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DC Gal in VA

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Posts posted by DC Gal in VA

  1. 21 minutes ago, Suzywriter said:

    Just made a keto cupcake in the microwave. Only 3 grams net carbs!

    Oh that sounds so good. I've been self-soothing myself with waaaaay too many carbs during the quarantine and would really like that recipe. Hard to snark on these poundticipants back-sliding when I know that I've been straying from my low carb eating and definitely packed some pounds back on.๐Ÿ˜ข

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  2. 18 minutes ago, ShoePrincess said:

    Happy Wednesday, Pounders. My eating habit is an open-faced sandwich made with leftover roast chicken, goat cheese, tomatoes, and baby greens dressed with vinaigrette. Tonight's beverage of choice is rose. It reminds me a lunch in Paris.

    This should be interesting. I have some hope for Charly.


    Well dayum ShoePrincess that sounds way more KLASSY and delicious than my leftover dry chicken rescue salad. ๐Ÿ˜Š

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  3. Well hellllooooooo Pounder Pals! My later eating habit: garden salad topped with homemade chicken salad. Hey, when life gives you overcooked chicken, mayo is your friend!๐Ÿ˜ Anyway, I will be hopscotching between this WATN and The Masked Singer; semi-finals tonight! Back in a few.

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  4. 4 hours ago, Lillith said:

    Cynthia frustrated me far more than Dottie. She's far more educated than the average person on this show, and has a better job. Hell she's got a job! The excuse with the kids made me want to punch something. She's got five teens/pre-teens who all seem like functional, decent kids. They can't help with shopping, prep and cooking? And they can't help clean that dirty house? She'd thrown all of that on her daughter before, why can't the boys help.ย  They need to learn all of that to be functional adults anyway. And the attitude! Even when it wasn't working! I have a friend like that, super morbidly obese and knows she needs to lose weight but is so stubborn and will NOT consider therapy. I think if she opens up the house of cards will crumble.ย 

    I cut Dottie a bit more slack because of the role as a caregiver and then the tragic death of her son, and having a drunk for a husband. But I really think she's a profesional victim.ย 

    I know Lola isn't popular but I thought she gave both of them sound advice this episode. And I loved both of her wigs!ย 

    Also whatever their major (and I mean major) issues are, they also brought up the aversion so many have in this country toward dealing with mental health issues. It's viewed as a weakness rather than an issue to be dealth with.ย 

    Definitely @Lillith, you really nailed it with this comment. In particular, I point to her last "flustrating"--thanks Schenee!--office visitย with Dr. Now before she decided to quit the program. She had "hoped" to have met her goal of losing 40 pounds in two months but instead had gained 12. When confronted by Dr. Now with the fact that she was indeed going backwards--I think she had previously only lost five pounds in two munts--she again folded her hammy arms, shook her head and said that she couldn't agree with him and just did not see what he was talking about.

    What kind of mental gymnastics did she have to perform to come to that conclusion? Of course she understood. How she can justify still being around two hundred pounds overweight and hurtling back up to 600 pounds as acceptable, especially since she claims to do EVERYTHING for her kids?

    • Love 11
  5. I think someone remarked on Dottie as the one with the butt wings. However, the one and only original queen of the butt wings was Charity Pierce--her story aired in March 2015. I mean those things seemed like their own otherworldly life form and the way they flapped back and forth like a butterfly was positively mesmerizing.

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  6. 11 minutes ago, Ivylady said:

    Dottie gained 26 pounds in a month? And saying she's still doing "good"? These folks are delusional. Dr. Now is a better person than me because he really tries to get through to them.ย 

    Holy shit Ivyladyย I'm watching this episode again right now and Dottie actually gained 40ย pounds in two weeks!!!!!๐Ÿ˜ฎ He said that she was in a hospital setting to undo some kind of damage.

    I missed most of the first hour watching The Masked Singerย so do you or anyone else here know what kind of damage he was talking about? He said that she was not at his clinic and was ordering in food which that facility couldn't stop.

    Heh heh, the nurses were recording her behavior and told Dr. Now. Of course she stone cold lied to his face and, SURPRISE, it just wasn't fair and she really didn't order that much and blah, blah, blah.

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  7. 12 minutes ago, Ivylady said:

    Ugh. I can't stand her. I ended up hating her at the end of her episode, and I still hate her. She uses those children as an excuse for everything, and it's not fair. Her children asked her to stay in the program, but she's still eating fast food and lying about her issues. She needs therapy badly, but whatever she's hiding that she doesn't want to talk about must be terrible for herย 

    Dottie...the less said about her, the better. Like Cynthia, there's an excuse for everything, and none of it is her fault.ย 

    Hahaha Ivylady, I was posting about Cynthia's not wanting therapy while you were posting the above comment so we must be cyber-psychic friends!๐Ÿ˜Š You make a great point about why she is so adamantly against therapy. It also explains her haughty, arrogant demeanor which she wears like a shield.

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  8. OMG, how could I forget............ she neither needs nor wants therapy! Dear Cynthia, yes one can pack on the pounds without having some serious underlying issues. But, dare I say, no one gets to be 610 pounds unless they have "issues." What's really galling is that she saw this as strength when it was the complete opposite. Pathetic.

    • Love 10
  9. Didn't think I could dislike Miss Cynthia more than when I saw her original show. I was wrong.

    Damn she checked off all the boxes when it comes to rudeness during her infuriating conversations with Dr. Now. Let's see arms folded defensively, pursed lips, multiple eye rolls and shaking of her head, condescending tone, even more than a little bit of gaslighting. I especially hate how she felt that she just had to prove Dr. Now wrong by portraying a significant weight gain as "success" after failing to meet her weight loss goals.

    What an unpleasant, I-know-every-goddamn-thang obnoxious bitch.

    Interesting that she said that she was going to discuss whether or not she would be staying in Dr. Now's program with her children and then, of course, came to the conclusion that she should quit. I say interesting because we never got to see that conversation. What a sleazy way to quit the program involving her children when she knew that she just didn't have the discipline to stick with her diet AND that that's what she wanted to do all along. Ugh.

    • Love 22
  10. 5 minutes ago, 7EasyPayments said:

    Sheย  looks thinner when he's drunk....398 instead of 400.ย ๐Ÿป๐Ÿคช

    Well dayum we finally have a gasoline soaked drawers award winner for the night! What does 7EasyPayments win? A lifetime supply of Taco Hell, a vintage pack of unfiltered Camel cigarettes, and mandatory weekly face times with your new best friend, Cynthia!๐Ÿ˜

    • LOL 9
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  11. Sooooooooooo, this delusional heifer is quitting Dr. Now AGAIN!? Bitch please....... Don't let the door knob breakย bounce too hard off that still very ample ass of yours.

    I would hope that Dr. Now never takes her back and there are no more WATNs for her but he's all about the second (and third and fourth) chances, sigh.

    • Love 6
  12. When I saw Cynthia's name as one of the subjects this week, I instantly remembered her and how much I disliked her. Since she thinks that she's mother-of-the-year, I wish someone would ask her how well she can parent from the grave. How can she possibly believe that she's anywhere near a healthy weight?

    Mouthy, obnoxious, know-it-all beyotch.

    • Love 9
  13. OMG, what an adorable little ginger Landon is. Sorry for Dottie that he didn't want to hug her. Wonder what that's all about? Is it because he felt abandoned by her? Gee, I dunno.

    Oh Cynthia, Cynthia, Cynthia............... I think that with most of us here in quarantine, we know that when shit gets tough FAST FOOD IS NOT THE ONLY OPTION!!! Aaarrrgggh, can these poundticipants puleeeze stop saying that!?

    • Love 7
  14. 29 minutes ago, babyhouseman said:

    Hi I remember both. Cynthia got to a certain weight after surgery and didn't want to lose any more.

    Hey y'all are Pounder Peeps!

    I remember them both too. I believe that Cynthia left Dr. Now's program when she was around 375 or 385 and I think was making noises about being a size 14 and not wanting to lose too much weight. Uh huh.

    As for Dottie, I was so sad at the passing of her son but he seemed to suffer so many multiple hospitalizations and health care emergencies that at least I hope he's at peace now and that she has had lots of support in her grief.

    Now I'm off to cheat on this show with The Masked Singer.๐Ÿ˜ Hey, it's the quarter finals and I am totally stumped.

    • Love 3
  15. I know this isn't the first time that a poundticipant has thought they had lost a significant amount of weight and has only lost very little but how can you hope you've lost 50 pounds when you've only lost two?

    Dr. Now's blunt assessment of Tim and how he is enabling, sabotaging and emotionally abusing Alicia was amazing. Too bad that she wasn't ready to see that.

    • Love 2
  16. Watching the rerun of this episode now (missed most of the first hour while watching The Masked Singer). ***Giggle, tee hee, chuckle*** Dr. Now, out of sight of Alicia and Tim, said he was concerned about Alicia's relationship with her significant "udder."


    • LOL 2
  17. 19 minutes ago, umgoblue said:

    Alicia is abused๐Ÿ˜ž

    ETA:ย  On national teevee Tim said that she is naive about the world, and this is Tim being on his best behavior.ย  He is whopping her ass, I am convinced.

    Why would that be scary at first...someone please save her...

    Seriously. Dearย Shithead Tim, the only way to get over being naive about the world is to get out in it. Now please STFU!

    • Love 8
  18. 2 minutes ago, ShoePrincess said:

    They're like a deep cleanse for your face. You will be shocked at the stuff that comes out of your pores. It's not relaxing, like other facials, but it does wonderful things for your skin. I alternate between the hydra facials and the more pampering version.

    That hydra facial sounds amazing but I gotta know what kind of facial could be more pampering than that?

    BTW, no offense to anybody who loves them but is there anyone, anywhere who still has any fucks to give about those boring ass folks on Little People, Big World?ย 


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