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DC Gal in VA

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Posts posted by DC Gal in VA

  1. 1 hour ago, PaTatertots said:

    "Not the way I wanted toooo-hoo-hoooooooo." 

    Girl, PLEASE. My three year old throws more convincing temper tantrums over her brother moving her dollhouse from the couch to the c floor.   You'd think he broke her little leg with the tears and crying. 

    Hey there @PaTatertots, that was a really weird scene even for Janine. Wasn't that the one where she transferred her big booty, successfully mind you, from the bed to her scooter? I can't remember since there were so many meltdowns. I also remember her hysterically screaming and there were people in the scene trying to help her. I recall that particular scene made my skin crawl. Sorry, but if I was in any way connected to her, at some point I would have to say "Could you please fucking give it a rest just once and not freak out over every little thing!"

    • Love 3
  2. 9 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

    Janine is now selling some kind of stuff on her FB page, (apparently it's some MLM jewelry selling stuff).    She actually took a vacation many months ago, and flew, and enjoyed it.     

    She still looks like a deflated beach ball, but is smaller than she used to be.     I'm guessing still way over 300 lbs.   I went to bed halfway through the WATN, so I'm guessing she finally got surgery?    I don't imagine she'll be a long-term success story either.  

    (My measuring spoons are on the ring, so they're all in one place on the few occasions when I actually use them.  It's easy, just have the one you need sticking out, and the others are still clean, and I rinse the one I used, and dry it.    If you're lazy enough, it works.  

    I can sum up Janine in one scene, where she almost ran over a man at the airport, and then yelled at him when he objected to her swerving her powerful scooter all over the walkway.   She's so selfish.    

    Yes, she finally got her WLS after goodness knows how many "last" chances. People like her are so lucky to not have someone like me as a WLS surgeon instead of Dr. Now. I would have kicked her passive-aggressive, fake crying ample ass, which she never had any shame in showing to anyone, to the nearest curb. I hope that she appreciates that she owes her very life to Dr. Now. I have to admit that I was surprised as her successful 400 pound weight loss and do give her credit for that accomplishment.

    BTW, add me to those who keep their measuring spoons on the ring. I really don't have a problem with washing just the one I use carefully LOL.😊 I prefer that to trying to keep them together in my kitchen drawers.

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  3. She really is a histrionic, petulant beeotch! And you're right @CrazyInAlabama, she's an expert in the old squeeze eyes shut, contort and screw up her face, fakety fake crying school of melodrama. This go 'round I'm really seeing what an arrogant, know-it-all asshole she is; everyone is wrong and doesn't understand 'cause she so special.

    And sorry, not sorry, she still doesn't look like someone who's lost over 270 pounds; still looks like an over-inflated beach ball with a very wide load.

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  4. 9 minutes ago, Chicklet said:

    Is she the one who won't get out of bed after surgery? Everyone is blending together.

    I think it was Pauline but it could have been Penny. I get those two confused. Unfortunately, I believe that there have been several poundticipants who did that.

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  5. Does anyone remember this classic scene from the movie Airplane? These two episodes with Janine, especially her meltdown on TWO planes, reminded me of that scene:

    In my fantasy, Janine is the passenger and we're all lined up for the beatdown. Then we proceed to party and drink every last one of those teeny tiny bottles on board!😊

    • LOL 8
  6. 2 minutes ago, Chicklet said:

    Do you think it's too hard for her? I have that suspicion that it might be too hard for her.

    Gee, I dunno, maybe. But do you know if she really, really wants Dr. Now to give her WLS? Not sure if she mentioned that.......... 

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  7. Missed her current weight.

    She just said that she doesn't like feeling FULL all the time, referencing the gastric balloon.


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  8. 11 minutes ago, Chicklet said:

    I don't know how anyone swallows that balloon. I have trouble swallowing tylenol tablets. Blech.


    If you think that's bad @Chicklet imagine having a less than sensitive nurse or physician's assistant or whatever she was shoving tubing into your nostril, down the back of your throat and into your stomach. That was torture. I had a bowel blockage and they needed to do that diagnostic pre-op. Bad memories.

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  9. 11 minutes ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

    Dr. Now put her in the hospital to save her life, and she's whining about the food!    That's pathetic.     I guess the dieticians won't send her cans of whipped creme to empty into that giant mouth of hers. 

    Bulimic!     She's a total idiot to think anyone will believe that.  

    So she lost 118 lbs, plus the 15 from before, and totals 133 lbs, and still looks just as big.   

    Remember the gastric balloon swallowing is coming up and that was a hard one for me to watch.   I love how I can see giant festing infections, lymphedema, and Dr. Now playing with the stomachs he removes, but swallowing the balloon makes me queasy.

    The niece isn't exactly tiny either.   

    She really is a big crybaby. Since she's lost a total of 133 pounds AND had her infection taken care, why is there still all the huffing and puffing and eye squinting whenever she has to exert herself to do anything, except eat of course? Heh heh, I had actually forgotten about the gastric balloon scene; I'll hold your hand as we watch it together.

    Wait, she GAINED 63 pounds!? I had forgotten that too! Anyone one want to form a bitch slapping conga line with me? 

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  10. 1 minute ago, ShoePrincess said:

    I had a cyst on my lower spine that was pinching my sciatic nerve and causing lots of pain. Having it removed brought instant pain relief. Now it's just a matter of getting back into my normal routines and losing those extra pounds accumulated from being inactive. The poundticipants give me some motivation. I swear you will never see me riding a scooter to the Mickey D's pick-up window.


    Oh wow, that does sound painful; I have severe lower back pain myself. So happy that your operation was a success.

    That drive thru scene never gets old, LOL!😆

    Oh snap, here's where she thinks she's bulimic and that NOT eating is a problem! 😯 Sheez.

    • LOL 3
  11. 29 minutes ago, ShoePrincess said:

    Hello Pounders! It's been a while, but I couldn't miss out on Janine redux. She's unforgettable for so many reasons -- the scooter ride through the Mickey D's drive-up window, the airport meltdown, the application of canned whipped cream directly to her taste buds, the beach ball between her legs, and her generally whiney, shitty attitude.

    My eating habit was a strawberry salad from Panera accompanied by some well-chilled rose. Mostly heathy.

    Recovery from surgery has gone very well. I had my 5 week follow-up yesterday and got the okay to start working out with a trainer and ride my bike. Still have to wait a few more weeks before getting in the kayak.











    Hi @ShoePrincess. Didn't know you needed to have surgery but glad you're recovering and able to snark with us tonight! Keep getting better.😍

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  12. Sooooooooo I'm a bit confused. Did the plane just land in Dallas but the next stop was Houston? You mean there was no direct flight from wherever the Hell she's from and Houston? Also, how she was seated did look painful so why not pay extra for first class? It's gotta cost her even more for the ambulance, emergency room, transport to Houston, and God knows what other medical charges, even with insurance.

    Also wanted to say that it was priceless that she had the nerve to mention to her sister-in-law that, among other reasons for landing in the emergency room, she hadn't had anything to EAT! Hahaha!😆

    • Love 2
  13. Since I've had panic attacks before I totally get how scary and debilitating they can be so no criticism of Janine having one. However, isn't there some way of getting a prescription for a limited amount of anti-anxiety medication from her primary care physician? Actually, I really think that Dr. Now ought to be able to do that but probably doesn't want to since he hasn't examined her yet.

    Also, I wonder if it would have helped to give a heads up to the airline just as one would for a physical disability?

    • Love 3
  14. Oh she's a professional passive-aggressive little big ass tart with her "Either Dr. Now will help me or let me die." This is the first but not the last time I say this tonight but Bitch puleeze!

    • Love 4
  15. On 7/2/2020 at 5:33 PM, meep.meep said:

    I have stopped watching Animal Planet at lunch time because they insist on running this ad for the Humane Society that is at least 5 minutes long and consists of some woman in a plaintive voice telling over and over how terrible the lives of animals are and begging us to donate.  It makes me want to do the opposite, although I suppose that would be actually opening my own puppy mill, so probably not.  What's wrong with puppies and kittens are cute and fun - send us some money so we can keep them alive?

    Amen @meep.meep, well said. I can't stand her whiney, guilt trippy voice either--even the way she says the word animals is super annoying--and, like you, it actually leaves me with a hostile feeling which is not exactly the response they're going for I would think. Also ITA that it definitely seems to drone on and on and on.

    I believe it was someone on this forum that wisely suggested that they should take the different approach of showing the befores and afters of the dogs and cats. For instance, I picture keeping all of the horrendous before videos of the animals and then show the same animals after the Humane Society used donations to restore their health and find them forever homes. I think that would be a more uplifting way of asking for donations where potential donors could see how their money is used.

    Oh yeah, one more thing: please get rid of that whiney-ass heifer of a narrator!😊

    • Love 11
  16. 17 minutes ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

    I'm afraid I have to watch.  Janine and her atomic powered scooter going thru the Mickey D's drive thru is epic, and her melt down at the plane trying to board the first time is equally epic.    I feel so sorry for the air crews, and others who were trying to get her on the plane, and she refused to move.   With some it's all about the attention.     That scooter of hers is the biggest one I've ever seen, and is obviously the deluxe, expensive model.    

    Woohoo, thanks; it's a date!😁

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  17. 35 minutes ago, Iseut said:

    I'm enjoying this season quite a bit; I pretty much start out every season thinking that the over-the-top contestants and the beyond-silly producer videos and games will drive me away, but somehow I find it enjoyable enough to keep watching and by the time the worst/goofiest contestants are gone, I'm hooked. I think Alex is a great addition this season, and hope she comes back for more.

    Loved how she put on a sympathetic face for Eric's waterworks, but when he walked away, she looked at the camera and said something like "Give the guy a damn Emmy." Hee! Perfect combo of nice and sassy for this show. I believe Eric was actually emotional, but I also think he's the kind of person who just navigates through life on that level, and it can be a lot to take. 

    Surprised to see Domaine leave; I thought that, especially since they seemed to be ramping up a rivalry between her and Darien, that she would make it to the finale. 

    Ari is my favorite to win now. Annoying references to "Shirley" aside, she genuinely seems to be taking the notes she's given and continuously improving and offering good food. 

    My pics for the finale--heh heh, only four left so how hard is that?😊--are Ari and "I'm Too Sexy For My Shirt" Zach. Something about his comments on how his (Italian?) family made their version of the fish recipe challenge showed that he had a very accurate memory of how that recipe should be made. I think he's a bit of a ringer in that he uses his male model shtick to lull the competition into a false sense of security.

    And I too wish they would drop all of the references to "Shirley" and especially that sickening green graphic of what Shirley looks like. Ick.

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  18. 1 hour ago, Brookside said:

    They've recently started airing TV commercials for Spam in my market.  Maybe they're hoping it'll be the next big hipster/millennial/whatever thing.

    Yep, I'm seeing a bunch of those commercials here too. Hahaha, I wouldn't be surprised to see it somehow becoming the latest hipster must do. I know it's been a big deal in Hawaii for decades, since World War II I believe. To each their own. I found it to be a weird gristle textured, weird colored, salt lick of a product.

    Here's hoping it runs its course and then disappears along with way overpriced "craft" cocktails and face tattoos.

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  19. 46 minutes ago, Brookside said:

    Could Dolores please stop shouting?

    It's obvious she's a decent cook, but every time she comes on screen I cringe.

    That and her baby voice. Is it just me or when the Hell did all of these grown ass women start talking like babies and/or really little girls? They're EVERYWHERE. My seven year old grand niece has a deeper voice than her!😆

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  20. 1 minute ago, Superclam said:

    You were half right. 

    JFC that was dramatic!!! 


    Yayus, tee hee, like I said before, Eric's a nice guy but please shut off the waterworks! His teammates were so sweet in getting him to present his dish and escorting him to the tasting table; class acts!

    Heh heh, so glad to be wrong when it comes to Delores (thought her frantic approach would get her the boot). So happy happy joy joy to say buh-bye to Domaine whose raunchy remarks got really tiresome after a while. She seemed more interested in blowing up and becoming the next big YouTube sensation than actually learning how to cook.

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