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DC Gal in VA

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Posts posted by DC Gal in VA

  1. 16 minutes ago, TicketToHellPaid said:

    I have not read the threads on this episode as I just started it.


    is it weird Dr. Now suddenly got sexy to me while telling Sean's mom what is what?

    Damn Dr. Now, you're getting hotter by the tirades?

    *** Note to self. Since TicketToHellPaid knows she's headed straight to the Devil's playground some day -- I mean shit look at her screen name -- her assigned gasoline soaked drawers will no longer suffice and we can't have a "wardrobe malfunction" on such an important trip. Therefore, I am ordering her a custom made, nuclear soaked unitard. Of course, if she continues with these comments, I may have to improvise. ***

    • Love 11
  2. 7 hours ago, Toaster Strudel said:

    Anyone else chuckle when the Seanmom recap included a moan of "Owe mah knee!" when they shoved him in the ambulance?

    Or when mom handed him a roasted leg of prehistoric bird, Flintstones size?  Memories...

    First of all kudos to you for giving us the brilliant "Seanmom" Toaster Strudel! That's a perfect description for the two of them since they were always creepily saying "we" as if they were one entity.

    And yesssssss, I remarked on that "Ow, mah knee" during the Live Chat and shamelessly laughed my ass off when Sean said it.

    But, back to Seanmom.

    From watching the original episode on Sean, my take on their relationship was that Sean was a just another nasty, manipulative, ungrateful man-baby who used his mom's guilt about getting a divorce, which Sean hinted was so traumatizing for him, to get her to feed him whatever he wanted and wait on him hand and foot. I really loathed Sean because of how hateful and manipulative he was to his poor, misguided mom. She frustrated me as his enabler, but part of me felt sorry for her, especially since Sean said that his father was not a kind or loving person which made me hate Sean all the more for punishing her for getting out of a bad marriage.

    Boy, did last night's show cause a major change in my opinion of both of them. My sympathies towards her went out the window, especially after her epic meltdown with Dr. Now, and his take no prisoners approach to her hysterical bullshit. That was Dr. Now at his finest! When he directly accused her of Munchausen's, it really rang true to me and I was able to make sense of why she allowed him to just lay there at 18 years old--didn't even graduate high school I believe--never bothering to fight for him to get his foot and ankle properly taken care of, and just feeding, feeding, feeding him.

    Afterall, before his injury, he had a life separate from her. Sure he was huge, but he played high school football, probably a defensive lineman or middle line backer, and was good at, which must have been great for his self esteem, and meant he had a life apart from her. After the injury, he's bedbound and she can have him all to herself 24/7. And him being on 30 different medications at his age? That was all her. Disgusting.

    So, utilizing my completely non-existent medical degree from the internet, my expert diagnosis of her is that she is a total creep.

    Sean has been so damaged and infantalized by her that he may never have a normal life. I really feel for him now and hope he proves me wrong.

    • Love 18
  3. Wow, our West coast buddies are bit laid back.

    That scene with Sean's mom whipping herself into a hysterical frenzy and Dr. Now giving her the verbal smackdown was surreal. She really showed herself to be a real nut job. Actually, after I heard Dr. Now's comments to her about her possible Munchausen's behavior, it suddenly made sense why she never pursued getting her son help with his seriously injured and deformed left foot: she wanted him that way! I really didn't think Munchausen's after watching the initial episode, but many of you here did. Unexpectedly, I ended up feeling pretty bad for Sean and hope he can start to live the life of a normal twenty something man, with boatloads of therapy, of course. Didn't think I'd ever feel that way since I absolutely could not stand him before. 

    51 minutes ago, fonfereksglen said:

    The shoe thing bothers me  on a few of the Food Network shows when they wear their dirty boots into the kitchen!   That said, I was happy for Sean that he was so excited to  just be in a grocery store.  One simple moment which showed how damaged he is by his mother.

    For those of is are Intervention, think about Suzon and her mother who threatened suicide after Suzon said yes.  This is a tiny bit of what Sean will have to deal with.  As someone mentioned in the chat, APS. should be involved.

    I have watched many episodes of that show but I don't recall that one. Sickening. Was she an addict too?

    • Love 13
  4. 4 minutes ago, Brooklynista said:

    Why isn't Sean doesn't walk? 

    He was a football player in high school and had a severe injury to to foot and ankle. What really pisses me off about his mom is that she didn't raise Holy Hell when it didn't heal correctly after surgery, she just left it like that. That hospital and surgeon are lucky I wasn't his mom or they would be calling it DC Gal in VA Medical Center!

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