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Altered Reality

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Everything posted by Altered Reality

  1. Llamas leaping over lounging lizards licking lyrical Ls?
  2. There are many from the early seasons that I love, not so much from the later ones. Aside from the ones already mentioned, I love: Bad Moon Rising during the crash sequence at the end of Devil's Trap Back in Black at the beginning of Bloodlust (think that's the first time we hear Dean call Baby, Baby, no?) Oh Death as Death's intro. Excellent choice there! There are others as well, but those are the ones that come to mind right away (the first two perhaps because I'm rewatching~again and am on Season 2 :D )
  3. Oddly enough, it might have been exactly Jared's size that triggered things. For some guys trying to fight the big guy is a "thing". Proof of how macho they are or something. Personally I think this is proof that sometimes testosterone acts like a poison! And when you add alcohol to the mix, well....!
  4. Heh, well I am. But that's neither here nor there. So, what about a Celebratory C?
  5. It'd have to be a long distance shot or it'd never work. It'd be funny though, especially if she was trying to intimidate/threaten him. Something like a Yorkie standing off with a Newfie :D
  6. I always thought waking the boys is a dangerous proposition at the best of times, in the middle of a nightmare? Yeah, no thanks! They'd likely come up swinging and I wouldn't want a punch in the face for my efforts. TYVM.
  7. Good point about catching up. That could take *days*!
  8. John's journal might count. Even though the boys have had it for years, I think it being in his handwriting would overlay that.
  9. Really? I'll join you then. I can bring alcohol to numb the pain if you like? Pick your poison (I do a pretty decent margarita).
  10. That I'd love to see! And I agree, the boys could really use a laugh.
  11. And you just know Dean is *not* going to stay out of Sam's room.
  12. See, I wondered why the modern-day nun was wearing such an old style habit. Most orders gave up/modified their garb after Vatican II. That style they were wearing is a form of medieval dress and for some reason (I'm sure there's a reason, I just don't know why) that style stuck for centuries. And I think it's a bit sad that the only thing I paid any great attention to in this episode is the fashion choices of nuns! This is the second episode in a row that I didn't find much to capture my attention (aside from the pretty, that I always notice and yes I'm shallow and I'm okay with that ;D).
  13. Spotted a couple more Supernatural alumni in tonight's iZombie, Anita Brown (Hope Lynn Casey/Lindsay) and Sean O. Roberts (Chet the Leviathan).
  14. Oh, ewwwwww! I'm with you sarthaz, this show is often not meal-time friendly, turn the channel or shut it off.
  15. Petulant P? And I'm feeling petulant,'cause I know this, but there are a couple of words that I just can't get!
  16. DittyDotDot and catrox14 I'd say give it a shot. I found it quite entertaining and I'm looking forward to the next episode. I know a there are quite a few comparing it to Veronica Mars (both favorably and not), but as I have never, ever seen *anything* from that show, I can't speak to that aspect.
  17. Yep, to both of those comments. I wasn't sure about the show, but decided to give it a shot and I'm glad I did.
  18. I was watching iZombie last night and spotted Benny (Ty Olsson). Guess he found another way out of Purgatory ;D
  19. Kitchen yeah, bathrooms most likely, and of course his own room too. But the decorative moldings and the elaborate railings? Dusting? That? Nope, I'm not seeing it. Not that I'd *object* to seeing it, after all, a man doing housework is hot ;D
  20. Good list, but you forgot one. Janitor. Seriously who is cleaning and dusting the MoL bunker? I know Dean's cleaned the kitchen, but I seriously doubt either of them would think to dust and/or remove the cobwebs from all that decorative detailing.
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