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DC Gal in VA

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Posts posted by DC Gal in VA

  1. 12 hours ago, aliya said:

    So Teretha has gastroparesis. That's too bad. It is my biggest fear as a diabetic because it makes it next to impossible to control your blood sugar, which leads to a bunch of other complications. 

    Derrick's face is so full and puffy. He's not that overweight, so I assume it's part of the kidney failure for which he is receiving dialysis. I just want to tell these people to go whole food, plant based. Black diabetics are more likely to have kidney problems. My uncle was on dialysis for 2-3 years before amputations and sepsis took him. My mother is diabetic, but in good control (uncle wouldn't listen to the doctors). This stuff is serious and I don't mess with it. I'm vegetarian (mostly vegan) for the animals but also in the hopes that I don't wind up on dialysis. I've been diabetic 20 yrs and my kidneys are still fine (I get tested several times a year). I hope they stay that way.

    And yeah, Chad looks a lot older. 

    Wow aliya diabetes is very prevalent in my family too, in particular on my mother's side of the family. Strokes, loss of mental faculties, blindness, paralysis, death... every female on her side of the family, and now my brother who thankfully has his under control. All except for me. I decided long ago to try to eat as if I was already a diabetic though not always strict about it. I actually am more of a hypoglycemic getting all kinds of weird symptoms if I go too long without eating. I am also a omnivore and high protein/lower carbs work best for me. But hey we're all different, so congrats on finding a way of eating that works for you.

    I said all that to say regarding people like Teretha, James K, and so many others on these shows, they just don't seem to get how dangerous and insidious diabetes is. One of the pop-ups said that Teretha's husband Derrick even sneaks out occasionally to buy food he shouldn't be eating! You would think that losing a leg and being on dialysis would be enough of a wake up call, but I guess not.

    Anyway, if you enjoy eating delicious vegetarian/vegan dishes, come on down to DC and we'll dine at one of our many fantastic Ethiopian restaurants!

    • Love 3
  2. 47 minutes ago, Miss Ruth said:

    What was she...the water boy?  (Get my bloomers ready, DC Gal!)

    I'm watching Charity's story again and I'm so tired of hearing her say she's going to get her life back.  That seems to be the mantra of most of the ones featured on the show.  If they can be believed (and I don't really..) their lives have been so terrible, it makes me wonder why they want to "get my life back."  They should want to start a new chapter.  Ah, well, what do I know?

    Tee hee Miss Ruth you are most definitely in good company here!

    Oh gosh, don't remember her, having a hard time picturing her in my head. As soon as I see a photo of her it'll probably all come back to me.

    Never thought about it but you're right, a lot of them really didn't have any kind of amazing life before they became immobilized--I'm talking about both of you Steven ASSanti and James K!

    Hey don't limit yourself to bloomers, we also have Speedos, unitards, thongs, etc., LOL!

    • Love 2
  3. 1 hour ago, Cherrio said:

    wow !    I feel so bad for him.  Not once does she ever say she wants to get better so she can help him, care for him.    Not one damn thing. It is always about her.

    Interesting Cherrio that they had to show that in a pop-up. Not once did we hear him complain about having to do all that he does for her on just one leg! Another pop-up said that she got a catheter so it wouldn't be so hard for him to clean her up by himself. I didn't know that you could just have a catheter inserted without a doctor saying it was medically necessary.

    • Love 1
  4. 14 minutes ago, MrsClaus said:

    Teretha can put on her own socks and bathe in her bed since having rehab and physical therapy.

    You know, as much of a complainer and excuse maker as she was, she is doing better and I do wish her and her husband well. One thing I noticed is that she was smiling more and her demeanor seemed brighter. One pop-up said that her husband Derrick describes her as a depressed eater. I think he's absolutely correct about that. A lot of the time we saw her with those dead eyes, head hanging down, and clasping her hands. I hope she follows up on therapy and gains more insight into her mental state.

    Not everyone is going to have a dramatic, miraculous outcome like Brittani, Chad, and others. As long as she stays out of that damn bed she's got a chance for a better life.

    Another interesting tidbit is that before she went to Houston she was diagnosed with gastroparesis which from what I briefly read causes the stomach to not properly break down food so it can easily move on to the intestines. Seems to be a rather strange condition to have for a morbidly obese person who doesn't appear to have a problem processing massive quantities of food.

    As for Chad, very sad to see that as young as five he was struggling with his weight since he weighed 80 pounds at that age. How do parents allow their small child to get that overweight?

    • Love 5
  5. Awwwww, I am laughing and smiling cause they're showing him and his family on the road, and one pop-up said that the kids thought the best thing about Chad working was getting an allowance! Those two are so sweet.

    Also, they seemed really happy and excited about seeing mountains and snow. My feeling is that Chad and his family probably did do quite a bit of sightseeing that just wasn't televised. I noticed too that the truck had bunk beds and a refrigerator.

    Another motivator: his boss said he would fire him if he started gaining weight.

    • Love 12
  6. 4 minutes ago, MrsClaus said:

    Chad apparently routinely drank a 12 pack of energy drinks a day?  Egads!

    I know, right? Amazed his heart didn't explode between his weight and the caffeine.

    Also, regarding Teretha, one thing I have to cut her a bit of slack on is how painfully swollen her legs, and especially her feet, are. I especially wonder why the Hell she is always laying flat. I have problems with swelling in my legs and feet and have to elevate them daily so they should at least have her legs elevated as much as possible.

    • Love 1
  7. Geez, learning even more disturbing and sad facts about Teretha. The Supersized version pop-ups said that she had a pulmonary embolism in 2014 which, as I am sure most of everyone here knows, is a result of blood clots developing and traveling to her lungs because, guess why, not getting out of that damn bed! One would think that should be scary enough to try harder to walk or stand.

    Also didn't know that her husband Derrick only has one leg because he had to have the other one amputated due to complications from diabetes. But she has no problem laying around thinking about standing or walking and wearing him in the ground.

    It really is a miracle that both of them are still alive.

    31 minutes ago, MrsClaus said:

    Supersized episode one.  Anyone else watching?

    Oops, just saw your post MrsClaus. Please let me know if you spot any new info I missed. Sometimes those pop-ups come and go so quickly, especially if I happen to look away for a moment.

    • Love 5
  8. Watching Teretha's original episode now. Oh I am a sick and twisted individual but actually learning more about her "journey" than last night's episode.

    There's a scene at home right before her trip to Houston where folks are in a circle praying for her which is a wonderful thing IMHO. However, I couldn't help but giggle when the woman leading the prayer said that because God has already started the healing process in her--didn't giggle at that part, BTW --everyone would be "amazed" at how she would be when she returned.

    Yeah, I'll bet they were, and yes I shamelessly laughed at that part.

    Also, after being on an 800 calorie a day diet in Houston under Dr. Now's supervision, she lost 210 pounds in a few months; never said exactly how many months it was. For some reason they guesstimated her weight at about 800 pounds, not clear on why the bed scale wasn't sufficient. Ended up returning from her place in Houston to the hospital with dangerously high sugar levels as well as gaining 28 pounds in less than a month. Of course she claimed she was trying really hard to make progress. Ugh.

    Funny how she was simultaneously saying how much she really wanted to get out if bed but how hard it was and how Dr. Now just didn't understand from the very beginning.

    • Love 5
  9. 40 minutes ago, Brooklynista said:

    Well my brain said they ran across each others profile on Lowered Expectations.com

    It's official. With this comment Brooklynista has snatched First Place in the foot race to Hell from 55Unicorns as well those gasoline soaked Speedos. Winnah, winnah, greasy fraaaaaaahd chicken dinnah girlfriend!

    • Love 19
  10. Well gee, we didn't get a few more minutes for tearful goodbyes and cyber hugs on the Live Chat, but at least we can reconvene here, LOL!

    Wanted to say that I really like Chad and his family. Him arranging for the family portrait was so thoughtful and sweet. BTW, Chad looks tall, hadn't noticed that before. A huge weight loss really makes a difference.

    • Love 5
  11. Just now, satrunrose said:

    Why did she need ten firefighters if she only weighs 390 lbs. That's 39 pounds per person. I can lift that and I am not even kind of as fit as a fireman.

    Yeah, that is weird since it only took seven firefighters in Detroit and she weighed more. Way to go you big, strappin' Detroit firefighters showing up those girly-man Houston firefighters! Just kidding!

    • Love 2
  12. 21 minutes ago, Kid said:

    "I want to get out of this bed  and I don't think Dr. Now understands that. " Maybe sprinkling her with some fairy dust will make it happen! 

    Chad better get back on the program. He starting to rationalize everything he is doing.

    Or maybe 55Unicorns could loan her a Unicorn and she can gallop her ass outta that bed!

    • Love 9
  13. 1 minute ago, 55Unicorns said:

    Dragging all those people on the road??  I don't know about this, Chad...

    Damn, missed what Chad said, something about a storage locker? He talks kinda mumbly to me.

    2 minutes ago, CouchTater said:

    I just saw a headline today that energy drinks are supposedly worse than regular soda.

    Never had one myself..... that's what Mountain Dew is for!

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