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DC Gal in VA

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Posts posted by DC Gal in VA

  1. 2 minutes ago, FormeryHeavyJ said:

    New drinking game.  Every time Justin says "Steven", we drink.

    Seriously. He's right to not want to be around Steven; now, if he could just stop thinking and talking about him.

    BTW, got no liquor tonight or I'd be passed out on the floor playing your game!😁

    • LOL 4
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  2. 6 minutes ago, aliya said:

    Did the online girlfriend see any of his shows? See his legs? Yes, it's not all about  appearance, but he's got some substantial medical issues going forward with those legs and loose skin. I don't know if I'd sign up for that, especially with a child at home.

    And why, for the love of all that's holy, would you bring Steven, or any man, into your home with your daughter when you only know him from the internet?

    I still need to know where he lives in Iowa. I can imagine he'd have to come here to the university hospital for some of his issues if he's in a small town. Actually, unless you're in Des Moines, most of Iowa is small town. 😄 

     You share your state with him? You have my condolences.😢

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  3. 1 minute ago, ams1001 said:

    So, what kind of alcohol goes best in chocolate milk?

    Next time ditch the chocolate milk and make a Brandy Alexander: equal parts brandy, good quality chocolate liqueur and cream or half and half; shake well with ice, strain into a martini glass. Yum! 

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  4. On 5/2/2020 at 9:09 PM, Mrs.Dex said:

    Love Philly cream cheese. On bagels, cheesecake, in dips, etc. Hate this commercial. Not the actors, or the message. It's very sweet. But God above, the song! Ugh. I want to puke when this dipshit broad opens her mouth. (Yes, she does sounds like she's gargling saliva) And like she's got a block of Philly jammed sideways down her windpipe.  I absolutely hate these suck ass "INDIE" whiny, mumbly, breathy singers(?) They sound like they're underwater, for JC sake! Oh, and there is a new Campbells Tomato soup commercial featuring the Golden Girl's theme song... Thank You For Being A Friend....great show, great song!!! Well, the song is being butchered by yet another, whiny, mumbly off key, depressed sounding millenial Indie twit. Shame on you Campbells! If these iconic companies want to grab viewers attention by using some come catchy jingle, at least make it TOLERABLE to listen to. 

    Okay @Mrs.Dex your review of this commercial is too funny but just one thing: which one are you talking about? I'm sure I've seen it but nothing comes to mind. Do you or anyone else here have a link?

    I do know which Campbell's Soup commercial you're talking about and your description of both singers is hilarious, OMG!☺

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  5. On 5/2/2020 at 6:56 PM, KLovestoShop said:

    I hate the cat food commercial where the mother is sitting on the couch with a cat perched on her shoulder, and her daughter yells that she’s fallen.  Mom just sits there with the damn cat, and tells the kid to get a bandage. The kid says “Mom, I’m bleeding” and the Mother of the Year just tells her to get two bandages, and then goes to crack open a container of cat food.  While the commercial is just dumb, I don’t get it at all. 

    I absolutely despise this commercial. I guess they were going for.......... Oh Hell, I have no idea WTF they were going for. The alleged "humor" is so subtle as to be non-existent. And the cat mom is creepy AF too. If I was a cat owner this commercial would not convince me to buy this cat food.

    • Love 7
  6. 3 minutes ago, Yeah No said:

    I found this one particularly disturbing too.  The husband gave me the creeps.  He is controlling and if she should try to split up with him I fear how he'd react.  I especially didn't like how the show pretty much glossed over their issues to a forced "happy ending" that we all know did not really exist.  I doubt this place will make it, especially after the Pandemic.    

    Also, this is a case IMO where "staying together for the children" is actually probably WORSE for the children than splitting up.

    They both scared the crap outta me @Yeah No but I think you may be right about the husband. When Robert tried to get him to articulate his feelings or what he wanted, he became barely coherent with his response or "unstuck" as my favorite tv detective Lt. Joe Kenda, loves to say.☺

    Unless I imagined it, the screen notes at the end said that they were still together and were focusing on take out to maintain their business during the pandemic.

    • Love 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Gramto6 said:

    It was really disturbing. I am surprised Robert didn't just back out of this one. Without serious counseling I don't see how this couple can really come together enough to raise that sweet little girl in a healthy environment. I am sad for the daughter.

    I agree @Gramto6. Can you imagine the guilt that dear child could carry through life because her parents stayed in a combative, loveless marriage "for her sake?" I know that all couples have disagreements but their interactions were so uncomfortable to watch. Maybe Robert felt compelled to stay and try to help for the little girl's sake?

  8. 1 minute ago, Emkat said:

    @DC Gal in VA I was really upset by the whole thing. There's a lot going on here IMO but I don't want to be too much of an armchair psychiatrist!

    Tee hee @Emkat, I know, I know but................ Their dynamic was so creepy and toxic even someone like myself with her totally imaginary degree in psychology could see that those two were off the charts bat shit crazy!

    Surprised that there was so little response here for this episode. Then again, I haven't checked Reddit yet, LOL!

    • Love 4
  9. 27 minutes ago, Emkat said:

    I had to check here if anyone commented. This was the most disturbing reality TV episode I've ever seen. I don't think it should have aired.

    I felt like I was watching a video made for Psych 101 showing major psych/personality disorders and their effects on others.

    I was speechless. And concerned. 


    Well put @Emkat. Of course there was the just-in-time happy ending for the couple and, apparently from the end notes, they are still together. However, I find it hard to believe that a few heartfelt conversations and guidance from Robert would be enough to overcome what I saw transpire between those two. What I witnessed was an almost bottomless boiling cauldron of anger, distrust and resentment.

    What I also found understandable but disturbing was their desire to stay together for the sake of their little girl. I think the woman even said that she (the little girl) really liked it when they were together. That statement gave me the chills. If their relationship ever starts to go down the drain again, better to separate and raise a child with love from both parents than to have her be exposed to the nightmare we all saw.

    Psych 101 indeed.

    • Love 2
  10. Really enjoyed last night's episode featuring the sweet couple and their adorable little toddler girl from Arlington, Virginia where I also reside. I thought that his choices were all fantastic and was quite shocked that he was able to locate three beautiful properties between $400,000-$500,000. Those were amazingly great prices.

    If you don't live in the DMV, you may not know how incredibly expensive housing is here. For example, the monthly rent for just a one bedroom apartment can greatly exceed what the majority of the country would pay for a monthly mortgage on a large single family home. Please correct me, but I think that this episode was filmed in either 2018 or 2019 and housing prices then were as high as they are now.

    Lovely home--they settled on the townhouse--for a lovely little family.

  11. On 5/21/2020 at 8:09 PM, CrazyInAlabama said:

    Brandi and Kandi appeared for the first time in Season 5, which would have been 2015-2016 or so.  , then their WATN was in 2017.


    I know my cable guide and Titan TV, both say the Assanti (must be follow up 9 million or so) is new next week, but it sounds like the last WATN, where Justin had surgery,

      Reveal spoiler

    Steven and Dad stole Justin's pain pills, and Steven quit the program.    He's married since, and lives with some internet 'star' in Iowa.  Then Justin and Dad returned to Rhode Island, after Dad bought Justin another puppy.     My guess was that Justin left Texas before Dr. Now could tell the authorities about the pain pill theft (Justin admitted he told Dr. Now about it).    Since Steven, and haven't been together for several years now, after they both left Houston, then this must be old footage.     I'm not sure I can even watch it, and see Steven's cloven hoof, and pill addiction.   I wonder how his cat Cupcake is doing? 

    If I recall correctly (which I wouldn't bet on) there have been a bunch of Steven episodes, the first with the epic trip to Houston in the medical ambulance (the one where his dad had to go get BK bags for Steven).    Then I think it was the second episode with the epic, faked 'fall' out of the golf cart, and where Dr. Now confronted Steven about his awful B.O. problem, and his parade from ER to ER getting massive numbers of prescriptions, and his out of control drug habit.   That was when he went to the hospital drug detox ward, and then to rehab for a hot minute.   That was when Dr. Now invoked the Texas drug abuse program, when Steven could only get prescriptions from Dr. Now, or he would be charged with narcotics abuse.    That's when Steven quit the program.     Then in the next follow up, Justin and Dad went to Houston, Justin lost enough weight to get surgery, and he stayed in the extended stay hotel with the Dad.     That's when Justin's pain pills (post surgery they get less than 50 pills) went missing, and Dad either knew and ignored it, or swiped the pills for Steven.    That was when Justin (we found out later through a online posting from Justin, that he told Dr. Now) told Dr. Now about the pill theft.    About that time, Steven and Dad walked out of Dr. Now's office (I would say snuck out, but they had a camera crew following them), then Steven left Texas, and Justin went home.   

    Wow @CrazyInAlabama thanks for all of that info from the Assante Saga. I had almost forgotten about how the scumbag dad and his equally scumbag son Steven stole Justin's pain pills. How in the world a father could justify doing this is beyond me.

    The TLC producers, yet another bunch of talent-free scumbags--do we detect a trend here?--have been really scraping the bottom of the barrel this season with all of these disappointing WATN episodes.

    I would vow to not watch this coming Wednesday but probably will just to hang out with all of my Pounder Pals!😊

    BTW, I hope that you didn't scorch or lose too many brain cells retaining this information!😁

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  12. 8 minutes ago, Chicklet said:

    Ok I'm going to hell but when you mentioned showers I flashed to the "bathing the elephants" episode of one of the Zoo shows. Long handled brushes and a hose would work.

    Tee hee @Chicklet maybe they'll also need to re-enact the genius hack of poundticipant Nicole's Merry Band of Bastards when they hosed her down outside on their back porch!☺

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