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DC Gal in VA

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Posts posted by DC Gal in VA

  1. 2 hours ago, TicketToHellPaid said:

    It's a fattie dating site, I wish they put a list of all the acronyms as thankfully I don't know them.

    Alot of the woman have fan clubs and huge followings. The whole thing is crazy to me but it solves a big riddle, 

    how do these women get men? And multiple men?  Well now we know and now we know how everyone has met online on this show.


    Damn D.C., you really talked imfree up, I'm gonna check if he is still single.  

    And you're welcome, lol??


    On another note, I'm sitting here with Halo peanut butter cup ice cream.  Definately an ice milk.  It's ok, not great but of course I am still eating it so I can move on to the Haagen Daz peanut butter amd chocolate ice cream I also have.

    I couldn't buy the noosa yogurt. I'm not overweight but damn, 13 grams of fat in that little container is too much.

    Hey, wait a minute, I SAW HIM FIRST, LOL!!! Seriously girlfriend, he's all yours, if he's still with us, if you know what I mean.

    I didn't know it was considered a dating site. From the little bits that I read it seemed to be more of a weird, wonky fat acceptance site along the lines of the Whitney Thore/MBFFL philosophy of life: I can hardly get into my own car, can't shave my legs or put on shoes, can't make it through a lengthy or even moderate work out without almost passing out although I am a "professional" dance instructor, or do any of the fun things I used to enjoy, but I'm FABULOUS!

    Funny that you mentioned Halo ice cream. I've been wanting to try it to see what all the fuss is about but at $4.64 in my area for that small container and you saying it tastes like ice milk, which I like fine but..... I think I'll pass. If you like chocolate and peanut butter please try the Reese's Klondike bars. OMG, amazing!

    • Love 2
  2. On 3/23/2017 at 8:41 PM, QueBueno said:

    I hope this is the right thread for this.  An interesting article about the costs involved with obesity.  The part about how much it costs hospitals to buy supersized everything was eye-opening.

    Obesity's Hefty Price Tag - The Agenda

    Thanks for the link to this article QueBueno. I knew things were bad, just not that bad. Simultaneously incredible, informative, and deeply disturbing.

  3. Now that I'm in the right place for all this feederism stuff, which is a whole nother weird world I had never heard of before joining this forum, here goes.

    I brought over the following from the All You Can Eat Buffet topic. Thanks to that totally evil TicketToHellPaid and the link she posted to the Dimensions website, which IMHO has taken fat acceptance to a completely weird level, we have this from one of their posters:


    "I am an FA. I love being fat and gaining, myself. I would love to see a woman gain for me. I would not advise anyone to go higher than my own level of obesity. I'm 51 years old, weigh 415 at 5'8" tall, and I'm at my body's limit. I'm diabetic and on oxygen. I manage my conditions properly and enjoy great health for a person in my condition. I have limitations, but I'm OK with them. I no longer desire to gain a lot of weight.

    By using the infamous BMI formulas, I have determined that a
    woman 5'3" tall at 330lbs or a woman 5'6" tall at about 390lbs would be as obese as me. I don't desire a woman to gain beyond those limits for me and I'm attracted to women who aren't quite that heavy, as well. I'd be comfortable with a heavier woman, only if she was comfortable being that heavy.

    I am still mobile, but very much feel the effect of my weight when
    I'm on my feet. I now know what supersize fells like from the inside and can appreciate the really big girls go through. I use bathing and hygeine aids.

    I'm happy where I am and I'd never want a woman to get any
    nearer to immobility than I am. Enough is enough.

    Not pious, just saved by grace. Your true Christianity 
    shows in how you treat those who hate you.

    You got to lose to know how to win.(Aerosmith-Dream On)

    Fat is like grass, it'll never go away and there's a hell
    of a lot of money to be made by controlling it!

    Life is only therapy, real expensive and no guarantees.

    Fat is only ugly to those who hate.

    Federal Pacific Panels & Breakers have known fire hazards!"



    As I said on the other thread, this guy's screen name is "imfree" and his post is from 2007. He said he was 51 which means he's 61 now, if he's still alive. How a person with diabetes, on oxygen, uses bathing and hygiene aids, indicates he has problems when he's on his feet, AND admits to being near immobility can say he enjoys great health is completely delusional, and kind of explains the level of delusion we see on M600PL.

    Oh TicketToHellPaid, what have you gotten me into! :-)

    • Love 2
  4. 3 minutes ago, PrincessPurrsALot said:

    If you would like to continue the discussion of feederism, BBW pornography or anything else not directly discussed on the show, you can do so in the Small Talk thread.  Ah, Small Talk, the place to go when the topic wanders. The place where your dreams can come true.  Consider it your yellow brick road to non-show talk.

    Thank you PrincessPurrsALot! Just wanted to make I stay within site guidelines. Will take any further discussion of this topic to Small Talk.

  5. 11 hours ago, TicketToHellPaid said:

    Strangely I was coming to post this link here before I read these posts.

    Since we all seem fascinated by the 600 pounders, I found this very active forum for biggies and it appears to have an edge towards the above discussed.

    Now I am going to scour it for any gossip on the show.

    ya, I got lots to do but this is so much more fun

    oops, forgot the link and FTR, I am on just one post in the forum and it's a feeder forum. Love my new word feeder.


    Oh damn! I mean WTF? Gee thanks TicketToHellPaid since I did actually click on that link and now I need to find a large, extra strength bottle of brain bleach to recover from the delusional weirdness I just read. You are a very, very baaaad woman and I like that!

    Since we're discussing feederism, I think the following quote from one of the site's feeder/feedee (their actual description) threads will demonstrate the level of delusion I speak of:

    "I am an FA. I love being fat and gaining, myself. I would love to 

    see a woman gain for me. I would not advise anyone to go higher than my 
    own level of obesity. I'm 51 years old, weigh 415 at 5'8" tall, and I'm at my 
    body's limit. I'm diabetic and on oxygen. I manage my conditions properly 
    and enjoy great health for a person in my condition. I have limitations, but 
    I'm OK with them. I no longer desire to gain a lot of weight.
    By using the infamous BMI formulas, I have determined that a
    woman 5'3" tall at 330lbs or a woman 5'6" tall at about 390lbs would be as
    obese as me. I don't desire a woman to gain beyond those limits for me 
    and I'm attracted to women who aren't quite that heavy, as well. I'd be 
    comfortable with a heavier woman, only if she was comfortable being that
    I am still mobile, but very much feel the effect of my weight when
    I'm on my feet. I now know what supersize fells like from the inside and 
    can appreciate the really big girls go through. I use bathing and hygeine 
    I'm happy where I am and I'd never want a woman to get any
    nearer to immobility than I am. Enough is enough.

    Not pious, just saved by grace. Your true Christianity 
    shows in how you treat those who hate you.

    You got to lose to know how to win.(Aerosmith-Dream On)

    Fat is like grass, it'll never go away and there's a hell
    of a lot of money to be made by controlling it!

    Life is only therapy, real expensive and no guarantees.

    Fat is only ugly to those who hate.

    Federal Pacific Panels & Breakers have known fire hazards!"


    BTW, this guy's screen name is "imfree." Yeah pal, free of any semblance of common sense! Also, this post is from 2007. Since he said he was 51, that would mean he's 61 now. Wonder if he's still feeling healthy and free?

    And another BTW. Would it be allowed to here to start a separate topic/discussion thread on this whole feederism jazz?

    • Love 1
  6. 19 minutes ago, Armchair Critic said:

    When I was married I would have gladly gone years without it. ;)  I've been with my current boyfriend almost a decade and things are much different with him (TMI on my part as usual). But anywhoo bringing it back to Gilbert, when he met Lupe she was already morbidly obese and not moving around much, so he knew from the get go he wasn't getting some nubile young thing that was going to be romping around in the sheets. So there is no excuse if he doesn't get enough sex from her because he knew what he was getting into, it's not like he met her when she was thin and things changed.

    Your last sentence brought up a question I had been thinking about regarding all of the 600+ pounders on this show. Has there ever been one of them who met their significant other when they were slim and then ballooned up during the relationship? A lot of the husbands, wives, boyfriends or girlfriends will say that they met the other when they were large, like 300-400 pounds, and then they just got bigger and bigger. I believe I've see all of the episodes and I can't think of one.

    • Love 5
  7. 12 hours ago, mamadrama said:

    They might qualify for Section 8, which could cover all (if not most) of their housing costs. If they were in government apartments (and I don't think they are, especially since the one thing looked like a house) then their housing would be based on income. My mom went to college when she was 40. She was a single parent and we lived in income-based apartments while she got her degree. Her rent was $5 a month. It's funny, because at the time I thought it was fabulous. I had all these other kids living around me, everyone was real friendly, and we made a lot of friends. It wasn't until I was an adult, 15 years after we were out of there, that I realized people made fun of those kinds of apartments. :-)


    I just can't with Gilbert. Probably TMI here but because of my health problems, we can go for MONTHS without, you know, bam-chika-bow-wow. Dude, there ARE other ways of getting your rocks off besides, you know, killing your wife...

    Love your bam-chika-bow-wow mamadrama! Like they say, it's quality not quantity!

    As for Section 8 housing in Houston or anywhere else in the U.S., while they probably do qualify because Lupe is on disability, no one who has just moved to a jurisdiction is going to move to the head of the line since you have longtime residents who have been on a waiting list for years for an apartment. What she does qualify for is a housing grant where you would not have to pay more than approximately 30 percent of your monthly income for rent; the government pays for the rest.

    The difference between that program and Section 8 is that the landlord doesn't have to set aside lower rent apartments. Between what the resident pays and the government subsidizes, the landlord will receive the exact amount of rent as they would for any other apartment on their property. Also, each jurisdiction has maximum monthly rent limits which vary from place to place, so no you couldn't get a subsidy for a gorgeous condo in the swank part of town.

    • Love 3
  8. Eeeewww, I just had a really creepy thought regarding whether or not Lupe could have willingly want to make "the beast with two backs" with Gilbert.

    Since it really bothered her that Gilbert was always contacting, as she said, "other chicks" online and repeatedly cheated on her or, as Gilbert would say, "have a slip," could Lupe have foolishly thought that having sex with him would keep him from steppin' out on her? Show him he didn't have to cheat 'cause he can get it at home?

    Also, I wonder how soon after her surgery they "did it" thinking enough time had passed and it would be safe? Maybe if he had just a little bit of finesse about him, she wouldn't have been injured.

    I know, I know, super creepy and totally makes no sense but maybe, just maybe it might in you lived in  The Twighlight Zone Gilbert and Lupe's universe.

    And thanks for the flame free responses. I used to participate in a forum where even the most benign post could start a truly nasty exchange real fast. Being here is a breath of fresh air compared to that site.

    • Love 12
  9. 19 minutes ago, gonecrackers said:

    I don't know if Lupe felt strong or capable enough to make her own decisions & to say no to him. I'm thinking they may have had a good streak, or good times here & there, but when she didn't really want to he could've been pressuring her into it; he seemed good at being pushy about his 'needs'.  I am suspicious about anyone actually being in the mood after a surgery like hers.

    Then before she left, she said things got 'physical', but I don't know what she meant by that - was he forcing at that point? Maybe. Or maybe he was being rough with her & she could see worse things coming. Either way she felt strong enough, or scared enough, to finally leave.

    I'm concerned that she went back though & they are again together.  Gilbert needs a ton of help himself but he's just full of excuses for his crappy, & downright sick, behavior.

    I took her comment about getting physical as in hitting her, maybe after he got drunk. She was really complaining about his drinking towards the end of the episode. Also, he was stone cold toe up from the flo' up when the ambulance arrived to take her to the hospital to treat her ruptured incisions. But, who knows what strange things go on behind closed doors?

    Gee, if they really are back together at least I hope they got, and are still getting, intense couples therapy. I know I would personally be done if my husband or boyfriend hit me.

    • Love 5
  10. 31 minutes ago, KateHearts said:

    Honestly, when I saw that incision it was similar to infected incisions I've seen many times before. Sadly, some people don't care for their fresh surgical incisions, nor do they know how. And sometimes they just don't care.  In other patients, they are so compromised (obese, diabetic, chronically ill) that healing is a massive challenge for their bodies, and the results are what you saw on Lupe.

    Oh no, I forgot about the fact that Lupe had diabetes and proper wound/post surgical incision care is critical for someone like her. She's lucky she didn't die from an infection. In your opinion do you think it was infected since many here have mentioned the green matter surrounding one of her incisions?

    BTW, don't want to start a firestorm, and I know Gilbert exhibits piggy behavior regarding sex, but I think it's highly likely that Lupe also wanted to have sex. I really don't think he forced himself on her as some here have stated. Afterall, I don't think that they had sexual intercourse in a long time, maybe never, and she's an adult woman with adult desires too. Since the two of them together often behave as though they're a few beers shy of a six pack when it comes to making good decisions--I mean no thought about birth control by either of them in their tenuous existence--demontrates that it is possible this was a mutual, albeit stupid, decision on both their parts.

    I await the incoming flames. ;-)

    • Love 5
  11. 10 minutes ago, auntjess said:

    Thank you for your sacrifice DC Gal.  I don't want to look, someone was talking about how one person was paying bills, and I was wondering if feeder porn, or fat porn was the way. 
    I knew it had been mentioned before.  Please don't think I'm ungrateful, but I don't want to look.
    And I'm a DC gal, who spent most of my life in Maryland, which I love, and am now in Florida, which I think of as behind enemy lines.

    Hahahaha, it's really not that awful, no photos of her in a bikini or anything like that, just rolling around on the floor trying to look sexy, as if. Also, the story, though written in 2012, gives even more insight into her pathetic need for attention of any kind. All it says about sex is the story she tells about using sex to lose weight which I have seen mentioned elsewhere on this forum. It's actually pretty funny.

    So you're another DC gal? And you abandoned us for Florida? Gee, aren't the Summers here Hell on Earth enough for you? :-) I've been to Miami and it's really beautiful and fun, especially Miami Beach.

    Now my question is how many people did it take to hoist her useless ass off the floor?

    • Love 1
  12. 18 minutes ago, auntjess said:

    I'm asking in this general topic so it won't look like I'm accusing anyone in particular, but which of the participants are the ones into feeder porn?

    Well auntjess because of you, and because I'm avoiding doing stuff I really need to be taking care of, I self volunteered to take a trip down the rabbit hole on your behalf, LOL. And what a dank, funky rabbit hole it is. The one I found was our dear Pauline Potter. At least she was but, according to her, she abandoned the feeder lifestyle to get help losing weight. We all know how well she used all of the free help she got from Dr. Now, don't we. ;-)

    Anyway, the link to a blogger's website discussed all this and more.

    WARNING: The following link contains photos of her in various poses--not nude--but scantily garbed and may cause you to throw up in your own mouth. Remember, you've been warned!


    I anxiously await your reaction.

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