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Just my 2 cents

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  1. I don't think we have to wait until the end of the season for the answer to this one. They gave us the answer to that the first season and have made it canon in most episodes since then. By the way does anyone want to bet that when Jake finally decides to adopt Gen she will have taken a 23 and me or some other online genetic test linking her to her paternal family. They will instantly be ecstatic to meet her and take her into their family? This will end the Gen storyline for good well unless this show lasts several years. They'll bring her back as a high school graduate that wants to be a paramedic or a firefighter.
  2. I kept thinking that this should be airing on the SyFy channel. And I did think about seeing a few sharks mixed in with the firenado.
  3. I called it last episode. Tv has become so cliche. I know no one is shocked by the ending. Jake is the worst confidant ever. He'll never have a job with top secret clearance. Poor Cara. It was kind of sad that she pretty much knew she was going to die from the beginning when she kept looking at her eyes and insisting she needed to get to the hospital. It's interesting in the 1st season Jake was initially portrayed as someone that would break up with someone before it got serious. Now he's the one that wants to commit and nothing is working out for him.
  4. Eve really is a bad captain or maybe just not the right one to lead a group of male prisoners. She's never walked a mile in their shoes so how could she possibly relate. After reading your post and thinking about it, I'm going to go with Cara. Diego needs to be on a little longer to stir up some drama. He's injured and Gabriela feels guilty so she stays with him until he calls it off. Cara dies or is comatose. Vince and Sharon are no longer empty nesters. They get to be grandparents and raise their granddaugher as if she were their own daugher until Bode can step up.
  5. Probably because he's beholden to John and that ranch for as long as it exists. In addition to that he's married to a cranky bitter woman that's attached to her father the man he's beholden to.
  6. Don't do that! I've done this with a couple of shows. In the end I only hurt myself😂. It didn't help that the darn shows lasted for many seasons. Those are years of my wasted tv life that I can never get back! I'm not a fan of Luke's, but I did appreciate him admitting that he was lost. Maybe that's why he's so forgiving and accepting of Bode.
  7. I found it interesting that Riley the perfect Angel was so distraught over a short secret relationship that ended, she attempted to jump out of a moving car. What state of mind do you have to be to say I'm going back to talk to this jerk that is ignoring my texts and calls, but jumps out of a moving vehicle.
  8. I can't believe it's almost May and they're still trying to find out who killed Liz. She died over two years ago. I think I would have been happier if they would have let Liz and Agnes ride off into the sunset and into hiding like Samar. At least then we wouldn't have to hear about her every week. Next season Agnes will legally be an adult and old enough to train to eventually take over Red's business. Unfortunately, during her training we'll have to listen to Red wax nostalgic regaling Agnes with tales of her mother's life beginning from Liz's birth up until her untimely demise. This will cover the entirety of season 10.
  9. I've had that same feeling for the past few seasons. Straight to the bank! They must be making a lot of money off this show.
  10. I don't think it's sad. I've worked with children off and on for many years and from what I've seen it is very important for them to learn some things on their own with the guidance of an adult. I think the better situation is to give the child the book and have them read to the adult or the family, while encouraging them. There are many children that have trouble with reading and spelling. If the adult is constantly reading to them how can they know? You'd be surprised at how many people have no idea what their children are learning in school and sadly have no time to find out. Unfortunately, we live in a time when parents are too busy working to make ends meet to spend any time with the children let alone read to them. They simply plop them in front of a television, computer, video game, or send them outside. It is one thing to read to a child when they are young and are unable to read. It is another thing to present a classic or book and sit with the child and have them read it aloud.
  11. I grew up in a strict household. My parents didn't care what we were doing as long as we were in the house and they could keep an eye on us. The thing that we did the most was read. To this day my dad always proudly says that we were reading at a high school level and taking advanced classes long before we got to high school. It was very fun to read.
  12. I'm sure she didn't. What is she 11? If she's an intelligent kid she's probably reading at middle school level or close to it. She no longer needs someone to read to her.
  13. Not surprised! Oh well! https://deadline.com/2021/06/megan-boone-lweird-sister-production-company-the-blacklist-exit-deal-sony-pictures-television-1234780662/
  14. At this point, I've lost interest in the show because it's veered in a million boring directions. I think most of us started watching this only because of the interesting blacklist numbered characters. The characters that they've mostly forgotten about. I guess I should have clarified. TPTB for all the years this show has been on have said that when Red's identity is revealed the show will be over. They're dragging this show out, probably for profit, with the same direction in mind the show will end when Red's identity is revealed. How about we find out who he is and why. Maybe it involves all of these different people and clandestine organizations he's discovered for the last 30 years and how they've infiltrated every aspect of world government. Then they could have the team focus on dismantling them. Perhaps we could get intelligent Red back and the intelligent Liz and FBI Task Force we were initially promised in season 1. I know that what I'm trying to convey probably doesn't translate well in my writing. I guess to sum this up, the show started out interesting or promising and has become one big long drag that could have been ended a long time ago. Most of us only watched or watch this because of Spader and now his character is no longer interesting. They've dumbed him down to continue the never-ending Liz/Reddington saga. He was always at least 2 steps ahead of everyone else.
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