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DC Gal in VA

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Posts posted by DC Gal in VA

  1. 18 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

    He's going to be held in a "secure medical facility."  Wow.  I'd love to see him shipped to St. Joseph's hospital in Houston so Dr. Now can be his "warden."  That dude would NOT weigh 900 pounds when he got out.

    On the other hand, I'm figuring he'll have a lawsuit against the secure medical facility within two weeks if they don't give him enough to eat.

    Hahaha, what I'd like to know is whether he will have a room (cell?) all to himself? If not, can you imagine the reaction of his roommate when he first lays eyes/gets a whiff of him? Even the most hard core criminal would drop to his knees in tears and beg for a transfer!😆 Or maybe he'll be in an open ward type of situation. BTW, I don't even want to know how they'll handle shower day.😕

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  2. 3 hours ago, ams1001 said:

    I wonder how bad a crime Steven would have to commit for the police to want to bother dealing with taking him to jail... I mean, just the physical logistics, not even considering his...let's say "difficult" personality. I could see a cop looking at him and deciding it's not worth it just for scamming pills or whatever, or even small-time selling of them.

    Hahaha, fortunately here in the great Commonwealth of Virginia we will find a way to snatch yo ass and get you to the courthouse on time, weight be damned, as in the case of 900 pound Kenneth Hicks of Emporia, Virginia. The authorities actually cut a hole in the side of his trailer, along with some trees, hoisted him out and medically transported him to court in Richmond. As for jail time, he later pleaded guilty to what was described as cocaine charges and HAS to serve a mandatory minimum sentence of five years. Here's the story:


    Yeah, it was cocaine in the above case however but I would definitely advise Steven to keep his pill shopping, ample behind out of Virginia. Compared to the other two jurisdictions in the DMV (Maryland and Washington, D.C.), arrests, prosecutions and punishments in Virginia can be just a tad more severe.

    Edited to add: I have to give blame credit where credit is due to @GiantMisfit for first bringing this story to our attention elsewhere on this forum.😁

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  3. 2 hours ago, Chicklet said:

    Assante would have been caught had he lived in MD, VA, WV, NJ ( I don't pay attention to the states unless I get a positive result)  since all pharmacists have to report narcotics scripts to the State Health Depts and they are all tied together in a central database. Every provider and pharmacist has to query that database before writing or filling those scripts. And we catch people all the time doctor hopping, and we have much less forging of scripts after this program was instituted. So providers and patients get nailed if they write or attempt to fill too many scripts. 

    Not sure if Texas has a program like this as Dr. Now could have caught him fast if it did. But Texas does its own thing and who knows. I love an example of Texas' great ideas- I had a patient who was getting a controlled substance filled from a pharmacy in Texas and I was trying to get it delivered to the office so it wouldn't sit in the patient's mailbox. Oh no they said, has to be delivered to the patient or a FedEx satellite. Which happened to be a Walgreens photo center. Total sense.



    Dr. Now actually did confront the beast in his hospital bed with the state's 30 day report of his (Steven's) illicit actvities. Apparently in Texas, and probably in many other states, while they do have mechanisms in place to track this behavior, reports are only generated and distributed every 30 days.


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  4. On 5/22/2020 at 8:43 AM, Jeeves said:

    Bringing this over from the One Ton Family WATN discussion.

    My personal/professional involvement with criminal law was at least one geological age ago. But. If the guy didn't forge the scrips, or steal the drugs, or sell the drugs, he's not likely to be on law enforcement radar. In my experience, people get in criminal trouble for (1) forging scrips or committing big time fraud like fraudulent IDs to obtain/fill scrips; (2) stealing the drugs including paying with bad checks or stolen credit cards; or (3) selling the drugs. And, sadly, they tended to be addicts themselves.

    I'm sure there are exceptions and Assanti may have violated some laws, but AFAIK the law gives doctors a pretty wide berth to write prescriptions. I don't think many prosecutors want to get into a legal fight with a doctor over whether they shoulda written a certain scrip; they have better use for their time and resources. (Docs do get prosecuted for running prescription mills or doing big time insurance fraud, examples of the bigger fish that prosecutors have to fry, than a guy playing the system to get himself a lotta drugs.)

    This has reminded me of a case from I swear, 40 years ago, that I had as a public defender. My client was a 20-something black man, charged with illegal possession of narcotics. Because? He was at home recovering from a badly broken leg, when the cops executed a search warrant on the place (not aimed at him but someone else there). The cops apparently came up empty on the object(s) of their search, but seized his Tylenol 3 pills, which had been issued to him by the city hospital when he was discharged with his leg in a cast. That was the narcotic drug he was charged with illegally possessing!!!  (ETA: I can't remember but I think they may have actually seized it in the prescription bottle. SMH. Anyway he had a copy of the prescription, was in a cast, and that bottle was the only narcotic in the house.)

    Now, our DA's office was generally more enlightened than that (which is one reason why the case sticks in my memory), but IMO the cops were so frustrated that they hadn't caught their fish, they must have figured they could get somewhere by laying a felony charge on this young man, and the DA played along. Yes, I got the case dismissed pretty fast. Hell, the judge was so conservative it wasn't funny, but he dismissed the case although I could see it pained him to go against the DA. Heh. It was such a textbook case of racial/socioeconomic prejudice (and cop frustration) in action that it's remained in my memory all this time.  

    Well dammit @Jeeves, that is one amazing and thorough response! Thank you so much, I really appreciate it. I saw this earlier and no way was I gonna reply with just a "Gee, thanks!" 

    My totally imaginary law degree was obviously completely insufficient to think of all the legal ins and outs regarding what could/should have happened to Steven. I guess sometimes it's hard for me to stomach that someone could so blatantly flaunt the law and get away with what he did but, because of your explanation, I totally get how local authorities have to prioritize who they go after and save their resources for the worst of the worst. Steven may be definitely is a depraved, pill popping (and probably selling as well), creepy POS but El Chapo he ain't. It just pisses me off that I'm sure this wasn't the first time he's gotten away with something shady, and it won't be the last.

    The Stevens of this world and your story about your client took me back to my years growing up in inner city Washington, D.C. At that time heroin was king in D.C. but unfortunately there wasn't the compassionate "prison-isn't-the-answer" and "addicts are victims and need help" approaches that we see in our society today and for damn sure it was not declared to be an Opioid Crisis back then. Nope, it was the declaration of the failed War on Drugs when addicts weren't seen as being sick or needing help; Hell, they weren't even called addicts, just low life junkies and criminals. The answer then was to round 'em up, lock 'em up and throw away the key. Only concerned activists, especially recovering addicts, in our various communities gave a damn.

    I commend you for defending that young man's rights and was so glad to know that there even were enlightened DAs that long ago. I suppose we should be grateful that enough of the "right" people are becoming addicts these days and that our law enforcement and criminal justice system are beginning to take a more sensible approach to what is, and has always been, a public health crisis.

    Thanks also for moving your answer over to the right topic.

    Stay safe and take care.💖

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  5. Watching tonight's episode right now called "Fixing a Family in Houston" and wow, just wow. The owners, unmarried life partners with an adorable little 3 year old girl, are toxic with each other. I can practically feel the toxicity leaching through the screen. I hope that they can make it as a couple for their child's sake, but I really have my doubts. Word to Robert: I know that you mean well, and I am not even being sarcastic about that statement but, some folks really need professional relationship counseling help.

    • Love 2
  6. 2 minutes ago, auntjess said:

    I love the Drain shows, and be sure and watch the Thai cave rescue one.
    I did go back and watch the show.  Does Roshandra ever smile? She'll be talking about she's feeling better, and doing better, but she still sounds so sad.


    Thanks @auntjess. I've seen the ads for Drain but haven't yet delved into them but will definitely check them out.

    Heh heh, no I can't recall Roshanda ever smiling but just can't help thinking of her as "Rotunda" in my mind every time I see her mentioned, for obvious reasons.😊

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  7. 7 hours ago, Jeeves said:


    @DC Gal in VA, I'm with you about TLC needing to pull the plug on this. And as much as I enjoy the live chats here, I absolutely will not view the Assanti people ever. again. nor participate in any discussions about their shows. I'm a tough old retired lawyer who has seen a lot of sh*t in real life. But I swear to God I was permanently emotionally scarred by the display of sheer evil embodied in one of those brothers, I think it was Steven. Sheer ravening, ravaging, all-consuming narcissistic psychopathic evil.  

    Hi there @Jeeves! I always had that sickening "Danger, Danger, Danger!" feeling when it comes to Steven Assanti. He's a cruel, depraved and amoral creature; I refuse to call him a human being.

    Do you know which of the Assanti episodes TLC will be showing? The only thing I would like to see again is the scene where Dr. Now confronts Steven with a report that shows how he had visited dozens of doctors, emergency rooms and, pharmacies in just 30 days to obtain thousands of pain pills. Asking you as an attorney, didn't he break multiple state and federal laws and committed multiple felonies? It still pisses me off that he wasn't arrested, prosecuted and sent to prison. Yeah, he's big and stinky as Hell but dammit put his ass in a protective custody cell on 23 hour lockdown. Disgraceful that Texas of all places let him get away with that shit.

    Heh heh, I guess National Geographic is getting a workout from us; currently watching an excellent documentary called "After Hitler" a two-parter about post WWII Germany and all of the political, social and economic fallout. That bastard (Hitler) was just the evil, rancid gift that kept on giving. He and Steven would have probably been best friends.

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  8. 53 minutes ago, nokat said:

    As always, the Live Chat was so much more entertaining than the show. Ro definitely has what is called resting bitch face.


    @DC Gal, I think I can actually feel the brain cells die during these episodes, so I try to balance it with smarter stuff and that National Geographic sounds scary and something to watch.


    It definitely was something to watch; will probably repeat later today. Who knew that there was such a thing as "Super Meth?" Turns out that it's a lethal combination of Crystal Meth and Fentanyl which, sadly, is even cheaper and more potent than the old meth and lasts for 24 hours. Talk about killing brain cells.😢

    As for M600PL, while I love our Live Chats, I think it's time for TLC to put this series to rest. Especially this season with the crap episode we saw earlier, they aren't even pretending to try to tell uplifting stories about grateful people taking advantage of the opportunity to change their lives for the better. It's just a steady parade of lazy, ungrateful, obnoxious losers setting up one dismal WATN after the other. What a wasted opportunity all around.

    • Love 10
  9. Here's a sentence I thought that I would never, ever write: Including tonight's episode, the most amazing success story of this season has been ***GULP*** Pauline. Yes, that Pauline, you know, "Dilly's" mama.

    There's no counting how many of my brain cells were damaged or destroyed watching tonight's shit show for the ages.

    Starting to recover now while watching an excellent report on National Geographic called "Super Meth" narrated by reporter Lisa Ling. That form of meth is some scary stuff.

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  10. 36 minutes ago, PrincessPurrsALot said:

    For those of you wondering, Brandi's performs under the name Big Teety.  Enjoy!

    This is a poor choice because search engines insist you're searching for big teeth. 😺

    Aww geez and I thought you loved us.😢

    • LOL 4
  11. Where are we M600PL? Week after week after week of half-assed, no-assed effort, poundticipants going in the wrong direction, a boat load of attitude.......... Now I get it. For every boring failure we get another future WATN for each of them!

    That's it Pounders, we're in HELL! Glad I figured that one out.

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  12. In spite of Clarence saying ANYTHING about erections in front of his sisters, I really like him for trying to be a good brother to them. I mean, taking sis to get her feet done is quite sweet.

    I really hope that Roshanda is in therapy because she seems so incredibly depressed (yes, and depressing) to me.

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  13. 7 minutes ago, PrincessPurrsALot said:

    When Clarence mentioned his erection, I thought it still doesn't matter if he's sporting wood all the time.  It's not going to extend past his gut until he drops at least another 150.  That is unless there's something really special about Clarence.

    Well dayum, it don't get any more raw than that statement! *** Personally sewing PrincessPurrsALot's gasoline soaked drawers as we speak ***

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  14. Awww shit my favorite, The Frog (I think it's Lil Bow Wow), is gone but I had already guessed that the winner would be Night Angel (Candy Burris?). We'll see............

    Back to this show, from all of your notes, this episode is firing on all cylinders! 😊

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  15. Whoa, I just tuned back during a commercial break. Did I just hear Clarence say he almost got an erection!?😮 Can't decide if I want you all to tell me if that's true or not, tee hee!😁

    • LOL 1
  16. 10 minutes ago, FormeryHeavyJ said:

    Hi all.  Need a good laugh tonight.  Broke my hip last week in a nasty fall while running and had to have emergency hip replacement surgery Friday.  I'm out of running & biking for a while.  Make me chuckle.

    So sorry to hear that FormerHeavyJ. 😢 Reaching out to you with a cyber tickle to make you chuckle. 😁

    Better yet, say something truly outrageous like you normally do and earn your gasoline soaked drawers award for tonight! 😆

    • Love 7
  17. Yo, yo, yo my Pounder Pretties! Since tonight is the Grand Finale of The Masked Singer, I will miss most of the first hour of this shit show episode. 😢 Take good notes since I read some interesting tid bits--no spoilers from me--about tonight, so it should be EPIC! See you in a few....... 😇

    • Love 5
  18. 2 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

    I didn't feel sorry for Jean.   She could have picked up after herself, and her dogs.   I think the issue was Jean invited her father back, apparently without telling her mother.   Then the three people living on the property were locked in a sad situation, where the father's mental issues, and Jean's lack of ambition resulted in that trailer ending up too disgusting for anyone to live in.      Since the show, and after the mother's surgery by Dr. Now, for her abdominal issues, the mother seems to be doing very well.     As far as I'm concerned, the only thing to do about that awful trailer is take out the few things that are still decent (clothing that fits, and maybe some kitchen stuff, then haul the old trailer away, and replace it with two single wides, one for Mom, and one for Jean. However, I don't see the mother getting the gumption to stand up to Jean, and live her own life.   

    However, I understand Jean, and her mother are part of the TLC lawsuit, so my sympathy for either one of them is gone. 

    I call bullshit on all of these lawsuits especially Jeanne's. What legitimate complaints could she have against Dr. Now/TLC? That the scales were all sabotaged? That her trailer was really neat as a pin and the TLC producers messed it up for dramatic effect? Or perhaps she was 100% compliant and Dr. Now was just being mean? What?

    • Love 10
  19. 22 hours ago, Chicklet said:

    Well one can be frying chicken. In bed. And one can be folding laundry. In bed. And one can be ruining your spouse's life. In bed. That's one really busy schedule yanno. Whew exhausted me just typing that.

    Don't forget @Chicklet that our dear Teretha remarked that the fried chicken was just fine to eat because it was "lean." 😮 Yes Teretha it "was" lean BEFORE you fried it!

    Kinda brought back memories of the late, great, never to be forgotten James King and his unforgettable whine when Lisa said that rice wasn't on Dr. Now's prescribed diet and he answered "but it's fraaaahd!"

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  20. 2 hours ago, Twopper said:

    Well, Charly looks like a future success story.  And there seems to be some hope at the end for her mother.   At least they seem to be going forward on their "journey."  (I am beginning to hate that word).  Miss T is on the fast train to going back past her starting point, and  she is almost totally bedridden again plus she's back on oxygen and I am sure her diabetes is a problem again.    2 hits and a miss for this WATN. 

    You summed up my feelings about this episode.

    Teretha got on my last nerve with her calm, intelligent voice and, initially, polite and compliant demeanor with Dr. Now. As the episode droned on it became more and more apparent that she is truly a selfish despicable liar. I was beyond disgusted when she finally got home from the rehab and remarked how so much better her husband looked. Yeah, you useless lump, he looked better because he got a well-deserved break from waiting on you hand, belly button, and foot.

    Four years and nine months to almost get back to where she started; can't remember her starting weight but, according to Dr. Now, she was closing in on it.

    Too funny that she just had to get back to her family, especially her grandkids, because they need her. The question is, for what?

    Sad to say but I think that Teretha may be the next announced death from M600PL who chose to do it "her way." I just hope that she she doesn't take her sweet husband with her.

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