why Dottie needed the original weight loss surgery to deal with her over eating and that she needed therapy to develop appropriate coping skills. Really liked her therapist and dearly hope that she keeps up with seeing her.

    My confusion was as to why did Dr. Now determine that she needed a second surgery? Why did it make any sense to do a second surgery on someone who clearly was not following his diet protocols? There have been many sad and tragic examples of people who have gotten weight loss surgery and then eaten themselves right back to their original weight and then some. There's a very famous case of a man--his name escapes me at the moment-- who lost something like 700 pounds and put all of that weight back on plus more. He's the one that Richard Simmons tried to help and had a couple of stays at a weight loss facility called Brookhaven. He died a few years ago.

    Again, my question is, why two surgeries?

    • Love 1
  8. Another couple of thoughts about tonight's show.

    Seems like it was a night of firsts:

    First time (and hopefully the only time) we see two subjects who have lost children.

    Also the first time, but correct me if I am wrong, that Dr. Now has done additional weight loss surgery. That really confused me especially since he quite correctly urged Dottie to get therapy but said she needed more surgery to speed up her weight loss. Isn't he always telling patients that the surgery isn't a magic pill, that they have to change their "eating habit?" Really strange.

    And at least the first time I can remember the TLC commercials hinting at a patient continuing to be a train wreck, meaning June as her Bitch-a-rella past self, NOT happening. Glad about that and her success.

    • Love 5
  9. 10 minutes ago, Dianaofthehunt said:

    No matter where these ladies are in their journeys (oh, that word) they both need to make a “journey” to a department store for a good bra fitting. Really, my dears.

    And some serious shape wear too! I don't think I've ever seen any of them buy shape wear.

    • Love 4
  10. 4 minutes ago, okerry said:

    I guess butt wings provide one with all the back support one needs . . . 

    Well, it took awhile, but okerry has snatched the Gasoline Soaked Drawers Award for the night. Thought I was not going to have to retrieve any drawers from the swimming pool for anyone tonight! Whew, that was close!

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