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DC Gal in VA

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Posts posted by DC Gal in VA

  1. So very sad. Again, unless it wasn't shown, why no drug treatment or therapy? In past shows when sexual abuse, depression, or any other awful childhood trauma is mentioned, Dr. Now always suggests therapy. Maybe he was too far gone but I have to wonder if he would have gotten out of bed and began to walk or exercise things could have turned out differently.

    • Love 10
  2. I am truly sorry that this happened to him and my condolences to his fiancee and his mom.

    Makes me doubly angry that he wasn't getting any drug treatment. Withdrawal would explain a lot such as loss of interest in trying to get better, his depressed state, mood swings, etc.

    • Love 5
  3. I just had silly thought: since he's a bonafide drug addict, is he getting any substance abuse counseling? Addiction is addiction. If he needed help with his food addiction, then it stands to reason that he needs help with his pill addiction.

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  4. I am unequivocally a major, old school, back in the day Trekkie/Trekker/TrekHead and I absolutely WILL NOT pay even $6.00 a month to follow this show. The fact that CBS is doing this to try to drive traffic to its bullshit Access channel (which I have read has not done well so far) and is counting on a built-in fan base of Star Trek loving sheeple is truly an insult and a slap in the face of this franchise's fans.

    Word to CBS you are a NETWORK channel, not premium cable so this show, like every other Star Trek series, is supposed to be free.

    Major thumbs down on this one. I dearly hope that my fellow Star Trek brothers and sisters will not be paying to watch this show.

    • Love 15
  5. On 7/6/2017 at 9:17 PM, aliya said:

    James is on repeat tonight. I'm ashamed to say I bought this episode and watch it frequently. There's something new every time.  So, a question. Surely James is receiving some kind of disability. If so, couldn't he get a home care aide? Even if the person only came in to give James a bath and check his wounds, isn't there some kind of support for Lisa so Bailey didn't have to leave school?

    My stepfather did hospice at home. I know the county offered Meals on Wheels and housekeeping (which would have helped my mother changing sheets in his sickbed, etc., not just run a vacuum). Of course, my mother the martyr did not take advantage of any of this, since it would defeat her purpose of having something to complain about. But I digress... You'd think Lisa would have some kind of help thru the disability services.

    Second thing I noticed - Lisa tears up James' biscuits before putting the gravy on them. I will admit to finding biscuits and gravy one of the most unappetizing things I can imagine, so I don't know if that's how they're eaten or what. Or is she tearing it up so the little baby won't have to actually cut up his own food?

    Regarding his ability to get a home health aide, I wonder if an aide can refuse to provide services? If I was an aide and saw "Ow, Mah Laygs" spread eagle in all his glory, I would get outta there so fast that I'd leave skid marks on the carpet! As I recall, back in Kentucky, it took four grown people to roll and bathe James: Lisa, Bayley, one of Lisa's grown sons--not James' son BTW--and one of James' male friends. So just how many home health aides could he ask for?

    Also, I have watched his episode several times as well aliya and completely understand the weird fascination James' story has for many of us. In particular, I watched the Supersized pop-up version which is usually full of useless factoids but in his case provided a lot of background info on him and his family. Does anyone recall that scene where Dr. Now was giving Lisa major shade on how she was largely at fault for James' condition because she controls the food? The pop-up said that Bayley was livid that James just lay there and didn't say anything to defend Lisa. Just goes to show that within all bullies beats the heart of a coward.

    Finally, that plate of crushed up biscuits and grrrraaaavy was so gross even though I really like biscuits and gravy the regular way. But I think you're right, the bastard was just too lazy to crumble up his own biscuits.

    • Love 5
  6. 17 hours ago, Otter said:

    Her episode was on recently and the biotch didn't even try.  "I'd die without wontons!"  When they headed to Houston, she was so grateful for all the donations from friends and family and she didn't want to waste one dime of that money.  Liar.  

    She's prides herself as such a great mother, that she can do more for her child than moms who work out of the home.  But also says her child has to "enter her bubble".  She makes promises and breaks them which is the worst thing a mom can do.  I actually dislike her more than James K and Steven.  Maybe because Steven never reproduced (thankfully) and James K is a self-centered bast*rd who like too many men could not care less about their children.  I truly believe mothers want the best for their children (sadly, not all).  She's delusional -- as Dr. Now said.  About everything!  

    She can't even have a family photo or a mention of Edgar on her fb,   Not that I'd brag about him either.  Maybe Penny can hook up with Christina's ex.  

    Well said Otter. It's always the abuse of their loved ones that gets to me, especially the abuse of their children. You are absolutely right, making promises to a small child and constantly breaking them is lying. I truly worry about her son's emotional, physical, and psychological future. Will he, as many children do, blame himself for his mother's failure to lose weight? After all, she's always saying that she's doing it for him. She's such a totally selfish creep she doesn't even realize the damage she's doing to him. And let's not forget her shameless statements to him about how that "bad" nutritionist was trying to take away his sugary cereals. Disgusting. Just setting the stage for his own weight battles in the future.

    Worst of all, he may end up as just another sad, pathetic woman hating man with "mommy issues" and come to believe that all women are nothing but a bunch of manipulative liars. Not a good outcome for any of his future wives and/or girlfriends, or any female he encounters for that matter.

    I know this may sound cruel, but it would be better for her son if she just expired as soon as possible for his sake. Note that I didn't mention Edgar since he abandoned his role as a father a long time ago.

    Imagine loving fried wontons more than you love your own child.

    • Love 6
  7. On 6/8/2017 at 0:10 AM, auntjess said:

    I finally remembed to look for this song.  I hearby dedicate to Joe, or maybe make that to Sarah's mother.

    Hahahaha, great song! Absolutely appropriate for Joe and Sarah.

    BTW, did anyone notice in the Supersized episode that the pop-up said that Sarah wanted to invite 140 people to the wedding? I don't know exactly how many guests showed up but with a guest list of 140, the cost of food, drink, the wedding cake, renting the space, etc. would add up to an amount easily into five figures. In the Washington, DC--Metropolitan area a basic wedding cake for that many people would run about $700.00 ($5.00 per slice is the average cost here).

    Also interesting to note that Joe said that he and Sarah flew to Houston for his last weigh in with Dr. Now. Makes me wonder why did both of them have to go for a brief doctor's appointment and how could they afford two roundtrip airline tickets but not bother to help Joe's mother get to the wedding. Two very selfish wastes of space.

    • Love 3
  8. On 6/6/2017 at 8:13 PM, aliya said:

    Because I can't get enough of this episode...

    So I'm watching it again (having paid for it on amazon) and had a question. Is James screaming about his legs because it hurts to squeeze them together (you'd think that squeezing fat wouldn't be that painful) or because the barnacles on his legs are getting rubbed as he goes thru the doorway?

    I think it may be a couple of things. That skin condition does look very painful but also the way his "laygs" are spread apart, almost as someone else here said, like a doll baby's legs. That has got to put a great deal of strain on his hip joints.


    I know I am a terrible person, but every time they show the opening of each episode where there's a brief glimpse of James and then the next thing you hear is "Ow, Mah Laygs!" I burst out laughing. Every. Single. Time.


    I will now go and retrieve my well soaked gasoline drawers from my neighbor's swimming pool, LOL!

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