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DC Gal in VA

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Posts posted by DC Gal in VA

  1. Has anyone here seen the ads on TLC for next week's episode featuring that (formerly) half ton of fun, Sean? He and mom are still hanging in there together. It appears to show him standing at a scale making his usual big old scrunched up "I'm in pain" face and the screen flashes his weight as 553 pounds. If so, that would mean, at least during the filming of this episode, he has lost 500 pounds! Honestly didn't think he would get that far. But, it also shows him in another scene hospitalized laying in bed and mommy tearfully expressing that she's afraid of him dying. Though I personally can't stand him I surely would never wish an early death on him.

    Definitely must see TV for me especially with the Live Chat.

    BTW, haven't seen any commercials featuring Britanni. Hope that means she's doing well.

  2. 30 minutes ago, Cherrio said:

    I agree, Lupe has much better taste and looks than Luann.  I detest Luann.  

    Yeah, but she's got Klaas! Aaaaaaannnnd her jewelry "website" is a total piece of shit.

    • Love 1
  3. 2 hours ago, Cherrio said:

    And to think this whole time I thought Lupe borrowed one of Luann Delesseps statement necklaces.

    Oh no you did-ent Cherrio, you actually got me to look her up--had no idea who this was. And then I discovered it was one of those UnReal Housewives!!! That damn countess woman. Aaarrrggh, I thoroughly despise each and every one of them and don't watch any of their shows but I did watch bits and pieces of the various housewives shows in the past. Really, really hate how they come across, how they all portray women in the worst light: nasty, selfish, back-stabbing, gossipy, materialistic beotches. Bad, bad Cherrio, LOL!

    After checking out some of her "statement pieces" I think Lupe's neck looks way better in comparison!

    • Love 2
  4. 35 minutes ago, notyrmomma said:

    She doesn't have the money for that.  Trust me.

    As an aside, this is exactly why I don't watch the skin tight show: it makes me insanely jealous.  I haven't watched it at all this year, but last year then never mentioned the cost of all these surgeries or the time off needed from work. So I had a huge weight loss and I need skin removal surgery too.  I will need three different operations for a grand total of $40k.  What normal person can afford that (with everything else in life you need)?

    Great points notyrmomma. I was thinking the same thing about the costs, especially as regards Lupe. For her, the chin/neck surgery would be considered cosmetic surgery and would not be covered by any type of insurance plan. Of course it would greatly improve her self esteem and quality of life, but to the insurance companies it's just "vanity" surgery.

    In your case though, aren't there any medical reasons to cite for you to get your insurance to cover it, even if you and your doctor can, ahem, "creatively" show that the extra skin is negatively impacting you physically?

    Also wanted to add that, in the case of Ashley, her very full face, which does look much smaller to me than before she lost weight, may serve her well in the long run. Her face hasn't sagged or fallen because of its fullness and of course being younger than Lupe. Even when, hopefully, she reaches her goal weight she could, if she so chooses, get a minimally or non-invasive cosmetic procedure for far less money than Lupe would have to come up with, like one of those face sculpture procedures.

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  5. 19 hours ago, PrincessPurrsALot said:

    Lupe's hip and femur fused when she was in a coma.  That also created the divide in her double chin. There is a large scar from the breathing tube.  She has a lot of physical issues still to deal with. 

    Yes, PrincessPurrsALot, I remember she was in a coma for a long time. Was it from a stroke caused by her diabetes?

    I also remember that she said they had to cut her neck for a tracheotomy because there was too much fat to get a feeding tube down her throat. That was a first for me. Makes me wonder how it was she could eat so much without choking.

    Like a lot of the addicts featured on the show Intervention, even something as awful as a stroke, a lengthy coma, and being bed bound at a young age was not enough for her at that time to reach her bottom of food addiction enough to say "That's it, I need help now!" Amazing and very sad.

    • Love 3
  6. 20 hours ago, Diamond Dog said:

    Gilbert is a douchebag. Every time, he came with a present, he was screwing around on Lupe.  Damn  him, and his 'needs' .  His wife gets cut from stem to stern, and he wants to bone? Get a box of Kleenex, and some lotion, and do some self-love, Douchebert.  Lupe got a lot done this episode. Husband removed, along with some belly skin. I hope she gets that weird chin skin thing fixed. It looked like a set of balls growing under her face. 


    I felt badly for Ashley. It doesn't appear she has much support within the family. They appeared to be there, but kind of meh about it all. She's really going to have to keep up with the therapy, and make some big decisions down the road. If her husband isn't interested in joining her goal to eat more healthy then that will be as difficult as a recovering alcoholic trying to stay married to another alcoholic. Long term it isn't going to work.


    Also, Ashley's husband looks like a cast member from Hee Haw.  


    Actually Diamond Dog Ashley's husband looks the size of all of those cast members put together, minus the dog!

    • Love 6
  7. Did anyone find it odd that Gilbert was obviously drinking too much and just flat out drunk during the scenes at the end? I watched the original episode on Lupe and, as I recall, there were no scenes of him being drunk or drinking alcoholic beverages of any kind. Also, in none of Lupe's comments complaining about Gilbert did she ever say anything about drinking, just comments on him trying to hook up with women online and constantly cheating. Then, all of a sudden, he's a stone cold alcoholic. Just doesn't add up. Of course, it could be the usual TLC shitty editing or straight up manipulation.

    Geez, their dynamic as a couple was totally screwed up but I don't agree with Lupe saying to her cousin at the end that it was Gilbert holding her back. Bullshit. Lupe needs to own her own part in getting to such a dangerously large size. Although I admired Lupe for calling out Gilbert on his cheating ways even when she was at her highest weight, I think she also needs to realize that all along she was cheating on him too with her true love, food.

    After all, by her own admission, she was morbidly obese before she met Gilbert, interestingly, online. Whose fault was that? I believe she even said that she wasn't open with him (read, a lie of omission) about how big she was and he said he initially wasn't happy that she hid that from him. Guess there was no face-timing during any of their chats! Also, she said that she was actually looking for someone to care for her. Not exactly a healthy basis for a loving and functional relationship.

    • Love 19
  8. On 4/13/2017 at 1:48 AM, Bunnygirl said:

    Dr Now said Lupe's hip and femur had fused together some years ago from lack of use, so I assume that's why her foot is turned out in that weird way. Also, someone mentioned upthread that the show wasn't on next week, but my guide says it's going to be an update show about Brittani & Sean.  

    Oh thank you for this Bunnygirl. Oh My Gawd, Sean, the one that started out at 919 pounds, was sent home to lose weight, and after a couple of months, gained 84 pounds to top out at 1,003 pounds! I believe after he was put in the hospital to lose weight he was in the 700's. A nasty, spoiled, manipulative man-child and his super enabling mom. Can't wait for this update.

    Edited to add that Sean's rate of weight gain puts him in league with James K who, when sent home with specific instructions to lose weight, returned to Dr. Now showing a 158 pound weight gain in four months!  Actually, he and James K are almost like giant, man-baby twins separated at birth, with the same nasty attitudes and voracious appetites.

    Ah, Sweet Baby James K.

    • Love 16
  9. 39 minutes ago, Moloch Must Die said:

    I can't get over how light on her feet Ashley seems, at almost 400 lbs.

    Did her husband just reach inside is overalls to adjust himself after he stood up? Niiice.

    I think Lupe's legs have atrophied. Are they going to address this? I'd like to see an X-ray of her skeleton and what's going on with her poor bones.

    Great observation Moloch Must Die about her legs atrophying. I said upthread during the East coast chat that her legs just seem to swing around when she's sitting up in bed with her legs hanging off the edge.

    And dammit, didn't catch Ashley's husband's "adjustment." Kinda glad about that, LOL!

  10. Good catch Lizz on noticing scratches on Gilbert's neck during the show; totally missed that.

    Really didn't see a domestic violence situation coming.

    Wonder if Lupe's weird, twisted right foot will be addressed. I had a hip replacement several years ago but my foot wasn't twisted from it.

    • Love 6
  11. I really hope that both Ashley and Lupe keep on succeeding but, sorry to say, I see trouble ahead for Ashley and her husband. As she gets healthier, slimmer, and more active, she may resent him getting bigger and bigger, eating everything in sight, and setting a piss poor example for their adorable son.

    • Love 18
  12. Did Lupe just say that Gilbert got physical with her? Shit on that! I was actually feeling a little sorry for him since he did care for her for ten years, but no, uh uh, no one should ever put up with abuse. Are you watching Lisa (James K's long-suffering, abused wife for those who missed that episode).

    • Love 11
  13. 1 minute ago, Armchair Critic said:

    Who was in charge of our gasoline soaked drawers? They need to get busy! ;)

    Oh thanks for reminding me Armchair Critic!

    ***** Another note to self: retrieve huge pile of gasoline soaked drawers from the kindly neighbor's swimming pool; bathtub overflowed. *****

    • Love 8
  14. He's trying to knock her up, that's what! Remember he said he was so disappointed when they found out she wasn't pregnant. Guess he's afraid she'll leave him as she gets more independent. Too stupid to see that his behavior is sending her right out the door. Poor moron.

    • Love 10
  15. 1 minute ago, Anchorabu said:

    Haha! She's heard and said worse!

    this morning I told her she had to go to the doctor today and she said "f*** that!!"

    I said "but after you can watch My 600 lb Life!" 

    Mom said "hmmm... ok!"

    she keeps me busy ?

    Hahahaha!!! Damn, every time I think your mom can't get any better, she tops herself!

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