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DC Gal in VA

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Posts posted by DC Gal in VA

  1. On 8/12/2020 at 8:24 PM, snarkish said:

    Okay, so I was impressed that they are so organized and involved with the kids. Mom seems to try to get teaching moments in everywhere. Dad seems to enjoy the simple stuff like cooking and home haircuts. However, there seems to be something almost "too slick" about him. And the money management lessons he's having the little ones spout seems odd too. I did like the fact that they underlined in a TH that they'd have as many as "they could provide for adequately". But the thing that is bothering me mostly is that Karen is having bedrest issues with every pregnancy. With 11 small children at home already, you cannot go stay in the hospital for 8 weeks with each subsequent pregnancy! This is something that God or whoever is trying to tell her that she's had enough! This is also the problem I had with the Duggars, after they lost the baby before Josie, and then Josie wound up as a micro preemie. It's time to stop when a normal healthy pregnancy isn't in the cards anymore! It cannot be good for her body to carry that many multiple pregnancies anyhow. A Dr. recently told a female friend of mine with a newly discovered heart murmur (she is late 40's, with 5 children, last two being twins), that "many women have slight heart murmurs from pregnancy that they aren't even aware of, from the stress of carrying the pregnancies." Not sure if that is truth or not, but it seems legit. 

    So far, so good for me, so I'll keep watching.

    However, ITA most definitely @snarkish regarding the bolded part. It's really their choice/business to have a lot of kids especially if they can responsibly  provide for them; they are all very adorable btw. The main problem for me is that part of that responsibility is being alive and well to take care of them. And speaking of God, seems to me that God is screaming into a megaphone that 8 weeks on bedrest and then one of the triplets needing multiple surgeries before she's out of the NICU is a divine sign that 14 is enough.

    What's been cracking me up is all the talk about a nanny. I mean really, "a nanny" as in just ONE for all those kids. I think it was a discussion Karen had with her friend during the girl quints cupcake outing that a nanny was first mentioned and her friend with just two kids said she had one fulltime and another part-time. Karen laughed and said something like "Gee, I'll probably need a half dozen!" That estimate may not be too far off.😊

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  2. 4 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

    My suspicion is that a lot of the 'home cooking' by Liz was packaged, heat and eat.   I bet the roasts for Jennifer and Marissa were the same, bought already cooked, and reheated in the microwave.   

    I think the sister Marissa moved in with was a half-sister on the father's side, because there was no mention of Jennifer's relationship with the sister.   I'm betting that's part of the reason Marissa moved in with her sister, so Jennifer couldn't come with her.  I'm so glad Marissa moved away from her toxic mother, and Dwayne's awful influence.  I think it's wonderful that Marissa has a place to go to, and someone who cares about her.   

    I gave up on Jennifer when she moved back with Dwayne, and I'm sure she's bigger than ever, and sadly, a lot worse off than she started.  

    Did you watch the repeat of their episode last night @CrazyInAlabama? I did off and on. I actually ended up watching way more about Liz than the other two. Honestly, I barely remembered Liz but was astounded at her transformation. While she could often be quite frustrating as in her weigh-in where she stated that she was completely baffled as to how she gained 68 pounds in two months; I mean, marinate on that dubious "accomplishment" for a moment.

    Loved it when, after a string of excuses, Dr. Now told her that it was because she had been eating non-stop for TWO MONTHS, lol! However, even with her obvious, and very sad, case of depression, I do believe that she, with Dr. Now's persistence and help of course, accomplished an amazing transformation of her body. I really wish her and Marissa all the best and hope they both stay on track. As for Jennifer, like you, I don't have much hope since, at least IMHO, she seems to be a perpetual, petulant teenager.

    • Love 3
  3. 20 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

    This is the episode with Steven's dramatic faked flop off of the golf cart, and his trip to rehab (he lasted six days), and Dr. Now showing Steven his list of drugs for the past month, and telling him that he's now on the Texas restricted drug list.     It's probably the best of the 4 episodes the family is on.    Actually to me the third episode (the S & J WATN) was fairly useless, and skipping right to part 4 is better.    

    Thanks @CrazyInAlabama. I tuned in just long enough to see that it was yet another repeat of an Assanti episode and quickly changed the channel. I promised myself that I would never re-watch these train wrecks. Anyway, do you recall how many doctors, pharmacies and emergency rooms he used to get hundreds (thousands?) of pills? I seem to remember that it was something crazy like a dozen emergency rooms, 15 or so doctors and twenty some trips to various pharmacies. It still pisses me off that he never saw a day in jail for those crimes especially when you have so many people who have served decades in prison for the possession of less drugs ***steps off soapbox***.

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  4. Watched The Great British Baking Show on PBS earlier tonight and, as an American, the contrast between our competition cooking shows and theirs is embarrassing. IMHO, ours, dysfunctional preschoolers; theirs, Ph.D. candidates. Whether or not you're speaking of the behavior of the competitors or judges, the actual competitions, the production values, etc. they are so many light years ahead of us.

    • Love 5
  5. 5 minutes ago, Superclam said:

    The constant yelling makes me think she's reading from a cue card, which she probably is. 

    My feelings for her changed a lot when I heard she had 5 kids, 3 adopted. 

    Yes, that's amazing about the kids.

    Unfortunately, so-called reality tv seems to make it mandatory that people act like loud mouths and buffoons.

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  6. 21 minutes ago, Gramto6 said:

    Cute idea to have them compete against Chopped Jr Champions. Interesting that Alex's chef won her challenge. It would be nice to see Alex beat Anne.

    I wish Ari would lose Shirley...not cute, not funny, just stupid...

    Hi there @Gramto6. Yes, that was a too cute competition with the kids. Like you, I am so sick of the references to "Shirley." It wasn't even that funny when her stomach was first introduced by name. Also, Ari seems nice enough and I admire the fact that she and her husband adopted siblings but could she please STOP YELLING!?😊

    I have a feeling that the fix is in though for Ann to win. Not feeling her entree of swordfish on cauliflower for Zack btw.

    • Love 1
  7. 9 minutes ago, ams1001 said:


    WATN of Dottie and Cynthia which we just saw a few weeks ago (I think...time isn't really a thing anymore but I know it was fairly recent). Don't think I can take Dottie again.

    Yeah, me neither. Can't believe I watched parts of Cynthia's original episode; I just don't have the strength or interest really in watching their WATNs again.

    • Love 2
  8. OMG channel surfed over to the Travel Channel and they're showing Food Paradise featuring gut busting, over the top "Secret Menu" offerings like a ginormous pizza covered in tacos!😯 

    Yes this thing really exists at a restaurant called Tacos a Go Go in, of all places, HOUSTON!


    Believe it or not, it's started a trend.

    As the singing group The Four Seasons said: "Oh What a Night!😊

    • LOL 1
  9. Now watching one of the scenes I really liked, her talk with her kids the night before her WLS was good, informative but not scary, reassuring yet realistic. I appreciate her asking them about their feelings and expectations. I never doubted that they all love each other. These are good kids and I think that, overall, she should get a lot of credit for that.

    My main issues with her is how she just doesn't get that in order to get and stay that big for that long there has to be some very deep psychological reasons. But, as I recall, she doesn't think she needs therapy. That attitude always came across to me as someone who thinks going to therapy is a weakness when it's really the exact opposite.

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  10. 25 minutes ago, OoogleEyes said:

    I'm here!

    I'm debating on whether or not I can make it through this one. 

    My eating habit tonight was a bunch of roasted garden veggies over some pasta. I love this time of year!

    Me too. I have very clear memories of Cynthia and not very good ones. When I checked TLC and saw it was her, I said to myself "Nope, can't take two full hours of Miss 'I do everything for my kids' martyr mom." I might check back here and there but just not the whole episode.

    My eating habit: leftover Chinese delivery and for dessert a vodka martini!😁 

    Forgot to say that I'm watching a National Geographic Shark Week show and Cynthia's smile, while pearly white and lovely, always reminded me of a shark baring it's teeth.

    • LOL 2
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  11. 5 hours ago, CrystalBlue said:

      Corona beer tastes like swill and is the only beer in the world advertised with a piece of fruit on top to give it that extra flavor their bottle of piss cerveza needs.

    Hahaha @CrystalBlue piss indeed! I've never liked it; tried it once a million years ago and bleh, not even a decent lawnmower beer. How have you managed to only see this commercial once? Like I said, this crap plays multiple times every hour, all day and night, on every single show, on every single channel.

    Maybe they could use the buckets of money they spend on all those commercials to improve the taste of their product.

    • Love 3
  12. Too funny when, for the umpteenth time, Ari let out what must have been her loudest, most ear splitting screech during the family members judging their dishes. Then you heard a producer off camera telling her to remove her ear piece. That must have been code for gurrrrrrl you are TOO DAMN LOUD! And yes, I'm yelling too.😁

    • Love 1
  13. 15 minutes ago, scarletine said:

    I'm watching the Travel Channel right now, and I've seen it probably six times in the past hour. I'm so over it. If I have to watch those people doing their stupid TikTok dance one more time, I'm going to pull an Elvis, and shoot my television. And you're right...the "song" is insipid and SO annoying. 

    Hahaha, love "pull an Elvis" @scarletine and totally understand.😀 What's also aggravating for me is that I deliberately avoid a lot of Covid-19 related programming to distract me from the very sad and devastating nature of this horrible virus. I do keep up-to-date with current Covid-19 information. However, as many posters have said here, they know what's happening but just don't want to be reminded of it every minute of every day; so do I. 

    • Love 4
  14. On 7/24/2020 at 11:08 AM, eyelash said:

    The Chime commercial where the woman is so smug to get paid 2 days earlier than others and says she can "boast" at the office about having already been paid.  Is paying a fee to receive money already owed to you 2 days sooner than you would otherwise get it something to be envied by coworkers?

    What really mystifies me about this commercial @eyelash is that she's so impressed with herself--appears to be in her early twenties--for "discovering" direct deposit when this process has been commonplace since before she was born.

    Can't recall when businesses began to offer direct deposit (mid to late 80's?) but I do remember that when it became available if your co-workers saw you still cashing your check at the bank they would most likely say "Why don't you get direct deposit?" and not act like you just discovered sentient life on Mars or Bigfoot.

    • LOL 6
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  15. I've read through several pages of the most recent posts and didn't see any mention of what I think is the number one most aggravating, earworm/eyeworm of a commercial and that's the one for Corona Beer.

    First, it features an insipid, sappy "songlet" that goes "Right now, right now, love is everywhere." Well, anyone paying attention to current events would have to say no dammit, no it's NOT! Then it shows shots of people "finding their own beach." For me at least it falls into the category of a lot of commercials trying to press people to feel good during "these uncertain times"--please make that phrase go away--when frankly I think it's perfectly fine and normal even to feel cranky, anxious and fearful during these uncertain times. It's called being human.

    What makes this commercial especially excruciating for me is that it is played during every single commercial break of every single show; sometimes it's played TWICE during a commercial break which works out to a minimum of six to seven times an hour, every hour, all day.* Believe me I am wearing out my remote control trying to avoid it.

    I kind of get it. If I was unfortunate enough to own a business with the same name as as a killer virus, I would be trying to paint a happy face and create positive consumer feelings about my product. However their advertising is having the opposite effect on me and I don't think that I'm alone in that reaction. Probably doesn't help that I couldn't stand Corona Beer before the pandemic.😊

    *That's a separate annoying trend in a lot of commercials I'd like to hear comments about.

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