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DC Gal in VA

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Posts posted by DC Gal in VA

  1. On 3/19/2017 at 4:13 PM, PrincessPurrsALot said:

    We were shown her sitting in bed during the season previews.  Now we'll see her walk.  The outstanding question for one and all, will she say "ow, mah laygs!"

    I've seen those previews too and those huge legs of hers.  If she, unlike James K, does walk, she'll have every right to scream "ow, mah laygs! poor woman.

    • Love 6
  2. 1 minute ago, Pentwater said:

    I wonder what would happen if James' caregivers took a day off. Poof! Just left the premises, leaving him adequate hydration. Maybe a phone for a 911 call. Then, *poof* maybe stretch it to a weekend off, again with adequate hydration. Really, what happens to these bed-bound people when others stop giving a flying F? 

    I wondered about that too Pentwater, specifically about the legalities. For instance, if both Lisa and Bayley both said "That's it, we can't take it anymore!" What exactly are their legal obligations as caretakers? What if they reported that he is a verbally and emotionally abusive person AND Lisa, as stated in one of those screen messages, has hernias due to her care of him. Can Texas force them to stay? Wouldn't Texas have to release them from their caretaker status and be responsible for putting him in a nursing home that could accommodate him?

    • Love 1
  3. 8 hours ago, AZChristian said:

    And another thing I noticed while watching the supersized edition.  Bayley said "My mama pulled me out of school to help take care of my daddy."  That sure doesn't sound like Bayley was in college.  A college student would say, "I dropped out of school."  That kid was still in high school.  And probably under 18.  Pulled out of school to wipe her father's butt.  That's child abuse, pure and simple.

    ETA:  Someone in that family or people with personal knowledge of this situation should call in authorities.  From my cursory reading, the statute of limitation on child abuse in Kentucky is that it has to be reported within 5 years of the victim turning 18.  Bayley is 19.  And any evidence needed can be garnered by watching this episode of M600#L.  I'm thinking some time in jail would get James below 600.  And Lisa might drop quite a bit of weight, too.

    I tend to agree with you about Bayley being pulled out of high school AZChristian, especially because of how they said it.

    Ahhh, but also because they--both Lisa and James--are exceptional lying liars who tell bucket loads of lies. Problem is that when you tell lots of lies, you have to keep them straight which, given that the two of them together may have no more than five brain cells between them, is a daunting task.

    As evidence, I present Exhibit A. This quote is taken from the same In Touch Weekly online article I referred to upthread:

    "Things got worse when I was 42 because I fell, and I was so big, the fire department had to come and get me up,” he said. "It was one of the lowest moments in my life. And I hurt my ankle really bad, and I had to stay in the bed and rest. But I'm not even sure if it ever healed because that's the last time I put weight on it."

    James’ father revealed that, though James reached more than 500 pounds when he was in his 30s, his weight ballooned after the fall.

    "I think James' weight [got out of control] five or six years ago,” he said. “And I tried to mention it to James a few times about his weight. But I don't know, it seemed to do no good. It got out of hand."

    Hmmmmm. Which leads me to Exhibit B. If James is 46 now AND hasn't walked since he injured his ankle, he's actually been bedridden for FOUR years, not the TWO years they stated-- perhaps lied about--on the show. That statement then leads to Exhibit C:

    When they say they pulled Bayley out of school to help Lisa bathe and otherwise care for this ungrateful lump of a human being who was at least 500 pounds by then according to the article and Bayley is 19 years old now, that would make her 15 when she stopped going to school. No way could Lisa have managed to take care of him by herself for three years only to pull Bayley out of "college" at say age 18.

    I stayed at a rehab for awhile after having hip replacement surgery--had several complications post-surgery and couldn't take care of myself at home. When it came time to bathe my roommate who weighed about 180 pounds, there were always two CNAs who rolled her over. They would often say how heavy she was to manuever because she was paralyzed from the chest down with the use of only one arm, and thus dead weight. Again, no way could Lisa possibly attend to 500 pounds of dead weight by herself.

    Which leads me lastly to Exhibit D. Although neither of them are too bright, they are smart enough to be vague about exactly when Bayley was pulled out of school to possibly avoid any legal consequences of doing so.

    Please, please somebody, anybody free Bayley.

    • Love 13
  4. Speaking of Dr. Now, I can't ever remember him actually using a cuss word when chastising a patient for non-compliance. James and Lisa must have really gotten under his skin since I believe he said Hell several times. That's practically a swear fest for him, LOL!!! Good for you Dr. Now.

    • Love 12
  5. 2 minutes ago, jacksgirl said:

    Grrrr, can't get rid of quote box. Anyway,  I'd gladly give to the GofundMe account IF all money collected is used to hire home health aides to keep James on his diet, Lisa cannot do this. James would lose at least 150 pounds in a few months and qualify for surgery. That would be the best use of any finances for James. I'd love to see him try to bully a strict health care worker, I'd laugh and laugh as they served him 800 calories a day.

    Tee hee jacksgirl, ITA completely. Actually, if well paid, I would be happy to develop and cook a 1200 calorie per day low carb meal plan, although even a 1500 calorie a day diet would work for someone like James for sure IMHO. I am a pretty good cook and am currently doing my own version of a lower not low carb diet, everything made from scratch. Even doing a lower carb, which I believe is much tastier and more varied than a super low carb diet, I guarantee James would lose weight and the meals would be quite enjoyable.

    With all due respect to physicians, fitness experts and nutritionists, a lot of their meal suggestions look (and taste) like gack to me. I am a proud foodie and frankly if I don't like what I am eating I ain't eating it let alone sticking with it month after month, which I truly think contributes to why a lot of people can't stick to their diets. You really can enjoy what you eat and lose weight.

    Of course, I would need to be given absolute control over every morsel that goes into his mouth which would mean Lisa would have to be completely out of the picture. Let her and Bayley get outta there for a few months, get some well earned rest, definitely a lot of therapy, and dammit, have some fun.

    And if boyfriend was stupid enough to try and bully sistah girl (me) into ordering him fraaaahd rice and egg rolls or making biscuits and grrrraaaavy, I would bust out so much DC on his ass it would make his considerably giant head spin!

    • Love 11
  6. 3 hours ago, operalover said:

    The new GoFundMe

    He is fat because of his thyroid, by the way

    It's hard to read. Lisa never learned to put a space between a period and a new sentence.

    There is a bottle of Dr. Pepper in the photo. 



    Seriously operalover? Well shit on a  cracker, that's ridiculous! Don't they know that millions of people have watched their shit show of a life on M600PL? Not only are they liars, but bad liars. The only way it's a thyroid condition is if his thyroid is made of a giant slab of cheesecake and egg rolls covered in gravy!

    • Love 5
  7. 13 hours ago, GussieK said:

    Okay, I made Dr. GussieK look at the teevee screen.  He said the condition is known as elephantiasis nostras verrucosa.  It's a really bad kind of lymphedema.  We're used to seeing bad lymphedema on this show, but this is worse.  One description says verrucosa is a "cobblestonelike appearance." 

    Wow thanks GussieK. With trembling hands I looked up images of that condition and they look exactly like what's on James' legs. I really do feel sorry for anyone with that condition, even a jerk like James. But could Dr. GussieK explain why he has a diagnosis of cellulitis? Can cellulitis mutate into that condition?

  8. 3 hours ago, wings707 said:

    Where is gasoline soaked underwear coming from?  I clearly missed something. 

    I did google sever cellulitis and that is what prompted my post this morning saying I think he is headed for an amputation if he doesn't die first.  And I believe he would die during that surgery!  

    The camera's were rolling.  :^)

    Well wings707 since, by your sheer participation in this thread and thus having been assigned your own personal pair of gasoline soaked drawers, please know that it's the proper attire everyone here will be wearing on our collective trip to Hell. For further explanation, please check out my post on page 3 of this discussion. Welcome!

    • Love 9
  9. 29 minutes ago, operalover said:

    DC gal in VA- that is pretty grim but nice synopsis of what her life is and what she does and has done. I mean they are co-dependent so it seems they sought each other out. It is true that the other guy raised his kids! What a lazy sack of shit.

    I also noticed in the very beginning of the show, when she walks over to his bed, she is limping. She is 56 years old and looks in horrid shape. She is also a physical mess from all this. I'll bet she has her OWN medical problem and aches and ouchies.

    Gee operalover it is grim isn't it, but it's the only way I can make sense or even begin to understand their relationship. She does look horrible doesn't she. I'm not critiquing superficial stuff like hair, make up, clothing although I can't think of anyone who deserves a makeover more than she does. What I mean is that beaten down demeanor and those dead eyes; positively haunting. But now that you mention it, one of the screen messages said she had hernias from all the years of lifting/roll his humongous, ungrateful ass. What kind of childhood must she have had to believe she deserves a lifetime of abuse?

    • Love 7
  10. 42 minutes ago, Trees said:

    Right from the get-go, it was clear that James and Lisa are in a co-dependent relationship.  He showed a toxic attitude right from the start.  Clearly the show's producers must have seen this.  I feel like they chose James just for RATINGS, and not for any snowball's chance in hell at success.

    This season seems to be just loaded with shock value in every episode, especially the naked shower scenes.  The earlier seasons seemed to be more about helping people. It feels like something has changed in their goals.

    Anybody else have this observation?

    Yes Trees absolutely yes! I was thinking the same thing. There's no way TLC could've missed the train wreck that is this family.

    • Love 1
  11. 31 minutes ago, Fraahdriceandgravy said:

    I recently gained some weight and was feeling not so slim yesterday.  Watching this last night has made me feel way "looser" now.  

    Um, so I just noticed your awesome screen name Fraahdriceandgravy. What a "coincidence" given the patient featured on tonight's show. So, I have to ask, Bayley is it you?

    • Love 11
  12. Watching this now, catching up on the parts I missed. At the 843 pound "surprise!" weigh in point, after Dr. Now's visit to their apartment and he told them flat out it didn't looked like he had lost any weight. Then they just lied their asses off to the Dr.'s face; makes my head hurt.


    *****Note to self, due to overwhelming new requests, bathtub is now overflowing with drawers, must find larger vessel; much, much larger*****

    • Love 12
  13. 10 minutes ago, poc565 said:

    Will there be a follow up on him? 

    Hi poc565. Just checked TV Guide website and it says he'll be on AGAIN tonight--at 8:00 pm and 11:00 pm EST-- in an enhanced version. Seems pretty soon to be airing this since he was just on last night.

    Gee, I don't know if I have the strength,.......... Aww Hell's yeah I will, probably with a cocktail!

    3 minutes ago, Cherrio said:

    I don't know the name of the kingdom either, but I am sure someone named Friar Rice must live there?

    Hahahaha, am seriously sitting here laughing out loud at that one Carrie! That was totally on point.

    *****adding two more pairs of drawers to the huge pile soaking in gasoline in the bathtub*****

    • Love 5
  14. 36 minutes ago, Carrie said:

    (Sorry about copying the quote above with no comment...  I meant to wonder whether he lost any weight during his month-long hospital stay in a KY hospital? For cripe's sake, this guy seems to have no qualms about expecting the world to accommodate, and pay for, his every need!  I think some one earlier nailed it:  in these kinds of extreme circumstances, the person would only benefit from being confined in a long term rehab and mental health facility- possibly even committed- so his freedom of choice ( to eat to his death) is restricted.

    Actually as a newbie, I have a technical question:. How does one copy only a portion of someone else's post to which to respond?  I am on an iPhone - a rather old one to be honest.  Does that make a difference as to functions available?

    Well, it seems that our dear, delusional James K has knocked Nicole off her well earned throne with 587 (588 with this one) posts to her 580! I now knight thee King James, of what kingdom I doth not know, LOL!

    Anyway, your post brings up an interesting proposition Carrie, namely why can't someone like James be committed to a mental health facility? I mean I know the current standard for forcing someone to be committed is if they are a danger to themselves. Sure as shit, James is definitely a danger to himself. Also probably would have been a cheaper bill for the taxpayers since he could be committed in Kentucky. Just a thought........

    • Love 7
  15. Just now, jacksgirl said:

    Only guessing DC Gal, I think it's a tongue in cheek statement. With all of James' whining and difficulties getting in and out of his apartment and ambulances, it is doubtful he was "rushed" to the hospital. Transported may have been a better word choice,  struck me as funny though 

    Oh, okay thanks jacksgirl, that makes sense. Dontcha just love it when people like James are constantly saying stuff like "we're working really hard" or "it's a lot of work" to do whatever is being done when they're just sitting or laying there while everyone else is doing the actual work? Makes my teeth itch.

    • Love 11
  16. 6 minutes ago, gardendiva said:

    Viewers of this show are willing to be compassionate as long as the patients show a minimum of effort being put in, and will make big allowances based on the level of past trauma. But James, as with Penny, have both exhibited an infuriating combination of traits that make the viewers seethe:

    1.) Lack of awareness of what constitutes "healthy" food

    2.) Using help inappropriately from their children

    3.) Allowing themselves to get so far gone that they cannot do anything for themselves, including look after their own waste elimination

    4.) Blame the ones trying to help as the reason for their own failure

    5.) Inability to recognize massive weight gain, and will continue to insist they are "making progress" and "working hard"

    6.) inability to endure the slightest discomfort, even when it happens during the course of people trying to help. This includes hunger, pain from being moved during the course of care, dealing with any stress, etc.

    7.) Lack of respect or downright hostility to Dr. Now

    So well said gardendiva.

    Please allow me to add two more that always sets me off: 8) complete ingratitude and 9) a massive sense of entitlement.

    • Love 12
  17. 40 minutes ago, Ocean Chick said:

    Y'all have covered all my points very well.  So shove on over and make me room in that handbasket to hell - I've got my gas soaked drawers right here with me.  Poor Lisa is addicted to abuse, as some of you have pointed out.  I've known a few women like her, and it's just soooooo frustrating because you want to help them - give them a new spine and belief in themselves - but they're too far gone.  I knew, after James' voice-over about his blood brother and 4 step-sibs and Lisa's 4 kids with her husband and the 2 he had with her, but only Bailey being there with her mom, that there must be a good reason none of these people were anywhere near James.  And boy was I right.  They clearly had had enough of the man-child trainwreck, where nothing was ever his fault.

    And did James and Lisa really think that no one would ever see any of the footage that was being shot?  I mean, they're filmed chowing down on mountains of Chinese food, and then insist to Dr. Now that he stuck to his 800 calorie a day diet?  Really?  That he was only eating 2 eggs and 2 slices of bacon in the morning, and 4 oz of meat and a salad at night?  Wonder if egg rolls counted as eggs?  Was the FRIED rice actually falling under the column of "salad"?  Grrrrrrr.

    Yes to all of this Ocean Chick, especially the delusional constant lying to both Dr. Now and themselves.

    However, speaking of their children and his siblings, did anyone catch somewhere near the beginning of the show when it was shown how they bathed him every morning and two men arrived to help Lisa and Bailey, it flashed at the bottom of the screen one of them was Lisa's grown son by her ex-husband? The way it was presented, this was every morning! If that was how I had to start my day every day, I think I would have to have a "liquid" breakfast just to deal with that shit--literally and figuratively. And I don't mean no smoothie!

    Edited to add: Since there are now so many of you here boarding that express train to Hell, I have moved the pile of gasoline soaked drawers from the bathroom sink to the bath tub. Also added more drawers.

    • Love 20
  18. 3 hours ago, mmecorday said:

    I have always had the highest regard for the men and women who provide emergency services, and the EMTs in this episode really deserved special citations for what they had to put up with. They displayed such patience and kindness to this man who did nothing but whine and complain the whole time they were trying to help him. If there are any EMTs replying or lurking in this forum, my hat is eternally off to all of you for what you do.


    Well said mmecorday!  I totally agree.

    This show was tough to watch for so many reasons, many of which have already been commented upon here. Although I watched most of it, I had to step away for a few minutes just gather up enough strength to see this episode through to the end.

    Your praise for those EMTs brought up a question for me that I hope someone here can answer.

    After James was denied insurance (Medicaid?) to cover the cost of his trip to Houston and the GoFundMe was a bust, didn't the local fire department donate an ambulance and the time and great patience of both firefighters and EMTs to haul his massive, whiney, complaining ass, first out of their home and into the ambulance, then drive him to Houston? I mean those guys deserve many thanks and shiney, diamond studded platinum halos for what they did for him. We don't see or hear everything of course because of editing and he may have said it, but I don't recall hearing him say "thank you" to them even once.

    If that was the case then, does that mean that his dear father who refinanced his home to cover the estimated $15,000 cost of the trip is not financially in the hole?

    • Love 4
  19. 55 minutes ago, CouchTater said:

    James:  "I'm going to add more weight exercises and prove I can lose weight!"

    Lisa:  "You wanna do some weights nows?"

    James:  "Naw, I don't feel like it right now."


    Bwaaaaaaahhhh, I'll see your hee and raise you a tee hee CouchTater!!!

    I shook my head and laughed when that conversation happened.

    *****Now I need to add more drawers to that sink full of gasoline*****

    If you read my previous post on page 3 of this discussion, that actually makes sense!

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