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DC Gal in VA

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Posts posted by DC Gal in VA

  1. 8 minutes ago, hookedontv said:

    Oh man, I still haven't watched Part 1 and Part 2 is airing tonight. I've obviously read comments here and I'm afraid that once I start watching every fiber of my being will be enraged and I'll become a screaming banshee. 

    Well hookedontv you will have the opportunity to channel your inner banshee at 6:00 pm EST tonight since TLC will be airing Part 1 right before Part 2. C'mon, you deserve to be just as enraged as the rest of us!

    • Love 3
  2. 1 hour ago, fonfereksglen said:

    I love you and your handle!  It will be white wine for me.  

    Many {{{hugs}}} back atcha fonfereksglen! Cyber see you tonight at 8:00.

    BTW, what's the meaning behind your handle?

  3. 2 hours ago, Michael Stabosz said:

    I am hesitant to put a lot of blame on the enablers.  It's easy for us to be armchair experts and say "He should do this!  Piece of cake!"  But we're emotionally detached from the addicts.  I think that the enablers can and should change their behaviors, but it's harder than some people are assuming it to be.  Steven doesn't want his son to die of a drug overdose, or do something worse and more destructive.  He thinks that will happen if he doesn't order the pizza.  That's why he keeps doing it.

    See, at least for me, if that is his father's motivation then why bother going through all the trouble to travel 1,800 miles to get your son into a program for weight loss and ultimately weight loss surgery then immediately sabotage it by ordering him pizza? If his real concern is that his son is a drug addict and thus he buys him pizza to keep him from dying of a drug overdose, wouldn't it be easier to achieve that back in Rhode Island where he can physically monitor his son's behavior and have some control of his environment? 

    Nope, I get the distinct odor of a huge, steaming pile of reality TV/TLC bullshit with the enthusiastic and completely willing participation of both turds Stevens. 

    Steven, Sr.: "Boo hoo, I am so frightened that my dear son might overdose and die so I make sure that I am several states and hundreds of miles away and leave my devious pill-head son to his own devices. Then I leave him, not enrolled in a secure facility that treats drug addicts but in a hospital for weight loss, with the hope of weight loss surgery, when he has shown absolutely no real interest in losing weight. Of course, I then (allegedly) long distance order him hundreds of dollars of pizza for good measure even though he was kicked out of a Rhode Island hospital for his obnoxious behavior which included ORDERING PIZZA."

    I cannot imagine that that could in any way be plausible because, IMHO, it isn't. It's not true and it's not believable, just another TLC, ratings driven, fake ass, poorly acted simulation of reality.

    I expect more of the same from Part 2, which I wouldn't miss for the world, vodka martini in hand!

    • Love 9
  4. 13 minutes ago, Hockeymom said:

    DC Gal in Va, love the graphic!

    How'd you do that? I'm not especially tech savvy, so please explain it to me like I'm a toddler.

    Or stirring Bloody Marys

    Oh I just downloaded an app from Google Play and followed the screen instructions. I mean that thing is ticking down right now. I am totally not tech savvy either but I got it to work on my Android tablet. However, all I could get when I tried to post it here was a jpg (still) image.  Aaarrrggh!!! 

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