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DC Gal in VA

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Posts posted by DC Gal in VA

  1. 8 minutes ago, notyrmomma said:

    THANKS!  Now I have a new song stuck in my head...beauty school drop out, go back to high school....

    Anyone hear about poor Olivia Newton John, her cancer came back, in her lower back.  My aunt had the same thing happen and she died a couple weeks ago :(

    My condolences notyrmomma.

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  2. 3 minutes ago, CouchTater said:

    Hey everyone.

    Who's Sean?  I can't remember him.  Except for a few true standouts, most of the 60-lb'ers blur into 1 big blob for me.

    How did you miss him? He started out at 919 pounds, went home to lose weight, and blew up to 1,003 pounds. Uber big blob in his first episode.

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  3. 2 hours ago, aliya said:

    I've posted that my grown son doesn't like me to talk about the show. Well, the other evening he came over to visit. I had a repeat of the show on in the background; I wasn't paying attention and don't even remember whose show it was.  He plops in an easy chair and we start talking. Little by little, he starts to look at the TV. As we're talking, every now and then he stops, looks at the TV, and cries out, "What the hell is that?" "WTF?" "Wait a minute..."  

    Finally I said, "I thought you didn't want me talking about the show?" to which he replies, "Yeah, I don't want to talk about it, but damn. Look at that stuff!"

    Now you see why I watch the show, O Son and Heir.

    That's right aliya, reel him in slowly and soon, very soon, he will be one of "us."

    Ha. Hahahaha. Bwaaahahaha! 

    • Love 11
  4. 2 hours ago, Otter said:

    This sheds a little light on the paid caregiver.  Although since Lisa and James aren't married, it seems she'd have to be employed by a contracting agency.  Who would hire her?  Bayley, however, could receive a stipend through Medicaid or Texas.  It certainly isn't much money (doesn't say), but there's not enough money in the world that would make me want to unwrap one burger let along clean him.  Ugh.


    Thanks Otter for the link. I read quite a lot of that document and, wow, what a crazy quilt of rules and regulations we have in this country for caregivers of adults. I noticed that they spoke of all kinds of familial relationships: spouses, siblings, adult children, etc., except for girlfriends/boyfriends. Seems that, after twenty years with big old hunka hunka burnin' love James, Lisa may not even be officially recognized as a caregiver by the State, which means she has absolutely no legal obligation to stay with, or care for, him! Of course, that fact would make no difference to her since she is a prisoner in her own mind only.

    Kind of pathetic and ironic in a way that Lisa is likely just as invisible as a human being to the authorities as she is to James.

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  5. 56 minutes ago, auntjess said:

    Didn't remember that they weren't married.  If they aren't, why could APS go after her?

    Hi auntjess.

    Nope, they're not married. Just my personal standards, but no way am I having two children by a man and maintain a household for twenty years without being married. Yeah, I know marriage isn't for everyone, and I can respect that, but I'm just old school like that.

    My understanding, though please anyone correct me if I am wrong, is that Lisa would be seen as the caregiver for a disabled person and can't just walk away. This would be especially so if she is receiving public/government money to be his caregiver. However, it was never stated on the show that she was being paid to do this. Whether this is the case in Texas, I don't know. I would still get the Hell outta there.

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  6. When I allow myself to think about the sheer Hell on Earth it must be for Lisa to be stuck in Houston with that abusive, waste of space, piece of crap James, I do have compassion for her situation. But then I feel so frustrated that she put herself into this mess and has the keys to her freedom in her hands, and that she dragged their daughter Bayley along as well (pronounced "Belly" by her).

    Like Snarkasm said upthread, call APS, take me away in handcuffs, but I would have to leave his ass like yesterday, and take my daughter with me! Of course, I would've never spent two seconds in a relationship with this nasty loser in the first place.

    But there she is, stuck with no marketable skills, financially dependent on his disability money, constantly bathing and feeding her giant man-baby "boyfriend" with no end in sight. Even Stephen King himself could not have written a horror story this terrifying. Came close though with Misery.

    • Love 7
  7. A la Dr. Now, "Hey y'all are?"

    I watched Joe and Pauline's Supersized episode last night and will definitely post my observations but before I do I have a question about Pauline. I probably missed it but I'm not clear on how much Pauline weighed at the end of the first episode. I know in that episode she started out at 673 pounds, was sent home to lose weight, and gained 19 pounds. Like everyone else here, I remember her being an absolute ass and full of excuses, and definitely remember the last scene playing Bingo and stuffing her face, but can't recall exactly how much she weighed at the end.

    So, I'm asking if any of you know/saw how much Pauline weighed at the start of her second year when she apparently "saw the light" and got serious about losing weight?


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