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DC Gal in VA

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Posts posted by DC Gal in VA

  1. I have to admit that I would be grossed out/stumped by getting Spam in tonight's first cooking challenge, blecch! On a lark, I tried it ONCE and, well, just NO!

    BTW, my guess --the show is still on -- as to who is going home tonight is Eric from the Blue Team and Dolores from the Red Team.

  2. Also don't want to forget to mention other takeaways from this episode:

    First, kudos to Doug's wife for being so upfront about her own weight loss journey successes and failures. She was very candid about, and took responsibility for, her weight gain after having her own weight loss surgery.

    Secondly, good for her for deciding to get back on track and achieving her weight loss goals.

    Lastly, congrats to both of them for being the best, most successful couple ever in M600PL history. I particularly think that Ashley was/is an amazing force of nature of a woman. Truly enjoyed watching two decent, loving people and their adorable kids.

    Unfortunately, TLC producers are either too incompetent or too lazy--I side with the latter --to make an episode like this more compelling. Success, hard work and decency should never be boring. After all you're supposed to be The Learning Channel.

    BTW, the scenes of this big 6'6" man using that tiny floral umbrella were hilarious !😆


    • Love 6
  3. 33 minutes ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

    Yes, I remember him meeting that awful excuse for a Female Birth Vessel.   She painted her dumping Doug and his brother (both young kids) when her husband was overseas with the Army, as "doing the right thing for her family".      Doug should have never met her, and certainly shouldn't allow her any contact with his kids, or she'll break their hearts too.     

    Did you notice how she tried to guilt him about not bringing the kids to see her? At least that's how it came across to me. I loved Doug's dry and to the point response of "Nope" without a hint of apology. Loved it!

    • Love 5
  4. Ugh, seems like I remember Doug's meeting in a restaurant with his skank of a mom where, as I recall, she seemed to want him to apologize to and/or absolve her for being a totally waste of space as a mother. We'll see.........

    • Love 2
  5. Uh oh Dr. Baby Voice advice aka Dr. Tiffany Stewart, write a letter to your mother. At least she said to just keep it in a journal as opposed to writing an actual letter. As I recall, that led to an actual meeting with his useless bio mom and how his wife Ashley said that he absolutely did not owe that woman any apologies when he read the letter to her.

    • Love 1
  6. "Don't talk, too sad to talk!" says Cooper to him for not being able to play with his dad at the playground. Talk about out of the mouth of babes.......... 😢

  7. Well at least we know his height which is 6 foot, 6 inches, as well as his weight of 684. Not that he's not super morbidly obese but I just like to have accurate information upfront instead of us having to guess at it.

    BTW, good job Doug's FBV! That's the awesomely apt title Female Birth Vessel courtesy of @CrazyInAlabama for the type of mom he had.😢

    • Love 1
  8. 1 hour ago, Jeeves said:

    Long long ago, when I was a little kid, dirt was young, mastodons roamed the earth, and TV was black and white, we lived in a small town in OK. The TV stations that we watched were located in - Wichita Falls. (Our town was not far from the OK/TX state line.) 

    I vaguely remember Doug. Not sure I'll watch. I really need to mask up and pick up a couple of birthday cards and kid birthday presents, and we're having a break in the heat wave today so it will be pleasant to be outdoors.

    Yeah, I might check in here or there. Like you, I may watch, I may not. 

    BTW, seems like we were both little kids during the same time period!😁

    • LOL 2
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  9. 1 hour ago, OoogleEyes said:

    I just bumped up the Tamy & Karina thread 

    Thanks for bumping up that thread @OogleEyes! It really was like our Wednesday nights of the recent past. With all of the craziness going on, I really miss hanging out with all of my Pounder Pals. Love you all. Stay safe out there.😍

    • Love 2
  10. First of all, STFU James about loving Tamy and whatever bullshit falls out of your mouth. Just shut up!

    Secondly, damn 27 pounds for that mass; I had guessed it was between 20-30 pounds. Tamy Lyn looks so much better. Good for her. What was her final weight?

    Third, I really like Dr. Kandu and it doesn't hurt that he's easy on the eyes too, um, I mean I really admire his professionalism.😇

    • LOL 1
  11. Never saw this episode and am thoroughly disgusted with how disrespectful and smug Karina is. And yes, then there's her new "lurve" Gilbert. Frankly, they both deserve each other. Weird how he brought up Lupe during their office visit with Dr. Now and hilarious how Dr. Now pointed out his own significant weight gain.

    • LOL 2
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  12. 3 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

    Just wait and watch the WATN that follows with Tamy, and Karina.     The look on Dr. Now's face on the WATN when he recognizes Karina's boyfriend is hysterical.  

    Oh. My. God. It's GILBERT!😯 Well shit, now I know that I must have missed this entire episode when it first aired. All I can say to that CrazyInAlabama is:





    • LOL 3
  13. 25 minutes ago, fonfereksglen said:

    Dr. Now ... Are you finished talking?   😁

    Princess P has a new job and is a virus survivor.  

    Doh, yes now I remember reading her post about her new job and beating Covid-19.

    BTW, I missed the name of this therapist but she seems pretty cool although Karina does not seem to be able to appreciate her advice. Must be hard when NO ONE understands what you're going through.😉

    • Love 2
  14. Just now, ams1001 said:

    She "has to" go home because James is lonely. Poor James. 🤬

    We really, really, really need a "this bullshit really pisses me off" emoji! I totally forgot that Tamy Lyn just flushed her free skin surgery down the toilet for James, ya know, the asshole who left her for another woman. WTF!?😠

    • Love 2
  15. Oh Hell no Tamy Lyn, hubby's back and you're so happy and you didn't ask him about what happened with the bitch woman he left you for!? What's up with that!!!!???

    • Love 1
  16. 10 minutes ago, OoogleEyes said:

    I just bumped up the Tamy & Karina thread 

    Awwww shit, now, thanks to you, I gotta keep up with TWO threads tonight! Suddenly, Wednesdays are fun again, thanks, Hee!

    And, no way, don't you even THINK about going to bed!😊

    • LOL 3
  17. Okay, just got a little choked up seeing Tamy Lyn taking her son Zachary to therapy, saying that she's done all of this not just for herself but also for her son. That as opposed the Princess Pauline Potter, remember her who kept claiming that she really wants to free her son? Here it is if you don't:


    Poor Dillan, I mean "Dilly."😢

    • Love 1
  18. 20 minutes ago, OoogleEyes said:

    Kind of refreshing having the person do so well.

    I don't remember this much at all. Are anvils being dropped?

    Wait, what OoogleEyes, anvils? In other words, what choo talkin' 'bout Willis!? Yes, I'm an old DC Gal!☺

  19. 51 minutes ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

    Just wait and watch the WATN that follows with Tamy, and Karina.     The look on Dr. Now's face on the WATN when he recognizes Karina's boyfriend is hysterical.  

    Oh no, you're right, her WATN is next! Can't remember your reference to Karina's boyfriend though.

  20. 5 hours ago, Giant Misfit said:

    I should sue Gina for damages for intentionally causing distress after having watched her homemade porns.

    Damn Giant Misfit, your crazy, wonderful choice of stringing the words Gina with homemade porns actually made me nauseous. Good job!

    BTW, I am currently re-watching Tami Lyn's original episode, she of the most shocking/amazing/horrific fupa of all time. But hey she's "only" 591 pounds which makes her a lightweight.😊 Kudos to her though for saying from the outset that it's her responsibility for her situation. How often do we hear that from our poundticipants?

    14 minutes ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

    Just search for 600 lb life lawsuit, and it should come up.   I've noticed that the ones that signed on for the lawsuit get their episodes showing how non-complaint they are quite often. 

    Watching some of the reruns really makes me wonder what's happened to a lot of the poundticipants.      Tamy and Karina's first episode, and the WATN certainly were full of amazing moments, not always in a good way either.  

    Oh wow, I just posted that Tamy Lyn's episode is on right now.

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