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DC Gal in VA

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Posts posted by DC Gal in VA

  1. On 7/7/2020 at 7:37 PM, CrazyInAlabama said:

    I'm positive the poundticipants get the usual mental health screening that weight loss surgery patients receive.   

    I'm guessing it's like a friend's screening for WLS, with a psych screening (but no therapy), nutritional and dietician sessions, and extensive explanations of the pre-surgery, and post-surgery dietary and nutrition needs, supplements that will be required for the rest of their life, possible complications of the surgery, and post-surgery.      They just don't want to show everything the poundticipants go through, because we would be bored, and the failing patients who never get surgery, or eat through it, would make all of us angry. (My friend's husband had the really radical bypass, lost a ton of weight, and gradually started gaining back by constant eating.   He was in a support group that met at the member's homes, and his wife said that they would do a pot luck for every meeting.   She told me that the foods they brought were almost never items they should be eating.    )

    There are also group sessions after surgery (some of the early poundticipants were leading and involved in these, and they showed them in early seasons).     I really suspect that we just saw the last season, and Dr. Now will retire.     Doing many hours of surgery, and being at the office and hospital for long hours is more than he should be putting himself through.      I'm guessing that when Dr. Now retires, that the practice will continue, but I'm betting that the weight limit will be much lower, like other programs.     

    The attorney for the lawsuits says that his goal is to end the TV program, and that would be sad for the ones like Justin, who embraced the program, and reached a healthy weight.    People like Dianna give me hope for the WLS program.  

    Is it really the show's responsibility to pay for mental health therapy?   On my health plan I get a certain amount of coverage, but that's only if I want therapy.   So many of the poundticipants really don't want therapy, and the parts we see show people that never tell the truth, or mention major issues.  

    Great points CrazyInAlabama. I have to believe that they're made aware of the support groups you mentioned.

    Hahaha the first bolded part has me imagining the final day of the trial where the judge receives the note from the jury and says "Well, (to the lawsuit's attorney and his clients), I have good news and bad news. The good news is that you've won, TLC has ended the My 600 Pound Life show. The bad news is that's ALL you've won! I would love to see the expression on his face as well as the faces of his grifter plaintiffs since after all he did say that's all he ever wanted! 😁 Oops sorry, no seven or eight figure payout for any of you! Also, good question about the show's responsibility to pay for mental health therapy. I suspect that would also be covered in TLC's mega contract with each poundticipant.


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  2. 21 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

    My guess is the contract for poundticipants, and their friends and relatives are iron clad.   If the contract is less than 40 or 50 pages then I would be surprised.     

    I read that Wipeout (the game/competition show with all kinds of bizarre obstacles) had a waiver/contract 50 pages long, and I'm betting 600 lb does too.  

    That makes so much sense CrazyInAlabama. However, I wonder if the allegations about TLC failing to provide mental healthcare might be the production company's Achilles Heel. For example, Gina Grasley accuses them of ..... "intentionally causing distress in order to achieve higher ratings" and "failing to provide counseling before administering her diet." Alicia Kirgan also points to them .... "only providing her with one therapy session" and that .... "the one session felt scripted." A lot of us here have had the same criticisms about what we perceive as TLC's lack of attention to the mental health care and needs of the poundticipants.

    I know that I've said on occasion that some of these people should never have been accepted to Dr. Now's program because of their obvious depression, anxiety, admitted suicide attempts, etc. Also, many of us here have raised issues regarding their alcohol and drug abuse not being addressed. If their lawyer gets to present that argument to a jury, written and signed contracts or not, might they not prevail because a jury finds TLC negligent in that regard? 

    Edited to add: I think that this ambulance chaser keeps adding clients to this class action lawsuit is because he knows that there's strength in numbers and he only needs to win one or two of these cases for a big seven figure pay day for himself and screw the rest.

    21 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:



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  3. Soooooooo apparently the list of those suing TLC has grown to ten according to this article:


    While I have always been a critic of TLC's production methods especially their lazy, predictable documentation of the poundticipants' weight loss "journeys" -- shower or bed bath scenes, blurred crotch scenes, cameras zooming in only inches away from their greasy lips as they shovel in mass quantities of food, etc., I truly hope that this class action lawsuit crashes and burns.

    The most egregious for me are the relatives of L.B. Bonner who sadly committed suicide. Every story I've read about this states that he did not leave a suicide note yet his "loved ones" insist that the show is responsible for his death. As I recall from his episode, he recounted having strained relationships and issues with his family members so for them to try and cash in on his death is beyond despicable.

    Among the others, Maja's lawsuit is a real jaw dropper with her assertion of TLC "pushing unbeknownst participants to the edge of an emotional cliff" which, seriously, what the fuck does that even mean!? If true, she's got some nerve considering she constantly harassed, terrorized and verbally abused her boyfriend Christian ONSCREEN during her episode including her epic meltdown in Dr. Now's office where she hysterically called her mama on CHRISSHUN!!!

    As for the rest, Jeanne "NoHyJeanne" Covey, Annjeannette Whaley,  Nicole Lewis, etc. suing TLC for failure to pay for "promised" health care services, rent, skin removal and even Jeanne's mom's hernia surgery, I find it hard to believe that TLC's lawyers would not have spelled out in great detail exactly what expenses would be covered by the show as well as requiring each of them to sign off on those agreements. If they're trying to claim verbal promises then good luck unless they had the good sense to secretly record any production team members making those promises. What am I thinking, associating these folks with having good sense!?😁

    • Love 6
  4. Well damn, my favorite Worst Cook got the boot. I really liked YO! and was a bit surprised that he performed so poorly after doing so well the previous week. As for the rest: 

    • The only one that comes close to being likeable for me is Eric. Now if he could JUST STOP CRYING!!! 
    • Not good at remembering all of their names but (Mark?) the male model pissed me off with his comment about watching old people eat making him sick and even pretended to heave. Asshole you aren't even nearly as good looking as you think you are.
    • The woman who cannot shut up needs to, well, STFU.
    • Really don't care for Domaine's over the top nonsense either especially when she uttered the word that makes my teeth itch: "whatever."
    • The guy who can't chop an onion properly needs to step it up since chef Anne is just about over his foolishness.
    • I think that the one who didn't eat meat is gone too which is just fine with me. I don't care what people do or don't eat but can't understand why anyone like that would enter a contest where--as chef Anne seriously pointed out--you've got to handle and cook animal protein.
    • Kinda shocked that the one with the super shiny/curly hair/wig/weave (Ari?) actually won the challenge since she seems so disorganized and frantic.

    That's all for now.

    • Love 5
  5. 14 hours ago, Yeah No said:

    I thought the same thing about the T. Phillips restaurant, also the fact that it had a large outdoor seating area, also good for social distancing.

    I agree about Rosie's too.  My fingers are crossed that something will come through so she can reopen it.

    I'm not even ready to eat outdoors at a restaurant much less in a large packed dining room.  I haven't even trusted take out save for pizza in over 2 months because I can have one dumped in my trunk, then pick up the slices with a gloved hand and put them in the oven to kill off any possible surface germs.

    I know, I'm extreme.  I feel terrible about it but I'm in a risk group so I don't take chances.

    The restaurant food I miss the most is sushi because I don't make it at home.  I found some frozen sushi at Aldi when I ordered an Instacart delivery, and it wasn't that bad but I still miss real sushi.

    Hello again. I've ordered take out mainly because, although I usually love cooking, lately I've come to dread it. I think it's probably what a lot of us are going through these days. I have ordered stuff out of convenience and have concluded that the most convenient isn't usually the most delicious--I'm talking about you Dominos--and I also feel guilty about spending money that way when I have food I can make at home.

    BTW no, you are not extreme in the least. I have health issues too and, like you, try to be careful.

    Hahaha, why oh why did you have to mention sushi?😊 I love sushi! Making it at home? Um, "yeah, no" because I'm too chicken shit for that, LOL. I've bought it fresh from Harris Teeter and it's okay but nothing beats having it in a restaurant.

    Back to T. Phillips, good points about the outdoor seating; I had forgotten about that. It's so lovely and fortunately so well designed to ride out the current crisis, I found myself fantasizing about dining there.

    I have a lot more to say about restaurant dining and ordering take out these days but will post any additional comments about that on the Covid-19 thread located under the Everything Else forum.

    Hope to hear your thoughts about that on that thread.

    Stay safe.

    • Love 2
  6. 19 minutes ago, nokat said:

    I hope they like fatty meat. How long would it take to render off that fat? I think I just made myself a vegan. Urp.

    Hahaha, that would be a whole lotta chicharrones/pork rinds after the rendering!😊

    • LOL 1
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  7. 36 minutes ago, Yeah No said:

    I just wanted to say that Lynn's restaurant makeovers have come a long way since he's been on the show.  Tonight's makeover at T. Phillips was jaw droppingly gorgeous.  He keeps outdoing himself.

    Also, in sad news, Rosie's Café in Escondido has closed, and this was after Robert held the event that raised money for her.  The article here explains it, and yes, the pandemic has something to do with it. 🙁

    Hi @Yeah No. I saw the T. Phillips restaurant in Glendora too tonight and you are so right, it was absolutely gorgeous.

    Perhaps the redesign of the restaurant was a type of serendipity because it all happened pre-Coronavirus. For instance, I noticed that the seating, as in the spacing between the tables, seemed to be perfect for social distancing as states begin allowing the reopening of restaurants and other businesses where large groups of people gather. Even the long group tables with a long bench on one side and individual seats on the other are perfect for large families and are back-to-back to the same set up so those large groups won't even be facing each other. Also, the high ceilings and those beautiful ceiling fans are a plus because scientists believe that the better the air flow the lower the chance of virus transmission. 

    I read an article where Robert said that the days of the 300 seat packed restaurants are over due to Covid-19. I agree with him and I have absolutely no desire to sit shoulder-to-shoulder with a bunch of strangers any time soon if at all.

    Thanks for the update on Rosie's Cafe. I am so glad that she's on the mend and now has the funds to assist in her recovery. I hope that they can reopen some day or maybe, since she says that her community is so supportive, some of the locals can get together and reopen it; I've seen that happen before.

    Take care.

    • Love 2
  8. 1 hour ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

    Years ago, my first professional job (librarian) was for the federal government in D.C., and I used to go to Kramerbooks & Afterwards a lot.    


    I'm not proud of it, but a former co-worker that had an office in our facility was shaped like Moby Dick (a taller version of Joyce).    I really tried to give him a chance, but he was totally useless, but in a very critical job.     In my mind I called him Moby Dick (my first sighting of him was when he was wearing that cheap white undershirt that some older guys wear as outerwear, and those awful off white shorts that look dirty from the first wearing.     When he was flaking off, in my mind I called him Moby Dick.     We were required by our headquarters to know when he was around (he never answered his cell phone), and they called it the whale watch.   It was a good day for everyone when he retired (from doing nothing), and they could get someone in his job who actually did it.      He was just like Joyce, a drama queen about everything medical, rude to everyone, lied about everything, and did anything for attention.    I wonder if he's a relative of hers?    They certainly acted alike. 

    So cool that you've been to Kramerbooks & Afterwards. I was so relieved to see that they're still in operation in spite of the pandemic. I always had a feeling of my blood pressure coming down and my mind clearing as soon as I stepped in that place (and I'm sure that I had more than a few "extended" lunch breaks there).

    Gee as for NoReJoyce and Moby Dick, they really do sound like a brother and sister from the same mister. Like you, I've known more than a few Moby Dicks, male and female. Isn't it infuriating how people like him get to keep their jobs AND get a full retirement to boot and the best thing the people who work with shit heads like him can say is "thank God he's gone!"😠

    Back to Joyce, I felt physically uncomfortable every time I looked at her with her giant beach ball body it looked like she was going to pop at any moment. She reminded me of a very large, very demanding toddler especially with her face always getting red when she didn't get her way. We've seen a lot like her this season and the one thing I always wonder is how is the mortality rate for this show not substantially higher?

    • Love 3
  9. 5 hours ago, nokat said:

    Because I've watched Twilight Zone too many times... It's a cook book.  That heifer could feed a crowd.


    I too have watched The Twilight Zone a bunch of times and just wanted to thank you @nokat for your efforts "To Serve Man" with your post. 😉

    • LOL 3
  10. This is for the conversation with @knuckles491 which started under Joyce's topic.

    Anyway, as I said, there is a place called Kramerbooks & Afterwards in Washington, D.C. It's a combination bookstore and cafe which was founded in 1976 and they're still kickin'. The setup sounds a lot like what you're wishing for. Here's a link to their website describing their business model:


    I haven't been there in years but I remember that it just felt like an oasis in the middle of big city hustle and bustle. I recall buying a book and then settling down at one of their tables with a good pot of tea as I read my real NOT ebook (funny since I'm mostly a coffee person). Nothing wrong with ebooks, I've read them too, but a real book just feels better especially with a good pot of tea.

    Perhaps when all of this awful Covid-19 virus has, hopefully sooner than later, passed us by or at least allow us to visit common areas safely, you could explore fulfilling your dream.

    Take care and stay safe.

    • Love 1
  11. 3 hours ago, knuckles491 said:

    I always wanted to open a little bookshop, with cookbooks and a coffee machine, and a few small tables and chairs, and I would sell muffins and breakfast pastries.  I was going to call it "It's a Cookbook!"  My husband said that was a stupid name for a store.  I never got around to it.

    Hi @knuckles491. Just so you and hubby know, there's already such a place in Washington, D.C. called Kramerbooks & Afterwards.

    I have more information about the place if you're interested but will take that over to the Small Talk topic which is for non-show related discussions.

    Like @Tabbygirl521 said, don't give up your dream.

  12. 45 minutes ago, magemaud said:

    My husband pretends to ignore this show but tonight he said, "Is that blonde woman her daughter?" and couldn't believe it when I said she was Joyce's MOTHER. 

    Later when Joyce was talking about practicing getting her walker "over the threshold" to go outside, he said "Well, nobody's going to carry her over the threshold!" 

    All I can say to Mr. magemaud after that brilliant observation is:




    His monogrammed pair of gasoline soaked drawers is in the mail!😁

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  13. 2 hours ago, PrincessPurrsALot said:

    Hey now, she lifted her ham hocks 1/2" to get over that threshold.

    winning the big bang theory GIF

    OMG yayusssssss @PrincessPurrsALot! Did you get waves of nausea as both Dawn and Joyce's mom fawned over her amazing achievement? Ugh. Re-watching this episode I realized that I had forgotten that all three of them agreed that it was a good idea to quit Dr. Now. Were they all high!?

    • LOL 4
  14. Okay Joyce just said "medical transport" again since Dr. Now got her one to use to haul her to his clinic for a follow-up after three months but my wine's not cold enough to drink yet!😊

    Beginning weight - 758; initial weight loss, 205 pounds down to 553; now back up to 623 pounds. What a loser and not in a good way.

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  15. 6 minutes ago, magemaud said:

    New drinking game. Take a shot every time Joyce says “medical transport” 

    I actually just popped a bottle of Sauvignon Blanc into the freezer.

    Ugh, forgot how much I can't stand this PITA manipulative sow.

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  16. Heh heh, I'm here re-watching this miserable heifer too. It was hilarious when Dr. Now was pushing her big ass in a wheelchair and she kept complaining that just moving her feet was too hard!

    Her mom literally had to fly in to Houston with a wheelchair to add to the special cab, walker and motorized scooter it took to haul her in to Dr. Now's office, and of course the scale is wrong and she gained 58 pounds of water.

    Oh joy, it's the infamous fake heart attack scene! Hee.😆

    • LOL 4
  17. 8 minutes ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

    I'm guessing "massive" was a pun?   If so, I love it.   I have Moby Dick jokes running through my head.

    I love how the poundticipants get the best of hospital care, lose a lot of weight in a month or so, and whine about the food not being enough, or tasty.  

    Tee hee, I'd love to hear your Moby Dick jokes about this one. If she was making an honest effort, I wouldn't say something like that but she's not. I had forgotten that she was an oxygen hog and kept fighting Dr. Now to keep using it; wasn't Penny like that? Anyway, also forgot that she's only 4'11". She lost an astounding 205 pounds the first couple of months at Dr. Now's clinic and I honestly can't see that much of a difference.

    Gotta go, she just had her strenuous "workout" walk of 40 feet around her living room with her physical therapist and video chatting with Dr. Now since he refused to send a medical transport for her. She's also trying to convince Dr. Now that 1200 calories a day is too much food for her to lose weight.😅

    I'll take any additional comments to her original topic.

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  18. 8 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

    I forgot about the fake heart attack, that will make this must watch TV.    Also, is she the one that the usual walk in the park is her staggering out to the apartment patio with her mother, and caretaker applauding?  

    Well thanks to you @CrazyInAlabama I'm watching this useless, whiney blob of a woman AGAIN and accompanying it with the original Live Chat!😁 I had forgotten about her friend Dawn who, for reasons that no one can fathom, is dedicating her life to taking care of this mountain of a woman. Seven or eight guys to move her onto the hospital bed with a scale and it's a whopping 758 pounds. Yet another massive failure this season.

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  19. On 5/28/2020 at 10:16 PM, Colleenna said:

    I'm  actually  doing jigsaw puzzles on the internet.  I swore I would  never do that.  But with the  gym closed, I'm  bored out of my mind.  I'm  reading a book  every other day,  surfing the  web, watching TV, but 90% of what's  on TV doesn't interest me. So jigsaw puzzles  it is. 

    Gee thanks for a new online obsession @Colleenna and @ams1001! Since I only started doing this yesterday, I'm just dipping my toes into the shallow end of the pool with little wussy puzzles with only 20-35 pieces; haven't yet had the nerve to attempt ones with over 100 pieces.

    So I'll see your puzzles and raise you Sudoku!😊

    • LOL 3
  20. 17 hours ago, Leilani said:

    Sorry quarantine has made me brain dead, 

    Tee hee @Leilani no need to be sorry. I too find that when I try to use my ever greying brain cells lately I'm not exactly firing on all cylinders either!😁

    I'll try to remember to post when his episode is being rebroadcast. Unlike this season, his story is an uplifting one and he really came across as a sweet, decent guy.

    Why TLC decided to show episode after episode of gross, hateful, ungrateful, uncooperative losers this season, especially the truly pointless and infuriating WATNs like Steven Assanti, I don't know. Oh well, maybe I do since it must be ratings gold for TLC. They really don't even try to hide their absolute disdain for the super morbidly obese do they?

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  21. 1 hour ago, Leilani said:

    Here's a recent photo of Justin from his IG.


    Hi @Leilani. Actually that's the "other" Justin, cutie pie "Ginger" Justin McSwain. A really sweet guy and a true success story.

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  22. No idea what Rhode Island's policies are regarding Covid-19 but just had a thought that it should be rather easy to socially distance inside of Justin's business since I can't recall it being exactly packed with customers. I wonder if Hobby Lobby is considered "essential?"😒

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  23. Okay, all of you know I can't stand Steven and believe that he is a sociopathic shit stain on humanity, but damn even I feel bad for him with those legs and especially that right hoof. Unfortunately, I don't think there's anything surgically that can restore either leg to any semblance of normalcy.

    • Love 4
  24. Feeling sentimental and generous for our farewell to this season tonight so I am awarding ALL of us gasoline soaked drawers awards! Get in line folks, but remember to socially distance.😇


    And for those of you who prefer thongs (not judging😊):



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